Last Dance of the Lochkray
This hawking gobshite has sprained my libido for at least a fortnight. Would one female of the species please make the ultimate sacrifice and fuck this geekboy virgin before he explodes into one big smelly pile of jizz. Excuse me, but "screeds" and "obfuscate? That review was excellent: If you prefer that a review not use sexual descriptions read Roger Ebert, and you can also make fun of his weight while you are at it because that certainly is a valid criticism of a film review.
No, it really is: That makes perfect sense. Also, to denounce someone because of what is essentially a stylistic choice: You may also want to travel back in time so that you can settle North America with the Puritans. There were fewer interesting movie reviews then and you may be less offended. Think about the logic in that. Harry has no responsibility to you or the rest of us.
You choose to come here. You choose to read the reviews. Popularity has nothing to do with it. If it did, I would have the right to demand forty dollars from Arnold Schwarzenegger, since I thought his last five flicks sucked. Okay, this is the kind of response I like to see. Measured, intelligent, good enough to almost shut me up. I think, EP, you misunderstand my point. Either that or I misrepresented it, which is entirely plausible given how pissed I was after reading the general response to the review.
Calling Harry a big fat, pathetic, starfucking virgin is unintelligent, not to mention hypocritical. If you hate him so much, stop patronizing his site. And actually, to all you who take so much energy and time and emotion to shout and scream and piss your pants about what Harry writes, just think about this - he probably just reads all your whiney little posts and laughs his ass off, then goes and looks at his bank account again.
You do know that every time you come here, he makes money, right? As is this site. Man, I only visit this site now about once every few weeks, just to check up on the current state of decay of Harry and his site. I think I need to cut back even further. Oh well, I guess this post may get me banned. Is this even worth debating about? I have one opinion, you have another. Neither of us are changing our minds. One thing is certain, however. If Harry has the right to post this review, we have the right to tell him whats wrong or right with it as consumers of his product. March 20, , 4: My previous post was a personal attack, my apologies Harry.
My young son and I enjoy your website and like to read about the reviews and comments from other fans. But this review about such a pornographic film is very disappointing to me. Plus such a dirty review format. We thought you were a christian Harry what happened to decency and values? Plese be careful in the future because young eyes are watching and respect you. Your their hero for Gods sake.
There seems, particularly in talkback, a large number or twats that exist just to knock people for the sake of hearing their own self important opinions. It smack of creatively frustrated jealous net nerds that wish their sad little fan sites to Star Wars were so popular. Why else the outpouring of hatred? If you are unoffended and think it is a bad review click on something else, why do you care. As I mentioned before, I come to this site to read reviews that are not transcribed from press kits. Or more particularly by the enthusiasm Harry displays for film, his passion for it which seems totally undiminished by the constant knocking of looses like the negative posters to this forum.
Frankly I applaud Harry who despite knowing better is still willing to go out on a limb and make a fool of himself. To SmackAttack, YOU should watch Almost Famous a few more times, I think the message of the movie was clearly that there is no journalistic integrity or distance possible when you are that close to your subject, so all you can do is write honestly about your experience of it, and Harry is the current king of gonzo journalism.
If you are offended by the review, fuck off and go rent Mary Poppins and stop reading this site and reviews of R rated movies. Here endith the lesson. Anyone that really knows how to eat pussy knows what Harry was going for here. March 20, , 5: In the beginning it was just some movie-geeks discussing film, but now there are all sorts of people here.
Is that so hard to understand? This is a movie-geek site. And we love it! I think this whole debacle can be repaired if you agree to castration Harry. Does your father find you amusing? Harry, this is like no review I have ever read. I live by the words unorthadox but effective. This is unorthadox and nothing more.
You barely even spoke about the film. I hope Harry that you will re-review this film as this tells us next to nothing. This is like the Charlies Angels Cameron Diazs butt review. Less sex and more reviewing please Harry. March 20, , 6: Harry, a good Christian fellow??? And honestly, I think, if Harry is the least bit Christian at all, he is a good one. So he explains the act of oral pleasure? It is forplay which is used in going forth and being fruitful, which Christians do promote, by the way.
You should think about forgiving him for offending you March 20, , 7: March 20, , 8: March 20, , 9: First off, power to you for proving that, despite the fact that you use foul language and call people names, you can write a well thought out response. My response to your question is simply that you can defend Harry all you like but try and defend this piece of rubbish review without resorting to those tactics.
