Leconomia della provincia di Teramo. Modelli produttivi e cambiamenti strutturali (Italian Edition)
WGs should be open to external contributions and their members should do their best to interface the local society and interest groups. The participation of representatives of neighbouring cities is welcomed. In order to make this process sustainable and consistent over time, the level of commitment of the local community must be kept high.
This in particular requires that the majority of the local stakeholders understand and support the energy sustainability plan and the related projects and that the local administration is capable of effectively managing the plan implementation. On the short term, capacity building at local level can be pursued by a carefully planned training and awareness raising program.
The timing of the 4 workshops should be phased according to the main work package milestones e. Rather, they should focus on very practical issues, with the aim of: Instead, a peer-topeer approach to training is suggested, inviting as teachers public administrators and other figures that have gained hands-on experience in energy sustainability planning in their territories.
Each workshop should be attended by at least 16 public administrators and 30 local stakeholders. Some useful tips suggested by Covenant of Mayors initiatives are: Among the possible initiatives, we can for example think at: Accordingly, in Castellalto, by virtue of resolution C.
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This document includes actions concerning both the public and private sectors.. Up to now, the actions that have been taken were as follow: It defines concrete reduction measures, together with time frames and assigned responsibilities, which translate the long-term strategy into action. Main results The action that have been undertaken up to now are: Te Montagne Teramane S.
The Covenant of Mayors is the first European Commission initiative directly targeting local authorities and their citizens to take the lead in the fight against global warming. The recommended reference year was , but it is more important to use the most comprehensive and reliable data available, which is why Castellalto Council has chosen to use information from as the baseline.
In real terms, this means Castellalto Council has set very ambitious targets. The Baseline Emissions Inventory B. It shows where we currently are in terms of Green House Gas G. It is used to evaluate the impacts of releasing or avoiding the release of different greenhouse gases. The Green Castellalto Strategy is regularly monitored on To accord with this a B. The standard emission factors are based on the carbon equivalent content of each fuel. Through consultation with our community and environmental groups, we have developed a suite of actions to achieve these aspirations. These are designed to reduce the environmental impacts from Council and the community through leadership, advocacy and partnerships.
This plan is a working document. It will be reviewed regularly and actions assigned to business units within Council to implement and coordinate. Key components of the plan will also inform environmental outcomes of the Castellalto vision. Hence including all emissions of the energy chain that also take place outside of the territory such as transport losses, refinery emissions or energy conversion losses. The city of Castellalto had chose the approach based on I. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2.
There are a variety of emission factors, depending on the energy sources and the selected approach: These default emission factors could be replaced by country specific emission factors. The Covenant signatories can also develop their own emission factors based on the detailed properties of the fuels used in their territory. For the "LCA approach": Overall strategy In order to measure the success of the S. Starting from the goal of planning the reduction of urban energy consumptions, through the innovative example provided by the city of Castellalto, this plan highlights — through a collection of theoretical and pratical papers — how the actual energy performances of a city marginally depend on targeted technical and engineering solutions.
It should always be stresses that the forms and ways of being together have the greatest impact sustainability. Hence the unbreakable bond between energy and planning, which is the only path leading from words to facts. The key elements of this Energy Action Plan are 1.
The city of the energy 2. The city of the green 3. The city of the mobility 4. The city of the networks and services 5. The city of the change 6. The city of the lightness This is a big challenge for the city of Castellalto, which is a city already virtuous in the environmental field and which has made a lot of investments to improve energy efficiency for making this even more ambitious goal.
The city of Castellato intends accepts this challenge so Castellalto would become a model of sustainable city. Current frame work and vision for the future We envisage a City that supports healthy ecosystems where the air, land and waterways are clean, there is green space, drought-proof water supplies, highly efficient buildings and transport systems, and minimal waste and emissions. Organizational and financial aspects This plan establishes the environmental vision, goals and targets required to create a sustainable city.
The City has received valuable input from the community and individuals. Opportunities for further community engagement will be made available through: Comments or enquiries related to this plan can be sent to. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Brisighella is located in a privileged position and is a gravitycenter compared to many artistic cities such as Faenza, Ravenna, Florence, Bologna and Rimini.
It is accessible by roads down in the valley and over a railway line of historical value of which works have beencarried out at the end of The conformity of the physical territory is varied, ranging from the low hills of the badlands to the more mountainous territory of the south.
The population is widespread through the countryside and there are no areas totally abandoned by neither residents nor tourists. Agriculture is still the main part of the present activities and there are some activities of handicraft located in small industrial dedicated areas. The Municipality is certified EMAS and is working on a series of actions aimed at improving its environmental aspects. This can be most easily seen in the Environmental Statement available for download at: Technical activities as well as capacity building activities, aimed at increasing awareness, participation and knowledge about local energy sustainability measures have been implemented with the work of two main working groups:.
Seven meetings of the working group took place, between July and April In specific, projects for energy renovation of public middle schools buildings and energy renovation of the public lighting of the historical centre of Brisighella, including the main squares. It is composed by the mayor, the municipal ministries and the competent technician.
During the process for the development of the Sustainable Energy Action plan, a general discussion and consultation process with relevant stakeholders and permanent bodies took place. The main involved actors are: In the local administration empowerment process the competent local ministries were involved in all key steps of the process expected within the Alterenergy project, through dedicated meetings. They had a very important operational role, in order to make it possible for the local community, represented by the local administrators together with public officers and technicians, to take the proper decisions to address the expected work of the different Alterenergy tasks.
Two main lines were followed:. Regarding community awareness raising and animation, the SEAP process of the Union of Romagna Faentina, including Brisighella, has been strongly developed on the basis of a participatory processes aimed at the capacity building of all relevant stakeholders and the local community. The process identified 10 categories of stakeholders and their participation was organized according to two different modalities: Stakeholder engagement included the establishment of one or more roundtables with the participation of selected stakeholders professional associations, business associations, financial and insurance companies , for the presentation and the discussion of the SEAP draft.
Public discussion included the organization of a number of local conferences for the presentation and the discussion of the SEAP draft. Further, the SEAP draft was published on the Faenza Municipality institutional web site and everyone has the opportunity to provide comments, suggestions, etc. Six local conferences took place. Concerning the awareness raising activities connected with the local measures the two kind of stakeholders involved are:. The Baseline Emission Inventory is a catalogue of the annual emissions of CO2 generated by the final energy uses that insist on a municipal area or group of municipalities and for which the town council has direct jurisdiction or has the opportunity to intervene indirectly, through the involvement of stakeholders or through regulatory instruments.
It is, therefore, the cognitive framework of the SEAP and outlines the energy sectors to work on. Usually the reduction is calculated in tons of CO2 or CO2eq; the CO2equivalent is a unit of measurement that allows to weigh together greenhouse gas emissions with several different effects emissions. For example, a ton of methane that has potential climate changing 21 times higher than CO2, is recorded as 21 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Starting from its BEI Baseline Emission Inventory the Municipality chose a list of actions which should be developed within year in order to reduce the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere.
This corresponds to a reduction of Evaluating the consumption and the emissions in year of the Municipality of Brisighella and the whole territory, a list of action has been drawn up. The actions are calculated on the whole territory and the Union of Romagna Faentina decided to stress particularly the attention to the sectors of public lighting, residential buildings and public subcontracts for the supply of energy and heating. Other sectors of action are the governance of the Municipality, municipal and tertiary buildings.
Actions which involve the public sector will be useful to give a good example to the citizenry of some kind of actions in which the Municipality is involved. The action in charge of the Municipalities of Romagna Faentina are, for example: The Municipality will also promote the use of renewable energy on tertiary and residential buildings. The aim of the feasibility study is to analyse in detail some energy saving projects in order to improve the efficiency of the middle school Giuseppe Ugonia of Brisighella RA. This work is based on the outcome provided by the energy audit.
The study is compliant with the relevant Italian legislation, D. Windows are single glazed with steel frames, furthermore the closing of the windows appears to be compromised by slight deformations of the frames. The Energy Audit contains detailed description of the building and of the equipment. In accordance with the need analysis and the energy audit, the following project solutions are proposed to reduce the school energy demand:. The planned feasibility study regards the upgrading of public lighting, induced by the achievement of quality objectives proposed by the Alterenergy project.
This redevelopment has its reasons in the need to homogenize the illumination system realized diachronically , in order to make it efficient, considering energy consumption, eliminating incongruous technological elements, mitigating effects of light pollution and ultimately taking the opportunity of an overall planning for a system of artistic lighting. The development system of the different quality layers of historical reality, urban and landscape are declined through the integration of urban design, economic and environmental sustainability.
The territory is mostly flat and partly hilly and crosses the river Montone. In the municipality there is a famous spa, thanks to the discover of the thermal water in the land back in This is the principal economic activity and influences the social aspect of the territory. Moreover the farming represents another important economic activity, producing wines and agricultural products. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole has been engaged in energy and environmental sustainability for many years mainly through educational projects and requalification measures.
The City of Castrocaro e Terra del Sole has undertaken in recent years many actions in order to meet the needs in the field of safety, hygiene, environmental health, accessibility, mobility and energy conservation and trying to develop a sustainable conscience, noting the importance of energy saving and technological innovation through specific actions and initiatives: Knowing the starting point for energy consumption and CO2 emissions is a key factor in planning strategic and effective actions towards the achievement of European objectives initiatives.
