Preactive Leadership
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Some examples of a clarifying question might be: Is there anything else about this situation you think I should know? What led up to this situation? Take stock of your share of ownership.
Preactive Leadership: The New Way to Lead
Could the situation have been precipitated from something you said or did that contributed to this circumstance? Could your instructions have been less than clear? Did you provide all of the needed resources? Could at least a portion of the responsibility for this situation reside with you?
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If so, how will you address that ownership in a way that lets others know that you are ready to claim and address your share of the dilemma? State your job or responsibility as the teacher. You are here to love, teach, and discipline your students… among other things. In the heat of the moment, it can be profoundly helpful for you to clarify your intent—exactly what your end in mind is for this circumstance.
In fact, you, as well as others, will be served by pausing to clarify the intended outcome and your role in achieving it.
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An example of a clarifying statement could be: I am here to teach AND to help you develop disciplined behavior, and nothing is going to prevent me from doing that. Team up and solve the problem together. If we remain in a position of absolute authority over someone or the situation, we risk fostering an adversarial relationship rather than a partnership. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to achieve maximum maturity, which is interdependence.
Think about your student, the parent, the co-worker; they own a significant part of this problem and they know it.
Rather than polarizing yourself or them, move to position yourselves as a team working on the same problem together. An example of a teaming statement could be: As leaders, we strive continuously to do things that help communicate the worth and potential of others so clearly they are inspired to see it in themselves. Positioning someone as being inept in his or her role only alienates.