The President’s Faith: Divine Intervention Series, Book Two
If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Read more Read less. Here's how restrictions apply. Divine Intervention Series Book 1 Paperback: Westbow Press March 28, Language: Start reading The President'S Angel: Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review.
Showing of 2 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. A thoroughly entertaining read, that kept me turning pages, this story is also sensitive and thought-provoking. Though not usually a cry-at-the-movies kind of guy, I did get a little choked up at a few points in the story. Lives changed by the power of God always gets to me. I usually tend toward the spy-novel type stories in my fiction selections, and thoroughly enjoyed those aspects of the story.
Though I cannot rate it as the top most rivetting spy novel I've ever read, it certainly rates as one of the spy novels with the biggest heart. Carla Bruce spins a good yarn, and I hope to read more of her novels. Who has been through Divorce We need more books that reflect the positive outcomes following our faith can bring. You finish the book feeling good and wanting more. One person found this helpful.
Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Divine Intervention Series-Book One. Set up a giveaway. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Emma also feels an instant attraction to the charming doctor but proceeds with the same caution as Luke due to her own troubled past.
Abandoned by Skyler's father when she refused to have an abortion, Emma is understandably sceptical about the merits of the opposite sex. This feeling is only increased when she allows Skyler's father to have regular contact with her, only for the disappointments and let downs to arrive with similar regularity. Despite this, Emma's relationship with Luke slowly builds throughout the book despite a few hiccups along the way, the most notable being a dramatic intervention from Skyler's father which leads to a riveting finale.
What makes Divine Intervention such an enjoyable read, though, is the intervention of the divine. Throughout the book, Luke has angelic visions, linked to the voice that prevented him from taking his own life. Iova skillfully weaves this into the plot before bringing everything together at the end, lifting what could have been a humdrum romance to something far more substantial. Aug 05, Jasmin Quinn rated it really liked it Shelves: Divine Intervention is a well-developed story about loss and moving on.
The main characters both experience profound loss. Through Skylar, he meets Emma, her mother, who struggles with loss as well, but still embraces her faith. The two find not only solace together, but eventually lasting love. This is a clean rom Divine Intervention is a well-developed story about loss and moving on.
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This is a clean romance that embraces the concept of guardian angels and spiritual intervention but does so subtly. Feb 28, J. Saman rated it really liked it. So, I'm going to be honest here. I have no idea about Christian literature so I was worried I'd be out of my depth I was a little. That said, it was a very sweet romance about two damaged, wounded people and how they come together through fate. Luke is a suicidal widower and Emma is a scorned mother of a thirteen year old girl. The two of them meet when her daughter needs a doctor Luke and it all goes from there.
Overall, I like the book. It was easy to read and well paced with a good dynami So, I'm going to be honest here.
Carla Bruce (Editor of Any Kid Can Be A Super Star)
It was easy to read and well paced with a good dynamic between all the characters. If you're a fan of clean romances then you'll definitely enjoy this one! May 24, May Freighter rated it really liked it Shelves: The story begins with Luke, a doctor who lost his wife a year ago to brain aneurysm. On the flip side, Emma is a mother who had experienced nothing but disappointments with men.
She ended up unable to trust any man who came into her life, preferring to be a queen without a king.
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This story is about The story begins with Luke, a doctor who lost his wife a year ago to brain aneurysm. This story is about those two overcoming their wounds together with the help of an angel who pushes them to start a relationship. There is definitely a strong religious theme focusing on God and his interventions, hence the title. Overall, an interesting read. Feb 21, Deb McEwan rated it it was amazing. Ica Iova writes great books. You can shut out the real world and get lost in one of her stories for hours.
The characters are always well developed and realistic and her plots keep me turning the pages. Divine Intervention was no exception and I enjoyed everything about it. It also cove Ica Iova writes great books. It also covers many different aspects of love and the human condition.
Enjoyable and highly recommended. Apr 25, A. Bavar rated it liked it. A sweet, easy read without much of a punch and very little fantasy. In Divine Intervention, Ms. Iova introduces us to Luke and Emma, two people whose lives have been touched by the inevitable challenges and pains of life. Very quickly, we are thrown into the darkness which engulfs Luke, his desperation at having lost the love of his life, and his desire to end it all until fate or an angel? From that point forward, the story follows a predictable path without much excitem A sweet, easy read without much of a punch and very little fantasy.
From that point forward, the story follows a predictable path without much excitement or tension. From the writing style, it is quite apparent that Ms. Iova is a seasoned author, however, the overwhelming amount of descriptive passages, especially internal thoughts and monologues, did nothing for the story. Divine Intervention could be a successful romance novel with an interesting message, but for that to happen Ms. Iova needs to go back and tighten the narrative.
There is way too much telling of who is feeling what and things that are happening instead of the characters actually showing us those emotions through dialogue and action. Furthermore, when there is tension build up, it's interrupted by long passages of internal thought, memories, etc. Is the story original? Divine Intervention follows a cookie cutter arc with little to no surprises.
