MATA-HARI (Arthur Bernède t. 1) (French Edition)
The interface between Ge 1 1 1 and Bi 2 Se 3 0 0 0 1 is expected to be abrupt due to the small lattice between them.
Thermoelectric properties of Te doped bulk Bi 2 Se 3 system. All compounds showed a metal-semiconductor conductivity transition. The Seebeck coefficient of Bi 2 Se 3 compound is positive showing up a p-type conduction. However, introducing Te content increases the n-type conduction with a decrease in the Seebeck coefficient absolute value. In addition, Bi 2 Se 3 compound is found to exhibit relatively high room temperature power factor and figure of merit values of 2.
In an attempt to determine the figure of merit ZT, Bi 2 Se 3 seems to be the best for room temperature, whereas, Te addition at high values makes the system just suitable for high temperature application. Superconductivity and weak localization of Pdx Bi 2 Se 3 whiskers at low temperatures.
The observed effect is likely connected with the contribution of two processes such as the electron localization and superconductivity at temperatures below 5. The whisker magnetoconductance is considered in the framework of the weak antilocalization model and connected with subsurface layers of Bi 2 Se 3 whiskers.
Tuning thermoelectricity in a Bi 2 Se 3 topological insulator via varied film thickness. We report thermoelectric transport studies on Bi 2 Se 3 topological insulator thin films with varied thickness grown by molecular beam epitaxy. We find that the Seebeck coefficient and thermoelectric power factor decrease systematically with the reduction of film thickness. These experimental observations can be explained quantitatively by theoretical calculations based on realistic electronic band structure of the Bi 2 Se 3 thin films.
Lastly, this work illustrates the crucial role played by the topological surface states on the thermoelectric transport of topological insulators, and sheds new light on further improvement of their thermoelectric performance. Strong interband Faraday rotation in 3D topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3. The Faraday effect is a representative magneto-optical phenomenon, resulting from the transfer of angular momentum between interacting light and matter in which time-reversal symmetry has been broken by an externally applied magnetic field.
Here we report on the Faraday rotation induced in the prominent 3D topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 due to bulk interband excitations. The origin of this non-resonant effect, extraordinarily strong among other non-magnetic materials, is traced back to the specific Dirac-type Hamiltonian for Bi 2 Se 3 , which implies that electrons and holes in this material closely resemble relativistic particles with a non-zero rest mass.
Band structure and spin texture of Bi 2 Se 3 3 d ferromagnetic metal interface. The spin-helical surface states in a three-dimensional topological insulator TI , such as Bi 2 Se 3 , are predicted to have superior efficiency in converting charge current into spin polarization. In this work, using first-principles and model tight-binding calculations, we investigate the interface between the topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 and 3 d -transition ferromagnetic metals Ni and Co.
We find that the difference in the work functions of the topological insulator and the ferromagnetic metals shift the topological surface states down about 0. The band alignment of Bi 2 Se 3 and Ni Co places the Fermi energy far in the conduction band of bulk Bi 2 Se 3 , where the spin of the carriers is aligned with the magnetization in the metal. Our results indicate that the topological surface states are unlikely to be responsible for the huge spin-orbit torque effect observed experimentally in these systems.
Nematic topological superconducting phase in Nb-doped Bi 2 Se 3. A nematic topological superconductor has an order parameter symmetry, which spontaneously breaks the crystalline symmetry in its superconducting state. This state can be observed, for example, by thermodynamic or upper critical field experiments in which a magnetic field is rotated with respect to the crystalline axes. The corresponding physical quantity then directly reflects the symmetry of the order parameter. We present a study on the superconducting upper critical field of the Nb-doped topological insulator Nbx Bi 2 Se 3 for various magnetic field orientations parallel and perpendicular to the basal plane of the Bi 2 Se 3 layers.
The data were obtained by two complementary experimental techniques, magnetoresistance and DC magnetization, on three different single crystalline samples of the same batch. Both methods and all samples show with perfect agreement that the in-plane upper critical fields clearly demonstrate a two-fold symmetry that breaks the three-fold crystal symmetry.
The two-fold symmetry is also found in the absolute value of the magnetization of the initial zero-field-cooled branch of the hysteresis loop and in the value of the thermodynamic contribution above the irreversibility field, but also in the irreversible properties such as the value of the characteristic irreversibility field and in the width of the hysteresis loop. This provides strong experimental evidence that Nb-doped Bi 2 Se 3 is a nematic topological superconductor similar to the Cu- and Sr-doped Bi 2 Se 3.
Intercalation of exotic atoms or molecules into the layered materials remains an extensively investigated subject in current physics and chemistry. However, traditionally melt-growth and chemical interaction strategies are either limited by insufficiency of intercalant concentrations or destitute of accurate controllability. Here, we have developed a general electrochemical intercalation method to efficaciously regulate the concentration of zerovalent copper atoms into layered Bi 2 Se 3 , followed by comprehensive experimental characterization and analyses.
Furthermore, our work demonstrates a new methodology to study fundamentally new and unexpected physical behaviors in intercalated metastable materials. Surface conduction of topological Dirac electrons in bulk insulating Bi 2 Se 3. The three dimensional strong topological insulator STI is a new phase of electronic matter which is distinct from ordinary insulators in that it supports on its surface a conducting two-dimensional surface state whose existence is guaranteed by topology.
I will discuss experiments on the STI material Bi 2 Se 3 , which has a bulk bandgap of meV, much greater than room temperature, and a single topological surface state with a massless Dirac dispersion. The minimum conductivity of the topological surface state is understood within the self-consistent theory of Dirac electrons in the presence of charged impurities. A recent experiment indicated that a ferromagnetic EuS film in contact with a topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 might show a largely enhanced Curie temperature and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy [F.
Through systematic density functional calculations, we demonstrate that in addition to the factor that Bi 2 Se 3 has a strong spin orbit coupling, the topological surface states are crucial to make these unusual behaviors robust as they hybridize with EuS states and extend rather far into the magnetic layers.
Our results and model analyses provide useful insights for how these quantities are linked, and pave a way for the control of properties of magnetic films via contact with topological insulators. We report on magneto-optical studies of Bi 2 Se 3 , a representative member of the 3D topological insulator family. Its electronic states in bulk are shown to be well described by a simple Dirac-type Hamiltonian for massive particles with only two parameters: In a magnetic field, this model implies a unique property—spin splitting equal to twice the cyclotron energy: This explains the extensive magnetotransport studies concluding a fortuitous degeneracy of the spin and orbital split Landau levels in this material.
