The English Bride (Mills & Boon Cherish) (Legends Of The Outback, Book 3)
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The English Bride (The Legends of the Outback #3) by Margaret Way
Coulson - - pages. The Boyfriend Game by Dionne M. Speight - - pages. The Bracelet by Karen Smith - - pages. The Bracelet by Karen Rose Smith - - pages. The Brass Ring by Kay Stephens - - pages.
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I can only say that I feel sorry for Ms. Way if she thinks that a verbally abusive man is, in any way, a romantic figure for the general public. It makes me wonder what type of relationships she has had in the past. They story was 'okay', but I found the man rude and nasty, even if his inner feelings were the opposite. I will not buy any more books by this author. I was surprised by the lengthy paragraphs and descriptions, since I thought Harlequin preferred more concise writing. Way is an Australian writer, and her books take place in her home country.
As a result, spellings and vernacular are different than American English, and sometimes pleasant to note. Everything about this novel was grandiose-- the characters, setting and plot were all over-the-top. Few nouns appeared without an adjective-- sometimes two or three.
The heroine was an independent woman, the hero domineering. I found them somewhat likeable though, as I mentioned, over-the-top.
Legends Of The Outback Cherish mini series
Some descriptions of Rafe as "Raphael, her angel" were very purple prose. My favorite parts were toward the end, when the hero and heroine were isolated in the Outback wilderness together.

My least favorite parts were tie-in characters from the previous and next books in the series-- I didn't care to hear their point of view, and they detracted from the story. Get to Know Us. Not Enabled Word Wise: Enabled Average Customer Review: Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? See our Returns Policy.