Ministerio a la Imagen de Dios: El Modelo Trinitario del Servicio Cristiano (Spanish Edition)
Fungal flora and deoxynivalenol DON level in wheat from Jeddah This study aimed to explore the fungal flora along with the DON concentration in the collected wheat samples from Jeddah market to correlate between this flora and the detected DON. Whole grain wheat samples were collected from Jeddah market and this represents imported and locally produced wheat.
Don Quixote og romangenren.
Historical Profiles of Protestant Denominations in Puerto Rico
Moreover, it has played a major part in the development and theoretisation of one of the modern world's most central artistic forms: It responds to the completely absence of sources and mentions in the Compostellan archives; in order to palliate this fact, we resorted to the bibliography of other seats and, specially, to the sources of the Vatican Secret Archive, with whose aid we can form one first, new and relatively complete vision of its reign in Santiago. Ello responde a la completa falta de fuentes y menciones existente en los archivos compostelanos.
Full Text Available Melastoma affine D. Don had some activities such as anthelmintic, antibacteria, antiinfiammation, antifungal, and antitumor. The aims of this research was determine antibacteria activity of ethanolic extract of Melastoma affine D. The compounds in Melastoma affine D.
The result showed ethanolic extract of Melastoma affine D. Don contains alkaloid, polyphenol, fiavonoid, saponin, and essential oil. Don , Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli. Contrasting trends of tuberculosis in the cities of San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Objective To 1 describe and compare the trends of tuberculosis TB case notification rates CNRs and treatment outcomes in the two largest cities in Honduras San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa for the period and 2 identify possible related socioeconomic and health sector factors.
Methods This retrospective ecological operational research study used aggregated data from the National TB Program socioeconomic and health sector information and individual data from the TB case notification report. Results TB CNRs declined steadily over the study period in Tegucigalpa from 46 to 28 per inhabitants but remained high in San Pedro Sula decreasing from 89 to 78 per inhabitants. Similar trends were observed for smear-positive TB.
While presumptive TB cases examined were similar for both cities, in San Pedro Sula the proportions of presumptive cases with a positive smear; 7. San Pedro Sula had lower annual income per capita, fewer public sector health workers and facilities, and a higher and increasing homicide index. The TB case data from San Pedro Sula showed a significantly lower median age and a higher proportion of assembly plant workers, prisoners, drug abusers, and diabetes.
Conclusions The TB rate was higher and treatment success lower, and health care resources and socio-demographic indicators less favorable, in San Pedro Sula versus Tegucigalpa. City authorities, the NTP, and the health sector overall should strengthen early case detection, treatment, and infection control, involving both public and private health sectors.
El gran mercado del Mundo. El gran teatro del Mundo. El gran mercado d The earliest presence of SCPs was found at 16 cm depth, corresponding to the period, at the very onset of industrial activities in the study area. No SCPs were found at lower depths. These results are the first SCP sediment profiles from Chile, showing a direct relationship with fossil fuel consumption in the region.
Cores were dated using the 21 Pb technique.
- Mens Erotica: The Roman Slave Girl.
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- 1965 Revolution in the Dominican Republic.
Carnaval de Sodoma de Pedro Antonio Valdez: Cross-dressing and queer identities constitute themes that are ignored and neglected by the literary critic that the novel Carnaval de Sodoma , by Dominican writer Pedro Antonio Valdez has had until now. We will rethink notions such as gender and sexuality, usually established by the heterocentered thought as fixe and immutable entities.
Quantifying and valuing ecosystem services: A large body of research exists that identifies and values ecosystem services - the benefits that ecosystems provide to humans MA, - and their underlying ecological processes. However, the development of software decision support tools that integrate ecology, economics and geography that can be independently used within the public, private, academic and NGO sectors is a more recent phenomenon Ruhl et al.
Spurred by growing demand for more sophisticated analysis of the social and economic consequences of land management decisions, the US Department of Interior - Bureau of Land Management BLM launched a pilot project with the US Geological Survey USGS to assess the usefulness and feasibility of ecosystem service assessment and valuation tools to provide inputs to decision-making.