The only twist comes near the end of the book, but unfortunately, it's out of the blue and without any tension buildup. Quite unexpectedly, something momentous happens, but because there was no set up or hint of it coming, the reader is cheated from feeling the tension build up - those nail biting moments before it happens. For that to happen, the reader needs to see snippets of Marcus's instability as the story moves towards its climax.
Are the characters well developed? Each character is well defined and unique. The fact that everything is very straightforward and bland, however, makes them forgettable.
Kuhusu mwandishi
Does the story move at a good pace and keep you wanting more? Divine Intervention is a quick and easy read. The pace can improve a lot by condensing most of the telling and replacing it with dialogue and action. Is the manuscript well edited? It's borderline and will definitely improve a lot with another round of editing. There are parts of the story which flow well, but as a whole the manuscript is peppered with awkward sentences and word usage, confusing dialogue, character POV changes, telling versus showing, and unnecessary distractions.
Apart from what I already mentioned, I would make the role of the angel Jack more prevalent. Although as a reader I understood that the voice in Luke's head is from an angel, it's not significant or present enough for me to care until the end of the book. Do justice to the scene and show us why Luke and Emma are so right for each other. Telling us means nothing. Do you recommend this book?
Yes, especially to those who enjoy a sweet and straightforward romance. Apr 15, Donna Collins rated it really liked it.
Divine Intervention
This is a lovely little romance that I really enjoyed reading and, if I am honest, was a little sad about finishing. I get turmoil and inner struggle. I wo This is a lovely little romance that I really enjoyed reading and, if I am honest, was a little sad about finishing. I would have liked to have seen elements of this in Luke. The dialogue was great in places, but I wanted to see way more! For example, there was a lot of telling, internal thought, and a whole heap of background info dumped on me in places.
This would have been so much better being drip-fed to me through chit-chat. Another issue was the misplaced grammar, as well as the long sentences. Overall though, I would recommend this story. Ica has a wonderful descriptive touch when not over-telling, and I would read her other work without any hesitation whatsoever. Mar 04, Darrell Nelson rated it really liked it. This is a tough book for me to personally review.
So let me say right off that I liked it and the romance was much better than most. Having said that, here is why it is tough to review. The whole book worked, mostly. All the little things about writing were well handled, it was just the minor little compromises that every writer faces were handled on a three and a half star level.
Personalizing the environment vs. Bringing up things necessary to the plot vs. Taking a character out of their comfort zone when the natural, but boring, thing would be to deflect the conversation. Again these were handled at a three and a half star level, or just slightly above average. To me, and this could be because I spend a lot of time focusing on these things in my own writing, this was like watching a video with the sound a sixteenth of a second off.
For the most part you can ignore it but it does noticeably pop up from time to time. The big things like the characters, the pace, the climax were well done.

Even though they both were skilled at bringing up date conversation no-no's, Religion, the Ex, their feeling about their jobs. You still got a feeling for their attraction to each other. Maybe in date conversation two wrongs do make a right. Full disclosure, I have been married for 29 years. The last time I dated someone other than my wife Ronald Reagan was President.
Overall I think romance fans should enjoy this. Jul 17, Ellie Midwood rated it it was amazing. Suffering from the loss of his young wife, Luke decides to end his life in the same place, where Sara and he used to spend so much time. However, an unexpected encounter leading to a fateful accident not only prevents Luke from going through with his plans but plants a new seed of hope in his heart, offering him a new chance at life and eventually love.
What I enjoyed the most about this story was how strong both characters were, and how much they grew as their relationship progressed. Feb 14, J. Trepagnier rated it really liked it. I'll be honest, when I saw "christian romance" and hardcore atheist meets hardcore Christian, I thought I was settling in for a LOT of preaching with some romance in the background. I am glad to say, that is not what this book is and it was a highly enjoyable read. The book involves two damaged people, a suicidal widower and a woman who deliberately sabotages her relationships after being left pregnant and alone.
The two meet in a huge act of fate involving her teenage daughter and just sort of g I'll be honest, when I saw "christian romance" and hardcore atheist meets hardcore Christian, I thought I was settling in for a LOT of preaching with some romance in the background. The two meet in a huge act of fate involving her teenage daughter and just sort of grow from there.
Luke is having nightmares where a strange voice speaks to him and tells Luke he is his guardian angel and sometimes, those scenes do get a little preachy, but by the end, the voice make sense and it became more of a paranormal romance to me. The characters are damaged, but likable. If you like clean romances, I think you would enjoy this one Jul 30, Genevieve Raas rated it it was amazing. This book kept me turning the pages, and I loved the strong message about not losing your faith.
Not only is the story powerful, but the characters relatable and true. They go through hard trauma and come out stronger. Luke suffers with the loss of his wife, but is given a second chance in Skyler and Emma. These are truly moving characters, and I kept wanting to read to find out what would happen to them. This is a wonderful sweet, clean romance with a hint of paranormal and the divine. Apr 30, E. Bennett rated it it was amazing.
Angelic Intervention This story was a great read from start to finish. With religious elements and light paranormal with a twist! The writing held a nice flow throught out which made it a fast read. Luke and Emma's romance didnt seem forced and progressed nicely. They have both been through hard times which made the story feel natural.