Robust weak anti-localisation effect in strongly textured nanocrystalline Bi 2 Se 3 samples. Topological insulators are a quantum state of matter that has recently created a great interest among the scientific community, with Bi 2 Se 3 being one of the most extensively studied materials. Here, we demonstrate that polycrystalline nanostructured samples of Bi 2 Se 3 preserve the existence of topological surface states, where electrons cannot be localised.
The nanosheet crystals were synthesised by a microwave-assisted method and their structure, composition and morphology thoroughly characterised. The transport properties of a textured polycrystalline sample with strong preferred orientation along the c-axis were measured, showing the presence of the weak anti-localisation effect and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations.
These features are robust against the presence of non-magnetic impurities and structural defects. Magnetotransport study of topological superconductor Cu0. We report a magnetotransport study of vortex-pinning in Cu0. The sample is demonstrated to be in clean limit and absent of Pauli spin-limiting effect. We have investigated the flux-flowing behavior under various magnetic fields and temperatures, enabling us to establish its anisotropic vortex phase diagram.
Our results suggest the Cu0. Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy on Bi 2 Se 3 single crystals. In order to study how Andreev reflection AR occurs between a superconductor and a three-dimensional topological insulator TI , we use superconducting Nb tips to perform point-contact AR spectroscopy at 4. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy are also used to characterize the superconducting tip and both the doping level and surface condition of the TI sample. Furthermore, the point-contact measurements show clear spectral signatures of AR, as well as a depression of zero-bias conductance with decreasing junction impedance.
Disorder-dominated linear magnetoresistance in topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 thin films. The linear magnetoresistance MR effect is an interesting topic due to its potential applications. Here, we study the magnetotransport properties of Bi 2 Se 3 thin films and observe the linear MR effect, which cannot be attributed to the quantum model. Controllable synthesis and electrochemical hydrogen storage properties of Bi 2 Se 3 architectural structures. Two kinds of Bi 2 Se 3 nanostructures, 3D rose-like hierarchitectures and monodisperse nanospheres, have been synthesized through adjusting the supersaturation of the precursor solution.
The topologically protected surface states of three-dimensional 3D topological insulators have the potential to be transformative for high-performance logic and memory devices by exploiting their specific properties such as spin-polarized current transport and defect tolerance due to suppressed backscattering. However, topological insulator based devices have been underwhelming to date primarily due to the presence of parasitic issues.
An important example is the challenge of suppressing bulk conduction in Bi 2 Se 3 and achieving Fermi levels E F that reside in between the bulk valence and conduction bands so that the topologically protected surface states dominate the transport. The overwhelming majority of the Bi 2 Se 3 studies in the literature report strongly n-type materials with E F in the bulk conduction band due to the presence of a high concentration of selenium vacancies. In contrast, here we report the growth of near-intrinsic Bi 2 Se 3 with a minimal Se vacancy concentration providing a Fermi level near midgap with no extrinsic counter-doping required.
We also demonstrate the crucial ability to tune E F from below midgap into the upper half of the gap near the conduction band edge by controlling the Se vacancy concentration using post-growth anneals. Additionally, we demonstrate the ability to maintain this Fermi level control following the careful, low-temperature removal of a protective Se cap, which allows samples to be transported in air for device fabrication.
Thus, we provide detailed guidance for E F control that will finally enable researchers to fabricate high-performance devices that take advantage of transport through the topologically protected surface states of Bi 2 Se 3. In this paper, we present an exfoliation method that produces cm 2-area atomically flat surfaces from bulk layered single crystals, with broad applications such as for the formation of lateral heterostructures and for use as substrates for van der Waals epitaxy.
Single crystals of Bi 2 Se 3 were grown using the Bridgman method and examined with X-ray reciprocal space maps, Auger spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. First-principles calculations reveal exfoliation energies of Bi 2 Se 3 and a number of other layered compounds, which demonstrate relevance of our method across the field of 2D materials.
While many potential applications exist, excellent lattice matching with the III-V alloy space suggests immediate potential for the use of these exfoliated layered materials as epitaxial substrates for photovoltaic development. High efficient photothermal energy conversion of topologic insulator Bi 2 Se 3 nanosheets thin film. The photothermal conversion has become rather attractive to realize the heat energy application.
A simple, rapid and scalable optical-controlling Bi 2 Se 3 nanosheets film heater is prepared by softly nondestructive rubbing technology and then transferring to PET substrate under the assistance of PVA. The optical-controlling film heater exhibits the excellent adjustability, accuracy and stability of temperature. The film heater is first tested by using laser irradiation at mW and the corresponding temperature rapidly increased to the As-prepared optical-controlling Bi 2 Se 3 film heater can be easily integrated to optical or photo-electric device without preparation of electrode.
These exotic properties of Bi 2 Se 3 nanosheets optical-controlling heater suggest exciting prospects for the temperature-dependent flexible optoelectronics and electronic device. Superconducting and normal-state anisotropy of the doped topological insulator Sr 0. Sr x Bi 2 Se 3 and the related compounds Cu x Bi 2 Se 3 and Nb x Bi 2 Se 3 have attracted considerable interest, as these materials may be realizations of unconventional topological superconductors.
Here we elucidate the anisotropy of the normal and superconducting state of Sr 0. High resolution x-ray diffraction studies underline the high crystalline quality of the samples. In conclusion, our results support the recently proposed odd-parity nematic state characterized by a nodal gap of Eu symmetry in Sr x Bi 2 Se 3.
An ab initio investigation of Bi 2 Se 3 topological insulator deposited on amorphous SiO2. Upon interaction with the substrate, the Bi 2 Se 3 topological surface and interface states remain present, however the degeneracy between the Dirac-like cones is broken. The energy separation between the two Dirac-like cones increases with the number of Bi 2 Se 3 quintuple layers QLs deposited on the substrate. Such a degeneracy breaking is caused by i charge transfer from the TI to the substrate and charge redistribution along the Bi 2 Se 3 QLs, and ii by deformation of the QL in contact with the a-SiO 2 substrate.
