Führungskompetenzen - Überblick und Klassifikation (German Edition)
For block dating to the king Akhenaten and many monuments are discovered in Heliopolis at the same period emphasized that the king Akhenaten built temple for the god Aten in Heliopolis and through Studies about the king Akhenaten, we suggest that the king Akhenaten take his new principles from Heliopolis. The king Ramesses II mentioned from stela which discovered at Manshyt el- Sader, in the second horizontal line that he erected oblesk and some statues at the great Temple in Heliopolis , this recent Discover about Statue of the king Ramesses II emphasized site of excavations perhaps a shrine or open court from temple of the king Ramesses II at the great Temple in Heliopolis For nbt — htpt, we could show that the goddess Hathor take a forward position in Heliopolis and become the Lady of Hetepet in Heliopolis since Eighteenth dynasty at least.
Blocking of conditioned taste avoidance induced by wheel running. The present study is the first to demonstrate associative blocking of conditioned taste avoidance CTA induced by wheel running and strongly implicates associative learning as the basis for this kind of avoidance.
DNA fingerprinting and diversity analysis in Aus genotypes using microsatellite markers. A total of 91 microsatellite markers were tested for screening the genotypes. The number of alleles per locus ranged from four RM25 and RM to twenty seven RM, where average allele number was 9. Pair-wise genetic dissimilarity co-efficient showed the lowest genetic dissimilarity was found BRRI dhan42 and BRRI dhan43 and the highest genetic dissimilarity was found local landraces each other.
Here it is shown that most Aus landraces is recognized to have broad genetic base. Thus it is recommended to use these landraces for future breeding program or include new and untouched local landraces to incorporate new genes and broaden genetic base. Ultrasound guided supraclavicular block.
Ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia is becoming increasingly popular. The supraclavicular block has been transformed by ultrasound guidance into a potentially safe superficial block. We reviewed the techniques of performing supraclavicular block with special focus on ultrasound guidance. MIRANDA is a data preparation module of the AUS reactor neutronics scheme and is used to prepare multigroup cross-section data which are pertinent to a particular reactor system from a general purpose multigroup library of cross sections.
The MIRANDA module includes a multiregion resonance calculation in slab, cylinder or cluster geometry, a homogeneous Bsub L flux solution, and a group condensation facility. Interaction with other AUS modules, particularly for burnup calculations, is provided.
A comparison of neutron resonance absorption in thermal reactor lattices in the AUS neutronics code system with Monte Carlo calculations. The calculation of resonance shielding by the subgroup method, as incorporated in the MIRANDA module of the AUS neutronics code system, is compared with Monte Carlo calculatons for a number of thermal reactor lattices. For the large range of single rod and rod cluster lattices considered, AUS results for resonance absorption were high by up to two per cent.
Homogeneous bilateral block shifts. Douglas class were classified in [3]; they are unilateral block shifts of arbitrary block size i. However, no examples of irreducible homogeneous bilateral block shifts of block size larger than 1 were known until now.
- Works of Joseph Priestley!
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- aus block ii: Topics by www.newyorkethnicfood.com.
Radiotracer technique to quantify change in filtration velocity as a measure of dilution effect by artificial recharge in an arsenic infested aquifer at Ashoknagar, Habra - II block , 24 Paragana district, West Bengal. Radioisotopes are frequently employed as tracers for various applications in industry, agricultural, medicine and hydrology. In hydrology, radiotracers are commonly applied to investigate several hydrological parameters of aquifers such as hydraulic conductivity, groundwater velocity and direction of flow etc.
They impart valuable insight into the understanding of the hydrological systems. Application of radioisotopes in determination of groundwater flow velocity is now a well established technique. In this paper, groundwater filtration velocity was determined in an arsenic infested alluvium aquifer at Ashoknagar, Habra, West Bengal for determining the dilution effect due to arsenic free water. In some parts of West Bengal, generally shallow aquifers up to 80 m deep are contaminated due to geogenic arsenic.
Researchers have different views about origin and mobility of arsenic in the groundwaters of West Bengal. For the removal of Arsenic from the groundwater various methods have been suggested and implemented such as ion-exchange, co-precipitation, adsorption, membrane separation and dilution etc. Dilution of the Arsenic concentration by artificial recharge of arsenic free water from the constructed pits in the contaminated aquifer is one such simple method.
Efficacy of this method was studied by measuring filtration velocity in the contaminated aquifer at the Ashoknagar, Habra - II Block , North 24 Paragana district, West Bengal. Radioactive 82 Br in the form of aqueous ammonium bromide was used as a tracer to measure filtration velocity of the groundwater. Point dilution technique in a single well was applied. Filtration velocity provided relevant information about the arsenic dilution in the groundwater by the artificial recharge and its value will be used as a model parameter. Although the relative contribution of these different adducts to toxicity is not known, literature implicates that Pt-GG and Pt-AG adducts block replication.
Thus, nucleotide excision repair NER , by which platinum adducts are excised, and translesion DNA synthesis TLS , which permits adduct bypass, are thought to be associated with cisplatin resistance. Recent studies have reported that the clinical benefit from platinum-based chemotherapy is high if tumor cells express low levels of NER factors. We show that pol eta can incorporate the correct deoxycytidine triphosphate opposite the first 3'-cross-linked G of Pt-GTG but cannot insert any nucleotides opposite the second intact T or the third 5'-cross-linked G of the adducts, thereby suggesting that TLS does not facilitate replication past Pt-GTG adducts.
Testing block subdivision algorithms on block designs. Integrated land use-transportation models predict future transportation demand taking into account how households and firms arrange themselves partly as a function of the transportation system. Recent integrated models require parcels as inputs and produce household and employment predictions at the parcel scale. Block subdivision algorithms automatically generate parcel patterns within blocks. Evaluating block subdivision algorithms is done by way of generating parcels and comparing them to those in a parcel database.
Three block subdivision algorithms are evaluated on how closely they reproduce parcels of different block types found in a parcel database from Montreal, Canada. While the authors who developed each of the algorithms have evaluated them, they have used their own metrics and block types to evaluate their own algorithms. This makes it difficult to compare their strengths and weaknesses.
The contribution of this paper is in resolving this difficulty with the aim of finding a better algorithm suited to subdividing each block type. The proposed hypothesis is that given the different approaches that block subdivision algorithms take, it's likely that different algorithms are better adapted to subdividing different block types.
To test this, a standardized block type classification is used that consists of mutually exclusive and comprehensive categories. A statistical method is used for finding a better algorithm and the probability it will perform well for a given block type. Results suggest the oriented bounding box algorithm performs better for warped non-uniform sites, as well as gridiron and fragmented uniform sites. It also produces more similar parcel areas and widths. The Generalized Parcel Divider 1 algorithm performs better for gridiron non-uniform sites. The Straight Skeleton algorithm performs better for loop and lollipop networks as well as fragmented non-uniform and warped uniform sites.
It also produces more similar parcel shapes and patterns. Integratives versus traditionelles Lernen aus Sicht der Studierenden [Integrative vs. Traditional Learning from the Student Perspective. Full Text Available [english] Background: The interdisciplinary surgery block of the reformed undergraduate curriculum HeiCuMed includes daily cycles of interactive case-based seminars, problem-based tutorials, case presentation by students, skills and communication training, and bedside teaching.
