The Pet Dragon: A Story about Adventure, Friendship, and Chinese Characters
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The pet dragon : a story about adventure, friendship, and Chinese characters
Please verify that you are not a robot. Would you also like to submit a review for this item? You already recently rated this item. Your rating has been recorded. Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. By ingeniously integrating written Chinese characters into the illustrations as the story progresses, Christoph Niemann has created a book that is engrossing, unique, and memorable. The Pet D Meet Lin and her pet dragon! The Pet Dragon is a playful introduction to the fascinating world of Chinese language and culture. You are invited to join Lin for an adventure you will not soon forget!
Hardcover , 40 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Pet Dragon , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Dec 19, Dani - Perspective of a Writer rated it it was amazing Shelves: Check out more Picture book reviews Perspective of a Writer A playful introduction to written Chinese characters Lin receives a gift of a baby dragon The idea for this book was quite ingenious.
It's not meant to teach you to say the words or even really learn words to use in a conversation. It is simply to make written Chinese characters accessible to childr Check out more Picture book reviews Perspective of a Writer It is simply to make written Chinese characters accessible to children. I was attracted to the ART!
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It is the best sort of computer art and I knew my nephew would get a kick out of the dragon It's quite odd to have these stark black characters stuck into the beautiful illustrations! Because of that my nephew and I ended up picking the final illustration to draw since the characters were in the sky and not over faces. There really isn't a message to the book though friendship is certainly hinted at.
I do think though the book fulfills its purpose. I do like that the little story linked the pictures and I do think that if you want to expose your child to another language early on then this book does that and would be great in a home library! The art truly is engaging and I believe the concept comes across even to little children.
The story is such that you could repeat it often for younger kids and spin wild tangents with older children! A dragon book teach Chinese characters!
Editorial Reviews
See my picture book reviews in a special feature called Boo's Picture Gallery Aug 27, Kate rated it really liked it Shelves: Story wise, the book was just so-so. What I did think was great about the book is how the illustrator integrates Chinese characters into the illustrations in a way that makes the characters understandable. I found that once I had read the book I could identify some of the characters on the last page.
I think this book would be a great addition for collections that need preschool-early grade school titles on China. Jul 05, Tatiana rated it liked it Shelves: This is the coolest book that I've read in awhile! The story itself--a girl losing her pet dragon and going on an adventure to find him--only facilitates the ingenious idea to introduce written Chinese characters through the illustrations. This is one big, visual mnemonic device for remembering what the words that the characters represent. I fully support this method, because it relates to the learning theory of environmental contextualization, and can be applicable for students with various lea This is the coolest book that I've read in awhile!
I fully support this method, because it relates to the learning theory of environmental contextualization, and can be applicable for students with various learning styles: In the classroom, I would use this for so many different lessons. One that pops out at me is having the students research other Chinese characters and label items in the classroom using the design principles of the book's illustrations.

Jul 05, Virginia rated it liked it Recommended to Virginia by: What a cool book! And who knew that my son already read it at school and knew the Chinese characters? I was very pleased. The school is totally worth my money!
The Pet Dragon – Christoph Niemann
Although I think some of the Chinese characters were inaccurate or not what I learned , I did appreciate the pictures making the Chinese characters make more sense. I enjoyed all the pictures and the story was interesting.
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- The Pet Dragon by Christoph Niemann.
Jul 19, Alex not a dude Baugh rated it did not like it Shelves: When my daughter was learning Chinese in high school, she used to have a character book in which she would write each character she had to learn that day over and over. Each character, she would tell me, is like a picture of its meaning. And when you read Christoph Niemann's cleverly written book The Pet Dragon, you can really see how true that it.
The story is simple - a young girl, Lin, is given a pet baby dragon as a gift. Lin and the dragon do everything together, but when the dragon shatter When my daughter was learning Chinese in high school, she used to have a character book in which she would write each character she had to learn that day over and over. Lin and the dragon do everything together, but when the dragon shatters a vase, Lin's father insists he be put in a cage.
The next morning, the cage is empty and the dragon has left. We will contact you if necessary. To learn more about Copies Direct watch this short online video. How do I find a book? Can I borrow this item? Can I get a copy? Can I view this online? Members of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Maori communities are advised that this catalogue contains names and images of deceased people.
Book , Online - Google Books. Dragons -- Juvenile fiction. Pets -- Juvenile fiction.