Freedom Road
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The component groups of the FRSO saw ultraleftism as the main error of the New Communist Movement and attempted to reverse what they saw as that movement's excessive divisiveness and sectarianism. Much of the theory regarding this comes from the African American Harry Haywood as laid out in resolutions at the Comintern in and The FRSO's position on the national question is a defining feature of its politics.
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In , the FRSO split into two competing organizations, each retaining the organization's name. Each of these groups considers itself to be the only legitimate Freedom Road Socialist Organization. In the s, members of the FRSO and its predecessor organizations worked to build the Rainbow Coalition , and supported both of Jesse Jackson 's campaigns for the presidency of the United States and They also worked on the successful campaign to get African-American progressive Harold Washington elected as mayor of Chicago in and reelected in In response to the fall of Eastern European governments, the Tiananmen Square protests of , and the fall of the Soviet Union in , two distinct positions began to emerge within the FRSO on how to assess the socialist countries.
One position saw the events of as indicative of a deep crisis in socialism that required what they called "left refoundation". The other position continued to assess the experience of socialist countries as essentially positive, and saw their defeats as the result of revisionism, not as a crisis of Marxism itself. This side continued to identify itself as Marxist-Leninist. At the organization's Congress, the group's highest decision-making body, a document explaining the official position of the organization was adopted entitled "On the Crisis of Socialism.
This internal division solidified throughout the s until the organization split in A new name never came to fruition, so the name reverted to "Freedom Road Socialist Organization". In , FRSO split into two groups, each retaining the organization's name. For a time after the split the two identically-named groups were identified by their respective publication's name — Freedom Road Magazine which was started by the Freedom Road freedomroad.
Newspaper which had been started as a region newspaper by Mid-western districts pre-split.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization - Wikipedia
The parenthetical terms are not used by either group to describe itself - both groups consider themselves to be the only legitimate Freedom Road Socialist Organization. For the remainder of this article, the two groups will be identified by their website address in order to remain objective, as neither group accepts any of the parenthetical qualifications of their name. The Left Refoundation strategy was advocated by those who saw Marxism as in deep crisis. The aim of the statement and strategy was to further elaborate a response to the "crisis of socialism".
It called for the construction of "a new type of political party" to unite with advanced sections of the masses, stressing collaboration across the left over strict adherence to Marxism-Leninism. Within the FRSO freedomroad. News is associated with the website frso. The organization operates according to democratic centralism , and it upholds an anti-revisionist political line towards the world communist movement.
The organization puts forward the line that "a single, unified, multinational communist party is needed to build the strategic alliance" in place of the pre-split unity document's "support and encourage[ment of] the independent organization of oppressed nationality revolutionaries and progressives, where they have determined it to be necessary," support which extends even to the formation of communist parties of a single nationality. They actively participate in the new Students for a Democratic Society.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Freedom Road has historically not had an organizational program, instead having a "Unity Statement". Historically it is more common for communist parties and organizations to have a program. A New Period and Our Tasks. This Congress produced a statement from the organization, a main political report, and seven resolutions on different areas of struggle, including the immigrant rights movement.
The FBI agents seized computers, books, written material, cell phones, family portraits, clothing and other items that they deemed political. The search warrants and subpoenas indicated that the FBI was looking for evidence related to the "material support of terrorism".
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In the process of raiding an activist's home, FBI agents accidentally left behind a file of secret FBI documents showing that the raids were aimed at people who were or were suspected of being members of the FRSO frso. The documents revealed a series of questions that agents would ask activists regarding their involvement in the FRSO frso. News and includes a Spanish-language section called Lucha y Resiste. News in print and online. This document was adopted in light of the collapse of the Soviet bloc in Eastern Europe and the crushing of the pro-democracy movement in China in It stressed an interpretation of Marxism-Leninism as a scientific ideology of socialist revolution rather than as an orthodoxy or dogma.
The document restated FRSO's support of the dictatorship of the proletariat while clarifying its line against the interpretation of this concept as a "massive repressive state apparatus over and above the people. According to an article on its website, "Toward a Critical Reassessment of Maoism," [18] this is a problem it also sees in "Stalinian Marxism" or Stalinism.
Its theoretical materials stress the "intersections" of these struggles, with each other and with the struggles of feminism , LGBT liberation, and the labor movement ; that is, oppressors and forms of oppression and goals that they hold in common. This document states that, "The main task of socialists in this period is to win a significant minority of the US population to oppose the program of planetary military control, or empire, which Bush and company are implementing.
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