Tempted By The Storm (The Academy Series Book 2)
There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Eugenie Commit to Something. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. She spends a lot of time neglecting her kingdom and pretending that she is normal in the human world. She honestly drives me a little crazy. Sometimes she is bad-ass and then other times she is just a complete mess trying to avoid any responsibility to anything. I just wanted her to accept her choices and own them, instead of hiding. The characters in this that I really liked the most were Dorian because he is a pretty fun guy even when machinating and finagling Eugenia into places she needs to be and Jasmine.
I will give props to the twist toward the end. Mass Market Paperback Verified Purchase. Eugenie has finally admitted to her romantic interest in King Dorian. He has turned out to be a supportive friend, ally, and teacher throughout her reign as the Thorn Queen. He has also been there for her when Kiyo was not. After Eugenie's involvement in killing a prince from another Otherworld kingdom in book 2, the Thorn lands are under attack.
As battles ensue and lives are lost, Eugenie learns of a powerful Fey object, the Iron Crown, which can help her bring peace to her people. The Iron Crown is feared by the Fey because iron is deadly to all of them. But because Eugenie is part human, she should be able to obtain it. The search that follows is extremely dangerous, and because Dorian cannot get close to the crown, it winds up being Kiyo who accompanies her on her quest.
During the journey, Eugenie must face deadly creatures and powerful magic, but it is betrayal and anger that cause her the most harm. In the end, it is the prophecy of the Storm King's daughter that seals her destiny. She finally learns who she can really trust. After reading a few reviews from people who clearly didn't like this book, I can honestly say that I agree with most of what they didn't like about Eugenie's choices in the story.
In the first 2 books in the series, I found Eugenie to be rational, logical, strong and intelligent. Those are certainly great qualities in a heroine, but they can also be a little boring and predictable over the course of a series of books. In this book, Eugenie makes one particular idiotic decision that made me so angry that I literally threw the book across my room after reading the section.
Understandably, some readers might not like that kind of reaction to a story or character. I surprisingly found that I did like it. I read well over novels per year on average, and I have NEVER had such an angry reaction to a book that I felt compelled to throw it. I was so overwhelmed by my strong feelings that I eventually picked up the book and finished the rest of it in one sitting.
It wound up being my favorite book in the series. Who says that we have to love the main character throughout the entire series??? I never would have expected the choices she made, and that is why I liked this book so much.
Druid Temptation
I think it is our imperfections and mistakes that make life interesting. Eugenie has definitely shown that she can make a mess out of her life just like anyone else. Not very queenly to be sure, but definitely interesting. I can't wait to read the next book to see if she can learn from her stupid mistakes and redeem herself. In the mean time, the characters of Dorian and Kiyo stay consistent to what you have previously either loved or hated in them.
I happen to be pro-Dorian and anti-Kiyo, and this installment did not change my position. In fact, Eugenie's stupid choices actually strengthened my feelings toward the other characters. Instead of just liking Dorian, I now think he is a saint. I think it takes a talented writer to evoke such strong feelings from her readers about her characters.
I've become a big fan of this series, mostly due to the surprising twists and turns in each book. It is very unpredictable, and I've enjoyed that element. I just purchased the final book in the series, Shadow Heir, and I plan to start reading it tonight. This series should appeal to fans of both Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance genres. Have all on audio 4th time thru. I am disgusted with the negative reviews of this book.
I get so sick of series that are like carbon copies of each other. See all reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Iron Crowned Dark Swan, Book 3. Set up a giveaway. Pages with related products. See and discover other items: There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime.
I am sorry that this book is ended, only because I love the main characters. Nov 09, Farrah rated it liked it. With a sweet romance and intriguing espionage, Twice Tempted was a lovely book and I enjoyed reading it. Fiona was a mostly good heroine. She was extremely smart, very protective over her sister, and unrelentingly resilient.
For that, I liked her. However, she also had a tendency to assume the worst, which was somewhat justified given her background. But, it became vaguely annoying when she kept up with that habit in regards to Alex, even after he had done enough to earn her trust several times o With a sweet romance and intriguing espionage, Twice Tempted was a lovely book and I enjoyed reading it.
But, it became vaguely annoying when she kept up with that habit in regards to Alex, even after he had done enough to earn her trust several times over. Especially when it led her to do some uncharacteristically impulsive things. Other than that, though, I thought she was great. He was sweet and very loyal to his loved ones. However, I wish there had been more to him.