The BLM manages some 99 million hectares, primarily in the western United States, and million hectares of sub-surface mineral estate. BLM's multiple-use mission requires that it appropriately balance non-extractive uses such as habitat conservation, recreation and archaeological heritage protection and the extractive use of resources such as timber, oil and gas, coal, uranium, and other minerals. Bioavailability of dissolved organic nitrogen DON in wastewaters from animal feedlots and storage lagoons.
Dissolved organic nitrogen DON transport from animal agriculture to surface waters can lead to eutrophication and dissolved oxygen depletion. No se puede afirmar, en forma definitiva, que el conquistador fuera leproso. The President's pleasant surprise: It draws on the author's direct involvement with that effort as well as personal interviews and media evidence to consider the contributions of the Obama Administration, members of Congress, the media, and individuals and pressure groups in the repeal process.
It argues that repeal succeeded not because of the effective implementation of a White House plan but because the pressure of LGBT advocates ultimately shattered several key obstacles including inadequate messaging and dysfunction and inertia among both politicians and interest groups in Washington. The article offers insight into the role of public pressure in forwarding social change.
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DON -induced changes in bone homeostasis in mink dams. Full Text Available Introduction: The aim of the study was to investigate the mechanical and geometric properties as well as bone tissue and mineral density of long bones in mink dams exposed to deoxynivalenol DON since one day after mating, throughout gestation ca. Thirty clinically healthy multiparous minks Neovison vison of the standard dark brown type were used. After the mating, the minks were randomly assigned into two equal groups: The final body weight and weight and length of the femur did not differ between the groups.
However, DON contamination decreased mechanical endurance of the femur. Furthermore, DON reduced the mean relative wall thickness and vertical wall thickness of the femur, while vertical cortical index, midshaft volume, and cross-sectional moment of inertia increased. Finally, DON contamination did not alter bone tissue density, bone mineral density, or bone mineral content, but decreased the values of all investigated structural and material properties.
DON at applied concentration probably intensified the process of endosteal resorption, which was the main reason for bone wall thinning and the weakening of the whole bone. Don quijote, Christelike geloof en natuurwetenskap 1. Full Text Available The story about Don Qulchote and the windmills is used in this article as an analogy to typify the debates that have taken place in history between natural science and representatives of Christian religion. The analogy is tested on debates that took place around Galileo.
Darwin, Newton, Cuvier and the Big Bang theory. The analogy matches these debates quite well and this Is explained by the view that scientific claims to knowledge, and claims to knowledge based on Christian faith, belong to different categories and are thus not concurrents for the same truth.
Gilbert Ryle's criticism on Descartes' mind-body dualism is used here to strengthen this argument. The article is concluded by pointing out in what ways one can engage in a meaningful debate on the nature of the relationship between science and Christian religion. Conifer forests in northwestern Mexico have not experienced systematic fire suppression or logging, making them unique in western North America. Fire regimes of Pinus jeffreyi Grev. This essay explores the career of the understudied writer Pedro Castera , who is regarded as one of the first practitioners of science fiction in Mexico.
His career took many turns: Long-term land use and land cover change, and the associated impacts, pose critical challenges to sustaining healthy communities and ecosystems. The Upper San Pedro River Basin in Mexico and the United States is an important riparian corridor that is coming under increasing pressure from growing populations and the associated increase in groundwater withdrawal. Several studies have produced three-dimensional maps of the basin fill sediments in the US portion of the basin but little work has been done in the Mexican portion of the basin.
These basin fill sediments are characterized by a m deep unsaturated surficial zone which is composed primarily of sands and gravels. In the central portion of the basin this unsaturated zone is usually underlain by a shallow clay layer m thick. Beneath this may be more clay, as is usually the case near the San Pedro River, or interbedded sand, silt, and clay to a depth of m. As you move away from the river, the upper clay layer disappears and the amount of sand in the sediments increases.
Below this, clays are always present except where bedrock highs are observed. This lower clay layer begins at a depth of about m in the central portion of the basin m or more at distances greater than km from the river and extends to the bottom of most profiles to depths of m. While the depth of the top of this lower clay layer is probably accurate, its thickness observed in the models may be overestimated due to the relatively low magnetic moment of the TEM system used in this study.
The inversion routine used for interpretation is based on a one-dimensional geologic model. This is a layer based model that is isotropic in both the x and y directions. Several survey soundings did not meet this requirement which invalidates the inversion process and the resulting interpretation at these locations. The results from these. Violencia rural intercomunitaria no sueste de Galicia.
