Verdorbene Mädchen: erotische Geschichten (German Edition)
Der Pakt Eine besondere Vereinbarung zum Zwillingsgeburtstag. Ladys of the Swan Der junge Lord und seine Ladys. Liebe auf Umwegen 02 Stefan lassen die Gedanken an seine Schwester nicht los. Mamasutra Wenn Mama uns zeigt wie es geht. Liebe auf Umwegen 01 Bruder und Schwester finden auf Umwegen zueinander.
Winterferien zu Dritt Pt. Unerforschtes Terrain 03 Die Drei treiben es auf die Spitze Ein versohlter Popo Wenn die kleine Schwester aufmuckt. Medizinische Studien Eine Studie bringt es an den Tag. Zum letzten Mal 02 Geschwisterficks zu Hause. Meine neue Familie 03 Ich treffe meine atemberaubende Schwester. Eine moderne Familie 03 Staffel 3: Teil 05 Nun wird die Mutter provoziert. Lisa Teil 02 Eine interessante Autofahrt und die Geburtstagsparty. Eine moderne Familie 02 Staffel 2: Im Taxi Erlebnisse eines Taxifahrers. Halloween Was passierte Halloween?
Familientradition Eine Tradition aus einem Ort in einem fremden Land. Eine moderne Familie 01 Staffel 1: Zum letzten Mal Geschwisterficks im Familienurlaub. Verkauft und zur SM Hure gemacht. Frau wird durch Schulden zur Sklavin. discography
Die Luft war raus Warum meine Beziehung doch noch etwas dauerte Oder lasst euch die Wahrheit auftischen! Dies hier wurde im Sept. Kurt guit-voc, Erich bass, Fred drums, Tina kekb. Re-release of the original on Vkf Records. Wahrscheinlich Millions of evil hearts. Christian drums, Stefan guit, Baschi bass-guit, Astrid voc,. Christian drums, Stefan guit, Baschi bass-guit, Astrid voc, Claudius guit-voc. Christian Double You drums-perc, Stefan B.
Alternative Rock, Piano Blues. Claudius guit-mandolin-voc, Stefan B. Die Baboons formierten sich im Sommer aus Mitgliedern der Blue Sunbshine the bestehend aus Christian drums, Stefan sax, Astrid voc, Claudius guit plus weiteren. Den Pershings the bestehend aus Christian drums, Stefan sax, Claudius guit plus weiteren und den. Zambos the bestehend aus Astrid voc, Baschi guit, Stefan sax und weiteren.
Kurz danach starben sie aus ;-. Das erste Konzert als Baby Jail fand am 1. Nach einem doppelten Abschiedskonzert am Das waren die Mitglieder: Aufnahmen der Band zusammengefasst. Neben den Highlights aus den Studioaufnahmen. Sportliche Rocknummern wechselten sich ab mit Schnulzen, Spottliedern und eigenartiger Folklore. Four Serious Love Songs. Andy Gruenberg drums, plus aditional muscicans on Love Butcher. Oma kochte Enkelkind - denn sie wollte Sex.
Infosheet, Recorded by Andi Hess december Boni Koller guit-voc, Bice Aeberli bass-voc-accordeon. The record ist dedicated to their son Fidel Moritz. The Polo Lovers aka Baby Jail. With infosheet and autogramcard. Includes songlyric on the backside of the cover. Includes songsheet, was also released in germany. Both sides are spoken fairytale in the style of the well. A-Side is a spoken fairytale in the style of the well known storyteller Trudi Gerster written and performed by Boni Koller. Produced by Baby jail and Andi Rathgeb. This is a reissue of the original of , but with full color cover.
Off Course Cass Rolf Brunner, Ralf Geersten. Edition of copies. Link for some compilations with Bande Berne Crematoire on it: New Wave, Rock Members: Cover art by Bernhard Giossi. Jacky Lagger et Baramine, Irratics.
