A Cidade e as Serras (Portuguese Edition)
It is enticing and, to my mind, not entirely irrelevant to observe that the nationalities centrally featured in the two novels—Polish and Portuguese—in fact intersect, or are cross- represented, in both of them. Yale University Press, , Wydawnictwo Literackie, ], ; my translation.
A cidade e as serras (Coleção Clássicos Universais Livro 1)
And what is Love in the City, my dear Jacinto? Just consider those vast shops with mirrors wherein the noble flesh of Eve is sold on tariff by the pound, as if it were mutton or beef. Consider this old God of Hymen who goes around, not with the ardent and waving torch of passion, but the tight-clasped purse of the dowry! See that group which slinks away from the open roads down which the fauns chase the nymphs according to the sane laws of nature, and sorrowfully seeks the dismal recesses of Sodom and Lesbos!
Ideologia e ambiguidade em A Cidade e as Serras Lisboa: Cosmos, , Abel Barros Baptista Coimbra: Secondly, at least over the past century, evolving symbolic structures of kinship and gendered social contracts—with particular emphasis on the emancipation of women and the legitimation of same-sex relationships—have often, if not always, been considered in public discourse in terms of the struggle between the progressive thrust of modern change and the preservation of traditional values.
Both also, in their very distinct ways, locate in cultural in-betweenness and transnational migration the potential for historical change—whatever its ideological charge— that their respective narratives enact and explore.
A Cidade e as Serras by Eça de Queirós - Free Ebook
In an analogous vein, it has been one of the purposes of this paper to argue, albeit in a highly preliminary manner, for an expansion of established networks of culturally bound hermeneutic pathways that likewise draws its inspiration from seemingly untranslatable—and yet eminently dialogic—interactions of deterritorialized national forms.
Carolyn French and Nina Karsov. Yale University Press, Yale University Press, , ix-xxi; xvi. Nevertheless, to date the novel has been translated into eleven languages, including French, Italian, Romanian, and Spanish but not Portuguese. Migrant Bodies, Latin American Translations. The City and the Mountains. Ohio University Press, A Cidade e as Serras: Letters From A Portuguese Nun. Written In By Mariana Alcoforado. People's Food Portuguese Regional Cooking. Written by Ann Bridge and published by Penguin. Antro The Life Giver.
A Cidade e as Serras by Eça de Queirós
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