Another key factor taken into consideration within the project is the community engagement on policy making and its implementation. Between the many actions planned under negotiation between the City and the Region, the following interventions have been selected:. The intervention planned within the Alterenergy project regards 9 school buildings. The development of the pilot actions under the project Alterenergy will allow the municipality to know the baseline energy consumption of the school compound and the square object of study.
The identification of main stakeholders to be involved in Alterenergy project technical and capacity building activities was based on previously released experiences and projects about energy sustainability as well as the on-going significant local projects and initiatives. These activities, aimed at increasing awareness, participation and knowledge about local energy sustainability measures and have been implemented with the work of two main working groups:. It is composed by the municipal council members, local professionals and CNA.
The competent local ministries were involved in all key steps of the process expected within the Alterenergy project, through dedicated meetings. In specific, concerning this second point, four main workshops, with local administrators and, according to specific needs of sharing, also with other local actors, took place between May and February During all workshops also the state of progress of local capacity building activities were reported and discussed.
Currently, two more workshops are planned about financial plans Task 6. Referring to community awareness raising and animation, two main kind of stakeholders were identified representing the community and the opportunity to properly increase the awareness about energy sustainability measures:. For example, a ton of methane that has potential climate changing 21 times higher than CO2 is recorded as 21 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. The baseline year of inventory chosen by the City of Castrocaro is and in the compilation of the BEI the industrial sector was excluded.
The emission factor is the standard one, in line with the IPCC principles and the reduction is measured in tonnes of CO2. The actions planned by the City of Castrocaro e Terra del Sole, cover a time span ranging from , the year chosen for the Baseline Emission Inventory, until , the year target for the reduction of CO2 emissions, common to all the SEAP documents. The actions that the City has implemented or will implement, are splitted into two temporal actions tranches undertaken between and and actions to be put in place in Raising awareness, which is also important, will also be promoted, aiming to spread the knowledge on energy savings behavoiur.
The aim of the feasibility study is to analyse in detail some energy saving projects in order to improve the efficiency of the school complex of Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole FC. The work is based on the outcome provided by the energy audit. Five buildings compose the school complex: The central heating provides warmth to the whole school complex, the furnace room houses three boilers and all the auxiliary equipment. The building has high-energy consumption due primarily to decay of the building envelope and obsolete heat generation system.
In the town centre of Terra del Sole a feasibility study has been implemented in order to evaluate a new solution for the adaptation of the lighting system. The main objectives to be pursued by the new lighting system are as follows:. It seems reasonable to follow feasibility of the central axis identified as a Palazzo Pretorio, Square, Church and Parking. After this, other parts of city will be switched, at least installation of the lights under the eaves for architectural lighting of Castles. The solutions proposed will satisfy both environmental sustainability, differently from the solutions used so far, they will comply with the current standards both in terms of luminance, reduction of light pollution, glare, energy saving, immediately assessed, safety and environmental road and last but not least, appreciation of the architecture of Terra del Sole.
Lightings and lamps, permitted and approved by the Architectural Heritage, are traditional lanterns and lights that allow for the "camouflage" in the built environment so is not possible to propose alternative aesthetically different designs. Alternatives will focus on new technological systems. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Cavazzo Carnico lies in a mountainous area at m a. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality has joined the Covenant of Major and has adopted a Sustainable Energy Action plan in Also it has carried out and implemented the following activities in the RES field: The scope of the SEAP update was to report on the implementation of the plan and the achievements from to in three Alterenergy out of the four Municipalities that joined the CoM.
The overall electrical output would vary from KWh The SWOT analysis strengths and opportunities outstrips weaknesses and threats. The outcome of the Feasibility study is therefore positive and shows a favourable playing ground for the hydropower plant realization. It is located between and metres on the sea level rise. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Total energy consumption in the municipality is around 5 million KWh.
Renewable electricity In terms of electricity local production outstrips consumption, although most of renewable electricity is put into the grid. In the territory there is a local association that manages the production and distribution of hydroelectric poker. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality has joined Covenant of Major and has adopted a Sustainable Energy Action plan in Also it has carried out and implemented RES projects to install 3 solar PV panels on public buildings for an overall capacity of 15KW.
It has also obtained the following environment activities: The baseline year to assess energy consumption and emissions reductions was At the moment the Municipality of Amaro does not own the land where the hydropower plant should be built. Three entities hold land titles: Ferrovie dello Stato the national railway system , Autostrade SPA a motorway society and the Italian state, owner of the river.
This represents a barrier. The expected eletrical output would be about KWh In general small scale hydropower plants below the threshold of 5 KW are designed to generate electricity for self consumption. When production and consumption take place locally, grid connection costs can be loweredand feed in tariffs procedures are not costly and lengthy and therefore , it is financially viable to build it. In this case the final assessment advises against further on site measurements and against a project for the following reasons: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Chiopris Viscone lies in the plains of the Province of Udine.
Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The municipality has carried out in the last years the following activities and investments on RES and energy efficiency: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The town of Majano lies in the Province of Udine. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The town of Muzzana lies in the plains in the Province of Udine. This patch of forests is now certified according to PEFC, a scheme that endorses sustainable forest management. Nimis was set up by the ancient Romans, its name stemming from the Latin word "Nemus".
The territory of Nimis is well known for viticulture as it hosts the wineyards of Ramandolo a sweet wine that has been granted the D. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The municipality of Verzegnis lies in the Northern area of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region at an altitude that spans from to m on the sea level. The town is well connected to transport networks and there are a children nursery and a primary school. On the municipality buildings solar photovoltaic cells are installed for a total capacity of 70 KW.
Part of public lightning is provided by low energy consumption LED technology. Most of private households have solar thermal systems. A feasibility study of a small scale hydropower plant has been carried out. Two options have been considered: Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The municipality has not carried out in the last years activities and investments on RES and energy efficiency. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The municipality of Palmanova lies in the Province of Udine in the plains and it was built during the Venetian Republic.
The fortress town of Palmanova, among the most important and better preserved examples of late Renaissance military architecture, was built by order of the Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia in Palmanova, with its nine-pointed star structure, was conceived as an inexpugnable defensive system and still now the main buildings revolve around the big square. Some of the main project and activities have been the following: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The municipality of Pozzuolo lies 10 kmw Southwest of Udine.
Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The municipality has carried out in the last years the following activities and investments on RES and energy efficiency: Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The municipality has carried out the following investments and plans in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency and the environment: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Castorano Is a municipality of Ascoli Piceno Province, in the south of Marche region.
It is located in a hill panorama, mostly dedicated to agricultural activities. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Together with the province of Ascoli Piceno, the municipality launched an initiative dedicated to its citizens: The project could permit an economic saving of about 13 million euros in the entire Province of Ascoli Piceno and a CO2 emission reduction of about Moreover, photovoltaic plants have been provided in many public buildings and in agricultural lands. Castorano has signed the CoM initiatives, so it is really interested to be conducted through the SEAP process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level.
Alterenergy project can give it the possibility to share with local stakeholders the process using a bottom — up approach, which will be discussed and accepted by the citizenship avoiding the NIMTO effect, usually related to the top down initiatives. Moreover, the possibility to discuss strengths and weaknesses for the SEAP actions implementations with other target municipalities involved in Alterenergy project, with the same characteristics, can give it a good opportunities to act as added value for some municipalities and to find some solution for best practices already implemented in the partnership.
Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Offida is a municipality in the Province of Ascoli Piceno in the Italian region Marche, located about 80 km south of Ancona and about 12 km northeast of Ascoli Piceno, on a rocky spur between the valleys of the Tesino from north and Tronto south rivers.
Communities Common Result
Offida is also a site of tourism, reach in history. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Offida has a in house agency totally owned by the municipality in charge of all energy related aspects Energie Offida. In its territory there are 3 main photovoltaic plants for a total of more than Kw, with a technology od grid connected. Offida will have a particular attention to retrofit own buildings, because the municipal offices are located in historical buildings and have to follow strict law obligation to be renovated.
Offida has signed the CoM initiatives, so it is really interested to be conducted through the SEAP process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects San Giorgio di Pesaro is a municipality in the Province of Pesaro Urbino, in the north of Marche Region.
It is 30 km far from Pesaro, the provincial main city, which is also member of the Covenant of Mayors. The municipal territory presents a morphology dominated by hills, with a summit of m. The land use is dedicated mainly to agriculture. San Giorgio di Pesaro is characterized by two historical centers and a buildings heritage from 60 and 70s. The municipality has a good experience in energy and environmental sustainability fields.
San Giorgio di Pesaro has a solar plants for electricity production of kW and a CHP plant of kWe fuelled through sunflower oil. San Giorgio di Pesaro has signed the CoM initiative: Alterenergy project can give it the possibility to raise the awareness of local stakeholders in knowing and accepting the SEPA initiatives, even if they are not really appreciated, such as the biomass plants.
The sharing perspective them the possibility to share with local stakeholders the process using a bottom — up approach, which will be discussed and accepted by the citizenship avoiding the NIMTO effect, usually related to the top down initiatives. Moreover, the possibility to discuss strengths and weaknesses for the SEAP actions implementations with other target municipalities involved in Alterenergy project, with the same characteristics, can give a good opportunity to act as added value for some municipalities and to find some solution for best practices already implemented in the partnership.