I got that he was a good man who carried the burden of guilt heavily, but not much of a deeper sense of who he was. It wasn't an issue, but it would have been nice to get to know more about him. The other two major characters who had their own secondary romance were Chuffy and Mairead. I thought both were great. They were both out of the ordinary, but they were perfectly matched for each other. Chuffy was so genuinely kind and adorable and Mairead was an interesting character herself.
I liked them both. The romance between Fiona and Alex was good. I did like them together and they definitely had chemistry. Oddly enough, though, I was actually more invested in Chuffy and Mairead's romance. Perhaps it was because I found them to be more interesting or maybe it was because they seemed to fit perfectly together, but I was really into their relationship. But, I thought both romances were lovely.
I had one final issue with the book and it was that there was just too much going on. There were a lot of conflicts introduced and it didn't feel like they were all resolved. Take Minette Ferrar, for example. She was introduced and seemed like she would act as a major obstacle but, other than a few further mentions, I didn't get anything else about her. An unnecessary blackmail scheme was another extraneous conflict. I just wish that one conflict had been focused on and delved into deeply.
The plot was good and kept me interested. Despite the issues I had, I still enjoyed the story and I liked it overall. Twice Tempted was an enjoyable historical romance. It might not have been perfect, but it was a good read. Romance lovers, this might be one you'll want to check out. Nov 25, Evelyn rated it really liked it Shelves: Originally reviewed for Buried Under Romance www. I could tell right away, however, that the characters were going to be unique and the plot complex, so I decided to push through and give it a chance.
I was not disappointed. The heroine of this well-written novel is Lady Fiona Ferguson Hawes who, along with her eccentric twin sister Mairead, are no longer welcome in London society or in the home of their grandfather, the Marquess of Leyburn, due to the suspected treasonous actions of their late brother Ian. What neither he nor the sisters know is that the Marquess had been using women as pawns in his own treasonous activities, and that when they left his home, they unknowingly carried crucial evidence that put them in serious danger. Twice Tempted is a well-researched, well-written account of covert activities that took place during the Regency period.
The tale of espionage is carefully woven around the compelling story of the two very interesting, intelligent young ladies and the men who loved them and wanted to protect them at all costs.
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While I would suggest, if possible, that the other books in the series be read first, this book is worth reading, even as a standalone story. This was the first novel by Eileen Dreyre that I have read, and I was impressed by the amount of research that she had done and her ability to craft a complex plot with memorable characters.
I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Nov 24, Ivyd rated it really liked it. Though evident that a lot of water has already passed under the bridge I never felt lost or that vital information was missing. Fortunately for readers this could describe many historical romances available today 4.
Fortunately for readers this could describe many historical romances available today. We truly have an embarrassment of riches. Fiona and Alex are secondary characters from previous books. Both are strong and used to protecting and putting others first. Her resourcefulness, honor, loyalty, and responsibility are incredible. Alex Knight aka the White Knight. Alex feels responsible for others. The trait is both a blessing and a curse. Truly, a picture perfect hero and heroine but….. Not only do they shine brightly but they cast a warm glow, enriching both the plot and characters around them.
Deyer would be added to my list for intelligent, richly peopled, complexly plotted writing; however the addition of those three characters has placed her at the top. Mairead, Chuffy, and, Lady Bea, as difficult and different as they are, have completely beguiled me. Dec 25, Melanie rated it it was amazing. I looked forward to it ever since the introduction of these two in Ms. Plot, pace and all else is secondary to me. I am in heaven when an author goes out of her way to give me complex, smart characters stuck in difficult and untenable situations.
There is only a handful out there these days that can do that for me, and she is right up at the top. Fiona and Alex separately of each other are strong characters, but together they are invincible. I loved this chick so much. It seemed to me that whatever ills that she survived in her young and tender age, had shaped her character and ready her for that day when Alex would finally notice her as a woman who she is.
I loved the way her wit and intelligence as well as her beauty were seen by Alex. Theirs is a romance for the romantic in all of us. People, this romance was sweet and tender and funny. Melanie for b2b Complimentary copy provided by the publisher Nov 15, Mary rated it it was amazing Shelves: I really enjoyed the complex plot of this spy-thriller-romance. Brilliant young astronomers and mathematicians, Fiona and Mairead Ferguson, once had to survive on the streets in their childhood. After finally coming to live with their grandfather, the heartless marquess of Hawesworth, they thought they had some measure of safety.
