
Lesson Plan The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket

Ask each group to perform their anti-commercial for the class. Consider putting the completed commonplace book on display in the school library, to help other investigators of the Baudelaire case. R i otous Reve r sa l s Most people will automatically want to do what you tell them not to, and Lemony Snicket is a master at eliciting this response.

Modeling his writing style, ask students to write one of the following items in the voice of Snicket, who turns everything on its head: I d e n t i f i ab l e I d i oms An idiom is a type of figurative language in which a group of words has a secondary meaning that is different from the literal meaning of the individual words.

Also, idioms do not always follow the normal rules of meaning and grammar. Snicket frequently uses idioms to help convey the meaning of a situation or a character description. Ask students to find idioms from an idiom dictionary or online websites that describe or relate to one of the major characters or events in the series. Ask students to write the idiom on a sentence strip with the character or event listed on the reverse side. Have students in the class guess the character or event suggested by the idiom. Display the sentence strips on the wall of the classroom.

De l i r i ous D i ct i o n a r y Sunny speaks using a unique vocabulary, and only Violet and Klaus can understand what she says.

Lemony Snicket introduces V. Ask students to make a list of the phrases Lemony Snicket uses with the initials V. Here are a few to get them started: Have students write their acronyms on sentence strips and post them around the room. Ask students to assume the voice of Lemony Snicket and write a final letter to his editor, perhaps telling her of Mr. Have students work with a partner to select a character and connect the appropriate traits to the character.

Other guardians, either knowingly or unknowingly, helped Count Olaf in his treacherous plans to take control of the Baudelaire fortune. Ask students to form small groups and brainstorm a list of the guardians, and then divide the guardians into two categories, stating why each person is in that particular category.

Then, have students write an epitaph, a eulogy, a newspaper article, a thank-you note, or a police report, as is appropriate for that guardian. As a class, brainstorm a list of some of these horrendous characters from various books in the series. Students should sketch the character based on details from the book s , and then write a summary that includes some or all of the following details: C h a r acte r C r eat i o n s Ask each student to create a new guardian for the Baudelaire orphans, or a new villainous associate for Count Olaf, by completing the following tasks: Write an introduction to the character in the style of Lemony Snicket, focusing on their unusual character traits and what effect they will have on the lives of the Baudelaires.

Draw a picture of the character, complete with the attire, and state why the character would dress the way he or she does. Ask students in small groups to select three or four of the books in the series, making sure all thirteen books are represented.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Then on a large piece of butcher paper on one wall of the classroom, design a V. Have students use their character lists to connect the characters to one another and to the Baudelaires and the Quagmires. Students should write alternate scenes incorporating their research or invention to read aloud.

Lemony Snicket is a master of anagrams, and many of the characters have aliases created by the use of an anagram. Ask them to write on each card an original anagram of the name of one of the characters in the books; on the back, they should write the character name. Each student takes a turn to hold up one of their cards, anagram side showing. Whichever of the other students first identifies the character name that matches the anagram gets a point.

If there is time, students can switch groups to quiz other classmates with their cards. P h o n y P h i l osop h i es Many of the characters in A Series of Unfortunate Events operate with a personal philosophy of life. Ask each group to list five characters, each of their philosophies, explanations of what the philosophies mean, and a situation where the philosophies do not come in handy at all. Display the T-shirt designs or have students transfer their design to a plain white T-shirt.

In addition to the usual vocabulary exercises used by your class, you can use one or all of the activities suggested. As a class, discuss how the meaning of the sentence changes with different antonyms and synonyms.

The Austere Academy

The acrostic poems can be written and illustrated on a sheet of colored paper and displayed on one wall in the classroom. Have students share their creations and display them in the classroom.

  • Teaching The Austere Academy.
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Have students create, on a poster board, a vocabulary collage of the word. Students should include the word, the definition, synonyms labeled , antonyms labeled , drawings or magazine pictures to illustrate the words, rhyming words, colors that denote the tone of the word, and any other creative elements they can produce. A Series of Unfortunate Events 1: The Reptile Room Pb: The Miserable Mill Tr: The Ersatz Elevator Tr: The Hostile Hospital Tr: The Slippery Slope Tr: The Penultimate Peril Tr: The Bad Beginning Or, Orphans!

A Series of Unfortunate Events 2: The Reptile Room Or, Murder! To order, contact your sales rep, or call C-Harper, or fax your order to Prices subject to change without notice. The new editions include: The Quagmires devise a plan to help the Baudelaires: Isadora will dress like Violet, Duncan will dress like Klaus, and a bag of flour will take Sunny's place during S. Meanwhile, the older Baudelaires can study from the Quagmire notebooks while creating staples for Sunny.

  • Fun Activities for Teaching The Austere Academy.
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  • La sfida della tigre: Le avventure di Richard Sharpe (La Gaja scienza) (Italian Edition);
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Violet and Klaus pass their tests and Sunny staples satisfactorily but Genghis comes and says the Quagmires were impersonating the Baudelaires during S. Nero gleefully expels them. Poe arrives and is disappointed to hear the Baudelaires are cheating. Despite getting into an argument with Mr. Poe, Nero refuses to let the children stay at the school. Poe asks Genghis to remove his running shoes for the Baudelaires, causing Count Olaf to flee.

The Baudelaires, having trained in routine running, chase after Olaf. Violet manages to take off Coach Genghis's turban revealing Count Olaf's unibrow. Sunny manages to untie his shoes, revealing the tattoo. Isadora and Duncan are kidnapped by the white-faced women and are smuggled into a nearby car.

Isadora screams for Klaus' help, but one of the white-faced woman bites Klaus' hand and shuts the car door. Before the car drives away, the Quagmires try to tell the Baudelaires about something called " V. Lemony Snicket mentions that Count Olaf would eventually force the Quagmires into puppy costumes so he could sneak them onto an airplane without anyone noticing.

The books ends with the Baudelaires weeping for their abducted friends while the adults argue. In the last picture of The Austere Academy , Duncan and Isadora can be seen frantically waving through the back window of Count Olaf's car. Please excuse this ridiculously fancy stationary. I am writing to you from Dark Avenue, and this is the only paper available in the neighborhood. My investigation of the Baudelaire orphans' stay in this wealthy and woeful place is finally complete—I only pray that the manuscript will reach you. Not next Tuesday, but the Tuesday after that, purchase a first-class, one-way ticket on the second-to-last train out of the city.

Helquist can properly illustrate this terrible chapter in the Baudelaires' lives. Remember, you are my last hope that the tales of the Baudelaire orphans can finally be told to the general public.

The Austere Academy has a 3. Several editions of The Austere Academy have been published. Be sure to give all Nero's information including that he spent the last few years as a principal. Bass has an arrest warrant out for her. She finally robbed the bank. Create a poster and an all points bulletin for her.

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Give all the information as it is given in the book as well as her crime. View all Lesson Plans available from BookRags. Get The Austere Academy from Amazon. View the Study Pack. Short Essay Questions Key.

Lemony Snicket

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