Lagger Jacky et Baramine. Windmill Music WM Cover art by Objectif Musk Project MP It was only issued with a plain white sleeve. It was probably a promo release. Mendi voc-guit, Wipu drums-voc, Tobi bass-voc. Includes songbooklet in different colors. Live Around The Ego. Recorded live at there rehearsalroom. Irene drums, Gogo vov. Die aus Aarau stammenden Bermuda Idiots existierten ein volles Jahrzehnt Bether Homes And Gardens.
Recorded december at Sound and Vision by Andy Rathgeb. B Goes North Title: Under My Skin Songs: Put My Feet Songs: Limited numbered edition, handmade cover, green vinyl.
- Cerca del fuego (Spanish Edition).
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- A Dear Little Girl at School.
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- Widen the Narrow Way.
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- Defeat Your Cancer - Alternative Cancer Cure Rediscovered.
Sun Comes Up No More. Eigenproduktion BT W3 bY the way records. Limited numberd edition, handmade cover, red vinyl. Eigenproduktion BT W4 bY the way records. Limited numbered edition, handmade cover, blue vinyl, includes. Charlotte bass-voc, Rolf drums, Roman guit, Bruno voc-guit,. Engineered by Lustin case at Mountain Studio, Montreaux. Cover photos by The Frouzz.
Recorded at The Studio, Bottmingham. Cover art by Scott McGuire. Wondergirls, Bourbon Babies, Dominique. The cover is kind of a cardboardbox, no infos given to the band at all. Recorded by Benoit Corboz at Valesco studio. Photos by Isabelle Meister.

Includes infosheet, edition of copies. Black SS Order Cowboys. Goth Rock, Industrial, Death Metal. Comes with handcolored booklet A-4 of 5 pages. Of this release there have been only 20 copies made by Calypso Now, they are more or less impossible to find. Ihre Auftritte bestanden immer aus sich wechselnden Formationen, ebenso konnte der Bandnamen variirien, doch bei den live Auftritten bestand der harte Kern aus Edy und Daniel. Die Band war vom Konzept sehr den Futuristen der 20 Jahre angelegt. Heute arbeitet Daniel Wihler bei swissinfo. Recorded at K-Sound Studios, Bellinzona.
Cover Art by Frame by Frame. Exterminator Does Not Answer. Artwork by Pat Lang. Diverse Auftritte in Kellern und illegalen Bars etc. Visitors Never Come Alone. Post Punk, Dark Wave. First Single of Blue China formation. Rudolph Dietrich guit-voc, Vogel synth-perc, Kuno Rabu bass,. Major Many drums-voc, Jonathan Woerlen voc. This record was recorded at the rehearsal room at the Rote. Fabrik by Voco Fauxpas. Rudolph Dietrich guit-voc, Vogel synth -perc, Kuno Rabu bass,. Major Many drums, Jonathan Woerlen voc. This record was recorded at the rehearsal room at the.
Rote Fabrik by Voco Fauxpas. Rudolph Dietrich guit-metal-voc, Kuno Rabu bass-synth,. Produced by Voco Fauxpas. There are two recordsleeve version, one. The english version is more hard to come by. These Are The Days. Dom - 1. Live Performance mit Nasal Boys. Eigenproduktion Geek Records Mu bass, Marco Beiger guit, Pascale Martini voc and guest musicans.
Soundengineer Marco, recorded live february at the Rote Fabrik. Mu bass, Marco Beiger guit, Pascale Martini voc. Coverart by David C. Mu, recorded live january 19, at the Rote Fabrik. Eigenproduktion Sporrlatte GRS 87 The only release from this band from Schwarzenburg. Silvio Panosetti all instruments Add. Recorded from the 1 to the 3 february at the rehearselstudio. Coverphoto by Res Kessler. Recorded and mixed from january , in their practice space.
Comes in red vinyl. The label of the record misprints the label name "Organig". Produced by Jon Langford, includes stupid to order T-Shirt. Recorded in march , mixed in july at Vierklang Studio, Berlin. Im Zentrum der Musik stand und steht der Song oder das Lied einerseits und deutsche Texte andererseits. In der Kleinstadt Schaffhausen im Norden der Schweiz unmittelbar an der Grenze zur Bundesrepublik, dort das Andere, die Welt, vielleicht auch nur im Kopf, gibt es eine grosse Welt in der kleinen? Was sich als Korrektiv ausgibt, steht im Verdacht einer falschen Koalition.