The teaching doctors receive didactic training. In contrast, the previous traditional course was based on lectures with only two weekly hours of bedside teaching. Didactic training was not available. The present work aims at analysing the importance of active participation of students and the didactic components of the reformed and traditional curricula, which contribute to successful learning as evaluated by the students. Differentiated student evaluations of the undergraduate surgical courses between and were examined by correlation and regression analyses.
The evaluation scores for organisation, dedication of the teaching staff, their ability to make lessons interesting and complex topics easily understandable, and the subjective gain of knowledge were significantly better in HeiCuMed than in the traditional curriculum. However, the dependence of knowledge gain on the didactic quality was the same in both curricula. The quality of discussions and the ability of the teaching doctors to promote active student participation were important to the subjective gain of knowledge in both seminars and practical courses of the reformed curriculum as well as for the overall evaluation of the practical courses but not the gain of knowledge in the traditional curriculum.
The findings confirm psychological-educational perceptions, that competent implementation of integrative didactical methods is more important to successful teaching and the subjective gain of knowledge than knowledge transfer by traditional classroom teaching. Poly ferrocenylsilane - block -Polylactide Block Copolymers. Pectoral nerve block Pecs block with sedation for breast conserving surgery without general anesthesia. Most regional anesthesia in breast surgeries is performed as postoperative pain management under general anesthesia, and not as the primary anesthesia.
Regional anesthesia has very few cardiovascular or pulmonary side-effects, as compared with general anesthesia. Pectoral nerve block is a relatively new technique, with fewer complications than other regional anesthesia. We performed Pecs I and Pec II block simultaneously as primary anesthesia under moderate sedation with dexmedetomidine for breast conserving surgery in a year-old female patient with invasive ductal carcinoma.
Block was uneventful and showed no complications. Thus, Pecs block with sedation could be an alternative to general anesthesia for breast surgeries. Left bundle branch block Heart attacks myocardial infarction Thickened, stiffened or weakened Eine Analyse des Demokratisierungsprozesses aus Frauenperspektive Buchbesprechung: Eine Analyse des Demokratisierungsprozesses aus Frauenperspektive Full Text Available Review of the monograph: Eine Analyse des Demokratisierungsprozesses aus Frauenperspektive Wettenberg: Possible emissions from electricity generation from geothermal energy; Moegliche Emissionen bei der Stromerzeugung aus Geothermie.
Electricity from geothermal energy in the low temperature range can be efficiently recovered if power plant processes are used with organic working fluids. It is inevitable that a small part of the sometimes harmful fluids leaking from the plant - a conflict in the development of climate-friendly renewable energy actually. A short report of the Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Bayreuth, on behalf of UBA quantifies the emissions of fluorinated hydrocarbons for different development scenarios and emission rates.
Dabei ist es nicht zu vermeiden, dass ein kleiner Teil der mitunter klimaschaedlichen Fluide, aus den Anlagen entweicht - ein Zielkonflikt beim Ausbau der eigentlich klimaschonenden erneuerbaren Energie. Block tearing is considered in several codes as a pure block tension or a pure block shear failure mechanism. However in many situations the load acts eccentrically and involves the transfer of a substantial moment in combination with the shear force and perhaps a normal force.
This paper presents theoretical and experimental work leading towards generalized block failure capacity methods. Simple combination of normal force, shear force and moment stress distributions along The isotropic collision probability program ICPP is a module of the AUS neutronics code system which calculates first flight collision probabilities for neutrons in one-dimensional geometries and in clusters of rods.
Neutron sources, including scattering, are assumed to be isotropic and to be spatially flat within each mesh interval. The module solves the multigroup collision probability equations for eigenvalue or fixed source problems. Exploring traditional aus -type rice for metabolites conferring drought tolerance. Traditional varieties and landraces belonging to the aus -type group of rice Oryza sativa L.
Using two aus -type Dular, N22 and two drought intolerant irrigated varieties IR64, IR74 an untargeted metabolomics analysis was conducted to identify drought-responsive metabolites associated with tolerance. The superior drought tolerance of Dular and N22 compared with the irrigated varieties was confirmed by phenotyping plants grown to maturity after imposing severe drought stress in a dry-down treatment. Dular and N22 did not show a significant reduction in grain yield compared to well-watered control plants, whereas the intolerant varieties showed a significant reduction in both, total spikelet number and grain yield.
The metabolomics analysis was conducted with shoot and root samples of plants at the tillering stage at the end of the dry-down treatment. The data revealed an overall higher accumulation of N-rich metabolites amino acids and nucleotide-related metabolites allantoin and uridine in shoots of the tolerant varieties.
In roots, the aus -type varieties were characterised by a higher reduction of metabolites representative of glycolysis and the TCA cycle, such as malate, glyceric acid and glyceric acidphosphate. On the other hand, the oligosaccharide raffinose showed a higher fold increase in both, shoots and roots of the sensitive genotypes. The data further showed that, for certain drought-responsive metabolites, differences between the contrasting rice varieties were already evident under well-watered control conditions.
The drought tolerance-related metabolites identified in the aus -type varieties provide a valuable set of protective compounds and an entry point for assessing genetic diversity in the underlying pathways for developing drought tolerant rice and other crops. Rice is a vital staple crop for Bangladesh and surrounding countries, with interannual variation in yields depending on climatic conditions. Production of an aluminium heat exchanger coil; Fertigung eines gewickelten Waermetauschers aus Aluminium.
The heat exchangers presented in this contribution are the liquefier and subcooler of a two-component natural gas liquefaction plant to be exported to Australia, with a total heat exchanger surface that corresponds to the area of 8 soccer fields. Checkout of kinetic aspects, however, is difficult as kinetic codes are not freely available. In this report POW has been checked against three benchmark calculations as well as a calculation on the KW Argonaut reactor Moata.
FRAX Aus and falls risk: Association in men and women. Although falls increase fracture risk, they have not been incorporated into FRAX. It is currently unclear if FRAX captures falls risk and whether addition of falls would improve fracture prediction. Clinical risk factors were documented for men and women age yr assessed at follow-up and , respectively of the Geelong Osteoporosis Study.
A falls risk score was determined at the time of BMD assessment and self-reported incident falls were documented from questionnaires returned one year later. Multivariable analyses were performed to determine: After adjustment for age and sex, the relationship became non-significant 1. These data suggest that FRAX score may not be a robust surrogate for falls risk and that inclusion of falls in fracture risk assessment should be further explored.
The US 3M Company is the producer of the 'Scotchply' glass fibre prepreg which results in materials that can withstand higher dynamic loads than conventional glass fibre reinforced plastics. The new materials are used, e. This contribution presents tools for the engineer for calculation of leaf springs in consideration of the expected loads. Dieser Vorteil wird in der industriellen Praxis genutzt, um den breiten Einsatzbereich von Blattfedern aus Stahl durch solche aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen zu erweitern. Die Verarbeitung als Gelegeprepreg hat sich oekonomisch und oekologisch als eine guenstige Technologie bewaehrt.