We also investigate the role played by oxygen vacancies [Formula: Superconducting and normal-state anisotropy of the doped topological insulator Sr0. We demonstrate that the normal state electronic and magnetic properties of Sr 0. Our results support the recently proposed odd-parity nematic state characterized by a nodal gap of Eu symmetry in Sr x Bi 2 Se 3. Experimental study of the valence band of Bi 2 Se 3.
The valence band of Bi 2 Se 3 is investigated with Shubnikov - de Haas measurements, galvanomagnetic and thermoelectric transport. At low hole concentration, the hole Fermi surface is closed and box-like, but at higher concentrations it develops tube-like extensions that are open.
The experimentally determined density-of-states effective mass is lighter than density-functional theory calculations predict; while we cannot give a definitive explanation for this, we suspect that the theory may lack sufficient precision to compute room-temperature transport properties, such as the Seebeck coefficient, in solids in which there are Van der Waals interlayer bonds. High spin state driven magnetism and thermoelectricity in Mn doped topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3.
We report on the synthesis, and structural - magnetic characterizations of Mn doped Bi 2 Se 3 towards achieving a magnetically doped topological insulator. We propose Mn doped Bi 2 Se 3 to be a potential candidate for electromagnetic and thermoelectric device applications involving topological surface states. Electronic properties of one-dimensional nanostructures of the Bi 2 Se 3 topological insulator.
We theoretically study the electronic structure and spin properties of one-dimensional nanostructures of the prototypical bulk topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3. Realistic models of experimentally observed Bi 2 Se 3 nanowires and nanoribbons are considered using the tight-binding method. At low energies, the band structures are composed of a series of evenly spaced degenerate subbands resulting from circumferential confinement of the topological surface states.
Overall, the band structures and spin textures are more complicated for nanoribbons, which expose two distinct facets. The effects of reduced dimensionality are rationalized with the help of a simple model that considers circumferential quantization of the topological surface states. Furthermore, the surface spin density induced by an electric current along the nanostructure shows a pronounced oscillatory dependence on the charge-carrier energy, which can be exploited in spintronics applications.
Dependence of superconductivity in Cux Bi 2 Se 3 on quenching conditions. Topological superconductivity, implying gapless protected surface states, has recently been proposed to exist in the compound Cux Bi 2 Se 3. Unfortunately, low diamagnetic shielding fractions and considerable inhomogeneity have been reported in this compound. In an attempt to understand and improve on the finite superconducting volume fractions, we have investigated the effects of various growth and postannealing conditions.
A modified floating zone FZ method yielded large single crystals but little superconductivity. Even after annealing and quenching, FZ-grown samples had much less chance of being superconducting than MG-grown samples. From the low shielding fractions in FZ-grown samples and the quenching dependence, we suggest that a metastable secondary phase having a small volume fraction in most of the samples may be responsible for the superconductivity.
Localized surface plasmon enhanced photothermal conversion in Bi 2 Se 3 topological insulator nanoflowers. Localized surface plasmons LSP , the confined collective excitations of electrons in noble metal and doped semiconductor nanostructures, enhance greatly local electric field near the surface of the nanostructures and result in strong optical response. LSPs of ordinary massive electrons have been investigated for a long time and were used as basic ingredient of plasmonics and metamaterials. LSPs of massless Dirac electrons, which could result in novel tunable plasmonic metamaterials in the terahertz and infrared frequency regime, are relatively unexplored.
Here we report for first time the observation of LSPs in Bi 2 Se 3 topological insulator hierarchical nanoflowers, which are consisted of a large number of Bi 2 Se 3 nanocrystals. The existence of LSPs can be demonstrated by surface enhanced Raman scattering and absorbance spectra ranging from ultraviolet to near-infrared.
LSPs produce an enhanced photothermal effect stimulated by near-infrared laser. The excellent photothermal conversion effect can be ascribed to the existence of topological surface states, and provides us a new way for practical application of topological insulators in nanoscale heat source and cancer therapy. Surface phonons in the topological insulators Bi 2 Se 3 and Bi2Te3. B 84, and H. B 95, ], inelastic helium scattering [X.
Here, we present temperature- and wavelength- dependent Raman studies showing additional modes we ascribe to surface phonons in both Bi 2 Se 3 and Bi2Te3. Our assignment is supported by density functional theory calculations revealing surface phonons at frequencies close to those of the extra peaks in the Raman data. The theoretical results also indicate that these modes are not a consequence of spin-orbit coupling and, thus, that their occurrence is unrelated to the topological properties of these materials.
Selenium-assisted controlled growth of graphene- Bi 2 Se 3 nanoplates hybrid Dirac materials by chemical vapor deposition. Se seed layers were used to synthesize the high-quality graphene- Bi 2 Se 3 nanoplates hybrid Dirac materials via chemical vapor deposition CVD method. The measurement results verify that the Se seed layer on the graphene surface can effectively saturate the surface dangling bonds of the graphene, which not only impel the uniform Bi 2 Se 3 nanoplates growing along the horizontal direction but also can supply enough Se atoms to fill the Se vacancies.
We also demonstrate the Se seed layer can effectively avoid the interaction of Bi 2 Se 3 and the graphene. Further experiments testify the different Se seed layer on the graphene surface can be used to control the density of the Bi 2 Se 3 nanoplates. Doped topological insulators are speculated to realize p-wave superconductivity with unusual low energy quasiparticles, such as surface Andreev bound states. The critical magnetic field is strongly anisotropic, consistent with quasi-2D behavior. Andreev reflection measurements of devices with low resistance contacts result in prominent BTK-like behavior with an enhanced conductance plateau at low bias.
For high resistance contacts, we observe a split zero bias conductance anomaly and additional features at the superconducting gap. Our results suggest that this material is a promising platform for studying topological superconductivity. We acknowledge support from Microsoft Project Q.
Interfacial Dirac cones from alternating topological invariant superlattice structures of Bi 2 Se 3. When the three-dimensional topological insulators Bi 2 Se 3 and Bi2Te3 have an interface with vacuum, i. However, for practical applications, one often requires multiple interfaces or channels rather than a single surface. Here, for the first time, we show that an interfacial and ideal Dirac cone is realized by alternating band and topological insulators.