This was a brutal review that does nothing to make me want, or not want, to see the film. It has little to do with the graphic nature of the review but the fact that Harry hung on to a lousy metaphor and rode it through into a lousy review simply because I assume he thought it was cool. It told us nothing of the movie, it told us very little about acting, and definitely very little about what he thought of the film.
Mentally, it was a disgusting picture, yes, but my problem is that it was wholly unneccesary. And, for the record, my personal hero is Hunter Thompson so I do "get" sex, drugs, etc. March 20, , Here, it was just very smarmy. His writing is embarassing to even read. I felt like a total moron after reading it. You people that enjoy his writing need to read Kael or someone who can actually write a "real" review.
That reviewer in EW is on the ball about him and this is only talkback where I am finding myself agree with everyone else about the subject in particular Harry; when the subject should be the movie. March 20, , 1: Harry, if Del Toro is such a good friend of yours, why write such a childish, immature, and just plain embarassing review? This sort of writing should be left to Kevin Smith who can at least make it funny.
March 20, , 2 p. The title says it all. I come on here to read reviews about movies, not to have a picture of Harry Knowles in my head performing oral pleasures on a woman I feel sick to my tummy. Next time you post a review like this March 20, , 2: Was that "metaphor" supposed to be funny and cool? Are we supposed to now accept you as an adult who has sexual experience? Well maybe you did finally eat some pussy - who cares?
What does it have to do with Blade 2? Your attempt at a witty review offered us no insight whatsoever into the fill, but rather your sexually repressed and simple-minded head. I can honestly say that no film has come close to the act in comparison. And maybe you should take this criticsm from all of us Harry because this was an awful and pathetic review and you need to grow up and learn how to write something coherent.
Did I like the review? Is it that big of a deal to me? Lots of fat guys get laid; this is a historically-proven fact. The fact that people have to harp almost entirely on that aspect demonstrates not only a lack of creativity, but the same lack of maturity that these people are applying to Harry, as well. Why single Harry out?
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By the same token, though, find me a well-known and influential film critic who IS completely objective. So who gives a damn? And some of you apparent virgins may actually just be nonvirginal complete prudes, which is just sad. Kind of a chicken-and-egg thing, maybe. But all those types mean exactly the same thing: Even if it was mostly intended to crack up your friend Guillermo and I bet it did , it covered what any review should.
It was honest about your closeness to the filmmaker, then laid out heh, oops a pun in a colorful and effective metaphor how the flick succeeds via its pacing and teasing and payoff for the willing audience. All without dropping spoilers or rehashing the plot. But still, no movie is like sex.
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Some folks would fuck up a wet dream! In my opinion, that is what a review should be about. But there are those windbags with low self esteem that have some pitiful belief that by having the "inside info" on a premiering flick makes them somebody. What qualifies that in making you significant? You need a reality check!
And God have mercy on your soul if you do find it funny. Harry let me first say that was possible the best review of a movie you liked ever. I really want to see this movie now. I think Harry wanted you to go out and experience it for yourselfs. Now after that review I will be first in line at my FREE navy theater to see the movie, plus I hope this kicks ass because when Weasley kicks ass good, oh my god, but when its hust ripped off ass kicking whatever that last one he did was , he sucks.
I just wanted to say: Hells yah I agree with your talk back, damn straight. Harry though give spoilers, but he tells you, and Harry is more of an after movie review reading because he wants people to disscuss it. Now sometimes he just wants you to see it like in this review, and other times he wants you to know not to waste your time. The only pussy you will ever eat will be cat food. March 21, , March 21, , 4: March 21, , 6: Whilst I can see the allusions Harry is trying to draw I should point out that you do not have a pussy, Harry, to be licked.
I think this was a fairly deliberate piece of literature designed to shock, which it obviously did to some people, so aim acheived Harry! This style of article though has no real interest to me, lots of similes could have been used that were not so profane and possibly required more journalistic talent to attain. Did you get your Job on here as a favour, as it obviously had very little to do with your ability. Perhaps you were alluding to the seedy nature of the film and the obvious sexual nature of vampires, but I doubt it.
Perhaps you should go back to english Harry because if you handed this in you know the mark you would get. So without further ado F off Harry. March 21, , 8: Harry have you actually ever had sex, no scrap that, have you even spoken to a woman? The review was just shit, not funny, not clever, just crap. Get a life darling!!