Description of geographical, economic and social aspects San Paolo di Jesi is a municipality of Ancona Province, in the center of the Region. It has a hill morphology. San Paolo is easy to reach from the main cities of the valley and from the costal ones, being located near the highway to Rome. Since , CIS is the operational society supporting municipalities in the management and valorization of the municipal territory in a sustainable way. San Paolo di Jesi has signed the CoM initiative: Alterenergy project can give it the possibility to raise the awareness of local stakeholders in knowing and accepting the SEAP initiative, even if they are not really appreciated, such as the biomass plants.
The sharing perspective give it the possibility to share with local stakeholders the process using a bottom — up approach, which will be discussed and accepted by the citizenship avoiding the NIMTO effect, usually related to the top down initiatives. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Santa Maria Nuova is a Muniicipality of Ancona Province, in the center of Marche Region, with a hill morphological aspect.
The main productive sector is related to wine production, mostly Verdicchio. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Energy surveys are under procedures, but Santa Maria Nuova has a good experience in energy field, mainly concerning energy from renewable sources. A particular attention has been given to photovoltaic plants implementation on public and private buildings.
A real green area, which will avoid 34 tons CO2 yearly. Santa Maria Nuova organized also some communication events in relation to Legambiente Marche, in order to widespread energy saving and renewable energies issues to the citizenship. Santa Maria Nuova has signed the CoM initiatives, so it is really interested to be conducted through the SEAP process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level.
The municipality is characterized by the beautiful panorama and the very reach historical, artistically and cultural heritage. It is the favorite destinations of trekkers and it is famous for its agro-food excellences, such as the white truffle. Moreover, since the truffle exposition is visited yearly by thousands of people from all over the world. Main productive sectors are agriculture and tourism.
Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Energy surveys are under procedures, but the municipality has signed the Covenant of Mayors initiatives. The main energy production from renewable sources derives from photovoltaic plants: Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Spinetoli is a municipality of Ascoli Piceno Province, situated in the south of the region. It is on a hill m high.

The main economic sector of Spinetoli are: Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Spinetoli, is very active in environmental and energy field. Moreover, together with the province of Ascoli Piceno, the municipality launched an initiative dedicated to its citizens: Moreover, since the municipal council decided to approve the regulation for the realization of photovoltaic plants in the urban settlement.
Spinetoli has signed the CoM initiatives, so it is really interested to be conducted through the SEAP process, starting from the initiatives already implemented at local level. Alessio Gianfelici — Deputy - Mayor This email address is being protected from spambots. Sanzio 85 — Ancona Tel. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Appignano is a Muniicipality of Macerata Province, in the center of Marche Region, with a hill morphological aspect. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability During the last 7 years, the municipality of Appignano developed a good number of project in the Energy field, mainly concerning energy from renewable sources.
A particular attention has been given to photovoltaic plants and thermal collector and systems implementation on public and private buildings. The local commitment on the Renewable energy sector policy implementation was supported since , thanks to municipal building regulations on Energy savings and photovoltaic installation on new buildings. Giovanni Palmucci - Mayor This email address is being protected from spambots. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Monte Giberto is a Municipality of Fermo Province, in the center-south of Marche Region, with a hill morphological aspect.
Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability During the last 7 years, the municipality of Monte Giberto developed a good number of project in the Energy field, mainly concerning energy efficiency for Public buildings, such schools, Public Illumination, Energy production from renewable sources. A particular attention has been given to energy efficiency and photovoltaic plants integration on schools, also through the Public and Private Partnership financial scheme and ESCO involvement.
Mauro Romoli — Deputy -Mayor This email address is being protected from spambots. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Pollenza is a Muniicipality of Macerata Province, in the center of Marche Region, with a hill morphological aspect and medioeval buildings.
The most important monument in this town of Pollenza is Abbey Rambona ,built around the Every year, in the old town there is an exhibition of handicrafts , antiques and art restoration. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Agnone is a mountain town of ancient origin, probably Samnite, located at meters above sea level. Its territory is mostly occupied by forests Famous for its artistic handcraft of copper and iron , Agnone has an economic structure dominated by the tertiary sector, particularly trade, services and public administration.
The Municipality is particularly well-known for the production of bells for the most important churches in the world, an almost thousand —year old tradition still brought forward by the Pontificia Marinelli Foundry. Fairly developed are also the food industry pasta, confectionery, flour milling, dairy and olive oil and the extraction and processing of aggregates industry.
Valuable environmental settings, crafts, other traditional activities and local events are a source of attraction for a selected tourism, especially during the summer. Project studies and interventions have been defined concerning buildings of Agnone municipality see the Feasibility Studies section. Achievable results are outlined in the "Feasibility Studies" section.
An assessment of the expected benefits are described in Executive Summaries available for download. They are organized into the following three phases. Download full Report D4. A detailed analysis for each monitored building has been produced. As an example, the detailed report on town hall is available at:. The project proposal primary objective is to re-activate and requalify under an energetic-enviromental profile, Palazzo Santa Chiara, a building in the historical and landscape context of Agnone in Isernia Province.
According to the Feasibility Study the building will be destined to tourist accommodation. Thanks to the ESCO's invested capital it was possible increasing the number of energy saving measures realizable during the implementation of the project. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Polverara is a small town of 3, inhabitants located in the province of Padua. The height above sea level is about 6 meters. Bacchiglione is a small river which flows near the town.
Agriculture and agricultural activities are widespread and prevalent than the industrial and service sectors. Even the animal husbandry is a relevant activity on the traditional economic of the area: Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability In the municipal area of Polverara energy production is based mainly on the use of fossil fuels methane-natural gas and diesel. Some final users, distributed in rural areas of the town where a lot of hedges are cultivated for the production of wood biomass for energy, use woody biomass firewood and pellets, rare wood chips.
The City Council has in charge Verdenergia E. The district heating network serves both public utilities elementary schools, middle schools, nursery school, city hall and private users in a residential district. There are also some photovoltaic plants, installed both in public and private buildings. The center of the commune is Balldren, approximately 5 km from the town of Lezha. The commune of Balldre is an area rich on agricultural products. The geographical position of the commune Balldre is very favorable and is located in the center of several transportation arteries, serving as a linking poitnt for the noth-south and east-west movement.
Thanks to its natural position, from the ancient times to the present-day, the region of Balldre stands among the regions in the country endowed with strategic and natural values. Located in the midst of the land and water resources, the region has riversand streams, water reserves, mountains and hills, which create high levels of biodiversity.
The relief in this region presents an emphatic contrast alternating between the sea, fields and mountains, which are in close proximity. The acess road which connect villages of comunne with nearby villages are in not in very good conditions, which lead to difficulties for movement transportation of people of this zone.
The improvement of the infrastructure of the zone and especialy of the roads will impact significantly in standart living of all people. Infrastructure is a very important component for the development of a particular areas in general. These entire factors burden into the everyday life of the residents, but in the same time lower significantly even the attraction from the visitors.
Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Electricity is supplied to the region by a kV transmission line that is far away from the power plants. All these arguments mean that the region needs higher energy consumption, in the household sector. The growing use of electrical appliances, fuel-wood shortages and other related issues, such as access and prices, are worrying and can cause further future problems.
Due to lack of coherent data, the uncertainties about the actual level of fuel-wood own harvesting in the rural areas are growing. The most important energy commodities used in in homes of the commune: The lagoon of Patok and the whole coastline is rich on forest and water reserves. Even with considerable slope, the land has high qualities and natural fertility, which allows cultivation of a lot of plants. Farming and constructions are also another source of revenues for families in the zone. Number of different public building category for each village of Fushe Kuqe commune.
Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Grabian Comunne is layed down in north-west part of Lushnja city. The most important feature of this Comunne is that this zone has high potential of production and it is near the most important agriculture markets of the country. Number of the families is about The infrastructure of the zone which connect villages with the center of the Comunne and villages with each-other is in the low conditions and need improvement. The other villages are located as in the following: The distance from the center of the Comunne is 6.
Up to the supply and demand for cooking and heating fuels mainly wood were more or less in balance. After , there was a large reduction of fuel-wood supplied by the forestry enterprises to urban area of this region. As a result there was an over cutting of trees much of which is illegal and overloading the electricity distribution system. This has bring in a very bad situation: According to some preliminary calculations this region has consumed 0.
Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Terbufi Commune is located on the north-west part of Lushnja region, between national road and municipality of Divjaka. The territory of the Terbufi Commune is relatively wide and it has a considerable number of habitants. It is located in a zone with high potential of production, especially for agriculture and it is near the agricultural markets of the country. This Commune is bordered by Shkumbini river in the north, by Dushku Commune in the east, Grabjan Commune in the south and Commune of Divjaka in the west.
In the following are presented some pictures based on the site visits carried several times in Terbuf Commune to collected necessary data. Most of the arable land is laid down in the field and some is located in the hill. Number of inhabitants of the zone is , organized in families. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The availability of energy supply in Terbuf is one of the key limitations on economic growth and safety power supply. Electricity and other forms of energy are key inputs to support economic growth, income generation and job creation, industrial activities, commerce, the service sector, communications and transport.
During the transition period in Albania, the chronically shortage in power supply has taken forms of sharp crisis especially during the winter periods in general and Terbuf commune in particular. By participating in the project Alterenergy the city administration expects to reap multiple benefits including, first of all an environmental improvement and secondly a greater economic development, that will allow a better quality of life.
Shenkoll is a rapidly developing village situated 10 km south of the town of Lezhe, near the mouth of the river Mat. Shenkoll has a favorable position which is complemented with the new infrastructure, making it a perfect place to build a business and is very friendly and welcoming with newcomers.