The multichannel Dirac fermions from the superlattice structures open a new way for applications such as thermoelectric and spintronics devices. Indeed, utilizing the interfacial Dirac fermions, we also demonstrate the possible power factor improvement for thermoelectric applications. Robust odd-parity superconductivity in the doped topological insulator Nb x Bi 2 Se 3. The superconducting transition temperature Tc decreases without indication of saturation with increasing defect concentration, and the corresponding scattering rates far surpass expectations based on conventional theory.
Lastly, our results are consistent with the proposed robust nematic E u pairing state in this material. Fano q-reversal in topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3. Here, we studied the magneto-optical response of a canonical topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 with the goal of addressing a controversial issue of electron—phonon coupling. Magnetic-field induced modifications of reflectance are very pronounced in the infrared part of the spectrum, indicating strong electron—phonon coupling.
This coupling causes an asymmetric line-shape of the 60 cm —1 phonon mode, and is analyzed within the Fano formalism. The analysis reveals that the Fano asymmetry parameter q changes sign when the cyclotron resonance is degenerate with the phonon mode. Multi-band magnetotransport in exfoliated thin films of Cu x Bi 2 Se 3. We report magnetotransport studies in thin Bi 2 Se 3 and we detect an unusual electronic transition at low temperatures. Hole Fermi surface in Bi 2 Se 3 probed by quantum oscillations.
Transport and torque magnetometry measurements are performed at high magnetic fields and low temperatures in a series of p-type Ca-doped Bi 2 Se 3 crystals. The angular dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas and de Haas-van Alphen quantum oscillations enables us to determine the Fermi surface of the bulk valence band states as a function of the carrier density. The detection of a single frequency for all tilt angles rules out the existence of a Fermi surface with different extremal cross sections down to 24 meV.
There is therefore no signature of a camelback in the valence band of our bulk samples, in accordance with the direct band gap predicted by G W calculations. Robust odd-parity superconductivity in the doped topological insulator Nbx Bi 2 Se 3. Our results are consistent with the proposed robust nematic Eu pairing state in this material.
Topological superconductors are a very interesting and frontier topic in condensed matter physics. Despite the tremendous efforts in exploring topological superconductivity, its presence is however still under heavy debate. The Dirac electrons have been proven to exist on the surface of a topological insulator.
It remains unclear whether and how the Dirac electrons fall into Cooper pairing in an intrinsic superconductor with the topological surface states. We first demonstrate that only the intercalated Sr atoms can induce superconductivity. Then we show the full superconducting gaps without any in-gap density of states as expected theoretically for a bulk topological superconductor. Finally, we find that the surface Dirac electrons will simultaneously condense into the superconducting state within the superconducting gap.
This vividly demonstrates how the surface Dirac electrons are driven into Cooper pairs. Muon spin rotation study of the topological superconductor Srx Bi 2 Se 3. Time-resolved terahertz dynamics in thin films of the topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3. We use optical pump—THz probe spectroscopy at low temperatures to study the hot carrier response in thin Bi 2 Se 3 films of several thicknesses, allowing us to separate the bulk from the surface transient response.
We find that for thinner films the photoexcitation changes the transport scattering rate and reduces the THz conductivity, which relaxes within 10 picoseconds ps. For thicker films, the conductivity increases upon photoexcitation and scales with increasing both the film thickness and the optical fluence, with a decay time of approximately 5 ps as well as a much higher scattering rate.
Symmetry analysis of strain, electric and magnetic fields in the Bi 2 Se 3 -class of topological insulators. Based on group theoretical arguments we derive the most general Hamiltonian for the Bi 2 Se 3 -class of materials including terms to third order in the wave vector, first order in electric and magnetic fields, first order in strain and first order in both strain and wave vector.
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We determine analytically the effects of strain on the electronic structure of Bi 2 Se 3. For the most experimentally relevant surface termination we analytically derive the surface state SS spectrum, revealing an anisotropic Dirac cone with elliptical constant energy contours giving rise to a direction-dependent group velocity.
The spin-momentum locking of strained Bi 2 Se 3 is shown to be modified. Hence, strain control can be used to manipulate the spin degree of freedom via the spin—orbit coupling. We show that for a thin film of Bi 2 Se 3 the SS band gap induced by coupling between the opposite surfaces changes opposite to the bulk band gap under strain. Tuning the SS band gap by strain, gives new possibilities for the experimental investigation of the thickness dependent gap and optimization of optical properties relevant for, e.
We finally derive analytical expressions for the effective mass tensor of the Bi 2 Se 3 class of materials as a function of strain and electric field. Morphological evolution of Bi 2 Se 3 nanocrystalline materials synthesized by microwave assisted solvothermal method.
Bera, Sumit; Behera, P. Structural, morphological and spectroscopic properties of Bi 2 Se 3 nanoparticles synthesized by microwave assisted solvothermal method were investigated systematically. A controlled synthesis of different morphologies by a small variation in synthesis procedure is demonstrated. Powder X-ray diffraction XRD confirmed the formation of single phase. A significant blue shift observed in diffuse reflectance spectroscopy evidences the energy gap tuning as a result of morphological evolution. The difference in morphology observed in this three fast, facile and scalable synthesis is advantageous for tuning the thermoelectric figure of merit and for probing the surface states of these topological insulators.
Low temperature resistivity remains similar for all three variants depicting a 2D character as evidenced by a -lnT term of localization. Ambipolar surface state thermoelectric power of topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3. We measure gate-tuned thermoelectric power of mechanically exfoliated Bi 2 Se 3 thin films in the topological insulator regime. The sign of the thermoelectric power changes across the charge neutrality point as the majority carrier type switches from electron to hole, consistent with the ambipolar electric field effect observed in conductivity and Hall effect measurements.
Near the charge neutrality point and at low temperatures, the gate-dependent thermoelectric power follows the semiclassical Mott relation using the expected surface state density of states but is larger than expected at high electron doping, possibly reflecting a large density of states in the bulk gap. Together with the expected reduction of lattice thermal conductivity in low-dimensional structures, the results demonstrate that nanostructuring and Fermi level tuning of three-dimensional topological insulators can be promising routes to realize efficient thermoelectric devices.
Magnetoresistance behavior in nanobulk assembled Bi 2 Se 3 topological insulator. Temperature and magnetic field dependent magnetoresistance MR including structural, morphological studies of Bi 2 Se 3 nanoflower like structure synthesized by microwave assisted solvothermal method has been investigated. Powder X-ray diffraction XRD has confirmed the formation of single phase. The temperature dependent resistance invokes a metallic behavior up to a certain lower temperature, below which it follows -ln T behavior that has been elucidated in literature using electron-electron interaction and weak anti-localization effects.
