Starship Spotter: Star Trek All Series
Sign up and get a free eBook! Part of Star Trek. Price may vary by retailer. Starship Spotter eBook Get a FREE e-book by joining our mailing list today! More books in this series: Each ship gets 2 pages of background, and then a two page CGI art spread. This is a fun little book that really is no longer needed, but nice to page through. Starting with the Starfleet Handbook back in the 70s the major science fiction franchises would produce in-universe guides to their settings, filled with fictional histories and nice art this is a fun book to page through if you're into Star Trek or just cool space ships.
I question some of the choices, I'm not sure the Work Bee deserved a section more than say the Borg Cube or Doomsday Machine, but that's just quibbling. In these days of wikis and google image searches a book like this is not really needed. Any fan can waste days and days with Star Trek information, but it is nice.
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- Star Trek: Starship Spotter by Adam Lebowitz;
The previous reviews are quite accurate, and should be read before deciding to purchase. For my part, I was overall content with the book, since I was more interested in the ship statistics and some of the "historical" descriptions than the artwork, so the admittedly disappointing nature of the ship renderings did not put me off as badly.
However, the omission of key ships see below was a major disappointment, particularly galling was the insistence on describing things I could care less about, such as the Midas Array, "worker bees", etc. If one is going to limit oneself to pages and 30 ships, then perhaps a little more common sense ought to have been devoted to selecting which "ships" to describe! Another problem I had with some of the more exotic alien ships was a lack of information on their statistics, especially the Species bioship.
While one cannot reveal all secrets, having everything listed as "unknown" is more than a little unsatisfying. At the least simply state observed qualities i. I also agree that the line drawings of the ships were not as useful as they could have been.
Starship Spotter
I would suggest either replacing or perhaps augmenting them with more standard 3 view drawings front, profile, and top as are given in the Star Fleet Technical Manual, for example. It is my sincerest hope that a revised and heavily expanded 2nd edition will be released. Should the author s read this, here are some glaring omissions in need of being added: For the price on Amazon, that is , it is not a terribly bad buy.
Wouldn't pay any more for it, though! However, there is much room for improvement, and I fervently hope the authors will take it upon themselves to release a vastly enhanced manual in the near future. Enjoyed this very much! Love reading up on the tech side of Star Trek! Looking forward to more like this. I was very much looking forward to this book, but it was a major disappointment. I was expecting a piece of work of the same quality as the Ships of the Line calendar.

Instead the renderings were muddy, poorly anti-aliased and lacking in any kind of dynamics. The renderings were further marred by being double-page spreads.
Star Trek: Starship Spotter
To actually see the rendering properly you would have to break the spine of the book. Included with each entry is a pointlessly geeky wireframe model of the ship. The text is the one bright spot in this otherwise poor product. These guys are capable of much better work. I can only hope that in , the long awaited Unseen Federation will be up to their previous quality levels.
More books in this series: Star Trek
See all 34 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Star Trek All Series. Set up a giveaway. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Return to Book Page. Preview — Star Trek by Adam Lebowitz.
Starship Spotter by Adam Lebowitz. Starship Spotter was created more than two centuries ago to serve as a reference guide to assorted space-going vessels. Captains of the spaceships of the United Earth Space Probe Agency used this simple paper tool to enable a ship's crew to quickly distinguish friend from foe in the unexplored reaches of the cosmos.
When the services were merged to form Starfleet, this pap Starship Spotter was created more than two centuries ago to serve as a reference guide to assorted space-going vessels. When the services were merged to form Starfleet, this paper book disappeared from use.
Starship Spotter - Adam Lebowitz, Robert Bonchune - Google Книги
Only recently rediscovered, the newest editions of this book have been the sole purview of Starfleet Academy. Each year, a new class of Starfleet cadets carefully reviews and revises the contents. The ships displayed in Starship Spotter have been chosen as a tribute to the crews who have served on them and the valor shown, regardless of the ship's affiliation. Although only thirty ships could be included, the cadets feel these ships reflect the noble history of space travel.
We proudly present to you the Class of edition of Starship Spotter.
Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Star Trek , please sign up. Lists with This Book. May 07, Daniel Kukwa rated it it was ok Shelves: As a quick and dirty introduction guide to the gorgeous ships of the Star Trek universe and the wonders of computer modelling , it does the job.
Unfortunately, as much as I love the ships, the book is harmed by the stupid decision to place each large picture across the spine fold This is nowhwere near as wonderful as it could have -- and should have -- been.