Number Number of different public building category for each village of Shenkoll commune. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The town of Buzet is situated in the most northern part of Istrian peninsula. The Town officially comprises: The climate is varying from the Mediterranean climate in the valley of the Mirna River to the continental climate in the mountainous part of Cicarija. Old Town Buzet is located at m high hill above the Mirna River valley, while the newer part of town known as Fontana was developed at the base of the hill.
Territorial promotion and informing the public about renewable energy and funding opportunities from EU funds providing the technical assistance to: To conduct energy assessment assessment of the energy balance of the community, assessment of energy needs and consumption patterns as well as analysis of the local availability of energy and potential energy efficiency improvements ;.
To conduct a feasibility studies several specific energy-efficient conversion scheme, which will be defined in the framework of the project. These workshops have been organized for citizens and small and medium enterprises in the two target communities in order to acquaint them with the advantages of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, to improve their capacity to write and apply projects for current and future financing programs, to rise their involvement in the reduction of energy consumption and to promote energy sustainability in their community.
The topics of this set of workshops were focused on introducing new technologies on the market to the participants, on the models and possibilities for financing energy related projects and the opportunities for investment into energy sustainable projects. These workshops have been organized for citizens and small and medium enterprises in the two target communities in order to acquaint them with the possibilities of old city centers energy renewal, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources that can be used and applied in agriculture, tourism and other touristic related services.
The topics of this set of workshops were focused on practical examples of technical solutions and measures in tourism and the renewal of old city centers, on the usage of waste to create energy in agriculture and on the available information sources. The Covenant of Mayors is the mainstream European movement involving local and regional authorities, voluntarily committing to increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources on their territories. After the adoption, in , of the EU Climate and Energy Package, the European Commission launched the Covenant of Mayors to endorse and support the efforts deployed by local authorities in the implementation of sustainable energy policies.
For its unique characteristics - being the only movement of its kind mobilising local and regional actors around the fulfilment of EU objectives - the Covenant of Mayors has been portrayed by European institutions as an exceptional model of multi-level governance. According to modern understandings the planning on national, regional or local level is one of the key presumptions for a balanced, quality and sustainable development in the energy sector, as well as in other sectors.
Adequate energy planning on a local level determines good starting points for decentralization, security of supply, development of competitiveness, rational use of energy resources and environment protection. Energy audit was performed in order to collect and analyse data on the consumption of all energy forms on the location with the aim of estimating possible savings. All recommended energy efficiency measures have to be in compliance with the Croatian legislation and technical norms, with indirect effect of increased security and standard of living.
Results from energy audit, elaborated in this report, represent recommendations for potential energy savings. Istarske brigade 19, is a detached building built in and refurbished twice, in and In facade and part of the roof were renovated. Total net heated area is 1. Table 1 Geometric data for the current state of the building Unit. Heated volume V e. Useful area A k. The outer surface of the heated section A. Form factor f 0. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects City of Novigrad is located on the northwest coast of the Istrian peninsula, 25 km from the border with Slovenia.
Town area covers an area from Dajla in the north to the mouth of the river Mirna in the south. The Town officially comprises five villages. The most represented activities in Novigrad are: Data from October Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability - Feasibility study for the project of application of energy efficiency measures in the City of Novigrad.
Focus on energy efficiency of public lighting and light pollution. Energy certificates are displayed on public buildings: In the energy audit and certification will be conducted for the public library, museum lapidarium, city hall and public lighting. Installation of new outside windows, doors and new building facades.
These works will increase thermo insulation characteristics of the buildings. In geographical terms, the Municipality covers area between the Adriatic coast and the mountain region of Gorski Kotar. Although this area is relatively small, due to the specific relief and geological structure it includes different soil types and different types of vegetation, reflecting the different climates. In the northern part of the Municipality there are situated racetrack, local airport and winter sports center Platak. In recent years there is an increasing number of tourist visits to the area and the old town of Grobnik which is emerging as a tourist attraction.
The climate is typically Mediterranean, with a noticeable influence of the continental climate elements that determine the frequent weather changes. World War agriculture was the main source of income of the local population and. After the end of War the rapid urbanization and industrialization of the country brought big changes. Project seeks to create a system for energy efficient and ecological management of public lighting in the Croatian - Slovenian border region by applying modern information and telecommunications and Emergency lighting technology , educate local governments on the implementation of a system for efficient management of public lighting , establish cooperation of Slovenian and Croatian local governments to field of public lighting and increase awareness of the population Slovenian- Croatian border region on the reduction of CO2 emissions.
Description of geographical, economic and social aspects City Vrgorac is located on the northeastern edge of the county. Its geographical location, natural beauty, climate and cultural heritage is a crown jewel of the Dalmatian hinterland. Vrgorac is situated at the foot of the south-eastern part of the mountain Matokit m , below the medieval fortress that dominates the horizon, surrounded by fields Rastok, Jezero and Bunina. The economy of the city Vrgorac organized and implemented through core business; agriculture wine making, fruit and vegetables , industry production of meat and meat products, production of building materials and PVC and trade.
From a total of 2. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability City Vrgorac is a signatory to the Energy Charter Treaty, which commits to sustainable energy development based on greater use of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
In accordance with the charter Vrgorac conducted an energy audit of primary and secondary schools and health centres. Energy audits include the proposals of measures for energy efficiency. Furthermore, project of photovoltaic solar power plant on the roof of the elementary and secondary schools, was designed. Also, spatial planning documentation is intended locations for wind energy.
Due to outdated and inefficient public lighting Vrgorac City began its process of modernization of the energy-efficient and environmentally friendly way. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The municipality of Konavle is located around 25 km south-east of Dubrovnik, being the southernmost municipality of Croatia. Situated between the Snijeznica mountain and the Adriatic Sea, it is rich region of fertile valleys, formerly the main source of food for the Republic of Ragusa.
The town of Cavtat is the seat of the municipal administration. Other than Cavtat,only the southernmost village of Molunat is located on the coast, while the other 30 villages are in the hinterland. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability The Municipality is working on a series of actions aimed at improving its environmental aspects and has implemented few projects in energy efficiency and RES systems co-financed by national funds.
Description of geographical, economic and social aspects The Municipality of Ston is situated at the south of isthmus of the Peljesac Peninsula. With the city of Ston as the center of the municipality, geographically it is located in the center od Dubrovnik Neretva County. The medieval City of Ston, with its second longest city walls in the world and the oldest saltworks in Europe, is an interesting tourist destination. On the north side of the municipality there is access to the Bay of Mali Ston, famous for the mariculture cultivation of shellfish. Around village Ponikve are numerous vineyards which are an important part of the economic aspect of the municipality.
Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Municipality of Ston collaborated in project for solar panels for homes implemeted by Dubrovnik Nertva County and national Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency. On the north-east is the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to the south-west it is Adriatic Sea. With the development of the business zone in Cibaca, trade sector has increased rapidly, offering several shopping centers. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Igoumenitsa is located by the sea, is surrounded by mountains at the northwestern part of the Regional Unit of Thesprotia.
It is the capital city of the Regional Unit of Thesprotia. The economic activity is dominated by the tertiary sector. The most significant activities are tourism and transportation. Igoumenitsa is the second largest and active port in Greece, after the port of Piraeus in Attica. Igoumenitsa is also the gate to the Egnatia Road which connects Igoumenitsa with the Turkish border, with connections to the other neighboring Balkan countries.
It is planned that the port of Igoumenitsa will not only be the gateway of Greece to Europe, but also the gateway of Europe with the Balkans, the Black Sea and the Middle East through a combined sea and land transport route which will, in the future, include a railway. Tourism presents also high activity, with many resorts around Igoumenitsa. Main experiences in the field of energy and environmental sustainability Igoumenitsa has participated, in the past years, in various Renewable Energy and Energy Saving projects.
There is a healthy market evolving around Photovoltaic systems on roofs. Through the Alterenergy project the municipal community of Igoumenitsa will have a sustainable energy action plan deployed. The SEAP includes various interventions in the energy field. Some of the suggested interventions are currently evaluated through prefeasibility studies and a pilot demonstrative action will take place at the building of the Regional Unit of Thesprotia in Igoumenitsa. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects. The community main economic vocation is based on agriculture and tourism.
East Serbia, lowland and river Danube. Description of geographical, economic and social aspects Municipality Brda is located in western Slovenia. The huge spread of network and mobile technology offers new dimensions and spaces for interpersonal interaction. The aim of this contribution is to illustrate how these spaces have gained increasing importance in pedagogy, and to examine the risks of an over-simplistic, reductive interpretation of the Bring Your Own Device BYOD approach.
Thus there will be a discussion of the pedagogical, teaching and instructional design aspects of an educational process which is destined to develop more and more in hybrid learning spaces, and where the real and virtual blend together, losing their separate connotations. Examples from university experiences will be presented to illustrate the close interdependence of these aspects.
L'interazione collaborativa in rete per stimolare la riflessione, l'argomentazione e la sintesi. Poce, Individualizzazione del messaggio di apprendimento in ambiente adattivo, Ci si chiede quindi: Come canalizzarle verso il raggiungimento degli obiettivi dichiarati di uno specifico intervento formativo? State Of The Art and Perspectives. Since the first time the term "Virtual Reality" VR has been used back in the 60s, VR has evolved in different manners becoming more and more similar to the real world.