Moialde contra San Pedro de Pousada. Full Text Available The objective of this work is make an approximation to the research about the rural violence across the analysis of the conflict between two villages in the southeast of Galicia Santa Maria de Moialde and San Pedro de Pousada, by economic and social causes, means of a cualitative research and the interview of several witness, with the design to determinate the most probable causes of the conflict between the communities, in economic and social nature. With the obtained dates, we reach to the conclusion that the most part of the rural conflict in the studied ambit begin in the competition to access to the single women and to the comunal goods, needful to the daily survival.
We don 't need another hero. Everybody loves the stories of heroes like Martin Luther King, Jr. But the heroic model of moral leadership usually doesn't work in the corporate world. Modesty and restraint are largely responsible for the achievements of the most effective moral leaders in business. The author, a specialist in business ethics, says the quiet leaders he has studied follow four basic rules in meeting ethical challenges and making decisions.
The rules constitute an important resource for executives who want to encourage the development of such leaders among their middle managers. The first rule is "Put things off till tomorrow. The fourth rule, "Find a compromise," reflects the author's finding that quiet leaders try not to see situations as polarized tests of ethical principles. These individuals work hard to craft compromises that are "good enough"--responsible and workable enough--to satisfy themselves, their companies, and their customers.
The vast majority of difficult problems are solved through the consistent striving of people working far from the limelight. Their quiet approach to leadership doesn't inspire, thrill, or provide story lines for uplifting TV shows. But the unglamorous efforts of quiet leaders make a tremendous difference every day in the corporate world. The Cure Violence model: Full Text Available Developed in the United States, the Cure Violence model is a programme of epidemic control that reduces violence through changes to norms and behaviour.
This article primarily examines the issue of violence in Honduras and, in particular, in San Pedro Sula which was for years the city with the highest homicide rates in the world. To tackle this situation, in an adapted version of the programme began to be implemented in certain areas of the city. After describing the adaptation of the model to the context of the Honduran city, its results are analysed in two periods of and compared to and , respectively: The STS crew were making final preparations for launch, targeted for liftoff at 2 p.
Other crew members not shown are Mission Commander Curtis L. Lindsey, Mission Specialists Scott E. Robinsion, and and Payload Specialists John H. Las conclusiones que presentamos Of the eighteen movies, but three, all contain, one way or another, a reference to TV in a critical sense. Through the analysis of all his films, we observe the way in which TV appears and focus on four models or functions of the TV in his work. Finally, a fourth function is the presence of other films through the TV screen to establish an intertextual relationship with a narrative purpose.
Data are of three types: The data are compiled, without interpretation, in three spreadsheet files. Gravity values, GPS locations, and driving directions for absolute-gravity base stations are presented as National Geodetic Survey site descriptions. Se propone la fiesta xita viejos como patrimonio biocultural de la milpa mazahua. Full Text Available The teaching of Astronomy in Brazil is analyzed in the 18 programs of the Pedro II School, relative to the to reforms, based on the understanding that the curriculum is the result of a process made up of conflicts and disputes between different traditions and social conceptions.
The non-linearity of the temporal evolution in the curriculum is also observed in the maintenance of subjects such as seasons or eclipses in all the reforms and in the disconnected absence of subject matter like the methods for the star observation or the characterization of the Sun in some of them.
Full Text Available During June , water supplies of the city of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, were sampled to obtain an assessment of Cryptosporidium oocyst and Giardia cyst concentrations. Each sample was concentrated and stained with an indirect immunofluorescent antibody, and parasites were counted through microscopic analysis. In three surface water supplies, Cryptosporidium oocyst concentrations ranged from 58 to oocysts per L, and Giardia cysts were present in concentrations ranging from to cysts per L. Cryptosporidium oocyst concentrations are within the typical range for surface water supplies in North America whereas Giardia cyst concentrations are elevated.
Efforts should be made to protect raw water from sources of contamination. Culturalism and the "New" Poetry. A Poem by Pedro Gimferrer: Full Text Available The study deals with the group of Spanish poets commonly called the "novisimos" or "promocion de ," using as a base a poem by Pedro Gimferrer published in It studies the aesthetic break-through achieved by this generation, highlighting the concept of "culturalism" that critics used to define it twenty years ago.
