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Both methods infuse the body with Qi and help focus meditation. As you travel through these steps, remember that Qigong is a process of building awareness. This introduces you to the concept of being mindful of the present, much the same concept as found in Zen walking. The combination of exercises one and two gently massages and tonifies the Organ Systems, which helps promote longevity.
You can learn more and signup for the free course he is offering here: Free Qi Gong Course: In this, you feel the Qi energy by using your hands like the bellow of an accordion or a bicycle pump. This exercise cultivates Qi, builds awareness, and sensitizes yourself.
Global Solar Atlas
When you feel Qi energy for the first time, it changes your mind-set. If you have Deficient Qi, you should perform this exercise with your eyes half closed to cultivate and accumulate Qi energy. This qigong exercise allows you to communicate with your Qi energy. By increasing the distance away from your body that you can feel Qi, you expand your area of comfort—your field of generosity—in the world around you.
8 Powerful Qigong Exercises for Cultivating Healing Energy
You will have less fear and greater abilities. By being able to bring your Qi halo in to skin level or inside your skin you may become more centered, calm, and self-assured. When you have learned to be comfortable expanding and contracting your Qi, you will feel stronger, healthier, and more in harmony internally and externally. This is a tricky exercise that moves the Qi energy along the two connecting Extraordinary Channels: You may think of it as evolve, devolve, because your posture goes from a slumped, gorilla-like stance to an upright extended pose.
It is adapted from the Wild Goose Qigong exercise routine. This exercise should help you become aware of various resonations of Qi energy and learn to blend them into a harmonious flow. Students are often bewildered by the idea of feeling two sensations at the same time, but a useful analogy is to think of the color yellow and the color blue.
When you blend those two colors together, you produce green.
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That green then becomes its own entity with its own wavelength. The same is true of blending the Qi energy from your front and from your back. The blend becomes another entity with its own resonation. Within your body, the strongest influence of this vitalizing prana breath extends from your lungs and heart up to your nose. Prana endows your lungs with their ability to draw in all forms of prana, giving your eyes their energy to see, ears their ability to hear and mind its power to make sense of the world; prana energy nourishes your brain as it supervises the workings of your nervous system.
If you frequently feel stressed or exhausted, you may not be taking in enough prana through breathing. Alternatively, you may be wasting your prana energy, perhaps by overworking or allowing it to drain away as you spend long hours in front of a computer or a television, or sit in air-conditioned rooms or use a microwave. All of these activities deplete prana. Compare how tired and drained you feel in these situations with how energized you feel standing in a place rich in prana energy, such as near the ocean.
Ancient yoga texts state that the symptoms of any illness are the manifestation of a decreased flow of prana to particular parts of the body, usually due to lack of proper pranayamic breathing. As you use the prana breathing techniques, ask yourself the following questions. They can help you to see how you are depleting your prana and find ways in which you rebalance it.
Although such a depletion is usually gradual, the effects of a sudden lack of prana energy can sometimes be obvious. If you experience a shock, for example, you may begin losing weight rapidly, see your hair turn grey overnight, or find that an internal organ ceases to function—for example in a heart attack. Through practicing the prana breathing techniques in this article, you can become conscious of the flow of prana energy within your body.

By breathing with concerted awareness, you may find that you can extract more life-energy and deliberately direct it wherever it is required, whenever it is needed. As you become familiar with the pranayama breathing exercises and practice them regularly, you may notice changes in the way your body functions and the fullness with which you live life.
You may even notice your appearance changing, making you appear more alive, fresh-faced and youthful. From this control center at your brow, the propulsive energy of prana moves inward and downward to the bottom of your lungs, from where it acts as the main on-off switch that stimulates all your other subtle energies into action.
Try to keep in mind the idea of inward-moving energy as you practice the prana breathing exercise, opposite. You might like to picture prana as a welcoming figure within you, who opens a door and allows energy to enter every time you breathe in air, take a bite of food, listen to an idea or have a drink of water. Feel reassured that she will whisk the incoming energy to the proper processing area within your body, whether your lungs, stomach or mind, ready to be used appropriately.
You can practice the Prana Breathing exercise, below, anywhere and at any time, but it is particularly effective when you feel depleted of energy and would like to recharge your batteries. For a variation, combine this exercise with Alternate Nostril Breathing.
Energy Benefits of Blue Solar Water
Have you ever had to tell someone something that was disagreeable, but necessary? Think of how you instinctively prepared yourself to do it. Start by sitting comfortably, preferably with your legs crossed. Draw your shoulder blades down toward your waist to lift your breastbone and allow your ribcage to move freely as you breathe prana.
The project team installed water monitoring sensors at each borehole in Turkana County to indicate when a well needs repair. GIS maps of the borehole locations show which wells have the most plentiful non-saline water. With this innovation, clean water should no longer be an issue for the community.
HOTOSM supports community mapping projects around the world for socioeconomic development and disaster preparedness. In Niger, a community of students and young professionals used a mobile GIS application, GeoODK, to plot flood-prone areas of Niamey so the community could begin to minimize risk. In Central America, CRS has been working with cacao production cooperatives to generate an interactive map of where different varieties of cacao can be grown that will generate more income for local farmers.
The GIS map was presented at the Salon du Chocolat in Paris, a yearly trade fair for the international chocolate industry. In Laos, ArcGIS Online maps overlaid on publicly accessible data are being used in considering where to target agricultural projects. GIS has helped pinpoint districts for possible programming interventions and develop strategies for the highest-need areas.
Considerations include population, poverty, food security, agricultural productivity, micronutrient deficiency, and stunting and wasting. One of the fastest and most efficient ways to capture accurate aerial imagery and transform it into maps or 3D models is by using UAVs with spectral cameras like LiDAR and other scanning tools.
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Using the UAV image and software allowed us to count trees, detect crop stress and weeds, distinguish where there had been forest fires, and determine where there was planting space. The most common application of GIS maps may be for reporting to donors and other stakeholders.