Two different kinds of VR can be identified: The former is a computer-based environment that can simulate places in the real or imagined worlds; the latter takes the idea even further by giving the perception of being physically present in the non-physical world. While non-immersive VR can be based on a standard computer, immersive VR is still evolving as the needed devices are becoming more user friendly and economically accessible. In the past, there was a major difficulty about using equipment such as a helmet with goggles, while now new devices are being developed to make usability better for the user.
VR, which is based on three basic principles: Immersion, Interaction, and User involvement with the environment and narrative, offers a very high potential in education by making learning more motivating and engaging. Up to now, the use of immersive-VR in educational games has been limited due to high prices of the devices and their limited usability. Now new tools like the commercial "Oculus Rift", make it possible to access immersive-VR in lots of educational situations.
This paper reports a survey on the scientific literature on the advantages and potentials in the use of Immersive Virtual Reality in Education in the last two years It shows how VR in general, and immersive VR in particular, has been used mostly for adult training in special situations or for university students. It then focuses on the possible advantages and drawbacks of its use in education with reference to different classes of users like children and some kinds of cognitive disabilities with particular reference.
Hybrid Learning Spaces for the socio-educational inclusion of homebound students. Spazi ibridi di apprendimento e inclusione socio-educativa. Verranno riportati i primi risultati di un progetto sperimentale orientato allo specifico problema. This paper describes a pilot deployment in lower secondary school of a serious game dedicated to the learning of history. The primary aim of the initiative was to investigate the integration of Serious Games-based learning environments in the school study of humanities subjects.
In this regard, the paper outlines the sequence of deployed pilot activities, which was shaped with the intention of responding to the needs of all the participants involved - researchers, educators and learners. This approach is inspired by the principles of design-based research, as illustrated in the strategies adopted both for piloting activities and data gathering.
The paper reports the outcome of these and considers some implications of the adopted approach both for SG deployment in formal education and for implementation of experimental SG pilots of this kind. Una variante del modello di Kirkpatrick applicata alla valutazione dei programmi formativi per formatori professionali. Il progetto TRIS e l'inclusione socio-educativa degli studenti impossibilitati alla normale frequenza scolastica. Universita' degli Studi di Bergamo.
Per loro si rende necessario lo studio e la messa a punto di nuovi modelli di scolarizzazione basati su un uso regolare e metodico delle nuove tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, e questo non solo per favorire la gestione del processo di insegnamento-apprendimento, ma anche la comunicazione fra i soggetti a contatto del giovane insegnanti, compagni di classe, genitori, personale sanitario e fra gli stessi insegnanti che nelle diverse discipline e nei diversi anni scolari avranno cura di seguire il suo percorso di studi.
Di qui l'esigenza di approfondire in modo scientifico-sperimentale le variabili del problema e di definire un modello sostenibile di didattica inclusiva che tenga conto sia dello status dello studente, sia del ruolo che hanno le reti sociali che lo vedono al centro. In a logic of inclusive education, equal opportunities to all students should be guaranteed and the accessibility of ICT educational tools is then to be considered a major issue.
This paper presents a case study conducted in the context of MAGICAL Making Games in Collaboration for Learning a research project aimed at introducing game-making in formal education as an innovative educational approach. In the framework of this project, a specific game-making environment called MAGOS was designed, developed and deployed in different educational contexts with a variety of learners. His pathology affects, in particular, the visual apparatus, with reduced visual acuity, sensitivity to light and nystagmus. As well as all sight-impaired students, he has particular and unique visual needs and in order to adopt educational tools and fully benefit from them he requires specific adaptations as an instance, G.
The experimental setting was situated at a regular session room of Chiossone Rehabilitation Centre, with a desk and PC equipped with specific hardware devices. The individual sessions were mainly guided by the rehab professional, assisted by a researcher observing and providing support, if and when needed. In this paper, the usability of the MAGOS educational game-making interface is discussed in respect to the needs of this specific child.
Some general considerations are also drawn about the features that make an ICT environment more or less appropriate to students with sight impairments and about the general suitability of game-making activities for students with this kind of disability. Technology Enhanced Visit to Museums. In fact, the general idea about museums is that they are locations merely devoted to the exposition of artifacts and showcases, places considered as boring and uncommunicative, far away from our everyday life.
Second, we evaluated the pedagogical potentiality of these technological applications for further researches with schools. In this context technology plays a very important role: Therefore, thanks to technology visitors do not step into a regular museum but they can travel through time and space in a virtual - and virtuous - visit of the Past. Intellectual disabilities are one of the main causes due to which people can seldom reach a completely independent living. Cognitive development is usually delayed and learning difficulties persist throughout life. Typically, individuals with Down syndrome tend to have difficulty in abstraction, generalization and, in particular, with short-term memory.
They often seem to forget learned skills from one day to the next, as previous learning is often not transferred to future experiences. This is a problem in every learning context, including mobility. Nevertheless, a large number of people with the Down syndrome can reach a good level of independence; many have a job and can move by themselves along known paths in town.
These skills are traditionally learnt through a long training performed by expert educators in a face-to-face situation. Within the Smart Angel project, a system based on cloud computing technologies and geolocation systems both satellite and terrestrial has been developed. The target users find in their Smart Phones a guardian angel that quietly supports them in their everyday life and is always ready to help in case of need.
They can move freely around town knowing that, if needed, help can be asked at any time. Furthermore, the system supports specific activities where the users typically have difficulty as, for example, time management. The Smart Angel system offers the users the possibility to learn the new paths in town by actually moving along them, avoiding the use of maps, which require a certain amount of abstraction.
Furthermore, it offers the possibility to implement an instructional scaffolding approach: Researches have demonstrated that scaffolding helps learners with Down syndrome in their learning process by easing the burden of the short-term memory. Educators and families are often overprotective and underestimate the possessed abilities.
They can therefore experiment the newly learnt skills and further develop them by moving autonomously and discovering new areas in town. Should unforeseen situations arise, they will be managed by the users with the immediate assistance of his educator. This gives the educators a better and more complete understanding of the real level of ability reached by the users allowing them to decide how much support is needed by the single learner. The transmission of some cultural expressions, like rare traditional singing or dancing, is more related to the acquisition of procedural knowledge i.
Grounded on the research results in Game Based Learning and on the opportunity offered by cutting-edge sensor technologies, the i-Treasures project exploits the interesting potential of Serious Games in the ICH field. As a matter of fact, the capacity of games to train motor skills and to support sensorimotor learning, together with their ability to enhance engagement and motivation, are the main elements at the heart of our choice. In the paper, we discuss in depth the theoretical rationale behind the adoption of Serious Games i-Treasures, also in the light of their current use in Cultural Heritage Education.
Furthermore, the paper describes the main game design principles adopted by the i-Treasures project to address the specificities of various artistic expressions and and to make the games sound and effective tools to support practice and learning. Students' Perspectives and Empowerment. In recent years, interest in the potential of social media and social networking sites for young people's participation in public spaces has gained momentum. These media have been seen as adequate to support the development of participatory culture.
However, some studies have questioned their participatory power and demonstrated that online participatory culture is still at an early stage. This chapter reports on a study involving Italian youths with the aim of presenting the development of an instrument to evaluate participatory attitudes of teens ePAAA, Assessing Adolescents' Attitudes towards e-Participation and advance in our knowledge of how young people are appropriating social media.
In the first part, the theoretical background is illustrated focusing on the different forms of participation and content creation, the notion of civic engagement and the role of social media. In the second part, the characteristics of the tool are described and the results of its administration are discussed, while considering its implications for education and citizenship. Indeed, since there are no deterministic links between social media usage and active engagement, the main conclusion of the chapter is that education, especially media education, should play a major role in supporting adolescents' civic engagement and empowerment.
Metaphors and online learning. The aim of this chapter is to highlight the role that metaphors and figurative language may play in virtual learning environments that are based on written discourse. In these contexts they may satisfy cognitive, emotional and affective needs of learning.
Research results achieved so far show that metaphors, establishing meaningful analogies among different domains, may deeply affect conceptual reorganization and thus knowledge enhancement. Moreover, metaphors successfully support the expression of affective domain and the building of a common identity; at the same time they give concreteness and familiarity to the immateriality of the virtual spaces.
By presenting results gathered in two research studies here reported, the chapter focuses in particular on the role that metaphors may play in supporting social presence and collaborative knowledge building in online learning experiences. Voci e silenzi in un'esperienza italiana di Student Voice. Learning dynamics of the peer review: This study analyses the benefits and drawbacks of the Peer Review PR technique as a way to structure student interactions during an online collaborative activity.
The interactions that took place during a real-life PR activity were analysed according to an evaluation model, based on both quantitative and qualitative data. The results show that the PR is able to stimulate a rich and balanced collaborative process from the cognitive point of view, fostering people to express personal opinions and views, but also helping to share, exchange and negotiate them with others.
Among the downsides, this technique confirms itself as demanding in terms of teaching effort required to manage it. The two main phases of the PR are also analysed and compared, and the results show that there are significant differences concerning some indicators in the three dimensions. Tutor si, tutor no: Lingue antiche e moderne: Aspetti linguistici, clinici e normativi, Flussi di conoscenza e spazi ibridi di apprendimento.