It examines the equivocal uses to which this concept can be put, and describes its correct meaning in the light of the aesthetic to which it refers. It then studies the mechanisms implicit in the writing of this non-confessional lyric poetry, centering it on two complementary procedures: It considers these in the light of two perspectives: El cine en el cine: Phobias and Anxiety Disorders Don 't Panic!
Don 't Be Misled. Will Don Quixote escape from the Solar System? The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of Don Quixote to be ejected from the Solar System. This paper presents an orbital evolution of hypothetical asteroids generated by cloning Don Quixote.
Investigation of its orbital evolution is conducted by using the SWIFT subroutine package, where the gravitational perturbations of eight major planets in the Solar System are considered. Study of plaster finishes on San Pedro de los Francos church at Calatayud. Finally, scanning electron microscope SEM, energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis EDX and X-ray diffraction XRD studies showed that gypsum and anhydrite are the main components of both binder and aggregate in these mortars. In other words, they constitute traditional multiphase plasters whose coarser particles or aggregate were a byproduct of the artisanal manufacturing process.
Noble from a family of gentlemen and nephew of a Bishop of Pamplona, firstly breaks away from the family environment that seeks social promotion to dedicate himself to the mission in the Philippines, becoming the Society of Jesus'provincial representative in the Philippines before the Court of Madrid and Rome. Great jurist, historian, geographer, poet, politician and orator.
This paper provides an analysis of the writings by Pedro Prado from a mystical perspective, an approach that the author himself understands as having religious as well as socio-ethical foundations. This is why Prado's characters rise towards ultimate levels of reality, but they never lose touch with the "land of men" to the point of turning into seers who yearn for beauty andjustice. In "La barca", the characters undertake a vertical ass well ass a horizontal journey in order to face the mystery.
In Alsino, on the other hand, the vertical journey also serves to approach the divine, whereas the horizontal one is used to judge the Chilean rural world. The mediation between that which is above and what is below is represented by a ship that sails and flies, as well as by a man who walks and flies, both of which are to be seen as allegories of the artist. The study of library inventories of the Golden Age is of great interest to those who study the culture of this period, as it reveals much about their owners, and also about readings, plays, copies, etc.
One of the most important libraries of the seventeenth century was that of Don Lorenzo Ramirez de Prado, erudite and bibliophile, who collected in his Madrid home at least 8, volumes. Don Lorenzo was godson of the humanist Pedro de Valencia, chronicler of the Indies, he was Counselor of the Indies from until his death, as was his brother Alonso; another brother, Marcos, was Bishop of Michoacan. Perhaps the special relationship that Don Lorenzo had with America throughout his life was the reason that among the. Full Text Available Deoxynivalenol DON is a protein synthesis inhibitor produced by the Fusarium species, which frequently contaminates grains used for human or animal consumption.
This study highlights significant differences in the metabolization of DON and its acetylated derivatives. Pedro attributed to Gracia Dei. The research allows us to conclude that various characteristics attributed to these characters, as well as the authorship of the chronicles they are adscripted to, are part of an advertising campaign started in the sixteenth century by one branch of the Castilla lineage that looks for the reaffirmation as legitimate descendants of Pedro I.
The present morphology is a series of two to three northwest-southeast trending rows of depressions separated by banks and insular ridges. During the Holocene past 10, years about m have accumulated. The sediment entered the basin by one or a combination of processes including particle infall mainly as bioaggregates from surface waters, from nepheloid plumes surface, mid-depth and near-bottom , from turbidity currents, mass movements, and to a very minor degree direct precipitation. In Santa Monica Basin, during the last century, particle infall nepheloid plume transport have been the most common processes.
The former process has been dominant in thecentral basin at water depths from m, where characteristic silt-clay is found with a typical mean particle diameter of about 0. Kurtosis is typically 2 platykurtic ; these values indicate broad, near-log normal particle size distributions. Surficial sediment bulk densities are 1. Bottom water oxygen contents are at or below 0. There appear to be annual varves, but the laminae couplets are not simple wet-dry season pairs. Full Text Available Earth, wood and others traditional materials are still used in house constructions in many regions of the world, especially in the Andes.
