The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Dover Thrift Editions)
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Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. I'm a huge Dickens fan BUT had never read the unfinished Edwin Drood. It seemed to me, why bother? But in my old age, I took a crack at it It's very different from his other works, leaner, sparser, darker. But the Master is still there, making me want to keep reading and know how it resolved.

This "finished" version, published during the bicentennial of Dicken's birth, really is good! The author, a retired British diplomat, assumes the mantle quite well, and as I'm not finished with it yet, I will say, I will be satisfied as to how he wraps up all the loose ends, while hewing to the original feel of Dicken's story.
Of course, he is not Dickens All in all, I'd recommend this version. We are also made aware that the uncle has an opium addiction, and the woman who operates the opium den he frequents may have overheard things he said while under the influence of the drug. His complex prose and skill at detailed description must have developed considerably over the years.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood-Charles Dickens Paperback | eBay
I was, however, comfortable with the continuation by Leon Garfield, which remained true to the characters already drawn for us by Dickens. Whether the ending was the one Dickens intended, we shall never know, but from the clues he left, it cannot be far wrong. All in all, I was very satisfied with this book; it put my mind at rest. I knew at the outset that Dickens died before he had the chance to finish this novel, but I didn't realize how incredibly frustrated I was going to be because of it!
It seems that he was just getting somewhere, and that there was going to be some climactic action coming up shortly, and then poof.
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But on the other hand, it was so good getting to that point, and as noted, I am aware that The Mystery of Edwin Drood was unfinished, so I can't say that I was all that frustrated, really. It's the getting to the end or the leave-off point that mattered, and it was a great ride. Movies have been made; I believe there was a stage production or two as well, and there are as I saw written somewhere entire websites and pundits devoted to solving the mystery and playing "what-if" in an effort to provide an ending.
Chesterton provides several theories about what may have followed if Dickens had been alive to finish his work.
I read this on the heels of Dan Simmons' most excellent novel "Drood," and it puts a lot into perspective. I would definitely recommend it -- if you MUST have an ending, then don't read it, but as I said above Dickens does it again! Here is a good mystery well written. I was hesitant to read an unfinished book but became interested when I saw a pbs adaptation on Amazon video. Like other adaptations they created an ending, which I liked. The book left everything open ended, but led down a different path.
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There are themes in the story that are timeless: I wasn't sure where some of the characters fit into the story, probably because the book was never finished. The fact that there are things that will never be resolved doesn't take away from it's being worthwhile to read. I understand the frustration of the reviewer below. As you ca see, the font size of Drood is smaller than that of Our Mutual Friend which is the norm for Oxford Classics.
The print is often faded in a line or two of pages of Drood as well, unlike the evenly always clear, very legible ink of Our Mutual Friend. If you have good eyes, the smaller font size and inking problems should not be a big problem.
Product Review
The edition itself is as good as any other Oxford Classics edition. I don't know of a competing scholarly edition,. Get to Know Us. What happened to Edwin Drood? And what became of his body? Unfinished at the time of his death, Charles Dickens's intriguing story has become all the more tantalizing for its lack of an ending, leaving a grim puzzle that avid readers, over the years, have tried to solve.
Please use the postage calculator to estimate postage fees. Please pay using PayPal. After payment is received, your item is shipped the very next business day via US Mail. Please check out my other listings at the Domestic Solutions store: Nov 26, , The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. The Mystery of Edwin Drood by C The Mystery of Edwin D A gem for lovers of murder mysteries and the legions of Dickens fans, "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" remains a gripping and haunting masterpiece.