The Magical Power of Thought
Lists with This Book. Jun 20, Monica rated it it was amazing. An inspiring book that will teach you to think beyond the mundane, every day, status quo. The enemy we call "average" threatens to take away the hopes, dreams, and meaning in our lives. Strive for excellence in everything you do. If you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done. Dec 05, Tracy S. I know several people who feel that this book has changed their lives. I'm not certain I can make that claim for myself, but this was the first time I'd heard of the three failure diseases: Procrastonation, Excuse-itis and detail-itis.
I think at some time or another, I was guilty of all three. Now I tend to catch mysef in the midst of them and think "a-ha! Feb 21, David Rosage rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: This book changed the way I look at the world, and will remain a powerful reminder of the great things that can be accomplished with the right attitude. May 13, Anthony Fox rated it it was amazing.
The mantra of believe in yourself is the premise of this book.
Words are Magic: The Power of Language Over Your Minds
The copy I have read was first published in This is second time I have read this book with many years between the readings. I know the book has been re-published many times since and is available. The reason I selected this book to write a review is that maybe a newer generation might find it an interesting book to read, and they might not have heard about it before.
The book is really a tutorial of how to respond positively to events with mini stories describing how other people have handled both negative and positive events in their lives. This gives the reader a clear understanding of how to approach similar situations with good advice. Because, if you do not believe in yourself you are more likely will not succeed. I have always believed that to succeed in anything you have to have confidence in yourself.
- Loves Home Run (Jack & O Book 1)!
- Thoth (Thought), the Great Magician - The Power of Consciousness (Pt.4).
- Your Magic Power Of Thought - Michael Mackintosh.
- The American Journey: A History of the United States, Volume 2,.
- The power of our thoughts.
The more confidence you have within you the more other people will believe in you. We fear failure more, partly because of the unknown and what other people might think about us. I have written about this subject because I feel we are all capable of achieving what we want. Sometimes we just need to understand that fear is only temporary when we start to take action. When we confront our fear head-on the more likely we will gain confidence in ourselves to tackle similar situations in the future. I am not saying you should not aim high or set your goals high, but sometimes things are not always in our control.
So we have to learn to aim high, but always remember that not everything is going to go our way. My analogy of this would be the climbing of Mount Everest, sometimes events and conditions are against you, but for those who keep trying they often reach the summit of their goal. What we all must accept is that failure is part of success. Those that keep trying will find success, as long as they are prepared to evaluate their performance after each attempt and improve. We have to learn that success is more subjective and teach ourselves that taking part is a success.
This will make us more confident as individuals with the right attitude to be a better person in this world. This book is worth keeping and re-reading. Then do something about it. Nov 24, Brady Bunte rated it liked it. I have to admit, I have read this book about 8 times. I make it a goal to read this book every six months because of the powerful influences that come from Dr. I read this book initially in and was taken aback by how powerful the thinking process is.

As a result of applying the book, I was able to get a better job, attain certifications in my field Computers , buy a house and feel much better about myself. If you find yourself in need of a change, look no further than this book. I I have to admit, I have read this book about 8 times. I recommend this book for family and friends. Put this book at the top of your must read list!!! View all 8 comments. May 14, Nancy rated it it was ok. However, as helpful as the book was in the s for millions of people, I don't think I represent its ideal audience.
Because, in order to truly glean more than just a few tidbits of advice from this book, I imagine you would have to subscribe to the thinking that "success" and its cousin, "happiness," are defined the way Dr. This narrow concept was further muddled for me by the fact that this book was written 50 years ago-- dragging along its dated jargon What on earth does "blow my stack" mean?? Although I appreciate Dr.
Schwartz' desire to keep the "wives" happy as well, as they are apparently all at home doing dishes in every anecdote Schwartz uses View all 4 comments. May 10, James rated it it was ok. I'm a Yorkshireman — from the north of England — we subsist on a steady diet of tea and disappointment. This book contains good advice but as a grumpy northerner I still found it annoying. You can buy the book here. View all 3 comments. May 08, Mahshid Parchami rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jun 23, Mohammed Al-Abdullah rated it it was amazing Shelves: I got the recommendation for this book from Anthony Robins in his famous book Awaken Your Giant Within , and he quoted lots of sayings and mentioned them in his book..
Then I decided to read it as soon as I could..
Your Magic Power Of Thought
Although, it's shorter than Robins's book but really it's an amazing book, full of essential concepts and secrets.. I recommend everybody to read it deeply and apply it's concepts. Dec 31, Mike rated it really liked it. I don't really like self help books, but this was a really good book. Simple, quick read, and actually had intelligent content.
I would recommend this book to anyone, but if you like self help books, then this is a must read. I read this book many years ago. It changed my life. So, I picked up a Kindle edition and took another tour through its pages. It's still a game changer. I'm surprised at two things: This book is now going on my annual rotation list.
Thoth (Thought), the Great Magician – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.4)
Nov 16, Brian Johnson rated it it was amazing. Big in respect… Start now, right now, to discover how to make your thinking make magic for you. Start out with this thought of the great philosopher Disraeli: Withdraw only positive thoughts from your memory bank.
Let the others fade away. And your confidence, that feeling of being on top of the world, will zoom upward. You take a big step forward toward conquering your fear when you refuse to remember negative, self deprecating thoughts. Are you thinking big? You better if you plan to be big. This book deserves a spot on your top list. Here are some of the Big Ideas: Believe Big - If you want to think big.
Excusitis - Get your vaccination. Action Cures Fear - Always. Memory Bank Deposits - Make good ones! Apr 08, Holly rated it did not like it. On the one hand, this book had some good advice about things like thinking positive, treating people well and setting a good example. On the other hand, the author's misogynistic views on women is prevalent throughout the book and is really a sign of when this book was written the s. Women cannot be successful business people - they are allowed to work menial jobs or be wives, but nothing more.
I'd like to think that since they are still publishing this book that they would update it every On the one hand, this book had some good advice about things like thinking positive, treating people well and setting a good example. Our thoughts and imagination are the only real limits to our possibilities. Our minds are the home of our rational thinking, but they are also the birthplace of our full and unfiltered imagination.
Essentially we need both, yet our imagination is stifled by rationality and logic. Our imagination needs freedom in order to see the true wonder of what could be. Our logical thinking looks for the guarantee, yet creative thinking searches for the boundless beauty of possibility. We can only bring into our sphere what we put the power of our intention behind, like a rocket that needs that big burst of fuel to lift it off the ground.
When we believe in the magic of possibility a whole new world presents itself to us: When we can look at life through the lens of our inner child, everything is possible. You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave; find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this. Our self-belief and inner confidence take a battering through what we deem as failure and not quite hitting the mark.
The Magic of Thinking Big Quotes
When we feed into these thoughts we provide them with a stronger foundation to keep knocking us off our feet and keeping us down when we inherently know that we can take flight. When we fall, we need to defiantly get back up. When we stumble, we need to draw upon our inner resilience and pull ourselves up to balance. How we rise is more meaningful than how we actually fall. How we deal with everything, is everything. If we allow our mindset to remain locked on our failures, we lose every second of chance and magic that the present moment holds.
We have programmed ourselves to fear loss and making mistakes , yet the greatest loss arising from a lack of self-belief is the cost to ourselves. Self-belief is a key to the entry-door of our highest potential, and we own that master key. They are habitual thoughts. They emerge out of habit without us doing anything. We can choose which train to board and which ones to ignore. Negative thoughts are optional. They are just one option among many other possible thoughts. We can focus our attention and choose where we direct our energy.
That is where the power is. Do I really want to continue this negative thought? Do I want to go down this road? Or Is there something better?