Die Prepregs werden im Wickelverfahren in die endgueltige Form gebracht oder zu Platten verpresst, aus denen die gewuenschten Werkstuecke mechanisch herausgearbeitet werden. Werkstoff und Geometrie koennen optimal an die Belastung angepasst werden. Mit dieser Veroeffentlichung soll dem Ingenieur eine Hilfe gegeben werden, solche Blattfedern entsprechend der spaeteren Beanspruchung zu berechnen.
Theoretische Reflexionen werden nicht unbedingt untermauert, aber auch nicht negiert. Der Beitrag will innerhalb des Jahrbuchs daran erinnern, dass hinter den theoretischen Debatten Menschen stehen, die sich miteinander austauschen und auseinandersetzen wollen. Use of vegetation health data for estimation of aus rice yield in bangladesh. A strong correlation was found between aus rice yield and VCI and VHI during the critical period of aus rice development that occurs during March-April weeks of the year , several months in advance of the rice harvest. Stepwise principal component regression PCR was used to construct a model to predict yield as a function of critical-period VHI.
Remote sensing is a valuable tool for estimating rice yields well in advance of harvest and at a low cost. Full Text Available Rice is a vital staple crop for Bangladesh and surrounding countries, with interannual variation in yields depending on climatic conditions. A strong correlation was found between aus rice yield and VCI and VHI during the critical period of aus rice development that occurs during March-April weeks 8—13 of the year, several months in advance of the rice harvest. Full Text Available When planning a randomized clinical trial, careful consideration must be given to how participants are selected for various arms of a study.
Selection and accidental bias may occur when participants are not assigned to study groups with equal probability. A simple random allocation scheme is a process by which each participant has equal likelihood of being assigned to treatment versus referent groups. However, by chance an unequal number of individuals may be assigned to each arm of the study and thus decrease the power to detect statistically significant differences between groups.
Block randomization is a commonly used technique in clinical trial design to reduce bias and achieve balance in the allocation of participants to treatment arms, especially when the sample size is small. This method increases the probability that each arm will contain an equal number of individuals by sequencing participant assignments by block. Yet still, the allocation process may be predictable, for example, when the investigator is not blind and the block size is fixed.
This paper provides an overview of blocked randomization and illustrates how to avoid selection bias by using random block sizes. The terms blocked account and blocked A comparison of oblique subcostal transversus abdominis plane block versus thoracic paravertebral block for postoperative analgesia after open cholecystectomy. Full Text Available Background: A major challenge in the postoperative period is pain management which, if not adequately controlled, may contribute to patient discomfort and decreased patient satisfaction, and possibly increased morbidity and mortality.
Both Thoracic paravertebral block and oblique subcostal transversus abdominis plane block can be used as analgesic techniques for abdominal surgeries. Our aim in this research was comparison of cumulative h post-operative morphine consumption between ultrasound-guided oblique subcostal transversus abdominis plane block and ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral block in patients who underwent an open cholecystectomy under general anesthesia.
This study was performed on 46 patients who underwent open cholecystectomy under general anesthesia. All patients were randomly allocated alternatively to one of two equal groups to either undergo ultrasound-guided unilateral oblique subcostal transversus abdominis plane block Group I or to undergo ultrasound-guided unilateral thoracic paravertebral block Group II. Both groups were subjected to a similar analgesic regimen in the immediate post-operative period that involved intravenous patient-controlled morphine analgesia which was used in both groups.
However, thoracic paravertebral block is more. AUS 98 is a modular system in which the modules are complete programs linked by a path given in the input stream. A simple path is simply a sequence of modules, but the path is actually pre-processed and compiled using the Fortran 77 compiler. This provides for complex module linking if required.
Some of the modules included in AUS 98 are: ICPP Isotropic collision probability calculation in one dimension and for rod clusters. POW3D Multi-dimensional neutron diffusion calculation including feedback-free kinetics. CHAR Lattice and global burnup calculation. This thesis contains a general introduction to cryptography with focus on block ciphers and important block cipher designs, in particular the Advanced Encryption Standard AES In the final part of the thesis we present a new block cipher proposal Present and examine its security against algebraic and differential cryptanalysis in particular Related Drupal Nodes Block.
Related Drupal Nodes Block This module exposes a block that uses Latent Semantic Analysis Lsa internally to suggest three nodes that are relevant to the node a user is viewing. This module performs three tasks. Designers Block er et mere uformelt udstillingsforum Amphiphilic brushes from metallo-supramolecular block copolymers. A novel strategy to control the formation of amphiphilic brushes from metallo-supramol. The investigated copolymer consists of a polystyrene block linked to a poly ethylene oxide one via a charged bis-terpyridine ruthenium ii complex PS-[Ru]-PEO. Sich selbst und den anderen aus einer asymmetrischen Position verstehen — Die Kunst der Unterscheidung.
Full Text Available Sich selbst und den Anderen zu kennen setzt immer eine asymmetrische Position voraus. Und gerade aus sich selbst sollen wir fragen und sprechen. Die Antwort auf diesen Kampf ist die Kunst der Unterscheidung. Extension of the AUS reactor neutronics system for application to fusion blanket neutronics.
The AUS modular code scheme for reactor neutronics computations has been extended to apply to fusion blanket neutronics. The library includes neutron resonance subgroup parameters and temperature-dependent data for thermal neutron scattering matrices. The validity of the overall calculation system for fusion applications has been checked by comparison with a number of published conceptual design studies. Ergebnisse aus der Electronic Commerce Enquete.
It performs eigenvalue, source of feedback-free kinetics calculations. The module includes general criticality search options and extensive editing facilities including perturbation calculations. Output options include flux or reaction rate plot files. A MINI accelerated Gauss-Siedel method is used for upscatter iterations with group rebalance to enhance a convergence. Chebyshev source extrapolation is applied for outer iterations.
A detailed index is included. Das Sample besteht aus Jugendlichen von Jahren , d In the AUS neutronics code system, the burnup module CHAR solves the nuclide depletion equations by an analytic technique in a number of spatial zones. CHAR is usually used as one component of a lattice burnup calculation but contains features which also make it suitable for some global burnup calculations. BURNMAC is a simple accounting module based on the assumption that cross sections for a rector zone depend only on irradiation.
BURNMAC is used as one component of a global calculation in which burnup is achieved by interpolation in the cross sections produced from a previous lattice calculation. Cyber-Security aus ordnungspolitischer Sicht: Tibaldi and Molteni , hereafter referred to as TM had previously investigated operational blocking predictability by the ECMWF model and the possible relationships between model systematic error and blocking in the winter season of the Northern Hemisphere, using seven years of ECMWF operational archives of analyses and day 1 to 10 forecasts.
They showed that fewer blocking episodes than in the real atmosphere were generally simulated by the model, and that this deficiency increased with increasing forecast time. As a consequence of this, a major contribution to the systematic error in the winter season was shown to derive from the inability of the model to properly forecast blocking. In this study, the analysis performed in TM for the first seven winter seasons of the ECMWF operational model is extended to the subsequent five winters, during which model development, reflecting both resolution increases and parametrisation modifications, continued unabated.