Educational Reflective Practices, A queste domande ha cercato di dare una risposta l'esperimento descritto in questo articolo e che ha visto protagonisti un gruppo di 66 studenti universitari. Si tratta di un compito di straordinaria rilevanza educativa ma che al tempo stesso implica un cambiamento sia del ruolo del docente sia del modo di organizzare la didattica. In questo contributo metteremo a fuoco alcuni di tali aspetti, contestualizzandone le pro-blematiche, cercando di capire come muta il ruolo del docente quando si introducono nuovi modi di gestire la comunicazione didattica e il flusso dei saperi appoggiandosi an-che e ovviamente non solo alle risorse 2.
Network-Based Continuing Medical Education: Social Media and Professional Development. Trentin, Nova Science Publishers Inc.. Medical Education needs to be understood as a continuous process, where professional knowhow is an ever-changing synthesis of different types of knowledge, integrating experience, practice and rigorous scientific studies.
This book will try to show: What's all the Data about? Proceedings of the companion publication of the 23rd international conference on World wide web companion, ISBN: Data is shared as part of datasets, often containing inter-dataset links [6], mostly concentrated on established datasets, such as DBpedia. Datasets vary significantly with respect to represented resource types, currentness, coverage of topics and domains, size, used languages, coherence, accessibility [3] or general quality aspects. The challenges from such diversity are underlined by the limited reuse of datasets from the LOD Cloud, where reuse and linking often focus on well-known datasets like DBpedia.
Therefore, descriptive and reliable metadata are paramount to enable targeted search, assessment and reuse of datasets. To address these issues and building up on earlier work [4], we propose an automated approach for creating structured profiles describing the topic coverage of individual datasets. The proposed approach considers a combination of sampling, topic extraction and topic ranking techniques. The sampling process is used to determine the best trade-off between scalability and profiling accuracy.
Topic ranking is based on an adoption of graphical models PageRank, K-Step Markov, and HITS, which introduces prior knowledge into the computation of vertex importance [7]. Finally, the generated profiles are exposed as part of a public dataset based on the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets VoID and the newly introduced vocabulary of links VoL which describes the degree of relatedness between datasets and topics. Social Web applications such as "Flickr", "Youtube" and "Slideshare" over a vast body of multimedial knowledge, discoverable through the appropriate search interfaces and API's.
This extensive information source, however, is largely unstructured and the available metadata is typically limited to title, tags and description for a resource. On the other hand, Linked Web Data is both structured and well described through a variety of metadata. Combining those sources opens promising direction for knowledge discovery and, at the same time, new challenges for collaborative searching in various Technology-Enchanced Learning Scenarios. In this paper, we explore how to support collaborative search in such scenarios through an initial analysis of the Web data landscape and introduce early results from e orts on exploiting Linked Data techniques to solve critical issues in this context.
Teachers' professional development in online social networking sites. Social media and social networking sites are progressively gaining attention also in relation to professional development and life-long learning for school and academic teachers and staff. In particular, social media and social networking sites are emerging as places in which to cultivate different forms of social capital, bridging and bonding, that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit, as well as exchange of resources, personal and professional relationships and implications for psychological well-being.
The paper presents some conceptual reflections about the value of these tools for school and academic teachers' professional development. Moreover, two examples related to some Facebook groups for teachers and to the adoption of social networking sites for personal and professional use by Italian university scholars will be presented. The paper concludes with some considerations about the current limited adoption among extensive audiences and envisages future research directions. Social media in higher education. How Italian academic scholars are using or not using Web 2.
Proceedings of Sirem-Siel ,. The paper reports the main results of a survey addressed to Italian academic scholars with the aim of researching how the latter use Social Media tools for personal, teaching and professional purposes. The survey, which was adapted and translated from a previous questionnaire, was administered to the entire Italian university scholar population and obtained a rate of response of The study has specifically investigated how university teachers use these tools in their teaching practices and eventual obstacles that may hinder their adoption.
Results show that Social Media use is still rather limited and restricted and that teachers mostly prefer traditional forms of teaching, mainly face-to-face based, to collaborative and distributed practices. Overall the results emphasize ambivalent attitudes towards benefits and challenges of these tools in the context of higher education as already pointed out by the literature. Higher education; personal use; professional use; social media; teaching use. Lecture notes in computer science, , A key challenge of the Semantic Web lies in the creation of semantic links between Web resources.
The creation of links serves as a mean to semantically enrich Web resources, connecting disparate information sources and facilitating data reuse and sharing. As the amount of data on the Web is ever increasing, automated methods to unveil links between Web resources are required. In this paper, we introduce a tool, called SCS Connector, that assists users to uncover links between entity pairs within and across datasets. SCS Connector provides a Web-based user interface and a RESTful API that enable users to interactively visualise and analyse paths between an entity pair ei, ej through known links that can reveal meaningful relationships between ei, ej according to a semantic connectivity score SCS.
The raise of attention to the relatively new phenomenon of MOOCs has put them at the cutting edge of the debate on networked teaching and learning. Research on MOOCs seems to have overcome the exploratory phase, and is approaching a consolidation of themes and objectives. However, little attention has been paid to methodological issues in MOOCs research. Furthermore, the methodological approaches most widely adopted in this area could cast out conclusions, which should be reconsidered either from a critical theoretical point of view, or from studies of empirical replication.
In this paper the authors have reviewed fifty-seven journal articles on MOOCs in order to analyze the methodological approaches most commonly adopted in this field of research. The results have been initially grouped, taking into consideration the traditional methodological classification: Furthermore, the methods adopted within the above mentioned approaches have been considered. In order to deepen on the understanding about the methodological approaches, the conceptual model "full cycle of educational research", with its seven phases has been adopted to classify the several articles reviewed.
On these basis, the authors analyze the "methodological trends" within the field of MOOCs.
The purpose is to show gaps and criticalities as well as to suggest future directions for selecting methodological approaches in the field of MOOCs research. Interacting to learn in the age of social technology. Interaction and collaboration with peers are widely recognized to stimulate cognitive development and to favour the acquisition and organization of new knowledge.
Its actual exploitation to support formal and informal learning has now more than ever a chance to be successfully realized thanks to the wide development of technology which allows people to communicate as well as to share information, materials, ideas and reflections, in a variety of ways and formats.
In this paper, I will take into consideration four different cases of technology potentially supporting learning through interaction. The Net, Web 2. In this contribution, an experimental session of language lessons will be presented. Since the "flipped classroom" method seems to fit the way of teaching and learning a second language, we will present the structure, methodology, technical tools and initial results of two different educational contexts: Such results will endorse a deeper reflection on how the method can be applied in K12 and Higher Education and will suggest some future developments.
Exploring type-specific topic profiles of datasets: This demo presents the dataset profile explorer which provides a resource type-specific view on categories associated with available datasets in the Linked Data cloud, in particular the ones of educational relevance. Our work utilises type mappings with dataset topic profiles to provide a type-specific view on datasets and their categorisation with respect to topics, i. Categories associated with each dataset are shown in an interactive graph, generated for the specific profiles only, allowing for more representative and meaning-ful classification and exploration of datasets.
The developments of the Web and the movements towards openness in education and science are leading to new professional practices and ways of experience the academic profession, a phenomenon that has been denominated "Digital Scholarship". However, the research in the field is still to be considered fragmentary and at its infancy. This entails limitations to the assumptions that require further research and narrowing down the focus on disciplines as well as phases of professional life. In this sense the exploratory studies could bring some light on the areas that should be covered with future research on this emerging phenomenon.
Taking into account this situation we implemented a set of non-structured interviews with a group of 7 researchers and 3 librarians coming from the field of the Life Sciences and Medicine in the Italian context, in order to explore how the main dimensions of the Digital Scholarship, defined as the production, dissemination and evaluation of scientific information with the adoption of web tools, are experienced in this group. The initial results show that the group of researchers and librarians considered are using partially many of the potential useful tools offered on the Web; therefore, their professional discourses are mostly linked to traditional practices and concepts rather than to the idea of Digital Scholarship.
We conclude with some remarks regarding the reasons preventing the engagement of researchers in the biomedical sector to participate in professional practices aligning with the concept of Digital Scholarship, aiming at open to further debate and research. Digital Scholarship; professional practices; scientific information; web tools. Exploiting Linked Data for supporting mobile learning experiences. The evolution of mobile technologies in the last few years has radically changed the way and places in which people can get access to information.
This transformation has influenced several contexts from business to everyday life activities. It is more and more common to see "digital natives" using their smartphone when they are walking around the city or waiting at the bus stop. Guessing what they are doing with their smartphone is not easy: Are they browsing Internet pages or checking their profile in their favorite social network?
Recent statistics highlight the number of young people using their mobile devices for learning is growing. This is an important indicator which shows that mobile learning is ready to move from the research labs and experimental phase which in almost 10 years have highlighted the educational potentials of mobile devices towards a mature phase where students and, above all, teachers, will consider it as a learning methodology which complements, supports, enriches and sometimes substitutes more traditional learning strategies.
A further step towards this transition is related to the advances in the technological development of mobile devices in the last decade, which have made it possible the commercial availability of smartphones with good computation capabilities , which are getting more and more popular amongst young people. Through the support of a smartphone, a walk around a city can turn into an opportunity for learning and it is not necessary to organize it in advance, as teachers use to do in traditional school trips.
Indeed, the most popular mobile stores already include, in their catalogs, several applications providing specific information about hundreds of cities in the world. This information can be used to support the visit of a city successfully, but the scope of these applications rarely extend beyond their use as tourist guide. Specifically to their educational use, the information provided by these applications is usually extracted from proprietary data source, and cannot be easily customized to be really suitable for learning settings.
