A Dog Named Cupid (A Romance in Four Seasons Book 2)
Ellie Hartman D'Orsay is an aspiring crafter working in her small town's bakery making famous Christmas Kringles. A boy and a girl fall in love during summer camp and promise to stay in touch, but they don't. Fifteen years later they meet again in the same camp under very different circumstances. What will happen to the camp and will they try again?
See a Problem?
A badly injured leg forces hunky fireman Jeff, who lost his father in a fire as a young boy, to rent a ground floor room during his recovery. A man with a fixation on Humphrey Bogart gets plastic surgery to make him look exactly like Bogart. A womanizer bets that he can get someone to accept his marriage proposal after dating him for just 30 days. What he doesn't know is that the woman he has targeted has some serious commitment issues.
- I'm with Cupid - Wikipedia!
- Time Warp.
- Nana, Vol. 14: v. 14.
- Minds and Bodies: An Introduction with Readings (Philosophy and the Human Situation).
Walter is told by his boss, Sara, to deliver an urgent letter to Henri de Corinthe. On the way he finds a beautiful woman he had been eying in a nightclub, lying in the road, bound up. Ashley is a journalist and does makeovers for a TV show. Her editor offers her the job of being the editor of a new fashion supplement, provided she does a makeover on a sports writer, who is an uncouth, loudmouthed, sexist slob. A successful matchmaker has suddenly lost the spark in her own marriage after 15 years, so Jennie insists her husband, Ian, to go on a blind date-with her.
By rediscovering each other as " A reality TV star leaves Hollywood and finds herself in Amish country where she must decide between staying in her newfound reality or returning to her old one. Hostility turns into something else between a widowed farmer and a pushy ornithologist who came to his farm to save a family of swans.
In the s the two brothers Adolf and Rudolf Dassler start manufacturing sport shoes.
Adolf is a talented craftsman and his dream is that one day all the best sportsmen in the world will When it's close to St. Valentine's Day, and love is in the air, she feels alone. He offers her a deal: If not, she will lose, and her true love will be lost forever. What I'd Give It: May 02, Bookworm rated it liked it Shelves: Felicity applies for and gets a job as a cupid. She is assigned to match up couples in her high school.
This starts off well enough but when she matches her friend Maya up with three guys a big no-no , things could turn ugly. I had seen some reviews of it and I liked the concept. I don't know if I've read too much YA lately or if I'm becoming blase but I found this rather predictable and the main character very aggravating.
Her attitude toward her job was infuria Summary: Her attitude toward her job was infuriating-she didn't follow the most basic instructions, she didn't try to read the manual all the way through, and she was very lucky that her boss did not figure out her deceptions and that nothing was ruined through her actions.
On the bright side, I really liked Maya who is torn between three guys because each of them have a little bit in common with her and is unable to make up her heart. I liked Felicity's parents and am interested to learn more about her brother who was very loosely drawn. Then there is their other friend Andy who I think will be matched with someone in the second book.
And her crush Derek sounds okay, although he reminds me of Derek from The Swan Princess not necessarily a bad thing. I think the cover is cute-simple but eye catching. I normally would have passed on this type of book just by looking at the cover because I would have thought it to be realistic fiction and I am not all that into that type of genre.
Not because this cover isn't attractive but it would not have normally appealed to me because it looks like one of those girly realistic love stories. I am so glad that I went to a book signing and heard Rhonda talk about this book. Rhonda is extremely funny in person and I just knew if a tenth of her personality cam I normally would have passed on this type of book just by looking at the cover because I would have thought it to be realistic fiction and I am not all that into that type of genre.
Rhonda is extremely funny in person and I just knew if a tenth of her personality came out in these books they would be fantastic.
After reading this book I may have to reevaluate what type of books that I pick up and what I push aside just because of what a treasure this book is. I normally like more of the supernatural books but I also love comedy so this book really hit home with me. I am a huge fan of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series and I can honestly say that this book gave me the same joy that I get from reading Janet's books.
Felicity is a fun, quirky and just a normal teenage girl. She has an awesome job that might not always be as awesome as she first thought. There are just so many funny moments in this book. I honestly say that this was one of the funniest books I have read this year. I am looking forward to reading more of this series and seeing if someone will play cupid for Felicity. May 18, Precious rated it liked it. With a teenage reasoning on school, on life, on work and on love, this story explores the desires of Felicity and the hesitations of a new cupid.