Bourbon Babies nicht auf der Disco.
Product description
Mac Taggart at Sinus Studio, Bern. Born To Be Wild. Cover Art by Dirk Bonsma, comes in a little paperbox. Cover photo by Ray Baenziger. Nasal Boys, Expo, Rams,. Produced by Martin Pearson, Cover photo by Baenziger. Management Turbo Agency in Genf. Voque VG The Fun Out Of Depression. Cover by Fisch and Graphics by H. Cover design Peter Blien. Nasal Boys, Expo, Rams. Nicht unbedingt als Frust-Projekt zu bezeichnen, aber eines war klar: Nach einem halben Jahr der absoluten Party-Askese und intensivem arbeiten im Proberaum, kam der typische Bucks-Sound zur Verwirklichung.
Ende Jahr wird das Genfer Management cancelled. Alben aus dieser Zeit sind: Das Jahr wurde mit neuem Management: Die Band spielte ein komplett neues Repertoire. Weitere Gigs und Festivals. Gefunden wird der neue Gitarrist Marco Jencarelli. Man spielt einige Shows und Festivals. Man beschliesst, zum Trio geschrumpft und aufgrund dessen, sich wieder The Bucks zu nennen! November last show of The Bucks im Sedel Luzern. Thank you and good night!
Seit ist Rams unter seinem eigenen Namen wieder musikalisch unterwegs. The Buechsenbeers bestanden von bis Sex, Drugs und Zoff. Recorded and mixed january Includes infosheet. Frau vergewaltigt Mann lebt! Brains Of Humans, the. Sick Records Sick Pablo drums-voc, Andy Riot voc-bass, Snoopy Greenpeace guit-voc.
Planned as the 3rd demo of the Decay we thought it sounded way too good and dropped the name and started The Brains Of Humans. The Chain Liberty, Orange World. At GZ Heuried Last 2 songs feature Amos Rattus on voc who was our singer for the first gig. Amos later sang in Infected and IMC. Domi helped out for this gig on bass-he did play in The Grumpfurts and later on in Fleisch. Uuuh Uhhh Uuhh Yeah!!! These were the rehearsals for the Heuried gig. We liked these recordings a lot more so decided to release them. Fuck Off And Fucking Die!!!
This was recorded in two sessions. Mo on sax played in the alternative rock band Creation Rapide. Pains Of Humans, the. Fuck Off And Fucking Die!!!! A year after the split of B. Split MC Resistance Productions. The Brains Of Humans. April at the Volnitza in Lyon, France. Our only time abroad-played 2 gigs in France, in Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand.
Scraps were a French anarcho trash-punkband. Anarc ho-Punk, Metallic punk? Jesus Went To Jerusalem were an Italian band. It turned out so much better that we decided to form the Brains Of Humans. Andy left soon after again. He was replaced by Amos Rattus later in Infected and I. We did one gig without a bassist and managed to clear the Kanzleischulhaus after songs with only the Bahnhofpunx remaining loyal! Mind you in Infected he did sing the way we would have loved it!! Finally got a bassist a little later with Rino and that was the line up until the end.
That was supposed to be the end. Except for the final gig at the Gassechuchi that we played with 2 new folks on guitar and bass as the Pains of Humans. But we started to disagree on a number of issues so the band split for good after a great gig with the german band EA I n the break of B. The Brains of Humans was an anarcho punkband, that means our message was very important so we passed on lyric sheets at gigs. And we also had the legendary swiss flag that one of us got down from a flagmast in front of the shopping mall where we practised. This caused certain rumours that we were a nazi band.
Brian Blade voc-guit, Dav St. Recorded at Airwave Studio, London in february Still behind The Walls. All instruments Roland Husmann aka Bruder Roland. Recorded between december to october with 4 track Tascam 05 Cassette at Mini Studio, Frenkendorf! And Now You're Gone. Stefan Gerling bass-perc-drum program, Chriz Muzik guit-perc-frum program,. Geri Christian Gerling voc,. Lyrics by Yves Spink. An Introduction By Mr. Mixed january in Wetzikon. Cover made like for 7", includes booklet. Recorded live at Gogos Hithut, Koellikoen.