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March 21, , 1: But now I feel sullied. So let me take a slower breath, and type better. Again, the scourge of the English language kicks in on the Internet, that being the fact that "you" works as both the singular and plural. Makes it too easy both to make sweeping generalized statements, and to interpret all sweeping generalized statements as being directed personally towards oneself. I broadly addressed one of the trends of this TB, the one that annoyed me. Typical around here, doing that. Congratulations on being a d through z, and sorry for the confusion.
To a few of the sorry bastards up there, I stand by what I said. So, you 3 who addressed me directly: Shade -- hyuk, good one! CoolDan -- ya say cunnilingus is disgusting and perverted, eh. Yes, a graphic description of one the most intimate sexual acts may be jarring, but context and intent should be kept in mind.
Looks like the metaphor itself was too distracting for some. The last thing sex should be is somber. Long ago when he was still mostly stand-up and gag-writing, an interviewer asked Woody Allen "Is sex dirty? And "May God have mercy on [my] soul I certainly hope he will, but not necessarily cause of THIS. That would certainly be a surprising conversation at the Pearly Gates.
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And finally ebonic plague: Not as much as you imply, to be sure. Before I thought to post I sent her the link to this review, and for the record she did say "Oh NASTY," but she was laughing, too, and that made me happy. But hell, how many do we know are women? Now, not just denied their usual fan-gasm, they were simultaneously faced with The review was pretty clear to me, and even lays out the performances of Snipes, Perlman, and Kris--economically, but effectively.
He just writes like he talks. Abstractly, with di-i-istant barriers of taste. Has there been ONE talkbacker who railed against that? People with similar manners of talking, thinking, and sense of humor, especially if their work brings them in contact, usually become good friends. Back when Pulp Fiction was brand new, he did an interview, they were in a restaurant and Q was eating a slice of peanut-butter pie.
Ecstatic over the pie, he claimed "If Elvis ate peanuts and came, it would taste like this. I can see how he and Harry are friends. Now pretend Q wrote the review up there. There was a point? No harm no foul, hope you feel the same. I dig yer style and look forward to conversations on other topics. This one though, for me, is all spent and flaccid. Way to go Harry! I guess your review proves that the answer is no. March 21, , 3: Apparently someone was SO offended by my first post that they wish me grievous bodily harm.
Thankfully it was just the one. Again, this person yelled at my sickening "logic. Is this a typical thing? Or should one just make sure to post earlier and get lost in the mob? Either way, pen pal, get some help. This review is so lame. Moriarty should start his own website and leave this juvenile crap behind. I saw the premier also. Guillermot does a fantastic job.
I go see movies to have fun and this is all that and more. Much better than the first! March 22, , March 22, , 6: March 22, , 9: You better remember his face! What the fucks the matter with you? Its annoying when people stretch talkbacks. Spoken like a man that has only seen naked women in Penthouse. Crass and it added nothing of interest to the review. March 22, , 5: Danny Glover even calls him pussyface. So yeah, I saw some skin flaps in the reapers mouths Whats with Del Toro and 2 faced monsters anyways?
That was a pathetic review, Harry. The metaphor was interesting, and amusing at first, but you took it too far and beat us over the head with us. We get movies late on base or see them off base with subtitles. I am going to watch blade everyday untill it comes to Ramstein or off base germany everyday. As for the first movie, come on, no other movie has such a great one liner as "Catch you fucker at a bad time?
Hey I love movies and loving the first one if the second is as good but they say better then its a "right as rain" in my book. The I tothe K tothe E peace. March 22, , 7: Hi Harry, though you worded it a bit strongly, I am left with the profound sense that you loved this film. I like your enthusiasm. All the folks that have a problem with your review and are screaming so loudly about it are prolly closet erotica viewers.. Remeber Jimmy Swaggert and his rants against illicit sex The loudest screamers are usually the guiltiest.
Harry at least it was original Those people that are offended.. Oh well, what can I say. March 23, , Harry IS this site!! He created it, he can do what he wants with it!! March 23, , 4: Harry, like all human beings, is not perfect. Talkback probably brings out the worst in all of them--fueled by a mixture of anger, jealousy, and anonymity. March 24, , 3: March 24, , 4: Dear non-believers and doubting Thomases: I believe that he rightly assumed that most of you guys were going to see Blade II regardless, so he just wrote a review that sumed up the intensity and relentless, feverish pace of the film.
What more do you want? And finally, all those prudes offended by the sex analogy need to un-clench their rectum. What exactly was so offensive? Was it that Harry is fat? Your prejudice is far more disturbing. People eat pussy, get used to it. March 24, , Blade 2 is a disappointment.
