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In recent years, each of these countries has adopted its own militarized approach to law enforcement and each has experienced surges in violence that rank them among the most violent countries on earth. Studies show that this violence has been a major factor in the sharp uptick in the number of migrants from these countries that flee to Mexico and the U.
Of course the U. Department of Defense launched the School of the Americas later renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, or WHINSEC , where thousands of military officials from around Latin America received counterinsurgency training, ostensibly so as to defend their countries against Soviet-promoted communism. The Cold War may have officially ended in , but U. In addition, the U. These and other agreements allow the U. The aggregate result of U.
Maintaining this control has been a priority for the U. In June of , U. As described earlier, the U. In the weeks that followed, protests broke out throughout the country and were violently repressed by military and police forces using live ammunition, leading to dozens of deaths of unarmed demonstrators. With regard to the U. Negotiated under George H. Bush, approved under Clinton, and strongly supported by George W. The economic nationalists close to Trump hope to rewrite the agreement in a manner that restores protections for some U.
These policies have been a boon to U. The result was the end of a cycle of vigorous economic development for much of the region and two decades of largely stagnant growth , with declining social indicators and the selling off of public services. The results were largely very positive , with significant upticks in economic growth and a reduction in poverty and inequality levels. Over the last few years, economic turbulence—resulting in part from falling commodity prices and other external factors—has contributed to neoliberal, right-wing actors retaking power.
As examined previously, U. As a result the U.
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And these fears may be well founded. For one, there is little appetite in the region for more neoliberal reforms. It is interesting to note, for instance, that massive protests have taken place in three countries where the IMF has recently become involved in economic policymaking: Argentina , Haiti , and Nicaragua though in the latter the protests appear to have received additional support from U. In other words, despite the U. Though the risk of a return to dictatorial regimes is no longer a far-fetched possibility, particularly when one considers recent developments in places like Brazil where a popular former president has been jailed on unproven charges , or Honduras where the U.
But the current U. China has also become a major investor in the region, and its credit lines, mostly for energy and infrastructure projects, now surpass the combined financing of the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank. From the perspective of senior U. But the Latin American resistance to the U. The latest sign of resistance comes from Mexico, where decades of neoliberalism and a failed and devastating U.
This article was produced by the Independent Media Institute. The shark dive that can be arranged from Pacific Harbour is -by some divers- regarded as the best shark dive in the world, attracting up to eight different species of sharks. Somosomo Strait is another Fiji Diving Highlight.
This channel between Taveuni and Vanua Levu is famous for its soft corals. Namena Marine Park is a protected barrier reef with a fantastic selection of both hard and soft corals. The beautiful selection of corals, and both small and large marine life makes Fiji diving excellent for underwater photography. Getting to Fiji is easy from both the United States and Australia. International flights come in to Nadi airport, on Vitu Levu, from where visitors can easily catch domestic flights to their dive destination of choice. Most reputable resorts and liveaboards will offer pick-ups from the local airport.
The seasons on Fiji can be divided into wet and dry season, with a few transitional months in between. The dry season, between June and October, usually offers better visibility, but the water temperature is colder, between 24 and 27 degrees Celsius, and winds can be stronger.
The wet season runs from December to April, when the water temperature reaches anywhere up to 30 degrees Celsius, winds generally die down, and visibility is slightly less but still good. The Beqa Lagoon shark dive is by far the most famous and thrilling dive in Fiji. Some divers may even argue that it is the best shark dive in the world.
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Up to eight species of sharks can be encountered during the shark dives, including blacktip reef sharks, white tip reef sharks, silvertip sharks and bullsharks. The tidal currents of the Somosomo Strait have created an ideal environment for corals and other marine creatures to flourish. One of the results of this is the magnificent Rainbow Reef, a vertical drop that attracts a wealth of pelagic marine life. The Great White Wall is one of the most popular dive sites and owes its name to the white soft coral that covers the entire wall.
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Up to 11 swim throughs follow one after the other through spectacular coral formations. Groupers, barracuda and turtles are frequent visitors in this area. The topography offers an interesting variation of swim throughs, channels and tunnels. This site is heaven for underwater photographers, both wide angle and macro, since the site is home to a nice variety of nudibranchs and blennies. Pelagic fish are attracted to the two sides of the pinnacle that are most subject to currents, whereas the protected sides of the sea mount are overgrown with beautiful soft coral and sea fans.