In addition the objective blocking index developed by TM has been applied to the observed data to study the natural low frequency variability of blocking. The ability to simulate blocking of some climate models has also been tested. Sequential heavy metal extraction from dust precipitates and road sediments. Sequential heavy metal extraction from urban dust; Sequentielle Schwermetallextraktion aus Staubniederschlaegen und Strassensedimenten. Sequentielle Schwermetallextraktion von staedtischen Staeuben.
In the street sediments the total concentrations of zinc, copper and lead was three to fivefold higher in the silt and clay fraction II: The EDITAR module of the AUS neutronics code system edits one and two-dimensional flux data pools produced by other AUS modules to form reaction rates for materials and their constituent nuclides, and to average cross sections over space and energy. The module includes a Bsub L flux calculation for application to cell leakage. The module distinguishes between neutron and photon groups, and printed reaction rates are formed accordingly. Bilinear weighting may be used to obtain material reactivity worths and to average cross sections.
Bilinear weighting is at present restricted to diffusion theory leakage estimates made using mesh-average fluxes. The terms blocked account and RX for Writer's Block. Describes four prewriting techniques that elementary and middle grade students can use to gather and organize ideas for writing, and by so doing, cure writer's block. Block copolymer battery separator. Specifically, this is demonstrated by using the block copolymer poly styrene- block-ethylene-block -styrene SES and blending it with homopolymer polystyrene PS. After blending the polymers, a film is cast, and the film is submerged in tetrahydrofuran, which removes the PS.
This creates a nanoporous polymer film, whereby the holes are lined with PS. Control of morphology of the system is achieved by manipulating the amount of PS added and the relative size of the PS added. The porous nature of these films was demonstrated by measuring the ionic conductivity in a traditional battery electrolyte, 1M LiPF.
Block copolymer membranes for aqueous solution applications. Block copolymers are known for their intricate morphology. We review the state of the art of block copolymer membranes and discuss perspectives in this field. The main focus is on pore morphology tuning with a short introduction on non-porous membranes. The two main strategies for pore formation in block copolymer membranes are i film casting and selective block sacrifice and ii self-assembly and non-solvent induced phase separation SNIPS.
Different fundamental aspects involved in the manufacture of block copolymer membranes are considered, including factors affecting the equilibrium morphology in solid films, self-assembly of copolymer in solutions and macrophase separation by solvent-non-solvent exchange. Block copolymer membranes can be prepared with much narrower pore size distribution than homopolymer membranes.
Open questions and indications of what we consider the next development steps are finally discussed. They include the synthesis and application of new copolymers and specific functionalization, adding characteristics to respond to stimuli and chemical environment, polymerization-induced phase separation, and the manufacture of organic-inorganic hybrids. Heat recovery from compressed air in sludge activation plants; Waermerueckgewinnung aus der Druckluft von Belebungsanlagen.
Wasser und Boden e. The Herdorf sewage system is presented as an example of heat recovery from compressed air of the activation stage. Consumption of externally supplied fuel heating oil was minimised, and full-scale power generation from sewage gas provided additional income. The key element of the heat recovery system is the air cooler with a matched double-shell heat exchanger.
Temperatures and water volumes on the heating water side can be varied in order to ensure optimum heat supply to the air cooler at any time. The heat is used in the internal heating system to heat up the raw sludge in the fermentation process. Hierdurch konnte zum einen der Einsatz von Fremdbrennstoffen Heizoel auf ein Minimum reduziert und zum anderen konnten zusaetzliche Ertraege aus der vollstaendigen Verstromung des Faulgases erzielt werden. Kernstueck der Waermerueckgewinnungsanlage bildet der Luftkuehler und der darauf abgestimmte Doppelmantelrohr-Waermeuebertrager.
Von wesentlicher Bedeutung ist hierbei, dass auf der Heizkreiswasserseite mit variablen Heizwassermengen und korrespondierenden Temperaturen gefahren werden kann, um zu jedem Zeitpunkt die optimale Waerme durch den Luftkuehler bedarfsorientiert abgreifen zu koennen. Power from biomass; Zurueck zur Natur: Muenchen-Weihenstephan Germany ; Ising, M. Excepting nuclear power, there are just two strategies to reduce global warming, i. The options of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are limited in our climate and their potential is nearly completely exploited in some regions already.
Biomass is an interesting option. Its introduction should be speeded up as it takes about 50 - 60 years for a new technology to be fully accepted. Energiesparen und verstaerkter Einsatz regenerativer Energiequellen. Finanzielle Foerderung aus oeffentlichen Mitteln und Garantiepreise bei der Stromerzeugung sollen den Weg gangbar machen.
Sonne, Wind und Wasser eignen sich leider hierzulande nur begrenzt, teilweise ist ihr Potenzial schon weitgehend ausgeschoepft.
- Ladder to the Moon.
- 50 sonetos (Spanish Edition).
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Eine wichtige Ergaenzung des Angebots duerfte deshalb die Biomasse sein. Letztlich ist sie eine Speicherform von Sonnenenergie: Weil beim Verbrennen nur das aufgenommene Kohlendioxid wieder frei wird, zeigt die energetische Nutzung von Biomasse eine weitgehend ausgeglichene Klimabilanz. Doch Eile ist geboten. Die Nutzung von Kohle und Erdoel benoetigte 50 bis 60 Jahre, um sich zu etablieren; Experten halten das fuer einen typischen Zeitraum den auch die Kernenergie noch nicht durchschritten hat. Sich erneuernde Energiequellen stehen noch am Anfang dieser Einfuehrungsphase.
Blocking in Category Learning. Many theories of category learning assume that learning is driven by a need to minimize classification error. When there is no classification error, therefore, learning of individual features should be negligible. We tested this hypothesis by conducting three category learning experiments adapted from an associative learning blocking paradigm.
Contrary to an error-driven account of learning, participants learned a wide range of information when they learned about categories, and blocking effe Economic Forces Shape Beliefs: A Model of Investment under Fundamental Uncertainty. Simmler, Monika; Selman, Sine: Aktuelle Fragen aus dem Gesellschaftsrecht — insbesondere aus der Sicht des Notariats. Arbeit im Konzern, in: Portmann, Wolfgang; von Kaenel, Adrian Hrsg. Experimental bandwidth benchmarking for P2P markets in blockchain managed microgrids.
Tool Support for Design Science Research: Design and implementation of a blockchain multi-energy system. The Institutional Logic of Harmonization: Cheating and Plagiarism in Higher Education. Im Schatten des russischen Imperiums. Musikalisch und philosophisch leben. Was muss die Politik heute anpacken? Seamless learning in higher education: Predicting Startup Survival from Digital Traces: Towards a Procedure for Early Stage Investors.
Struggling with depth of impact: A model for impact scaling agreements. The impact of numerical vs. Transportation Research Part D: The Impact of Abstract vs. VW Management-Information — St. The political economics of the Arab Spring. Experience Does not Eliminate Bubbles: Mit Digital Nudging Nutzererlebnisse verbessern und den Unternehmenserfolg steigern. Integriertes Denken und Handeln: Eine neue Art der Unternehmenssteuerung. Aktueller Stand der internen Steuerung und Kontrolle in der Schweiz.

Spatial prediction of traffic accidents with critical driving events — Insights from a nationwide field study. Our findings may be promising for the development of more efficient glucose BFC for portable battery or self-powered device applications. Bacillus subtilis BY-kinase PtkA controls enzyme activity and localization of its protein substrates.