High temperature magnetoresistance is consistent with parabolic field dependence indicating a classical magnetoresistance in metals as a result of Lorenz force. In low temperature regime magnetoresistance as a function of magnetic field at different temperatures obeys power law near low field which indicates a three dimensional weak-antilocalization.
A linear magnetoresistance at low temperature and high magnetic field shows the domination of surface state conduction. Ultrafast photocurrents at the surface of the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3. Three-dimensional topological insulators are fascinating materials with insulating bulk yet metallic surfaces that host highly mobile charge carriers with locked spin and momentum.
Remarkably, surface currents with tunable direction and magnitude can be launched with tailored light beams. Strikingly, the surface current response is dominated by an ultrafast charge transfer along the Se—Bi bonds. In contrast, photon-helicity-dependent photocurrents are found to be orders of magnitude smaller than expected from generation scenarios based on asymmetric depopulation of the Dirac cone.
Our findings are of direct relevance for broadband optoelectronic devices based on topological-insulator surface currents. Using gapped topological surface states of Bi 2 Se 3 films in a field effect transistor. Three dimensional topological insulators are insulators with topologically protected surface states that can have a high band velocity and high mobility at room temperature. This then suggests electronic applications that exploit these surface states, but the lack of a band gap poses a fundamental difficulty. We report a first principles study based on density functional theory for thin Bi 2 Se 3 films in the context of a field effect transistor.
In particular, it is unclear whether the benefits of topological protection can be retained to a sufficient degree. We also show that there is a thickness regime in which the small gap induced by hybridization between the two surfaces is sufficient to obtain transistor operation at room temperature, and furthermore, that the band velocity and spin texture that are important for the mobility are preserved for Fermi levels of relevance to device application.
Nematic superconductivity in Cux Bi 2 Se 3: Surface Andreev bound states. The superconductivity SC pairing of this compound is assumed to have broken spin-rotation symmetry, similar to that of the A-phase of 3He as suggested by recent nuclear-magnetic resonance experiments. For both spheroidal and corrugated cylindrical Fermi surfaces with the hexagonal warping terms, we show that the bulk SC gap is rather anisotropic; the minimum of the gap is negligibly small as compared to the maximum of the gap.
This would make the fully gapped pairing effectively nodal. For a clean system, our results indicate the bulk of this compound to be a topological superconductor with the SABSs appearing inside the bulk SC gap. The relevance of our results to experiments is discussed. Ion beam modification of topological insulator bismuth selenide. In this study, we demonstrate chemical doping of a topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 using ion implantation.
Ion beam-induced structural damage was characterized using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Ion damage was reversed using a simple thermal annealing step. Carrier-type conversion was achieved using ion implantation followed by an activation anneal in Bi 2 Se 3 thin films. These two sets of experiments establish the feasibility of ion implantation for chemical modification of Bi 2 Se 3 , a prototypical topological insulator. Ion implantation can, in principle, be used for any topological insulator.
Ion implantation also enables the fabrication of inhomogeneously doped structures, which in turn should make possible new types of device designs. Effects induced by a topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 on the magnetic properties of an adjacent GaMnAs film have been investigated using transport measurements. We observed three conspicuous effects in the GaMnAs layer induced by the proximity of the Bi 2 Se 3 overlayer. First, our resistivity data as a function of temperature show that the GaMnAs layer adjacent to the Bi 2 Se 3 displayed strongly metallic behavior, as compared with the GaMnAs control specimen.
Second, the Curie temperature of the GaMnAs in the bilayer was observed to be higher than that of the control layer, in our case by nearly a factor of two. Finally, we observed significant changes in the in-plane magnetic anisotropy of the GaMnAs in the bilayer, in the form of much higher values of both cubic and uniaxial anisotropy parameters. This latter feature manifests itself in a rather spectacular increase of the coercive field observed in magnetization reversal across the in-plane hard axis.
These results suggest that proximity of an adjacent Bi 2 Se 3 layer represents an important tool for modifying and controlling the ferromagnetic properties of GaMnAs film, and could thus be used to optimize this and similar materials for applications in spintronic devices. Dynamic surface electronic reconstruction as symmetry-protected topological orders in topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3. The layered narrow-band-gap semiconductor Bi 2 Se 3 is composed of heavy elements with strong spin-orbital coupling, which has been identified both as a good candidate for a thermoelectric material with high thermoelectric figure of merit Z T and as a topological insulator of the Z2 type with a gapless surface band in a Dirac-cone shape.
Over the past 12 years since the groundbreaking work on graphene, the field of 2D layered materials has grown by leaps and bounds as more materials are theoretically predicted and experimentically verified. These materials and their unique electronic, optical, and mechanical properties have inspired the scientific community to explore and investigate novel, fundamental physical phenomena as well create and refine technological devices which leverage the host of unique benefits which these materials possess.
In the past few years, this burgeoning field has heavily moved towards combining layers of various materials into novel heterostructures. These heterostructures are an exciting area of research because of the plethora of exciting possibilities and results which arise due to the large number of heterostructure combinations and configurations.
Particularly, the research into the optical properties of these layered materials and their heterostructures under confinement provides another exciting avenue for developing optoelectric devices. In this dissertation, I present work on the synthesis of Bi 2 Se 3 nanostructures via chemical vapor deposition CVD and the study of the optical properties of these nanostructures and their heterostructures with MoS2. The bulk of the current published work on Bi 2 Se 3 has focused on the exotic topological properties of its surface states, both interesting fundamental physics purposes as well as for studying avenues for spintronics.
In contrast, the work presented here focuses on studying the optical properties of Bi 2 Se 3 nanostructures and how these properties evolve when subjected to confinement. Specifically, the absorbance of singlecrystal Bi 2 Se 3 with sizes tailored down to a few nanometers in diameter and a few quintuple layers QLs in thickness. An increase in Tc under hydrostatic pressure in the superconducting doped topological insulator Nb0.
We report a positive hydrostatic pressure derivative of the superconducting transition temperature in the doped topological insulator Nb0. This difference may be attributable to an electronic structure composed of multiple bands whereas the other materials in the superconducting doped Bi 2 Se 3 family are believed to be single-band.
