The Capricorn Quadrant
This would be the Gnostic life on earth, a manifestation or play of truth-conscious being, being grown aware of itself in all things, no longer lost to consciousness of itself, no longer plunged into a self-oblivion or a half-oblivion of its real existence brought about by absorption in form and action, but using form and action with a delivered spiritual power for its free and perfect self-expression, no longer seeking for its own lost or forgotten or veiled and hidden significance or significances, no longer bound, but delivered from inconscience and ignorance, aware of its own truths and powers, determining freely in a movement always concurrent and in tune in every detail with its supreme and universal Reality its manifestation, the play of its substance, the play of its consciousness, the play of its force of existence, the play of its delight of existence.
The Capricorn quadrant
It can be understood that the more we progress toward a Truth-Consciousness, toward an existence which feeds on Truth, on Life, and not on Ignorance and Death, the greater will our possibilities be to understand the universal harmonies and then to directly translate them into the forms of material creation, thereby substituting ignorance with truth. Astrology and cosmic harmonies are born of Truth, and all that which does not correspond to this Truth is a part of the inferior existing planes which interfere with the manifestation of Truth.
As yet a wide gap exists between the essence of cosmic harmonies, the Ideal, and the planes of Earth life where the essence is to take root and flower. But it is known that we are in the Aquarian Age; we are passing through the portion of the Great Circle [the 25, year Precession of the Equinoxes] which corresponds precisely to the sign that rules astrology and the Ideal. Therefore, during our present Age we shall be engaged in lessening the gap between these two poles, in erasing the Ignorance and effacing the power of the interfering forces of falsehood.
Important Notes to the Reader: Even though the summaries are broken up into four section for easier viewing, they are meant to be read and understood in order, as a whole, as a continuity. None of these stages or signs within the stages are independent of or isolated from the rest. They are a whole, just as the twelve months and the four season make up a whole year; and just as dawn, noon, dusk and midnight make up a whole day.
Capricorn Quadrant
For a more elaborate vision of the zodiac, see the Gnostic Circle wherein the Zodiac and Enneagram are seen as cohesive whole. Thursday, January 24, Last quadrant of the zodiac Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are expressive of the stages of evolutionary journey. The Perception of Unity Lori Tompkins www. Thousands of books and websites have been written in our modern era discussing the art of astrology, offering readers insight into how to interpret the signs of the zodiac and how to interpret the various details of an astrological chart, whether it be a natal chart, a composite chart, a progressed chart, etc.

What is absent, however, in all this information is the knowledge and the vision of the zodiac as a map of our individual and collective evolutionary journey — the journey by which the soul is born in time and space and embarks on a continuous and cohesive mission and destiny towards becoming fully realized in material creation. The current practice of astrology, despite the fact that it can give seekers a sense of a greater order, purpose and connection with the macrocosm, is not a system of Gnosis. It is a fragmented system of partial knowledge interpreted through the limitations of the mind.
The result is that it can take one only so far in the quest for Self and World Knowledge.
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In order to begin to fathom the universal knowledge contained in the zodiac, it is necessary to see the zodiac as an evolutionary journey of the whole and all its parts - a journey that began with the spark of the Soul manifesting as inconscient Matter, then as Life, then as Life with Mental capacities, and then completes its journey with the full realization of Self, the full realization of Unity-Consciousness, and the full realization of Love. If the current extent of our limited and divisive mental capacities were the full fruit and epitome of the evolutionary journey, what a disappointing harvest that would be for all these billions and billions of years of progress.
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This seeing came before she knew anything of the yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother of Pondicherry. Sri Aurobindo announced in the course of his revolutionary yoga, that there was to be another stage of evolution established on Earth, inclusive of yet superior to the previous stages accomplished. He acknowledged Matter, Life and Mind as preliminary stages towards a more complete fruition of consciousness which he called the Supermind or the Supramental Truth-Consciousness that would harmonize and fulfill the previous stages of evolution, establishing a golden age on Earth.
Soon after Thea saw and documented the true function, promise and use of the zodiac in her first book, The Magical Carousel , she became conscious of her role as a necessary third element of the Supramental Descent. Her role was to pick up where Sri Aurobindo and the Mother left off; and a portion of her allotted task was to establish the Supramental Vision of Time , to illuminate the method by which the Supramental consciousness would establish itself and be applicable to Earthly life. This she has done.
This accomplishment has been honored and celebrated and revered by many seekers who intuit and recognize the magnitude of Gnosis that has been offered. The Vedic Seers wrote sacred hymns perhaps over 5, years ago revering the circle of and its twelve spokes.
They asked, Who can comprehend its mysteries? Certain Vedic texts tell of the epic, eternal and heroic journey or sacrifice in which the recovery of the lost Sun is accomplished in the ninth and tenth months of the twelve month twelve-rayed year. Sri Aurobindo noted in The Secret of the Veda that the recovery of the Lost Sun was equivalent to the recovery of the Supramental Truth-Consciousness, and that the significance of the ninth and tenth months of the sacrifice of the year remained to be seen.
What remained to be seen was subsequently seen by Thea, who recognized that the ninth and tenth months of the Vedic sacrifice where identical to the ninth and tenth signs of the zodiacal year, Sagittarius and Capricorn, in which the higher knowledge of reality or Gnosis is introduced Sagittarius , liberating the Light from the den of Scorpio the 8th sign of the zodiac , and proceeding on towards the full realization of a divinized material creation Capricorn.
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Thea has understood that the signs of the last quadrant of the zodiac Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are expressive of the stages of evolutionary journey in which the mental limitations, veils and ignorances of modern mankind are trumped by the establishment of higher faculties of being in the material creation Capricorn - Sat , higher consciousness and force of action Aquarius - Chit , and a higher Love Pisces — Ananda.
In this understanding, the last quadrant of the zodiac describes the goal toward which our souls and spirits, our bodies, our vital energies, our hearts and our minds strive through all circumstances, however consciously or unconsciously — the goal of enjoying a Gnostic life on Earth. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.
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Capricorn Quadrant by Charles Ryan
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Capricorn Quadrant by Charles Ryan. A computer virus has infiltrated the most lethal weapon in the global arsenal—a Soviet stealth aircraft with the power to ignite nuclear holocaust. Now it has jettisoned its human pilots and lies on the surface of the Pacific with all its system intact, programmed for catastrophe. Paperback , pages. Published July 2nd by Signet first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Capricorn Quadrant , please sign up.
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