We found that the majority of these proteins could be phosphorylated by PtkA in vitro. Among these new substrates, single-stranded DNA exonuclease YorK, and aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase Asd were activated by PtkA-dependent phosphorylation. A was dramatically altered in Delta ptkA background. Our results confirm that PtkA can control enzyme activity of its substrates in some cases, but also reveal a new mode of action for PtkA, namely ensuring correct cellular localization of its targets Our recent phosphoproteome study identified nine new tyrosine The proposed support improved the direct electron transfer kinetics of BOD and its catalytic activity toward oxygen reduction reaction ORR.
The ability of this modified electrode as a biocathode is investigated after assembling with bioanode. The stability of the constructed EBFC is investigated under continuous operation at maximum power. It is observed that the biofuel. Niedermolekulare Verbindungen aus Spinnen als chemische Sensoren.
Weit weniger erforscht sind hingegen Verbindungen, die der Kommunikation von Spinnen dienen. Vor kurzem wurden jedoch auf dem Gebiet der Pheromone und Allomone aus Spinnen neue Ephemeriden aus Java, gesammelt von Edw. Ephemeridae, genannt , Compsoneuria spectabilis Etn. AUS is a neutronics code system which may be used for calculations of a wide range of fission reactors, fusion blankets and other neutron applications. Calculations of multi-region resonance shielding, coupled neutron and photon transport, energy deposition, fission product inventory and neutron diffusion are combined within the one code system.
The module obtains cross section, flux and geometry data from AUS data pools, and uses the STATUS data pool which has been designed for the storage of nuclide compositions, spatial smearing factors and other miscellaneous information. Risiko Energiewende Wege aus der Sackgasse.
- A Friend in Jamie (Maxs Wonderful World of Autism Book 2);
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- Neue HSG-Publikationen – Oktober | Alexandria Blog.
Konrad Kleinknecht versucht in seinem Buch, die Probleme zu benennen und Antworten zu finden. Welche Stromquellen bieten gesicherte Leistung? Brauchen wir neue Stromtrassen? Zusammenarbeit aus Sicht eines outgesourcten Instandhalters. Dauerhafter Unternehmenserfolg ist nur mit einer fortschrittlichen Instandhaltung zu erzielen. In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung der InfraServ Knapsack von einer internen Instandhaltungsabteilung hin zu einem Industriellen Dienstleister beschrieben und Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit mit externen Kunden aus der Sicht des outgesourcten Instandhalters geschildert.
Efforts to identify spore forming bacillus. Pasar Djumat Research Centre. Efforts to identify 47 species of radioresistant spore forming bacillus sp. The identifications was conducted using 19 kinds of biochemical tests and compared to species to bacillus subtilis W. The results showed that bacillus sp. Nur die Zusammensetzung des Enzyms in den Chloroplasten und Mitochochondrien mehrzelliger Eukaryonten scheint unklar.
Eine RNA-Untereinheit konnte hier bis jetzt nicht nachgewiesen werden. Neues aus dem Forschungsfeld Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Sammelrezension Teil 2 von Bernt Ahrenholz Hrsg. As high-throughput technologies become cheaper and easier to use, raw sequence data and corresponding annotations for many organisms are becoming available. However, sequence data alone is not sufficient to explain the biological behaviour of organisms, which arises largely from complex molecular Bacillus subtilis and its close Bacillus relatives are important bacterial platforms for industrial production of enzymes and fine chemicals such as vitamin B2 and nucleotides.
In den letzten Jahren sind jedoch viele neue Studien publiziert worden. Phosphorescence In Bacillus Spores. Our present work attempts to build on this approach for environmental applications. We have measured a change in the fluorescence spectra of suspensions of Bacillus bacteria between the vegetative bacteria and their spores at room temperature A guide to the AUS modular neutronics code system. A general description is given of the AUS modular neutronics code system, which may be used for calculations of a very wide range of fission reactors, fusion blankets and other neutron applications.
Details of all system aspects of AUS are provided but the major individual modules are only outlined. Sufficient information is given to enable other modules to be added to the system. AUS - the Australian modular scheme for reactor neutronics computations. A general description is given of the AUS modular scheme for reactor neutronics calculations. The scheme currently includes modules which provide the capacity for lattice calculations, 1D transport calculations, 1 and 2D diffusion calculations with feedback-free kinetics , and burnup calculations.
Details are provided of all system aspects of AUS , but individual modules are only outlined. A complete specification is given of that part of user input which controls the calculation sequence. The report also provides sufficient details of the supervisor program and of the interface data sets to enable additional modules to be incorporated in the scheme. Von dieser Erwartung ausgehend wandte ich mich an. The rhizosphere isolated bacteria belonging to the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp.
These properties have made these strains the focus of comm Die erhobenen morphologischen Befunde sowohl auf mikroskopischer als auch auf makroskopischer Ebene wurden zu einem Erwartungskatalog zusammengefasst und mit den Ergebnissen der Der mit dem Topos "Transformation von Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftssystemen" axiomatisch angenommene Unvereinbarkeit sozialistischer und marktwirtschaftlicher Strukturen ist aus raumwissenschaftlicher Sicht nicht nachvollziehbar.
Teaching material; Energie aus Biomasse. The textbook discusses the available options for power and heat generation from biomass as well as the limits of biomass-based power supply. The main obstacle apart from the high cost is a lack of knowledge, which the book intends to remedy. It addresses students of agriculture, forestry, environmental engineering, heating systems engineering and apprentice chimney sweepers, but it will also be useful to all other interested readers. Die energetische Nutzung von Biomasse birgt zudem nicht zu verachtende Vorteile.
All den bisher erschlossenen Moeglichkeiten der energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse moechte dieses Lehrbuch Rechnung tragen. Es zeigt aber auch die Grenzen auf, die mit der Energieversorgung durch Bioenergie einhergehen. Hohe Kosten und ein erhebliches Informationsdefizit behinderten bisher eine verstaerkte Nutzung dieses Energietraeges.
Letzterem soll dieses Lehrbuch entgegenwirken. Das vorliegende Lehrbuch wurde fuer die Aus - und Weiterbildung erstellt. Es richtet sich vor allem an angehende Land- und Forstwirte, Umwelttechniker, Heizungsbauer und Schornsteinfeger, ist aber auch fuer all diejenigen interessant, die das Thema ''Energie aus Biomasse'' verstehen und ueberblicken moechten. Bacillus subtilis genome diversity. Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization M-CGH is a powerful method for rapidly identifying regions of genome diversity among closely related organisms.
We used M-CGH to examine the genome diversity of 17 strains belonging to the nonpathogenic species Bacillus subtilis. Our M-CGH results indicate that there is considerable genetic heterogeneity among members of this species; nearly one-third of Bsuspecific genes exhibited variability, as measured by the microarray hybridization intensities. The variable loci include those encoding proteins involved in antibiotic production, cell wall synthesis, sporulation, and germination. The diversity in these genes may reflect this organism's ability to survive in diverse natural settings. Heat activation and stability of amylases from Bacillus species.