Consequently, teachers wishing to organize learning experiences around the city have to prepare learning content in advance, and maintain it during the whole lifespan of the application. In this abstract, we present MeLOD, a mobile learning environment, which exploits the huge amount of dataset in the Linked Open Data LOD cloud to overcome the previous issues, by providing contextualized updated information based on students' location. The position of the student sent by the mobile device is used to interlink Geonames, DBpedia and Europeana datasets to provide information about all the interesting cultural heritage sites close to the student.
Moreover, students social activities like voting and commenting are used to enhance the knowledge base of the environment and to provide recommendations for next students' visits. More information about the environment are available at: The main datasets exploited by the MeLOD environment are at the time of writing three: DBpedia, Geonames and Europeana. Moreover, in the last few years, many municipalities, in the world in general and in Italy in particular, are releasing their data as Open Data. For instance the municipality of Palermo has already released the data about historical buildings in open format.
These data contain information related to opening hours, entrance costs, closing day, and other information under the responsibility of the municipality, thus this data can be really useful to enhance the description already available on the datasets of the LOD cloud such as DBpedia and Europeana.
The MeLOD environment have been designed with the aim of: In particular, users of the MeLOD environment can select their preferences related to language, categories of interest and preferred media type. It is important to highlight that the content is not prepared in advance in several languages but the increasingly number of translation of the DBpedia ontology are exploited to provide localized content according to the language selected by the user. Users can select their preferred topic categories from a list retrieved from the main topic classifications of the DBpedia category graph, some examples of categories are: Education, Geography, History, Arts and Life.
Finally, users can select their settings related to the preferred media type. In this way they can decide to receive contents in different formats only text, text and images, all multimedia formats depending on the technical capabilities of their device or the reliability of the network GPRS, 3G, Wi-fi. The list of these Wikipedia entries is used to access the corresponding resource on the DBpedia ontology, so that the structured format of the DBpedia ontology can be exploited to improve the information delivered to the users.
In particular the social activities of voting and commenting performed by users during a visit of the city have been taken into consideration. These activities are used to feed new knowledge into the student profile.
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Subjects with physical and sensory disabilities are frequently alienated from the social and production contexts. This type of alienation may lead to the worsening of the disabled subjects' health conditions and an impoverishment of their human relations, which in turn might cause identity crises and a tendency to greater dependence on others, culminating in loss of inclination and ability to learn new skills.
Since , the SCINTILLA project of the Liguria Region Italy has set out to study how information and communication technology can be used to support work inclusion processes for subjects with congenital or acquired physical disabilities which make it difficult for them to move around hence the common definition "Homebound".
This paper will deal with one of the key aspects of the project, i. It will thus describe a the training programme conceived for educators called upon to train homebound subjects for insertion into companies with the "smart work" approach; and b the model worked out for evaluation of the above training programme, a sort of transversal model comprising formal, non-formal and informal learning dimensions. School represents the natural place of growth not only for the amount of information that it is able to convey, but even also because this it is a social place environment in which students acquire rules, habits and self-confidence, and learn to manage conflicts and to cooperate.
In this situation, Web 2. An experimental triennial project named TRIS Network Technologies and Socio-educational Inclusion is underway within this framework, aimed at experimenting innovative technological and methodological solutions for the educational inclusion of homebound students. In this paper we explore how, on the basis of a model of inclusion crossing three dimensions technological equipment, BYOD adoption and teaching approach , an inclusive educational process was promoted before the beginning of the experimentation.
University of Potsdam, Potsdam. Digital technology has radically changed the way people work in industry, finance, services, media and commerce. Informatics has contributed to the scientific and technological development of our society in general and to the digital revolution in particular. Computational thinking is the term indicating the key ideas of this discipline that might be included in the key competences underlying the curriculum of compulsory education.
The educational potential of informatics has a history dating back to the sixties. In this article, we briefly revisit this history looking for lessons learned. In particular, we focus on experiences of teaching and learning programming. However, computational thinking is more than coding. It is a way of thinking and practicing interactive dynamic modeling with computers. In our view, this approach allows an integration of computational thinking in the K curriculum across disciplines.
Computational thinking; informatics education; programming in context. A scalable approach for efficiently generating structured dataset topic profiles. Lecture notes in computer science, LNCS, The increasing adoption of Linked Data principles has led to an abundance of datasets on the Web. However, take-up and reuse is hindered by the lack of descriptive information about the nature of the data, such as their topic coverage, dynamics or evolution.
To address this issue, we propose an approach for creating linked dataset profiles. A profile consists of structured dataset metadata describing topics and their relevance. Profiles are generated through the configuration of techniques for resource sampling from datasets, topic extraction from reference datasets and their ranking based on graphical models. To enable a good trade-off between scalability and accuracy of generated profiles, appropriate parameters are determined experimentally.
Our evaluation considers topic profiles for all accessible datasets from the Linked Open Data cloud. The main aim of this paper is to propose a model, which can explain Italian regional variability in the PISA data. In the literature, many models have studied the impact on the PISA scores of individual variables, often related to gender, socio-economic status, and motivational factors.
In some cases, other variables have been introduced to take account of particular school characteristics, such as the mean socio-economic level of the families of children attending a school, equipment and resource distribution, and so on. These approaches are largely inadequate to explain the variability among Italian regions.
In fact, these regions exhibit many differences both in their labour market structures and in individual educational levels. This model is able to explain much of the region-to-region variability. The results pinpoint attention on the relationships between the labour market structure and the individual decisional processes, as well as on the quality of the educational system. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, educational technology research is characterized by approaches, models, and methodologies that derive from a number of different research traditions, disciplines, and approaches.
Thus, the numerous research studies in this sector are characterized by a wide range of paradigms and methodologies that needs some overarching notion to be framed and understood. In this chapter, specific reference has been made to the notion of perspective. On the basis of this notion, a framework has been sketched to help make explicit the interplay between perspectives and elements that characterize technology-based learning environments.
Such framework has been exemplified consider - ing two research projects carried out at the Institute of Educational Technology of the Italian National Research Council. Instructional Design e Didattica in Rete. Jafrancesco , Guida alla formazione del docente di lingue all'uso delle TIC, L'nteresse del mondo dell'? Ovviamente nell'adottare strategie WEL al docente non si chiede di diventare un instructional designer ma di continuare a ricoprire prioritariamente il ruolo di esperto disciplinare e di didattica della specifica disciplina.
Tuttavia l'acquisizione da parte sua della filosofia generale dell'ID e degli annessi elementi chiave, rappresenta la conditio sine qua non per dar senso e organizzazione all'uso strutturato e consapevole delle web come strumento in grado di potenziare e migliorare il processo di insegnamento-apprendimento. Le indicazioni che seguono non hanno assolutamente la pretesa di fornire un paradigma di riferimento per l'?
Innovation and sustainability in higher education: Information Technology and Open Source: Applications for Education, Innovation, and Sustainability, The need for higher educational systems to undergo a radical process of innovation is recognized worldwide, but how such a process has to be triggered, managed and sustained is far from being fixed. The paper illustrates the case study of a small Italian online university where a number of actions i.
The paper describes context, method and outcomes of the approach adopted and then discusses its strengths and weaknesses. Higher education; innovation; online university; Sustainability; Technology Acceptance Model. Innovation and sustainability in Education. Applications for Education, Innovation, and Sustainability, , We analyze two possible interpretations of Innovation and Sustainability in Education: After a discussion of these two interpretations we briefly visit the ten contributions to the 1st International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability in Education and show how the solutions they propose address one or both of these interpretations.
Educational innovation; sustainability in education; sustainable development. Informal learning and knowledge flow in CME: Social Media and Professional Development, Early approaches to knowledge management focused on knowledge as a thing, because in those days technology focused on codification, but neglected the flow aspects.
Knowledge flows along existing pathways in organizations. If we want to understand how to improve the knowledge flow KF , we need to understand those pathways Prusak, This is a key aspect, and it has stimulated the reflections in this chapter as to how Graphic Knowledge Representations GKR can support, foster and enhance knowledge sharing and development processes in CME, through the activation of non-formal and informal knowledge flow dynamics.
The chapter discusses the results of an experimentation with graphic approaches to knowledge representation during informal learning processes based on problem-solving in the healthcare sector. The tools chosen for the experimentation were concept mapping and Petri Nets, developed collaboratively online with the aid of the CMapTool and WoPeD graphic applications. Our specific aim was to analyse and discuss their actual usability and effectiveness in fostering social interaction, knowledge-sharing and information exchange during a process designed to study a specific professional problem.
We will do this step by step, and will begin by proposing a graphic representation of the different facets of the learning process, differentiating them into formal, non-formal and informal and also into intentional and incidental. Thus, the informal component and its relationship with the horizontal knowledge flows which are typical of social interactions, will be identified.
Finally, the above-mentioned experimental cases will be described and the results deriving from them will be discussed. Research in educational technology has revealed that technology can be an important resource for the quality of teaching and learning processes both for the learning of disciplinary contents and for the acquisition of transversal cognitive competencies. However, many research studies have also demonstrated that new technologies only have an impact on teaching and learning processes if there is co-evolution of ICT and schooling.
This co-evolution should entail novel educational strategies, pedagogical activities, and roles in which teachers and students are both actively involved, as well as development of educational institutions' general organization and policies. Change at this level is extremely challenging; it involves numerous changes in educational practices and resources, as well as in educational policies. Countries throughout the world have established different national strategies for integrating ICT in their schools.