An increase in Tc under hydrostatic pressure in the superconducting doped topological insulator Nb 0. Here, we report a positive hydrostatic pressure derivative of the superconducting transition temperature in the doped topological insulator Nb 0. Thermoelectric and magnetic properties of Cr-doped single crystal Bi 2 Se 3 - Search for energy filtering. Thermoelectric effects are one of the promising ways to utilize waste heat. Novel approaches have appeared in recent decades aiming to enhance thermoelectric conversion. The theory of energy filtering of free carriers by inclusions is among the latest developed methods.
Although the basic idea is clear, experimental evidence of this phenomenon is rare. Based on this concept, we searched suitable systems with stable structures showing energy filtering. Here, we report on the anomalous behavior of Cr-doped single-crystal Bi 2 Se 3 that indicates energy filtering. The solubility of chromium in Bi 2 Se 3 was studied, which is the key parameter in the formation process of inclusions. We present recent results on the effect of Cr-doping on the transport coefficients on a wide set of single crystalline samples.
Magnetic measurements were used to corroborate the conclusions drawn from the transport and X-ray measurements. Electronic transport in bismuth selenide in the topological insulator regime. The 3D topological insulators TIs have an insulating bulk but spin-momentum coupled metallic surface states stemming from band inversion due to strong spin-orbit interaction, whose existence is guaranteed by the topology of the band structure of the insulator. While the STI surface state has been studied spectroscopically by e. In this thesis, I present experimental results on the transport properties of TI material Bi 2 Se 3 in the absence of bulk conduction TI regime , achieved by applying novel p-type doping methods.
Field effect transistors consisting of thin thickness: The intrinsic finite-temperature resistivity of the topological surface state due to electron-acoustic phonon scattering is measured to be 60 times larger than that of graphene largely due to the smaller Fermi and sound velocities in Bi 2 Se 3 , which will have implications for topological electronic devices operating at room temperature. Along with semi-classical Boltzmann transport, I also discuss 2D weak anti-localization WAL behavior of the topological surface states.
By investigating gate-tuned WAL behavior in thin nm TI films, I show that WAL in the TI regime is extraordinarily sensitive to the hybridization induced quantum mechanical tunneling between top and bottom topological surfaces, and interplay of phase coherence. Whereas the bulk states form a bandgap, the surface states form a Dirac cone similar to graphene Fig Examples of TI materials include Bi1—xSbx ref. One of the most striking properties is spin.
Unusual negative magnetoresistance in Bi 2 Se 3 -ySy topological insulator under perpendicular magnetic field. Singh, Rahul; Gangwar, Vinod K. The magneto-transport properties of Bi 2 Se 3 -ySy were investigated. This negative MR is unusual as it is observed when a magnetic field is applied in the perpendicular direction to the plane of the sample. The magneto-transport behavior shows the Shubnikov-de Haas SdH oscillation, indicating the coexistence of surface and bulk states. The negative MR has been attributed to the non-trivial bulk conduction.
The relative dimensions of the constituting layers are controllable via the molar ratios of the precursors added to the seed nanoplate solution. Reduction of the precursors produces nanoparticles that attach preferentially to the sides of the seed nanoplates. Once attached, the nanoparticles reorganize epitaxially on the seed crystal lattices to form single-crystalline core-shell nanoplates.
The nanoplates, initially nm wide, grew laterally to nm in the multishell structure, while their thickness increased more moderately, from 5 to 20 nm. The nanoplates were pelletized into bulk samples by spark plasma sintering and their thermoelectric properties are compared. Schottky diodes formed by van der Waals bonding between freshly cleaved flakes of the topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 and doped silicon substrates show electrical characteristics in good agreement with thermionic emission theory.
The motivation is to use magnetic fields to modulate the conductance of the topologically protected conducting surface state. This surface state in close proximity to the semiconductor surface may play an important role in determining the nature of the Schottky barrier.
Current-voltage I-V and capacitance-voltage C-V characteristics were obtained for temperatures in the range K and magnetic fields, both perpendicular and parallel to the interface, as high as 7 T. In forward bias we observe a field-induced decrease in current which becomes increasingly more pronounced at higher voltages and lower temperature, and is found to be correlated with changes in Rs rather than other barrier parameters.
A comparison of changes in Rs in both field direction will be made with magnetoresistance in Bi 2 Se 3 transport measurement. Few-layer nanoplates of Bi 2 Se 3 and Bi 2 Te 3 with highly tunable chemical potential. A topological insulator TI represents an unconventional quantum phase of matter with insulating bulk band gap and metallic surface states. These materials have anisotropic, layered structures, in which five atomic layers are covalently bonded to form a quintuple layer, and quintuple layers interact weakly through van der Waals interaction to form the crystal.
A few quintuple layers of these materials are predicted to exhibit interesting surface properties. Different from our previous nanoribbon study, here we report the synthesis and characterizations of ultrathin Bi 2 Te 3 and Bi 2 Se 3 nanoplates with thickness down to 3 nm 3 quintuple layers , via catalyst-free vapor-solid VS growth mechanism. As a new member of TI nanomaterials, ultrathin TI nanoplates have an extremely large surface-to-volume ratio and can be electrically gated more effectively than the bulk form, potentially enhancing surface state effects in transport measurements.
Low-temperature transport measurements of a single nanoplate device, with a high-k dielectric top gate, show decrease in carrier concentration by several times and large tuning of chemical potential. Rotational symmetry breaking in the topological superconductor Srx Bi 2 Se 3 probed by upper-critical field experiments.
Recently it was demonstrated that Sr intercalation provides a new route to induce superconductivity in the topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3. Topological superconductors are predicted to be unconventional with an odd-parity pairing symmetry. An adequate probe to test for unconventional superconductivity is the upper critical field, Bc2. For a standard BCS layered superconductor Bc2 shows an anisotropy when the magnetic field is applied parallel and perpendicular to the layers, but is isotropic when the field is rotated in the plane of the layers.
Surprisingly, field-angle dependent magnetotransport measurements reveal a large anisotropy of Bc2 when the magnet field is rotated in the basal plane. The large two-fold anisotropy, while six-fold is anticipated, cannot be explained with the Ginzburg-Landau anisotropic effective mass model or flux flow induced by the Lorentz force. Low-field magnetotransport measurements of topological insulators such as Bi 2 Se 3 are important for revealing the nature of topological surface states by quantum corrections to the conductivity, such as weak-antilocalization.