Fixed source, reactivity and a variety of criticality search calculations can be performed. The program can be operated as a module in the AUS scheme or as a stand-alone program. Die Szwojnickis waren eine Familie der Landesbeamten. Der Archivbestand der Familie Szwojnicki ist ein typisches Beispiel von Familienakten des nicht so wohlhabenden polnischen Adels, der die Gebiete Litauens bewohnte. Essential Bacillus subtilis genes.
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To estimate the minimal gene set required to sustain bacterial life in nutritious conditions, we carried out a systematic inactivation of Bacillus subtilis genes. Among approximate to4, genes of the organism, only were shown to be indispensable by this or previous work. Another 79 genes were The vast majority of essential genes were categorized in relatively few domains of cell metabolism, with about half involved in information processing, one-fifth involved in the synthesis of cell envelope and the determination of cell shape and division, and one-tenth related However, essential genes related to cell envelope, shape, division, and respiration tend to be lost from The ATP binding cassette ABC transporter Aus 1 is expressed under anaerobic growth conditions at the plasma membrane of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is required for sterol uptake.
These observations suggest that Aus 1 promotes the translocation of sterols across membranes, but the precise transport mechanism has yet to be identified. In this study, an extraction and purification procedure was developed to characterize the Aus 1 transporter. The detergent-solubilized protein was able to bind and hydrolyze ATP. Upon reconstitution into proteoliposomes, the ATPase activity of Aus 1 was specifically stimulated by phosphatidylserine PS in a stereoselective manner.
We also found that Aus 1-dependent sterol uptake, but not Aus 1 expression and trafficking to the plasma membrane, was affected by changes in cellular PS levels. These results suggest a direct interaction between Aus 1 and PS that is critical for the activity of the transporter. Fluorene biodegradation potentials of Bacillus strains isolated from Fluorene biodegradation potentials of Bacillus strains isolated from tropical African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13 14 , N-terminal amino acid sequence of Bacillus licheniformis alpha-amylase: The thermostable, liquefying alpha-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis was immunologically cross-reactive with the thermolabile, liquefying alpha-amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.
Their N-terminal amino acid sequences showed extensive homology with each other, but not with the saccharifying alpha-amylases of Bacillus subtilis. Bacillus velezensis is a later heterotypic synonym of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. This strain was previously identified as B. Based on these data and the lack of phenotypic distinctive characteristics, we propose Bacillus velezensis as a later heterotypic synonym of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Impacts of Bacillus thuringiensis var. The study assessed the impact of bio-larvicides- Bacillus thuringiensis var. Larval densities were determined using a standard WHO protocol at each study area prior to and after larviciding.
DNA fingerprinting and diversity analysis in Aus genotypes using microsatellite markers. A total of 91 microsatellite markers were tested for screening the genotypes. The number of alleles per locus ranged from four RM25 and RM to twenty seven RM, where average allele number was 9. Pair-wise genetic dissimilarity co-efficient showed the lowest genetic dissimilarity was found BRRI dhan42 and BRRI dhan43 and the highest genetic dissimilarity was found local landraces each other. Here it is shown that most Aus landraces is recognized to have broad genetic base.
Thus it is recommended to use these landraces for future breeding program or include new and untouched local landraces to incorporate new genes and broaden genetic base. Research evaluated the decontamination of Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus subtilis, and Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores on indoor surface material using formaldehyde gas. Spores were dried on seven types of indoor surfaces and exposed to ppm formaldehyde gas for 10 hr. MIRANDA is a data preparation module of the AUS reactor neutronics scheme and is used to prepare multigroup cross-section data which are pertinent to a particular reactor system from a general purpose multigroup library of cross sections.
The MIRANDA module includes a multiregion resonance calculation in slab, cylinder or cluster geometry, a homogeneous Bsub L flux solution, and a group condensation facility. Interaction with other AUS modules, particularly for burnup calculations, is provided. Bacillus cereus and related species. Bacillus cereus is a gram-positive aerobic or facultatively anaerobic spore-forming rod.
It is a cause of food poisoning, which is frequently associated with the consumption of rice-based dishes. The organism produces an emetic or diarrheal syndrome induced by an emetic toxin and enterotoxin, respectively. Other toxins are produced during growth, including phospholipases, proteases, and hemolysins, one of which, cereolysin, is a thiol-activated hemolysin. These toxins may contribute to the pa Carbohydrate metabolism in Bacillus subtilis. The glucose metabolism via the glycolytic pathway as well as via the oxidative and inoxidative hexose monophosphate pathways in Bacillus subtilis was studied applying 1- 14 C- and 6- 14 C-glucose, respectively, and determining labelled CO 2 and RNA.
A method for calculating the catabolic pathways was developed. A comparison of neutron resonance absorption in thermal reactor lattices in the AUS neutronics code system with Monte Carlo calculations. The calculation of resonance shielding by the subgroup method, as incorporated in the MIRANDA module of the AUS neutronics code system, is compared with Monte Carlo calculatons for a number of thermal reactor lattices. For the large range of single rod and rod cluster lattices considered, AUS results for resonance absorption were high by up to two per cent. Characterization of microsatellite loci in the stick insects Bacillus rossius rossius, Bacillus rossius redtenbacheri and Bacillus whitei Insecta: Five microsatellite markers were obtained from a dinucleotide enriched genomic library of the stick insect Bacillus rossius rossius.
The markers were tested in three species of Bacillus. All loci were polymorphic when tested across species. The number of alleles at each locus was low maximum four Isolation and characterization of cellulolytic Bacillus licheniformis Eight cellulose degrading bacteria were isolated from compost and were identified as Bacillus licheniformis by 16S rRNA sequencing. Among the eight isolates, Bacillus licheniformis B4, B7 and B8 showed the highest cellulase activity.
The autoregulation of the phenotypic populational variability of the Bacillus cereus strain was studied. The isolated colonial morphotypes of this bacterium were found to differ in their growth characteristics and the synthesis of extracellular proteases. The phenotypic variabilities of vegetative proliferating cells and those germinated from endospores and cystlike refractory cells were different. Bacterial variants also differed in the production of the d1 and d2 factors the autoinducers of dormancy and autolysis, respectively and sensitivity to them. The possible role of these factors in the dissociation of microorganisms is discussed.
Germination of Bacillus cereus spores: The Bacillus cereus sensu lato group forms a highly homogeneous subdivision of the genus Bacillus and comprises several species that are relevant for humans. Notorious is Bacillus anthracis , the cause of the often-lethal disease anthrax, while the insect pathogen Bacillus. These toxins may contribute to the pathogenicity of B. It is now recognized as an infrequent cause of serious nongastrointestinal infection, particularly in drug addicts, the immunosuppressed, neonates, and postsurgical patients, especially when prosthetic implants such as ventricular shunts are inserted.
Ocular infections are the commonest types of severe infection, including endophthalmitis, panophthalmitis, and keratitis, usually with the characteristic formation of corneal ring abscesses. Even with prompt surgical and antimicrobial agent treatment, enucleation of the eye and blindness are common sequelae. Septicemia, meningitis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, and surgical and traumatic wound infections are other manifestations of severe disease.