But when given the news that their brother died in a traitorous plot, the marquess tosses them back out onto the streets. Fiona then has to figure out how to survive an I really enjoyed the complex plot of this spy-thriller-romance. Fiona then has to figure out how to survive and provide a place where Mairead can continue her studies. While brilliant, Mairead would today probably be diagnosed as somewhere on the autism spectrum, so the challenge is extra daunting. Alex Knight had to deliver the bad news of his friend's death to the ladies, but this was not his first encounter with the lovely Fiona.
She had once tried to run away from her school to get to her sister, and Alex had retrieved her. He had also stolen a kiss from her and had never forgotten that moment. Now armed with new knowledge that exonerates Ian Ferguson, Alex and his friend Chuffy, who are both members of Drakes Rakes spy organization, have to find the women and restore them to their proper place in society.
Caught in the middle of the plot by the traitorous group called the Lions, the women have to earn a living, avoid detection, survive an assassin, clear their names, break a code, stop the Lions, and try to find their own happiness. Alex had always been called the "White Knight," but he feels such guilt over the secrets of his past, that he may be the one who needs saving this time around. Now, of course, I'm going to have to read the rest of the Drakes Rakes series to learn all about the other characters that play a part.
The overall spy plot is not completely cleared up, so I'm sure further adventures await. Nov 22, Mary Gramlich rated it it was amazing. Lady Fiona was being thrown out on the street to fend for herself and her sister, yet again. She knew how to survive and take care even before her brother rescued her into the care of her despicable grandfather who is now embarrassed to call them family.
Yet there is a man that is determined to care of them, Alex Knight, Viscount Whitmore that is going to right this unjustified expulsion. Alex was determined to restore them to their proper place in society by Fiona was more than happy to stay tea Lady Fiona was being thrown out on the street to fend for herself and her sister, yet again.
Alex was determined to restore them to their proper place in society by Fiona was more than happy to stay teaching and helping those that needed it as much as she because uncertainty has been her way of living for too long. But once real danger comes to take down their home and livelihood Alex steps in to rescue them and remind Fiona was he truly is the White Knight she needs. They has more than tender feelings for one another but have always held back thinking that the other too good for them when in fact each longed for the tender touch affection could provide.
When Fiona and her sister have beyond a normal working knowledge of math and astronomy that has given them an ability to unlock secret enemy code and information that could bring down a diabolical traitor the tables are turned showing suspicion onto them. Alex has much to consider when choosing sides and even though he believes Fiona is not capable of this is the doubt in his answer to her question of trust going to break their bond?
When the chase is on and the decision to join or deny his love for Fiona, Alex never hesitates but to choose the woman he knows is his destiny for eternal love. Fiona may hesitate to trust but she never stops loving regardless of where they are or how they get to the place they are supposed to be. Love will always find you! Oct 18, Jaci rated it it was amazing. Twice Tempted is the sixth book in the Drake Rakes Series, but you can read it as a stand alone book. If you have not read a book by Eileen I would highly recommend that you start with the first book in the series and read all six of them.
You will not be disappointed.
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Eileen writes intricate plots that draw you in to the story and keep you on the edge to the very end. If you are looking for a simple read this author is not for you. Her characters are compelling, complicated individuals who have Twice Tempted is the sixth book in the Drake Rakes Series, but you can read it as a stand alone book. Her characters are compelling, complicated individuals who have experienced all manner of emoitional turmoil, they are strong, intelligent,, and have braved dangerous intrigue, treacherous villains, death, and most important love.
This story is filled with suspense, passion, revenge, forgiveness and a very refreshing wit. The historical details are fascinating. You also get to see how the characters from the previous books fit into the bigger picture and how they are connected to each other. The reason you should read her books is because she writes richly emotional love stories with beautiful characters and remarkably satisfying endings.
I never miss one of her books and you shouldn;t either. I received this book from Netgalley for an honest review. Jan 09, Tina Ullrich rated it really liked it. I am a very firm believer in giving enough information to draw a picture in your mind. With that being said I did enjoy this book and found it to be great characters, believable in context. They give you a feeling that you are there with them.
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I found the first third of the book to be a slow read as well as with the plot line. Once past that part the rest of the book flows very smoothly and keeps you inthralled with what is happening. This story reminds me of Cinderella and Snow White combined. You have the Villainist Grandfather from a cross between both the stepmother and the evil queen. Then there is Fiona which is a cross between Snow White helping all she can and Cinderella taking what she can and making the best of it. Alex is the "White Knight" wanting to save his damsel in distress, only to find out she doesn't really need saving just someone to love her.