Here, we report that quantum corrections to the electronic conduction are dominated by the surface states for a semiconducting case, which can be analyzed by the Hikami-Larkin-Nagaoka model for two coupled surfaces in the case of strong spin-orbit interaction. However, in the metallic-like case this analysis fails and additional two-dimensional contributions need to be accounted for. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations and quantized Hall resistance prove as strong indications for the two-dimensional layered metallic behavior.
Temperature-dependent magnetotransport properties of high-quality Bi 2 Se 3 single crystalline exfoliated macro and micro flakes are combined with high resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, confirming the structure and stoichiometry. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy proves a single-Dirac-cone surface state and a well-defined bulk band gap in topological insulating state.
Spatially resolved core-level photoelectron microscopy demonstrates the surface stability. Magnetic Cr doping of Bi 2 Se 3: Evidence for divalent Cr from x-ray spectroscopy. Ferromagnetically doped topological insulators with broken time-reversal symmetry are a prerequisite for observing the quantum anomalous Hall effect. Cr-doped Bi,Sb 2 Se,Te 3 is the most successful materials system so far, as it combines ferromagnetic ordering with acceptable levels of additional bulk doping.
Here, we report a study of the local electronic structure of Cr dopants in epitaxially grown Bi 2 Se 3 thin films. This is evidenced by the energy positions of the Cr K and L2,3 absorption edges relative to reference samples. The reduced Cr oxidation state in doped Bi 2 Se 3 is ascribed to the formation of a covalent bond between Cr d eg and Se p orbitals, which is favored by the contraction of the Cr-Se distances. We study theoretically the electronic band structure of PbSe 5 Bi 2 Se 3 6, which consists of an ordinary insulator PbSe and a topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3.
The first-principles calculations show that this material has a gapped Dirac-cone energy dispersion inside the bulk, which originates from the topological states of Bi 2 Se 3 layers encapsulated by PbSe layers. The BiPb defects strongly modify the band alignment between Bi 2 Se 3 and PbSe layers, while the topological interface states of Bi 2 Se 3 are kept as a gapped Dirac-cone-like dispersion. Probing Dirac fermion dynamics in topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 films with a scanning tunneling microscope.
Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy have been used to investigate the femtosecond dynamics of Dirac fermions in the topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 ultrathin films.
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At the two-dimensional limit, bulk electrons become quantized and the quantization can be controlled by the film thickness at a single quintuple layer level. We show that the features revealed are typical for electron-electron scattering between surface and bulk states. Tunable triple-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser with topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 solution. We experimentally demonstrated a tunable triple-wavelength mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with few-layer topological insulator: Meanwhile, it exhibits the maximum output power of 10 mW and pulse energy of 1.
The simple, low-cost triple-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser might be applied in various potential fields, such as optical communication, biomedical research, and sensing system. Spin-rotation symmetry breaking and triplet superconducting state in doped topological insulator Cux Bi 2 Se 3. Spontaneous symmetry breaking is an important concept for understanding physics ranging from the elementary particles to states of matter. For example, the superconducting state breaks global gauge symmetry, and unconventional superconductors can break additional symmetries.
In particular, spin rotational symmetry is expected to be broken in spin-triplet superconductors. However, experimental evidence for such symmetry breaking has not been obtained so far in any candidate compounds. We report 77Se nuclear magnetic resonance measurements which showed that spin rotation symmetry is spontaneously broken in the hexagonal plane of the electron-doped topological insulator Cu0.
Our results not only establish spin-triplet odd parity superconductivity in this compound, but also serve to lay a foundation for the research of topological superconductivity Ref. We will also report the doping mechanism and superconductivity in Sn1-xInxTe. Scanning tunneling spectroscopic STS studies of the bulk magnetic doping effects on the surface state of Bi 2 Se 3. Patterning of high-quality two-dimensional chalcogenide crystals with unique planar structures and various fascinating electronic properties offers great potential for batch fabrication and integration of electronic and optoelectronic devices.
However, it remains a challenge that requires accurate control of the crystallization, thickness, position, orientation and layout. Here we develop a method that combines microintaglio printing with van der Waals epitaxy to efficiently pattern various single-crystal two-dimensional chalcogenides onto transparent insulating mica substrates. The facile patterning, integration and packaging of high-quality two-dimensional chalcogenide crystals hold promise for innovations of next-generation photodetector arrays, wearable electronics and integrated optoelectronic circuits. A Previously Unremarked Circulating Library: Nelson, and Liza Potts.
Butler IV and William F. Butler IV, and Jeffrey D. Maxwell, Raphael Kudela, and Larry B. Arsenic and Phosphorus Biogeochemistry in the Ocean: Art Exhibit 1 , Kathy Nguyen. Art in the Library , Ann Pettingill. Sedwick, and Giacomo R. Van Loon, and K. Suba, Gabriele Procaccini, Richard C. Zimmerman, and Steven R. Mohamed, Robert Asiedu, and H. Ambur, and Bryan A.
Is the Career Information Program Working? A Study of Secondary Mathematics: Reports Impacting Curriculum , Philip B. A Study of Underachievement: Cox High School , Jennifer P. A Local Perspective , Angela J. Stasser, Judith Kerr, Patricia S. Kellam High School , Michael R. A Whole New World: Tolle, Mounir Laroussi, and Wayne L.
Recent Publications
Lagman, and Kent E. Fisher, Tian Luo, and Seann Dikkers. Butler IV, Claire B. Goldstein, Hirokazu Matsuda, and Robert K. Benchmarking Quality in Online Teaching and Learning: Palmer, and Debbie R. Benthic Ecology From Space: Drake, and David J. Between Molecules, Then Atoms: Could This Be the End?
Beyond Same Sex Attraction: Cigularov, and Rocco G. Bhutanese Counselors' Experiences with Western Counseling: A Qualitative Study , Susan V. Kolb, Richard Nuccitelli, Christopher J. Biogenic Matter Diagenesis on the Sea Floor: Johnson, Tammy Kilgore, David J. Burdige, and Cynthia Pilskaln.