Salopard Sur Ton Char Leopard. Aldi bass, Tcharlox drums, Wlad guit, Kusmar voc. Silvia de Janeiro voc, Heinricht guit, Kuno bass, Bayer drums. No cover, comes with fotocopied picture sheet. Photography by R Martin Kyburz. Recorded and mixed at Caet Studio, Berlin, 8. Mastered at Studio Nord Bremen. Also released as limited edition Picture-Disc. Cover art by Phil Lawvere. Was also released in the US and Canada.
Mark drums-percussion-effects and guest musicians. Cover art by H. Album has a gatefold sleeve which features the H. Released with a lyric sheet. Was released in several other countries. The Collector's Celtic Frost. Released in a limited edition of copies. Cover art by Micha Good.
Mark drums-percussion-effects, Ron Marks guitar-effects not featured on recording and guest musicians. Cover photography by Isolde Ohlbaum. Mark drums-percussion-effects plus guest musicians. Was released in several countries. Tom Gabriel Fischer Tom G. Warrior vocals-guitar-effects, Oliver Amberg guitar-effects, Curt Victor Bryant bass, Stephen Priestly drums-percussion-effects plus guest musicians. Mixed and mastered at Conny Plank Studio, Cologne.
Cover art by Tom G. Warrior, cover photography by Martin Becker. Warrior vocals-guitar-effects, Martin Eric Ain bass-effects, Curt Victor Bryant bass-guitar-effects, Stephen Priestly drums-percussion-effects plus guest musicians. Mastered at Masterdisk, N. Recorded at Powerplay Studios, Mauer. Cover art by Hannes Saxer. Crawl In The Sands. Andy Riot guit-voc, Pablo drums-voc. After a hiatus of some years me and Andy teamed up again, first in the Vultures no releases no gigs,featuring also Snoopy Greenpeace and Adi.
Eber was our bassist but spent time in jail,thus we recorded this without bass. After the first split of the Brains Of Humans Andy, Snoopy and me formed the Vultures and rehearsed a few times and that was it. Then it was just me and Andy who formed The Chain Liberty. We were joined by Rino on bass for the first gig but lost him again when we recorded the only demo we did in our practise room.
We played 3 gigs in all. It seems we existed from May until. December of the same year. Place In A Teardrop. Chain of Command Title: Chain of Command Titel: Hear we go Style: Charlie On The Beach. Matthias "Maz" Zinggeler all instruments. Selfmade papercover, no additional informations at all. Danger Cave In Songs: Pop, Akustik, Folk Members: Arts, Roman Games, The Readymades.
Karin guit, Esther bass, Marie-Anne drums, Carol voc. Cover Foto by Nicole, Grafic by Anne. Sound Of The West Way. Farmer Records Chin-Chin 2. Karin guit-voc, Esther bass-voc, Marie-Anne drums-voc,.
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- CREATE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS IN 10 FUN, EASY STEPS - Step 9 - Build Faith and Confidence.
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At the time experience wasn't needed, a desire to play was. Technical ability was a bonus, a hunger to perform a must. So, although Esther and Marie-Anne had experience as singers for local band Sophisticated Boom Boom, neither had actually played bass or drums respectively before. Similarly, while Karin had some training in classical acoustic guitar, she'd never been in a band or played electric guitar before. It was veteran Punkrock band SOZZ that gave the eager girls their first break, letting them practice in their rehearsal room and lending them guitars and drum kit until they could afford their own.
Musically the band had many influences: Although the band started life as a trio, it was always the aim to recruit a lead singer and a second guitarist, but the search was to prove very difficult. Although there was a vibrant alternative scene in Switzerland, female musicians were virtually non-existent.