San Pedro de Atacama, for example, is a small town where earth blocks adobes and rammed earth tapial are important ways to construct, an art passed on through generations. Energy properties of earth are very interesting: However, nowadays the government social dwelling service is proposing a different type of construction, which does not maintain any relation with the tradition. This paper presents simulation studies and monitoring of four different San Pedro houses, constructed by using different techniques and materials. Results can be used to discuss the thermal performance needed in desert climate and the reliability of social dwelling service houses, under construction at this time in the town.
Neither that much nor that little, the use of the sequence shot, usually visible, is understood as formal manieraand a touch of virtuosity. With the Portuguese director Pedro Costa it is possible to understand how film criticism and theory favor aesthetic criteria rather than what is politically correct.
With the production of the trilogy about Fontainhas, Costa has become one of the most important marginal directors in the last fifteen years. The recurrent use of the film sequence shot and his political persuasion through images run on the conditions of production and reception of contemporary cinema, with a clear intention to bring into the light of audiovisual stage the excluded areas of Lisbon, starting a long journey that begins in Fontainhas.
Mechanical conceptual design of 6. An overview of the feasibility study and the structural conceptual design are summarized in this paper. The telescope concept is based on telescopes already commissioned such as MMT and the Baade and Clay Magellan telescopes, building up on these proven concepts. The main differences relative to the Magellan pair are; the elevation axis is located 1 meter above the primary mirror vertex, allowing for a similar field of view at the Cassegrain and both Nasmyth focal stations; instead of using a vane ends to position the secondary mirror TSPM considers an Steward platform like MMT; finally TSPM has a larger floor distance to m1 cell than Magellans and MMT.
The telescope design includes 7 focal stations: The azimuth and altitude structure is planned to be constructed in modules and transported by truck and shipped to Ensenada and finally to the OAN where is going. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 5 x 5 tratamento x tempo. Little is known about the probability of fire-scar formation. In addition, we examine the probability of fire-scar formation in relation to the previous fire interval in forests Solidarity According to the Thought of Fr.
As superior general, Arrupe sought to shape the Jesuits in the spirit of the vision of Vatican II, as well as the original charism of the founder of the Jesuit, St. The questions this dissertation seeks to…. The headwaters of the basin originate in northern Sonora and flow north into southeast Arizona. As the region's only remaining perennial stream, the San Pedro River serves as an international flyway for over bird species. It is one of the western hemisphere's most ecologically diverse areas with some 20 different biotic communities, and "possesses one of the richest assemblages of land mammal species in the world.
Works on Christian-Muslim relations 1600-1700
This presentation describes empirical evidence of the positive impacts on watershed management of scientists and policy researchers working closely with water managers and elected officials in a functioning HELP basin. We posit that when hydrologists help watershed groups understand the processes controlling water quality and quantity, and when managers and stakeholders connect these processes to social, economic and legal issues then transboundary cooperation in policymaking and water management is most effective.
The distinctive physical and socioeconomic characteristics of the basin as well as differences in institutional regulations, water law issues, and their local implementations in Arizona and Sonora are discussed. We illustrate how stakeholders and scientific researchers in both countries strive to balance ecosystem needs with human demands to create new, integrated basin management. Subjects and ideas of a lost work: The original Spongia went missing, and we only have the excerpts of the book reproduced by the authors of Expostulatio Spongiae The Upper San Pedro Partnership: Its purpose is to coordinate and cooperate in the implementation of comprehensive policies and projects to meet the long-term water needs of residents within the U.
The Partnership consists of 21 local, state, and Federal agencies, NGO's and a private water company. In it was recognized by Congress in Section of Public Law and required to make annual reports to Congress on its progress in bringing the basin water budget into balance by The Partnership is dedicated to science-based decision making.
This presentation will provide an overview of the evolution of natural resources research in the binational U.
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- El Ministerio a la Imagen de Dios: El Modelo Trinitario del Servicio Cristiano by Stephen Seamands!
- Adolescenza e libertà (Italian Edition).