Cutter and Lynda S. Biology of Ticks, 2nd Ed. Bits of Research , Michele C. Bitter Milk , John McManus. Bitterroot Landing , Sheri Reynolds. Black Lives in the English Archives, Imprints of the Invisible , Imtiaz H. Blood Sacrifice , Luisa A. Poems , Tim Seibles. Born on a Train: Botanizing with Darwin , Duncan M. Calder, Antonietta Capotondi, Kenneth O. Grosch, and Thomas C.
Rose and Erin A. Nelson, Kurt Maly, Stewart N. Shen, and Mohammad Zubair. Behr, Rafael Diaz, and Molly Mitchell. A Re-Assessment , David J. Buying Love Through Social Media: Chambers and James A. Beebe, and Peter F. Klinck, Ximing Guo, Eileen E. Ford, and David Bushek. Can't Find Your s? A Modeling Study , Tal Ezer. Care, Control, or Criminalization? Challenges for the Next Century , Ruth Triplett. Mallin, and Parke A. Chemistry of Surface Waters: Hofmann, John Wilkin, and Dale B. Haidvogel, David Bushek, Susan E. Powell, and John Wilkin.
Circulation Near Submarine Canyons: A Modeling Study , John M. Klinck; and Mike S. Klinck; and Eileen E. Climate Change Up Close and Personal: Blanton, and William S. Smith, Christina Riesselman, Robert B. Dunbar, Peter Sedwick, and Giacomo R. Coastal Engineering Institute Seminar: Coherent Backscattering of Light in Atomic Systems: Chiavarini, and Michael W. Hynes, Mounir Laroussi, and Susan L. Havey and Linda L. Vahala, and Min Soe. Vahala, David Montgomery, and Glenn Joyce. Notes From the Field , Shereen Hughes. Communicating Flood Risks , Meg Pittenger.
Beck and Thomas J. Communication, Race, and Family: Socha and Rhunette C. Communities in Digital Space: Mustaine, and Brian K. Community Responses to Variable Predation: Bissinger, Jiwei Zhu, Charles S. Wesley Watson, and R. Crandall, Maria Carmen A. Starger, and Abdul Hamid A. Cyprinidae , Terre D. Green and Eugene G. Compute as Fast as the Engineers Can Think! Conflicting Loyalties in Early Medieval Bavaria: Dobbs, and James B.
Miller, and John R. Conservation Status of Marine Biodiversity in Oceania: Sanciangco, Helen Pippard, and Kent E. Holden and Rina Villars. Parker and Yen-Hung Hu. Atkinson and Chester E. Lundgren and Clare A. Immuno-tolerance in Ixodes scapularis versus Immunocompetence in Dermacentor variabilis Acari: DeSilva, and Wayne L.
Comparisons with Iron and Aluminum , R. Cooperative Breeding and Long-Distance Dispersal: Walters, and Walter D. Condon, and Zina T. Cordillera Tales , Luisa A. Correction [to Maurakis and Grimes article, v. Correlation of Eastern Wild Turkey Poult: McGhee and Jim Berkson. A Phenomenological Examination , Daniel C.
Vahala, and George Vahala. Tiffany and Michael L. Smith and Michael L. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design: A Pilot Study , Katrina W. Connolly, and Evelyn Thomson. Culture and Military Effectiveness: Darden College of Education: State of the College Address, , Jane S. Von Hobe, Gregory A. Database of Diazotrophs in Global Ocean: Darby, and Robert Kelly. Decoupling Linear and Nonlinear Regimes: Klinck and Eileen E.
Ceraul, and Michelle Todd. Ariel Pinto, Michael K. McShane, and Abhishek S. Burdige, and Richard C. Mac Law, Kathryn J. Craig Cary, Jason W. Morton, and Parke A. Dolan and Robert K. McClean and John M. Katsioloudis, and Hector Garcia. Moore, and Tian Luo. Wozniak, and Patrick G. Shelley, Bernhard Zachhuber, Peter N. Worsfold, and Maeve C. Deutsche Binnentankschiffahrt, , Ingo Heidbrink. Jahrhunderts , Ingo Heidbrink. First Steps , Jessica Burgess. Developing a Measure of Psychological Aggression: Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological Perspective , Michelle L.
Bates, and Randy R. Rodger Harvey, David R. Boyd, and Robert F. Sabuncu, and Ali Beskok. Dietary Supplements and Sports Performance: Amino Acids , Melvin H. Herbals , Melvin H. Metabolites, Constituents, and Extracts , Melvin H. Minerals , Melvin H. An Interview with D. Wittkower and The Editors of Interstitial Journal. Mulholland, and IIana Berman-Frank.
Bruce Redmon, Peter F. Blackmore, and Jackie D. Butler IV, and Grant D. McShane, and James D. Atkinson, and Robert E. John, and Mak A. Dinniman, Cassandra Brooks, Allen H. Don't Grieve after Me: Dragon Kings of the Deep Sea: Clouse, and Gerhard J. A Boyhood in the Bronx , Michael Pearson. A Scientific Perspective , Brian K. Payne and Randy R. Dwelling in Time, Dwelling in Structures: Dominik and Richard C. Sullivan, and Abha Gupta. Early Professional Baseball in Hampton Roads: A History, , Peter C.
Johnston, and Daniel J. Sonenshine and Thomas N. Economies of the Internet , Kylie Jarrett and D. Editor and Journal Information. Editor in Chief Remarks , Chantal M. Education and Post-Release Employment: Hoppe, and Devon D. Effective Popular Financial Reports: Vahala, and Paul T. Mullins, and Carl E. Zimmerman and Randall S. Bayse and Ashley L. Klinck and David A. Darby, and Martha L. Walls and Jim Berkson. Effects of Daily Oral Care with 0. Loftin, and Sharon Broscious.

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Nelson, Frances Knudson, and Irma Holtkamp. Rudershausen and Joseph G. Hafez and Hani E. Tolle, and Gayle M. Graves, Julien Jarrige, and Mounir Laroussi. A Novel , Sheri Reynolds. Grimes, and Dimitra Bobori. Flooding in the Media , Jeremy Wheeler. Virginia Beach , Whitney McNamara. Atkinson, Dante Figueroa, and Leonardo Castro. Donat, and David J. Neill, and Merl Hackbart. For Whom the Tunnel Be Tolled: Davidson and David L. Stories , John McManus. From South Texas to the Nation: Dinniman and Michele M.
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