There were plenty of girls wanting to sing, but few who actually could. The band would hold more auditions than the singers could notes. And although Chin Chin saw themselves as a punk-rock band, catchy pop vocals and harmonies played a big part in their songs, setting them apart from the other contenders in the process. Eventually, Carol joined the band as lead singer and Chin Chin's first and only 7" "We Don't Wanna Be Prisoners" containing 3 self-penned songs was released in the summer of on the band's label Farmer Records, co-owned with SOZZ, making Chin Chin one of the only all-female bands in Switzerland writing their own material, playing regular gigs and releasing records.
However, soon after recording, Carol left Chin Chin, and Karin, Esther and Marie-Anne decided to continue as a three-piece with Karin and Esther sharing lead vocals at live gigs. As it happens this combination of DIY punk ethic, fuzz guitars and bubblegum pop was also gaining traction in the UK with the nascent C86 scene. On the heels of this great press, Chin Chin were approached by the management of Scottish band The Shop Assistants with an offer to support them on their German tour.
The tour was hugely successful, leading to the release of the "Stop Your Crying" EP on Scotland's legendary 53rd and 3rd label and a busy period of appearances on TV, radio and more gigs in Switzerland, France and Germany. Cover art by Adam Schlegel. Claudine Chirac all instruments. Limited edition of , recorded at Sinus Studio in Bern.
‘schwester’ stories
Coverart by Urs Steiger, photo by Juerg Hafen. Produced by Armand Kaltental. Andi voc, Hopi guit, Manuel sax, Stascha voc-keyb-guit,. Aneth Rinalda bass, Veit drums. Editon of copies. Thomas Haldimann drums-timbales-voc, Daniel Leber drums-perc-timbales,. Only release that ever did come out. Gold Records 10 Blow Up INT Probably produced by Guze Gautschi. Produced by Bernard Henrion. Sie erreichte Platz 8 in den nationalen Charts. Er lebt heute als Grafikdesigner in den Vereinigten Staaten.
Eigenproduktion ROM Records The CD includes 3 bonus tracks,. Live At The Shelter Refuge. After 3 weeks of rehearsals, we received some offers and toured 80 gigs in less than 3 months. Sadly enough, Dominique decided not to continue the band and it was out of question to replace the man. A pity, there's only very little footage of this rocking unit. Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal. Baron guit, Ron Royce bass, Tom G. Warrior voc, Marquis Marky drums-perc,.
Cover art by Marquis Marky. Demo tape, limited to hand-numbered copies. Same tracks on both sides. Baron guit-voc, Ron Royce bass-voc, Marquis Marky drums-voc,. Produced by Harris Johns. Cover art Marquis Marky. Logo by Mischa Good. Baron guit, Ron Royce bass-voc, Marquis Marky drums-voc,. Poduced and engeneered by Guy Bidmead. Assisted by Andreas Gerhard. Baron guit, Ron Royce bass-voc, Marquis Marky drums,. Produced and engeneered by Guy Bidmead.
Cover art Marquis Marky photo by Alex Solea. Ron Royce voc-bass, Tommy T. Baron guit, Marquis Marky drums-voc,. Produced by Pete Hinton. Engineered by Steve Rispin. Cover art Marquis Marky, photos by Martin Becker. There are two different vinylsleeve variants for this release: The first print run has the Coroner stripe on the front and back in a grey matt finish with the rest of the sleeve in glossy finish.
Baron guit, Marquis Marky drums-voc. Promo only 12" pressed on clear vinyl with Blade Logo designed by Mischa Good. All the infos about Coroner you will find under: Comet Al all instruments. Er tritt auch solo auf. Complete Enchanter machten die bittere Erfahrung, dass die. And Man Has Been. New Wave, Indie Rock. Isabella Nogara voc-keyb, Dr. Ron Styler guit-keyb, Merco. Both singles are put in a seethru plastic cover. No information given at all. Eigenproduktion Coas Nostra Alain Mounir sax, P. Cover art by Flavio Appolonia , cover photo by M. Cosa Nostra presente Movies.
Cover art by Flavio Appolonia , cover photo by Lucien Zurcher. Kreie bass, Rolo drums, Judo sax. Graphic design by Barocco.