This paper examines the situation in Italy, focussing in particular on the national plan for digital schools and on some of the different projects that have been launched under this umbrella. The paper reports some of the initial outcomes of the plan, which is presently underway, and looks at some of its strengths and weaknesses taking into account a review of this plan made recently by OECD. A few exemplary experiences carried out in recent years are also discussed with the aim of identifying positive indications and possible interesting developments.
Open Collaboration in Formal Education. It is generally recognized that, although online collaboration between learners has the potential to contribute to learning, teachers and learners do not fully appropriate the potential of this sort of activity Reeves et al. Many innovations within this area have been developed and used in a variety of situations, but the online collaboration is not often sustained and learners frequently engage in the collaborative activity only to the extent that is required by the task or activity they are set.
Take up is lower than hoped for. At the same time, there is evidence that many learners use social networking tools in their everyday lives, and there is a question within this research area related to ways in which formal education can draw on the power of social networking in order to optimise online collaborative activity for learning. This contribution tries to identify the challenges for Technology Enhanced Learning in this context, based on the outcomes of a workshop that took place at the Third Alpine rendez-vous entitled "Structuring online collaboration through 3Ts: Task, Time and Teams".
Does Facebook Provide Educational Value? Integrating Social Network Use in Education, Facebook has received considerable attention in a number of research areas. However, its educational value has not been fully confirmed and results from the mainstream educational paradigms are contradictory. A number of experiences related to the educational use of Facebook as a technology-enhanced learning environment are also flourishing. In these, Facebook has been used as a unique, or at least as one, learning management system tool, or as a platform for educational purposes.
This chapter focuses on these issues, providing a wide overview of the current literature on the educational value of Facebook considering both theoretical positions and empirical findings. Furthermore, a few preliminary guidelines about Facebook usage are provided, pertaining to pedagogical, institutional, technological, and ethical issues. The chapter finally provides some hints about emerging trends and areas that deserve further research, such as professional development, academic practice, and location-based learning.
Facebook; formal learning; informal learning; review; social network. A geometric algebra based distributional model to encode sentences semantics. Word space models are used to encode the semantics of natural language elements by means of high dimensional vectors [23]. Latent Semantic Analysis LSA methodology [15] is well known and widely used for its generalization properties.
Despite of its good performance in several applications, the model induced by LSA ignores dynamic changes in sentences meaning that depend on the order of the words, because it is based on a bag of words analysis. In this chapter we present a technique that exploits LSA-based semantic spaces and geometric algebra in order to obtain a sub-symbolic encoding of sentences taking into account the words sequence in the sentence. A framework to support educational decision making in mobile learning. Computers in human behavior, ISBN: Learning Analytics in Mobile Learning is a challenging research topic, due to the distinguishing features of mobile learning.
In fact, mobile learning is characterized by the learners' mobility, the possibility of having localized data and information, the large amount of data that can be collected during a learning session, the affordances provided by the technologies and the social dynamics that characterize the context in which learning takes place.
As a consequence, Learning Analytics in mobile learning requires original methodological approaches which enrich techniques already tested in different learning contexts e. This paper presents a task-interaction framework to support educational decision-making in mobile learning. The framework is based on the relationships between the different types of interactions occurring in a mobile learning activity and the tasks which are pedagogically relevant for the learning activity. A case study has been designed to demonstrate the application of the task-interaction framework to learning scenarios based on the use of mobile devices.
Entrepreneurship Education aims to help students acquire skills and knowledge that are crucial for the development of an entrepreneurial mindset. The article describes a blended model based on the use of a serious game within the framework of the EU-funded project I can The learning model and the serious game was designed in order to build a learning space that fosters learner's entrepreneurial mindset through experiential learning.
A gamified collaborative course in entrepreneurship: Focus on objectives and tools. The paper deals with the hot issue of entrepreneurship education and describes the rationale behind the gamified and collaborative courses for university students conceived, developed and deployed in the framework of the eSG stimulating entrepreneurship through Serious Games project, funded under the EU lifelong learning LLP Programme.
The project aims to help students becoming familiar, mainly through practice, with basic concepts of entrepreneurship and company management and to stimulate the emergence of their entrepreneurial attitudes. In the framework of the project specific courses mainly grounded on the concepts of gamification and collaboration were designed and carried out in three different partner countries: Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. The main objectives of the courses are presented in this paper and a theoretical model supporting the choice of Serious Games is shown which keeps into account usability, pedagogy and the entrepreneurship skills expressed by state of the art models.
Adapting the Technology Acceptance Model to evaluate the innovative potential of e-learning systems. Computers in human behavior, This paper describes an experience where the Technology Acceptance Model TAM has been adapted for use in the evaluation of methodological and technological innovations determined by the introduction of a new e-learning system in an Italian online university. While the original TAM allows one to assess acceptance and adoption of a new technology, in this case there was also a need to consider all the phases of use of the system course design, running and evaluation , all the users of the system students, teachers and e-learning management , and all the system's components the e-learning platform, the learning resources and mostly the underlying pedagogical approach.
The resulting model, which is an extension of the original TAM, is a three-dimensional one, with three aspects to be considered on each axis phases of use, users and components. For each of the 27 combinations of these aspects, indicators of usefulness and ease-of-use have been identified. When available, data concerning actual use derived from the tracking functions of the platform and effectiveness based on teachers' adoption of new tools and students' learning outcomes have also been used to complement the data.
International Journal of Serious Games, Serious games are designed to train and educate learners, opening up new learning approaches like exploratory learning and situated cognition. Despite growing interest in these games, their design is still an artisan process. On the basis of experience in designing computer simulation, this paper proposes an agent-based approach to guide the design process of a serious game.
The proposed methodology allows the designer to bring forward the assessment of educational effectiveness to the design phase and to strike the right equilibrium between educational effectiveness and entertainment, realism and complexity. To this end, an agent based approach is proposed because it provides the actors involved in designing the game with specific tools and guidelines for determining whether the proposed model is clear and comprehensible to the students. The design of the PNPVillage game is used as a case study.
The PNPVillage game aims to introduce and foster an entrepreneurial mindset among young students. It was implemented within the framework of the European project "I can Paradoxically some "extreme" didactic needs, such as those of students who are unable to attend normal education regularly e. In this sense that special pedagogy can be considered as a potential crucible for educational innovation. Here follow, asfter a few considerations on the current relationship between technology and pedagogy, we will try to understand if and how it is possible to capitalize on the numerous individual experiences of hospital and home teachers, in order to foster innovation in teaching and teachers' professional development.
Come trasformare un'esigenza estrema in una straordinaria opportunita' di innovazione didattica e crescita professionale per i docenti. Le esperienze individuali derivanti da esigenze didattiche a volte "estreme", come quelle degli studenti che non possono frequentare regolarmente se non del tutto le lezioni, hanno fornito e continuano a fornire, al mondo della scuola e della ricerca, un contesto unico per una profonda riflessione su nuove forme di scolarizzazione e di insegnamento.
Da Catfish a Her: Media Education Online, Gardolo , L'ampia diffusione che i social network e le tecnologie di rete stanno avendo anche nella costruzione di relazioni online pone una serie di interrogativi sulla natura dei nostri rapporti affettivi e romantici, su cosa ci aspettiamo da questi e su come si ripercuotono nella nostra vita quotidiana. Catfish; Her; macchine intelligenti; Relazioni online; social network.
Enhancing human capital in TEL research: This paper analyses the case of the Theme Teams, i. Qualitative and quantitative data about how this instrument worked are presented in the paper, with the aim to demonstrate its ability to promote integration of researchers in different countries and with different backgrounds, and to develop the researchers' human capital by overcoming the traditional fragmentation of this specific research field.
This special issue focuses on analysing how digital SGs can contribute to the knowledge society's higher demand towards acquiring transferable, transversal skills, that can be applied in different contexts, dealing with various scientific disciplines and subjects. Examples of such skills, often referred to as 21st century transferable skills, include, for example, collaboration, critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, reasoning abilities, learning to learn, decision taking, digital literacy.
Journal of educational, cultural and psychological studies Online , L'articolo riporta i risultati di un'indagine rivolta agli accademici italiani con l'obiettivo di rilevare gli usi didattici dei Social Media nel panorama delle pratiche didattiche universitarie. The social lives of networked teens. La mediazione semiotica di diagrammi visto-spaziali e dittici per l'apprendimento dell'algebra. Sistemi intelligenti Testo stamp.
This work investigates the advantages of a conceptualization of algebra and of its symbolic language through the use of digital diagrams able to express in a visuo-spatial, deictic and dynamic manner the bonds that algebraic expressions and propositions establish with their objects of reference. To this end, the study makes use of Peirce's semiotic model to perform the analysis of the levels of meaning that underlie algebraic expressions and propositions.
This model is also used to study the semiotic mediation for the understanding of such meanings through the use of diagrams provided by a digital artifact AlNuSet. This analysis makes possible to understand how the students can attribute to the diagrams the value of algebraic culture that has inspired their design and development.
La nozione di narrazione nella valutazione del potenziale semiotica di un artefatto per l'apprendimento della matematica. Affordance; AlNuSet; Ciclo di apprendimento espansivo; Mediazione semiotica; Narrazione incorporata; Potenziale semiotico di un artefatto.