Felicity proves herself to be a happy-go-lucky. As the story progresses, she learns that just like every job, her matchmaking demands a responsible attitude. With every mistake she commits, Felicity emerges with a better judgment of rig honda Stapleton brings readers a youthful and light read that will be adored by readers who seek enjoyment in reading.
With every mistake she commits, Felicity emerges with a better judgment of right and wrong when it comes to cupidity matters. I liked her but I found myself raising my eyebrow at some of the things she did, specifically the fact that she matched Maya with three guys at once. Another thing was that I was expecting the part where Felicity comes up with a plan to set it all right before the love spell ends.
I was looking for heavier consequences and much more pressure. Stupid Cupid is entertaining and laughter-inducing with its funny lines, hilarious commentaries, and unravelling of the wonders and downside of matchmaking. Jul 12, Jennifer Wardrip rated it it was amazing Shelves: Cupid is no longer only for adults and there's a whole slew of them. With this new job, Felicity has the power to create love matches by sending blank emails to the couple with potential.
There are rules involved: Felicity can't wait to test out her new powers. Instead of reading the manual, she's learning by trial and fire.
I'm with Cupid
The magic arrow email has two weeks to work and then wears off. If the couple stays together after that, the match works; if not, well, one can always try again. Soon, she's juggling a couple who cares about the environment. She also sets up her best friend with three potential boyfriends and now has to run interference. Plus, she made matches between her arch-rival and a creep, as well as a smart girl with a wise-cracking guy.
Will any of her matches survive? Jun 30, Angela M rated it liked it. Felicity needs a job, so when she sees an add for a matchmaking company called Cupid's Hollow, she thinks it might just be the perfect gig. Once hired she learns that not only is she now a matchmaker, she is now a cupid! Felicity is givin a PDA, one that is magical, it sends emails instead of arrows, the latest cupid technology. But Felicity soon finds out that being a cupid isn't as easy as she thought it would be. She's made her first love match, two kids from school, and it seems to be going Felicity needs a job, so when she sees an add for a matchmaking company called Cupid's Hollow, she thinks it might just be the perfect gig.
She's made her first love match, two kids from school, and it seems to be going well. Her best friend Maya is a great girl, but a little shy. So Felicity decides to match up Maya, but she wants to give Maya choices, so she matches her to 3 guys that Felicity thinks will be perfect for her.
But, she learns quickly that there is a reason for the one match to each person rule. With Maya torn between the 3 guys, Felicity has to try to fix the problem, before something crazy happens to her friend, and before she loses her new job. This is a really cute YA read that shows that love isn't always as predictible as we would like for it to be. I'm looking forward to the next read in this series, it will be fun to see what kind of trouble Felicity manages to get herself into this time.
Jul 09, Aileen rated it liked it. This is one of the cutest books I've read in a long time. It's about a girl who is Cupid She has no arrows, instead she has a pink PDA and emails of llllllooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee!!!!!! Felicity starts matching people up, one of them being her best friend Maya, except she breaks a rule The three guys start vying for her attention, jumping through hoops just to get near her, and so much else!!
Felicity is trying to jug This is one of the cutest books I've read in a long time. Felicity is trying to juggle helping Maya decide who to pick, her gigantic crush on Derek, the one she's had since she first saw him her freshmen year, and her job of making lasting matches.
Nancy Warren
NOT a good idea if you know what I mean!! Felicity and her other best friend Andy try to help Maya in any way they can, but sometimes, they just have to let fate run it's course. When another of felicity's matches lasts after the two-week love spell, she feels that she may be better at this cupid thing then she thought!! I can't WAIT to read the sequel which is already out!!!
Jan 21, Misty rated it it was amazing. Felicity Walker is just your average teenager, with problems of her own, and she needs a job. With a PDA and a job to do, she is on the hunt for the perfect matches and lots of bonuses to come her way. But when Felicity matches her Felicity Walker is just your average teenager, with problems of her own, and she needs a job. But when Felicity matches her best friend, Maya with three different boys, her wonderful little plan starts falling apart.
Now, Felicity must figure out how to fix it all before she loses her job and drives her friend and herself mad. Oct 29, Erica rated it it was amazing. This book is too cute! All while being hilarious and totally original. I also must make a comment on the cover now - isn't it absolutely adorable?
Rhonda Stapleton definately put a new view of "cupids" out there. I really liked how a big part of the book was focused on Maya's romance, while leaving Felicty hoping for a romance of her own.