A swim through called the Cathedral is a specific highlight of this dive. Beqa Adventure divers offers the most thrilling dive in Fiji. Their shark dive offers a chance to see up to eight different species of sharks in two adrenaline-rushing dives. When diving the Somosomo Strait, divers have different options according to their budget. For those on a more limited budget and those wanting to stay in a more low-key Fijian getaway, Dolphin Bay Divers offers a chance to get away from it all and experience the real Fiji while still having the top dive sites of Rainbow reef at the doorstep.
They offer a two-tank manta dive day trip to the other side of the island. The resort itself is small and offers only 10 traditional bungalows. Beqa Lagoon Resort is a small and spacious island retreat. Built in traditional island decor, Beqa Lagoon is a perfect exclusive getaway that happens to be surrounded by miles of pristine coral reef.
Dives in the area include stunning reef dives, wreck dives and shark encounters. This comfortable, custom-built liveaboard vessel houses up to 18 divers and offers excellent facilities that include a spacious dive deck, dry camera space, and fresh, locally-grown food.
Check out WKU in the News page. Visit the WKU Alumni website. In December —three months after Hurricane Maria devasted Puerto Rico—Puerto Rican officials reported that 64 people had died on the island as a result of Maria. But in late August, the Puerto Rican government including Gov. As time went by, it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like After Trump denied that almost people died in Puerto Rico as a result of Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rican government officials—having witnessed the devastation first hand—were indignant, including Gov.
I ask the president to recognize the magnitude of Hurricane Maria and continue working with my government to ensure a full recovery of the American citizens of Puerto Rico. In the Republican Party, the pressure to blindly support President Trump regardless of what he says or does can be intense—especially if a senator or representative is seeking reelection in the midterms. How could you be so self-centered and try to distort the truth so much?
But the Nicaragua-born Navarro, in fact, is a right-wing Republican who worked closely with Jeb Bush when he was governor of Florida and the late Sen. Diana DeGette, who has been representing Colorado in the U. House of Representatives since , visited Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria—and she has asserted that the destruction she saw was by no means fake news. He should be working with Congress to strengthen Maria rebuilding efforts and prevent future failures.
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He risks breaking a connection forged during the Enlightenment, at the foundation of democracy: Talks scheduled Thursday at the State Department come as national security agencies and members of Congress express frustration about the lack of answers about what the U. S says were deliberate attacks on some two dozen staffers at the U. Embassy in the Cuban capital. Recent reports have suggested investigators have narrowed their suspicions about to cause and culprit.
It did not offer additional details, although the department has played down or denied reports that investigators have focused on a microwave device as the source of the attacks and that Russia is the leading suspect. Those reports have raised protests from Cuba, which does not dispute the symptoms but insists there is no evidence to support any assertion that they were caused by premeditated attacks on its soil.
Cuba has repeatedly denounced the U. Embassy workers in Cuba, as well as one at the U. The range of symptoms and diagnoses includes mild traumatic brain injury, also known as concussion. The last case from Havana was confirmed in June. Those were the first confirmed cases in Havana since August The official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. In congressional testimony last week, State Department medical personnel suggested they had shared more information with China about the incident in Guangzhou than they had with the Cubans about what has happened in Havana.
In two classified briefings with congressional aides and lawmakers last week, the officials repeated that they had not come to any conclusions about what caused the injuries or who might be responsible for them, according to officials familiar with the meetings. Initial speculation had centered on some type of sonic attack, owing to strange sounds heard by those affected.
But an interim FBI report in January found no evidence that sound waves could have caused the damage. Since its launch in , the accelerator has invested in more than 1, startups. It provides an unrivalled set of functionality to help you access, transfer and recover your iPhone or iCloud data. With iPhone Backup Extractor, you can: Copy and print text messages, WhatsApp messages, and other data from your iPhone Transfer photos and other content from your iPhone via iTunes and iCloud backups to your computer Transfer contacts from iPhone to iPhone with a handy export function Download all of your photos from iCloud, via iCloud Photo Library or the Photo Stream Recover your forgotten restrictions passcode Repair and extract data from corrupt iTunes backups.
Latino graduates of Hispanic Serving Institutions HSIs that have inclusive environments with strong support systems and career services to help Latino students succeed are more likely than the general college-education population to have fulfilling professional, personal, and social lives, according to a new Gallup and Excelencia in Education survey released today. More than 65 percent of all Latino students attend HSIs , which unlike other minority-serving institutions are classified on the basis of their enrollment of Latinos rather than an explicit mission to serve their Latino students.