The conflict they face is great reading and add the minor characters into the mix is compelling. It would have been great to have Mairead's story seperate but with them being twins it is hard to do that. Dec 07, Ellen Parker rated it really liked it. When news arrives that their brother has died an accused traitor, their grandfather turns them out. Alex Knight and his friend, Chuffy Wilde, believe they carry the good news that Ian Ferguson lives and has been cleared of all crimes.
Instead, they learn his sisters, the twins, have Twins in Unexpected Trouble Fiona Ferguson always looks out for her twin, the impractical Mairead. Instead, they learn his sisters, the twins, have vanished. Alex moves the twins from one location to another to stay ahead of danger — sometimes not by more than a moment. This is a good read with lots of sexual tension and science of the era sprinkled in. Apr 02, Jackie rated it liked it. Twins Fiona and Mairead Ferguson are thrown out of their Marquess grandfather's house after their brother is accused of treason.
Their brother's friend Alex comes to their rescue. But both the girls and Alex become embroiled in a blackmail plot, endangering Fiona and Alex's developing romance. Strong writing, fun secondary characters, and some spy derring-do, with blackmail, fires, and murder. On the downside, I had a hard time feeling connected to the protagonists, in part because their first me Twins Fiona and Mairead Ferguson are thrown out of their Marquess grandfather's house after their brother is accused of treason.
On the downside, I had a hard time feeling connected to the protagonists, in part because their first meeting, which is referred to quite a few times here, actually took place in a previous short story. Relying on another work which your reader may or may not not in my case have read to make your reader care your protagonists is a dangerous thing; for me, it left an emotional whole at the story's center.
Also felt somewhat uncomfortable with the portrayal of Mairead someone on the Aspberger's spectrum? Jan 04, Barbara rated it really liked it Shelves: Drake's Rakes Fiona and Alex Alex has been operating as a spy for years but now he is at a crossroads, protect his father and late wife, and become a traitor, or protect his country.

Fiona ad her twin sister Mairead, are math geniuses, astronomers, and code breakers. When Alex comes to give them the good news about their brother Ian previous book he discovers them gone and he goes in search of them. Chuffy, his friend and also a gifted decoder, goes with hm. Together the two couples, Fiona and Al Drake's Rakes Fiona and Alex Alex has been operating as a spy for years but now he is at a crossroads, protect his father and late wife, and become a traitor, or protect his country.
Together the two couples, Fiona and Alex, Chuffy and Mae, solve the code, discovering the real traitors and love Nov 30, F. I received this book from the goodreads-first-reads free giveaway. I enjoyed this book very much. The character of Fiona was not the typical weak woman waiting to be rescued but a strong woman who against all odds protected her twin sister.
I enjoyed the development of the storyline and how Alex was so conflicted with the choices he had to make to either save his stepdad or the woman he loved. I have to say that finding out about Mae was very interesting and why Fiona protected her.
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All in all, I received this book from the goodreads-first-reads free giveaway. All in all, a very good read. Dec 29, LaTanya rated it really liked it. Twice Tempted What a story! This was truly unexpected, two love stories in one!
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Two sisters and two good friends. Each set embarks on a journey that shows what unconditional love should look like. It takes the good with the bad; it shows fears and triumphs; it reveals secrets and truths. This book is 5 in a series and I felt like I was missing some history by not reading previous books. However, that did not take away from this beautiful love story of four deserving characters. Feb 21, Mel rated it really liked it. Fiona and Mairead were the best part of the book for me. Too much time was spent with the hero and his personal issues and his internal angst.
But despite all that I enjoyed Twice Tempted very much. I wish the book had started from the beginning of Fiona and Mairead's journey, from the death of their mother to the death of their brother in present tense rather than how it was laid out in the novel. Apr 05, Gentle rated it it was ok Shelves: This is my first time reading an Eileen Dreyer novel. As I have not had the opportunity to read the previous novels in the series there was information I missed. This book must be read as part of the series since it does not stand alone. Being new to the series this made it hard for me to connect to the characters and their back story.
There was a lot going on for a new reader of the series to catch up on. Jan 22, Robin rated it it was amazing. The Drakes Rakes series has been delightful and this is one of the best. Extra awesome for this one is that a major supporting character is a woman with autism who is a fully crafted individual with a love interest! Highly recommended for historical romance fans read them in order!!
Nov 26, Philippa Lodge rated it really liked it. I do love this series.