I loved the characters. They were all so fresh. Felicity, Maya and Andy were all different from each other, but you could tell the bonds of friendsh This book is too cute! Felicity, Maya and Andy were all different from each other, but you could tell the bonds of friendship that would hold them together.
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I also liked that Rhonda Stapleton didn't really use a lot of stereotypical characters. The book was filled with so many laugh-out-loud moments! Some character was always getting into something. Poor Felicity, there was no end to her mother embarassing her. Gosh was it funny, but I would have dropped dead on the spot in a few of those situations! I cannot wait to see where this series goes with books 2 and 3. I don't know where that will be, but I'm sure it'll be fabulous! Dec 22, Astraea Nyx rated it did not like it. This is just my opinion, and I hesitate to be so negative because I know this is an author's hard work here Didn't get past the first quarter of the book.
I found myself staring at the words going " I got this book for free as a prize This is just my opinion, and I hesitate to be so negative because I know this is an author's hard work here I got this book for free as a prize in a contest, so thankfully I didn't actually spend my money on it, but if I had, I would've been seriously disappointed. It's such a cute idea, but terrible execution. For me, this is the marshmallow peep of books. I'm sure there's someone out there who likes it, but it's fluffy and unsatisfying and leaves me regretting I ever decided to try it.
Sep 16, Myhotstylist rated it it was amazing. This had to be one of the cutest YA books Ive read in a while. Not only does Felicity have the coolest job ever, but her one-liners and personality are histerical!
Felicity needs a job and lands one at a matchmaking service called Cupids Hollow. With a tricked out cupid PDA Felicity decides to bend the rules and pair up her BFF Maya with 3 potential matches, with the idea that her friend would ultimitly decide who is the right one. The problem is, Maya cant decide. Now Felicity is trying to help Maya juggle 3 guys at once, keep making good matches, and trying to catch the eye of her crush Derrick. One disaster turns into another, and Felicity learns an importnat lesson in love. This book was wonderful, mindless reading.
Nothing too complicated, and the story was fleshed out very well. Perfect for an airplane ride or by the pool reading. Dec 18, Lindsay Paige rated it it was amazing.
Cupid, Inc. (TV Movie ) - IMDb
So cute and I loved it. Stupid Cupid is a fantastic, fast read. This book was a very enjoyable, easy to read, and interesting enough to keep me turning the pages. During the scene, both characters speak the language accurately, as both Hooks and Hank Azaria the voice of Apu were given a phonetic transcription of their lines.
The singing parrot that Apu sends to Manjula was voiced by series main cast member Nancy Cartwright , who also portrays Bart in the series. The episode features singer sir Elton John as himself. John's lines were recorded by current showrunner Al Jean , who found working with John being a "wonderful experience".
In their book Picturing South Asian culture in English: The two argued that "I'm with Cupid" represents Apu's role in the series, and "reinforces the romanticised view of Apu's marriage through the increasingly elaborate ways in which he expresses his love for his wife.
Again, Apu is not so much represented in his ethnicity, but presented in his critical otherness to both contemporary degenerativeness of American culture, specifically male identities and ironically re constructed idea of South Asianness. In these two episodes, the Asian cultural space which Apu, his mother and Manjula perform is a hybrid one, mixing 'Asian' and 'American' values and identities, but critically displacing Asian 'authenticity' and revealing the displacement of contemporary American marriage from its 'authentic' traditions.
In a scene in the episode, John, having just chewed his way out of a dog carrier, meets Apu, who exclaims "Elton John! The scene is a callback to the season 7 episode " Lisa the Vegetarian ", in which Paul McCartney performed on the roof. Simpsons writer George Meyer said of the scene: While the scene was conceived in order to provide exposition, the sport was included because badminton is "very popular" in India, according to Simpsons writer Ian Maxtone-Graham.
It is soon revealed that Apu bought a croissant in the store, to which Wiggum says "Oh, that's right, they have breakfast at Tiffany's now. In its original American broadcast on February 14, , "I'm with Cupid" received a 7. The episode finished in 48th place in the ratings for the week of February 8—14, Following its home video release, "I'm with Cupid" received generally positive reviews from critics.
In , Simon Crerar of The Times listed Elton John's performance as one of the thirty-three funniest cameos in the history of the show. Writing for IGN , Robert Canning described "I'm with Cupid" as "very smart and very funny" and "a great episode representing one piece of Apu's journey. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Commentary for "I'm with Cupid", in The Simpsons: Retrieved May 23,