The study surveyed graduates of a group of twelve HSIs in the Excelencia in Action Network, a national network of postsecondary institutions committed to preparing Latino students with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities needed to succeed in the workforce and their communities.
Looking at long-term success, the study measured outcomes of HSI and non-HSI graduates on traditional metrics such as employment rates and income levels, as well as nontraditional metrics including community engagement and well-being. These institutions were selected because of their implementation of evidence-based programs and strategies, such as mentoring, experiential learning, and actively engaged professors that have been proven to accelerate Latino student success and degree completion. According to the U. Indeed, in certain areas Latino graduates of the institutions we surveyed were exceeding non-Latino graduates in having these key experiences on campus.
Enabling students in this fast-growing demographic to have these experiences will lead to better outcomes in work and life and will position institutions as incubators of thriving graduates. Excelencia network graduates believe their alma mater created an inclusive environment for the success of all students. There are areas of opportunity that could further support graduates in finding jobs and learning skills that carry over into the workplace.
Excelencia in Education has working relationships with leaders at the participating institutions through various efforts related to Latino student success. All participating institutions use evidence-based programs and resources to accelerate Latino student success and are part of the Excelencia in Action network E-Action.
Excelencia in Education accelerates Latino student success in higher education by promoting Latino student achievement, conducting analysis to inform educational policies, and advancing institutional practices while collaborating with those committed and ready to meet our mission. For more information, visit: Gallup delivers analytics and advice to help leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems.
Combining more than 80 years of experience with its global reach, Gallup knows more about the attitudes and behaviors of employees, customers, students and citizens than any other organization in the world. For more information, visit www. El presidente de EE. Basta para comprenderlo un ejemplo: Los antecedentes de esta conducta son notorios y no debieron pasar desapercibidos al Organismo. Se destinaron a la fuga de capitales, de modo que tampoco engrosaron las reservas ni proveyeron mayor estabilidad financiera.
En efecto, pese a este proceso de acelerado y cuantioso sobre-endeudamiento, las reservas internacionales, que se encontraban en USD Pero, llamativamente, la exorbitante cifra de USD Una verdadera bomba de tiempo financiera. Las tan publicitadas "salvaguardas" que establece el Acuerdo aplicables "en caso de que las condiciones sociales empeoren" parecen una burla a quienes hoy ya ven peligrar sus haberes jubilatorios, salarios, empleos o directamente sufren hambre. Leemos otra carta a Lagarde en este caso remitida por Guillermo Moreno. Es por ello que he comisionado al Lic. Rafael Perelmiter y al Lic.
La primera vez fue protocolar y la segunda y tercera tuvieron que ver con la libertad de prensa de los corresponsales norteamericanos. New York Fashion Week arguably lacks the bite and bubbling hype of other events, like its Paris and London-based counterparts. However, if you look closer, you begin to uncover a motley assortment of vibrant ingenuity. Despite NYFW's status of the black sheep of the large Fashion Weeks, you can count on a consistent array of strong presentations, with a select few rising to the top of the heap.
This week was no different -- these were the five best shows of the season, in no particular order. Wetsuits were worn folded over like overalls, transformed into apron dresses, worn under distressed sharkbitten? Meanwhile influence from The Graduate yielded cap-and-gown layers and blazers that dressed up the swimwear. Indeed, the spectacle around the show was perhaps even more important than the clothes themselves, as it represented another significant step towards streetwear and high fashions slow march towards unity. Trucker jackets were gently elongated and softened with satin, while nipped double-breasted blazers were layered over oversized shirts, undercutting the masculine origin of tailoring with summer pastel shades.
Staple garments are subtly rearranged, with internal pockets placed on the back of a vented blazer, a boxy short sleeve shirt cushioned by pink satin and trench coats that swap rain-repelling cotton gabardine for breathable organic textiles. Deveaux Deveaux Deveaux Deveaux Deveaux. Su efectividad es 4. Antes de comenzar la temporada de Grandes Ligas, el piloto de los Astros, A. Ojo con lo que dijo el Manager de Caribes sobre Armenteros, lo que podria indicar que ellos trataran de contratarlo, aunque ya tienen firmados a nueve y ninguno es el:.
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