Simultaneous therapy via multiple routes may be required. Eine Analyse des Demokratisierungsprozesses aus Frauenperspektive Buchbesprechung: Eine Analyse des Demokratisierungsprozesses aus Frauenperspektive Full Text Available Review of the monograph: Eine Analyse des Demokratisierungsprozesses aus Frauenperspektive Wettenberg: Heat resistance of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus licheniformis spores in quarter-strength Ringer solution decreases markedly after ultrasonic treatments which are unable to kill a significant proportion of the spore population.
The use of ultrasonics to eliminate vegetative cells or to break aggregates in Bacillus spore suspensions to be used subsequently in heat resistance experiments appears to be unadvisable. Possible emissions from electricity generation from geothermal energy; Moegliche Emissionen bei der Stromerzeugung aus Geothermie. Electricity from geothermal energy in the low temperature range can be efficiently recovered if power plant processes are used with organic working fluids.
It is inevitable that a small part of the sometimes harmful fluids leaking from the plant - a conflict in the development of climate-friendly renewable energy actually. A short report of the Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Bayreuth, on behalf of UBA quantifies the emissions of fluorinated hydrocarbons for different development scenarios and emission rates. Dabei ist es nicht zu vermeiden, dass ein kleiner Teil der mitunter klimaschaedlichen Fluide, aus den Anlagen entweicht - ein Zielkonflikt beim Ausbau der eigentlich klimaschonenden erneuerbaren Energie.
The isotropic collision probability program ICPP is a module of the AUS neutronics code system which calculates first flight collision probabilities for neutrons in one-dimensional geometries and in clusters of rods. Neutron sources, including scattering, are assumed to be isotropic and to be spatially flat within each mesh interval. The module solves the multigroup collision probability equations for eigenvalue or fixed source problems. Exploring traditional aus -type rice for metabolites conferring drought tolerance.
Traditional varieties and landraces belonging to the aus -type group of rice Oryza sativa L. Using two aus -type Dular, N22 and two drought intolerant irrigated varieties IR64, IR74 an untargeted metabolomics analysis was conducted to identify drought-responsive metabolites associated with tolerance. The superior drought tolerance of Dular and N22 compared with the irrigated varieties was confirmed by phenotyping plants grown to maturity after imposing severe drought stress in a dry-down treatment.
Dular and N22 did not show a significant reduction in grain yield compared to well-watered control plants, whereas the intolerant varieties showed a significant reduction in both, total spikelet number and grain yield. The metabolomics analysis was conducted with shoot and root samples of plants at the tillering stage at the end of the dry-down treatment.
The data revealed an overall higher accumulation of N-rich metabolites amino acids and nucleotide-related metabolites allantoin and uridine in shoots of the tolerant varieties. In roots, the aus -type varieties were characterised by a higher reduction of metabolites representative of glycolysis and the TCA cycle, such as malate, glyceric acid and glyceric acidphosphate.
On the other hand, the oligosaccharide raffinose showed a higher fold increase in both, shoots and roots of the sensitive genotypes. The data further showed that, for certain drought-responsive metabolites, differences between the contrasting rice varieties were already evident under well-watered control conditions.
The drought tolerance-related metabolites identified in the aus -type varieties provide a valuable set of protective compounds and an entry point for assessing genetic diversity in the underlying pathways for developing drought tolerant rice and other crops. Rice is a vital staple crop for Bangladesh and surrounding countries, with interannual variation in yields depending on climatic conditions. Production of an aluminium heat exchanger coil; Fertigung eines gewickelten Waermetauschers aus Aluminium.
The heat exchangers presented in this contribution are the liquefier and subcooler of a two-component natural gas liquefaction plant to be exported to Australia, with a total heat exchanger surface that corresponds to the area of 8 soccer fields. Checkout of kinetic aspects, however, is difficult as kinetic codes are not freely available.
In this report POW has been checked against three benchmark calculations as well as a calculation on the KW Argonaut reactor Moata. The US 3M Company is the producer of the 'Scotchply' glass fibre prepreg which results in materials that can withstand higher dynamic loads than conventional glass fibre reinforced plastics. The new materials are used, e. This contribution presents tools for the engineer for calculation of leaf springs in consideration of the expected loads.
Dieser Vorteil wird in der industriellen Praxis genutzt, um den breiten Einsatzbereich von Blattfedern aus Stahl durch solche aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen zu erweitern.
Die Verarbeitung als Gelegeprepreg hat sich oekonomisch und oekologisch als eine guenstige Technologie bewaehrt. Die Prepregs werden im Wickelverfahren in die endgueltige Form gebracht oder zu Platten verpresst, aus denen die gewuenschten Werkstuecke mechanisch herausgearbeitet werden. Werkstoff und Geometrie koennen optimal an die Belastung angepasst werden. Mit dieser Veroeffentlichung soll dem Ingenieur eine Hilfe gegeben werden, solche Blattfedern entsprechend der spaeteren Beanspruchung zu berechnen. Theoretische Reflexionen werden nicht unbedingt untermauert, aber auch nicht negiert.
Der Beitrag will innerhalb des Jahrbuchs daran erinnern, dass hinter den theoretischen Debatten Menschen stehen, die sich miteinander austauschen und auseinandersetzen wollen. Use of vegetation health data for estimation of aus rice yield in bangladesh. A strong correlation was found between aus rice yield and VCI and VHI during the critical period of aus rice development that occurs during March-April weeks of the year , several months in advance of the rice harvest.
Stepwise principal component regression PCR was used to construct a model to predict yield as a function of critical-period VHI. Remote sensing is a valuable tool for estimating rice yields well in advance of harvest and at a low cost. Full Text Available Rice is a vital staple crop for Bangladesh and surrounding countries, with interannual variation in yields depending on climatic conditions. A strong correlation was found between aus rice yield and VCI and VHI during the critical period of aus rice development that occurs during March-April weeks 8—13 of the year, several months in advance of the rice harvest.
Current research efforts with Bacillus thuringiensis. The bioassay of strains of Bacillus thuringiensis Bt and 70 commercial preparations show that regression coefficient estimates may be as critical as LC5O estimates when evaluating them for future consideration.
Antimicrobial effect of lactobacillus and bacillus derived This study focused on the screening, production, extraction of biosurfactants from Lactobacillus and Bacillus bacteria and their antimicrobial properties against causal microorganisms of food borne infections food borne pathogens. The biosurfactants were investigated for potential antimicrobial activity using disk diffusion. Full Text Available The microbially derived polyhydroxyalkanoates biopolymers could impact the global climate scenario by replacing the conventional non-degradable, petrochemical-based polymer.
The biogenesis, characterization and properties of PHAs by Bacillus species using renewable substrates have been elaborated by many for their wide applications. On the other hand Bacillus species are advantageous over other bacteria due to their abundance even in extreme ecological conditions, higher growth rates even on cheap substrates, higher PHAs production ability, and the ease of extracting the PHAs.
Neue HSG-Publikationen – Oktober 2018
Bacillus species possess hydrolytic enzymes that can be exploited for economical PHAs production. This review summarizes the recent trends in both non-growth and growth associated PHAs production by Bacillus species which may provide direction leading to future research towards this growing quest for biodegradable plastics, one more critical step ahead towards sustainable development. Characterization of 21 Strains of Bacillus Anthracis. Twenty-one strains of Bacillus anthracis currently held in the culture collection at DRES were characterized by colonial morphology, antibiotic sensitivity and BiologTM metabolic identification profiles Molecular detection of TasA gene in endophytic Bacillus species Molecular detection of TasA gene in endophytic Bacillus species and characterization of the gene in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.