It will discuss the transition through science and research for understanding; to science for addressing a need; to integrated policy development and science. At each stage the research conducted becomes more interdisciplinary, first across abiotic disciplines hydrology, remote sensing, atmospheric science , then a merging of abiotic and biotic disciplines adding ecology and plant physiology , and finally a further merging with the social sciences and policy and decision making for resource management.
Lessons learned from this experience will be reviewed with the intent providing guidance to ensure that hydrologic and watershed research is socially and scientifically relevant and will directly address the needs of policy makers and resource. In Possession of a Stolen Weapon: From theoretical questions including how to read an adaptation or what constitutes an adaptation, this article focuses on the diachronic recurrences of a specific character-type, on the significance of juxtaposing particular historical junctures and on the violence of adaptation and authorship.
Se sabe que junto a su hijo Juan fue colaborador del entallador y traductor de Vitruvio Miguel de Urrea. The decline of Dom Pedro II's empire and health: Full Text Available The main objective of this paper is to know the medical doctors of the Emperor, the preconized treatment, and the knowledge about diabetes at that time, its repercussions on the Emperor's nervous system, and the related political implications. A narrative revision was made, based on primary and secondary sources.
Charcot diagnosed in the Monarch: He demonstrated his knowledge about diabetic neuropathy, possible topographical alternatives to justify the urinary incontinence, and Dom Pedro 's weakness in the legs. Throughout his illness, Dom Pedro II presented others manifestations that contributed to his physical fragility, and that, certainly too, to his political decline, deposition and the proclamation of the Brazilian Republic. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra published his immortal work Don Quixote of La Mancha in a time of crisis and decadence in Spain that occurred during the transition between the 16th and 17th centuries.
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In we commemorate the fourth centenary of the death of our distinguished man of letters, and thus in this article we analyse the status of Hispanic neuroscience, both in the Quixote itself and in other works by the most significant contemporary writers of that time. Despite the adverse historical circumstances, the shift from the Renaissance to the Baroque periods, in the Crown of Castile, was a flourishing period for literature Spanish Golden Age and other Hispanic arts painting, sculpture, architecture and music , as well as bearing witness to a prodigious creativity in the field of neuroscience, including the field of natural philosophy.
In his book Antoniana Margarita the physician Gomez Pereira laid the foundations for brain mechanism and the concept of conditioned reflexes several decades ahead of his time. The apothecary Miguel Sabuco also anticipated the concept of neurotransmission centuries ahead of his time in his New Philosophy. The physician Juan Huarte de San Juan was the founder of neuropsychology and experimental psychology, and his Examination of Men's Wits has been one of the most influential and widely translated scientific texts of all times.
Its concepts are clearly reflected in Cervantes' Quixote. This analysis of Cervantes' work within the cultural setting of the book is intended as a homage to the immortal figure of our 'Prince of Wits' in the fourth centenary of his death. Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the degradation to propose strategies for remediation and recovery of agricultural soils of San Pedro Lagunillas, Nayarit, Mexico; considering physical and chemical properties.
Soils maintained with natural vegetation but slightly grazed and agricultural soils used for more than 20 years for the production of several crops, were compared. Eight sites were studied four cultivated and four uncultivated, each agricultural lands cultivated was located at a distance of 30 to 80 m from its counterpart or soil with natural vegetation uncultivated. Samples were obtained from the following layers: The variables evaluated were: It was concluded that traditional farming practices led to adverse changes in soil chemical properties, in the upper 20 cm soil layer.
The overall results in this work evident the need to take appropriate measures to prevent the physical and chemical degradation of cultivated soils in order to preserve this resource and maintain their productivity.

Changes in color and odorant compounds during oxidative aging of Pedro Ximenez sweet wines. Pedro Ximenez sweet wines obtained following the typical criaderas and solera method for sherry wines and subjected to oxidative aging for 0, 1. The changes in color parameters and active odorants were not linearly related to aging time, being especially marked during the first 1.
For the wines aged over 1. Remote-sensing models have become increasingly popular for identifying, characterizing, monitoring, and predicting avian habitat but have largely focused on single bird species. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NDVI has been shown to positively correlate with avian abundance and richness and has been successfully applied to southwestern riparian systems which are uniquely composed of narrow bands of vegetation in an otherwise dry landscape. Desert riparian ecosystems are important breeding and stopover sites for many bird species but have been degraded due to altered hydrology and land management practices.