African Journal of Biotechnology AUS 98 is a modular system in which the modules are complete programs linked by a path given in the input stream. A simple path is simply a sequence of modules, but the path is actually pre-processed and compiled using the Fortran 77 compiler. This provides for complex module linking if required.
Some of the modules included in AUS 98 are: ICPP Isotropic collision probability calculation in one dimension and for rod clusters.
glucose-dehydrogenase aus bacillus: Topics by www.newyorkethnicfood.com
POW3D Multi-dimensional neutron diffusion calculation including feedback-free kinetics. CHAR Lattice and global burnup calculation. The genome sequence of Bacillus subtilis was published in and since then many other bacterial genomes have been sequenced, among them Bacillus licheniformis in Bacillus velezensis is not a later heterotypic synonym of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens; Bacillus methylotrophicus, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp.
Bacillus velezensis was previously reported to be a later heterotypic synonym of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens , based primarily on DNA-DNA relatedness values. We have sequenced a draft genome of B. It was instead synonymous with Bacillus methylotrophicus. The strain was demonstrated to have plant-pathogen antagonist activity in greenhouse assays, and the 16S rRNA gene was reported to have To better understand the phylogenetics of these closely related strains, we sequenced the genome of ' B.
Comparative genomic analysis showed only minor differences between this strain and the genomes of B. The results of morphological, physiological, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic analyses indicate that the strains share phenotype and genotype coherence. Therefore, we propose that B. Feather wastes digestion by new isolated strains Bacillus sp.
African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. Sich selbst und den anderen aus einer asymmetrischen Position verstehen — Die Kunst der Unterscheidung. Full Text Available Sich selbst und den Anderen zu kennen setzt immer eine asymmetrische Position voraus. Und gerade aus sich selbst sollen wir fragen und sprechen. Die Antwort auf diesen Kampf ist die Kunst der Unterscheidung. Production of amylolytic enzymes by bacillus spp. Sixty six bacteria and twenty fungi were isolated from various sources. These varied from rotten fruites to local drinks and soil samples from different parts of Sudan. On the basis of index of amylolytic activity, forty one bacteria and twelve fungi were found to hydrolyse strach.
Their amylase productivity was studied with respect to temperature and time. Amylolytic activity was measured by spectrophotometer, the highest activity was produced in around 24 hours of growth in all; six of which gave the highest amylase activity at 50 deg C and the rest at 45C. Based on the thermal production six isolates were chosen for further investigation. Soluble strach was found to be best substrate among the different carbon sources tested.
The maximum temperature for amylase activity. Extension of the AUS reactor neutronics system for application to fusion blanket neutronics. The AUS modular code scheme for reactor neutronics computations has been extended to apply to fusion blanket neutronics. The library includes neutron resonance subgroup parameters and temperature-dependent data for thermal neutron scattering matrices. The validity of the overall calculation system for fusion applications has been checked by comparison with a number of published conceptual design studies.
Ergebnisse aus der Electronic Commerce Enquete. It performs eigenvalue, source of feedback-free kinetics calculations. The module includes general criticality search options and extensive editing facilities including perturbation calculations. Output options include flux or reaction rate plot files. A MINI accelerated Gauss-Siedel method is used for upscatter iterations with group rebalance to enhance a convergence. Chebyshev source extrapolation is applied for outer iterations. A detailed index is included. Das Sample besteht aus Jugendlichen von Jahren , d In the AUS neutronics code system, the burnup module CHAR solves the nuclide depletion equations by an analytic technique in a number of spatial zones.
CHAR is usually used as one component of a lattice burnup calculation but contains features which also make it suitable for some global burnup calculations. BURNMAC is a simple accounting module based on the assumption that cross sections for a rector zone depend only on irradiation. BURNMAC is used as one component of a global calculation in which burnup is achieved by interpolation in the cross sections produced from a previous lattice calculation. Cyber-Security aus ordnungspolitischer Sicht: To evaluate the decontamination of Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus subtilis, and Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores on indoor surface materials using hydrogen peroxide gas.
Stearothermophilus spores were dried on seven Heat activation and stability of amylases from Bacillus species Ajayi Leitch and Collier sporulating Bacillus medium was used to isolate some strains of Bacillus species from soil, wastewater and food sources in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, by heat activation method.
Heat treatment at 80oC allowed the growth of sporulating Bacillus species, in the culture sample source without other bacteria The EDITAR module of the AUS neutronics code system edits one and two-dimensional flux data pools produced by other AUS modules to form reaction rates for materials and their constituent nuclides, and to average cross sections over space and energy. The module includes a Bsub L flux calculation for application to cell leakage. The module distinguishes between neutron and photon groups, and printed reaction rates are formed accordingly. Bilinear weighting may be used to obtain material reactivity worths and to average cross sections.
Bilinear weighting is at present restricted to diffusion theory leakage estimates made using mesh-average fluxes. Heat recovery from compressed air in sludge activation plants; Waermerueckgewinnung aus der Druckluft von Belebungsanlagen. Wasser und Boden e. The Herdorf sewage system is presented as an example of heat recovery from compressed air of the activation stage. Consumption of externally supplied fuel heating oil was minimised, and full-scale power generation from sewage gas provided additional income.
The key element of the heat recovery system is the air cooler with a matched double-shell heat exchanger. Temperatures and water volumes on the heating water side can be varied in order to ensure optimum heat supply to the air cooler at any time. The heat is used in the internal heating system to heat up the raw sludge in the fermentation process. Hierdurch konnte zum einen der Einsatz von Fremdbrennstoffen Heizoel auf ein Minimum reduziert und zum anderen konnten zusaetzliche Ertraege aus der vollstaendigen Verstromung des Faulgases erzielt werden. Kernstueck der Waermerueckgewinnungsanlage bildet der Luftkuehler und der darauf abgestimmte Doppelmantelrohr-Waermeuebertrager.
Von wesentlicher Bedeutung ist hierbei, dass auf der Heizkreiswasserseite mit variablen Heizwassermengen und korrespondierenden Temperaturen gefahren werden kann, um zu jedem Zeitpunkt die optimale Waerme durch den Luftkuehler bedarfsorientiert abgreifen zu koennen. Power from biomass; Zurueck zur Natur: Muenchen-Weihenstephan Germany ; Ising, M.
Excepting nuclear power, there are just two strategies to reduce global warming, i. The options of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are limited in our climate and their potential is nearly completely exploited in some regions already. Biomass is an interesting option. Its introduction should be speeded up as it takes about 50 - 60 years for a new technology to be fully accepted. Energiesparen und verstaerkter Einsatz regenerativer Energiequellen.
Finanzielle Foerderung aus oeffentlichen Mitteln und Garantiepreise bei der Stromerzeugung sollen den Weg gangbar machen. Sonne, Wind und Wasser eignen sich leider hierzulande nur begrenzt, teilweise ist ihr Potenzial schon weitgehend ausgeschoepft. Eine wichtige Ergaenzung des Angebots duerfte deshalb die Biomasse sein.