We also investigated how vegetation and physical features measured locally compared to those data that can be gathered through remote-sensing. We found that NDVI has statistically significant relationships with both avian abundance and species richness, although is better applied at the individual species level. However, the amount of variation explained by even our best models was quite low, suggesting that NDVI habitat models may not presently be an accurate tool for extensive modeling of avian communities.
De um escritor escrevente: The status of experience in the theory of knowledge of Pedro Figari. Full Text Available In this paper we inquire about the status of experience in the theory of knowledge of Pedro Figari Uruguayan artist, philosopher and educator of the 20th Century to answer how his philosophy - of a monist characterization - influences his pedagogy - of an active orientation-.
His monist, unicist or holistic construction, is the key to overcome the antagonism of dualistic positions and the mechanicism as a model for the dynamic of the being and the matter. Full Text Available Don Quixote has ridden with us for a long time now, and as if his fight against windmills were not enough, Don Quixote still has many more difficult situations to combat in the present times.
Will the Knight of the Sad Figure accomplish this new deed? It is our challenge to find an answer to this inquiry. The author transforms the values, costumes and points of view of the times of the literary piece and establishes a series of relationships between the literary text, the main character and several current daily life situations.
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Don Quixote will certainly continue his fight against all the conditions we encounter nowadays. There is no doubt, then, that this knight still lives among us. Dostoyevski and Don Quijote: Poetics and Aesthetics of a Delusion. Leveraging the display capabilities inherent in modern gaming technology, DON places users in a fully navigable 3-D environment containing graphical models and allows the users to observe how those models evolve and interact over time in a given scenario. Each scenario is driven with data that has been generated by authoritative NASA simulation tools and exported in accordance with a published data interface specification.
This decoupling of the data from the source tool enables DON to faithfully display a simulator's results and ensure that every simulation stakeholder will view the exact same information every time. It is shown that the novel contains a subtle critique of science, based on an epistemological skepticism with regard to the arbitrariness of our world concepts. Cervantes thus would consider science to be fiction, a very modern point of view. Pia Petersen sous le signe de don Quichotte. Fuel elements assembling for the DON project exponential experience.
It is described the fuel unit used in the DON exponential experience, the manufacturing installments and tools as well as the stages in the fabrication. These 74 elements contain each 19 cartridges loaded with synterized urania, uranium carbide and indium, gold, and manganese probes. They were arranged in calandria-like tubes and the process-tube. This last one containing a cooling liquid simulating the reactor organic.
Recent utilization includes district and greenhouses heating and even cosmetic applications. The Hydromineral Field includes two exploitable zones: The waters are recognised for their mineral and medicinal effects, since the time of the Romans about years ago and, later on, on the 12th century, by the first King of Portugal, D.
The traditional spring and the m well AC1 , located in the Termas Pole, currently supplies artesian hot water flow of about There is a close relationship between the placement of the main hot springs and the Verin-Chaves-Penacova fault, namely Verin Spain , Chaves, Moledo, and S. Pedro do Sul Portugal hot springs. Heat flow generated at shallow crustal zones by the radiogenic host mineral of the granitic rocks, added to the deep Earth heat flow, heats the cold water inflow along fractures.
Open fracture network along the main faults allows the hot fluids reach the surface, thus giving chance to the occurrence of hot springs and mineralized cold springs. Coupling between fracture opening and density difference between cold water inflow and hot water. He clearly lays out the important mirror that ministry must display in concordance with the trinitarian Godhead.
If we as Christians are to properly be conformed to Jesus' image, we must receive His commission as He received it from the Father, seeking help and power from the Spirit. Very wordy at times, but an excellent read nonetheless. Karoll Johanna marked it as to-read Jun 29, Eduardo marked it as to-read Jan 02, Javier marked it as to-read May 18, Alicia Liard marked it as to-read Aug 07, Betzaida Marcial is currently reading it Oct 13, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
He also frequently speaks and leads retreats and seminars on such issues as emotional healing and spiritual renewal. Books by Stephen Seamands. Trivia About El Ministerio a l No trivia or quizzes yet. If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Product details Paperback Publisher: View shipping rates and policies Average Customer Review: Start reading Ministerio a la Imagen de Dios on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers.
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