You can see when the compu-effects take over. They are too rapid as well. Screen fighting is a dance, not an electric fit. Who cares about them? I came to see Blade. Blade is shorter weaker and blander, and humans seem too strong. The old man should be dead from the beatings he took. In the first movie, when he entered the dance club, the vampires scattered like rats. The whole movie is a pose of the first one. It is shorter weaker and blander. March 26, , 3: I am truly influential. Brilliant ideas flow from mouth with unabashed candor, just waiting to be scooped up by autuers from all nations.
March 27, , I still think Harry needs to write better reviews, but I agree this movie has a lot of joyful moments. March 30, , March 30, , 1: Then when the power gets turned on you find that you just wish you were somewhere else, and hope to God this wont take 3 hours. This is not where i come to get it. The two towers will be akin to a 14inch Dildo that runs of a car battery.
April 2, , 8: I have never been a fan of over the top gore I love the Blade mythos, but this movie consistently goes too far. April 2, , Clearly, you are obessing on your inability to get laid. I doubt if you have seen pussy let alone eaten it. April 5, , 5: April 6, , 4: If you want to make a real horror movie, make a movie about Harry giving head. Squirm in sympathy as his victims pray for fucking death! I have to say that harry and moriarty are wrong about blade 2. Blade 2 has one funny moment, well, intentionally funny anyway. When he hesitates Blade says "Sissy!
I loved the way he said that. A real leader would have said, "Stand back! Blade is a sissy too: My full review of blade is here: April 8, , Leave the guy alone. Writing a review like that, the author can not possibly realize how it is perceived by a normal reader. If he could, he would not write it. No one would knowingly expose such personality traits. April 10, , Blade 2 is much like a James Bond picture, the characters are slick, good looking, hot femme fatales and interesting lethal gadgetry and over the top bad guys bent on world domination. In many ways over the last 10 years the vampire sub-culture created by Anne Rice has had its run over the entertainment media.
Lestat, Louis, Armand and others have been the main stay of how we view vampiric fiction just look at Queen of the Damned. We have some of the most incredible speicial effects sequences showing off not only the virsatility of CGI but the limitless imagination of the writer and director. I came out of that movie just pumped up from the combination of comic book, cgi and WWF action sequences perfectly melded into the movie, I was surprised as anyone at my own reaction and others. If only all movies could be so satisfying. April 16, , 1: April 26, , 3: Lay off the hobbit weed for a while ,bro, its making you nuts!!
The review for Blade 2 is so incredibly retarded that I actually felt sorry for you. April 28, , 3: May 2, , 5: I am so glad that I saw the movie before reading your review. I also hope that I never sit by you in a movie theater. May 6, , 7: Man, this is a waste of money and time! I know what a blade movie should look like, and this one certainly does not!! Del Toro was not the right director for this, and dudes! Well, the photography was rather bad, too, and most of the fighting scenes are edited to death.
Tell me, why does Gaetano explode in the sun, while Nyssa just "snowflakes" away? Anyway, who designed this movie?? Who had the idea to show this wax-vampire? What was wrong with Goyer when he wrote this crap? Why does Hollywood take something like this? Why is Wesley allowing something like this? May 8, , It was about the muff-diving metaphore first and about "Blade II" only very tangentally. The strength of the imagary trumpts the content. Very - at the expense of the movie.
Look at the Talkbacks, most are about the muff-diving both pro and con Now some movies to be burried in prose, "Rollerball" comes to mind, but "Blade II" was a damned good flick. It deserved a review that got us thinking and feeling about it, a viscaral reaction to watching Blade clense the fetid sewers of Prague. Harry can write like a demon possessed. He can make us feel the agony and fullfillment of film. One has to look no farther than his review of "Spiderman" for proof of that. June 27, , 2: I for one, sincerely hope this movie works.
Hellboy is all around amazing. Some of the best depth in storytelling and art out there. It really could be something amazing A worry or two though If anything, there's something between her and Abe Big headed alien that certainly wouldnt fly. Abe would hand you your ass. One thing I won't go into this movie with is high hopes Holy shit, that Blade 2 review IS foul. I had almost scrubbed it from my memory It still cracks me up. I miss these days. This was a funny read That harry, you sick bastid you lol Being offered a blowjob by Tara Reid for a thousand dollars. Diving four-hundred feet down into the ocean without an air tank, then suddenly turning into a dolphin.
Taking a neutral stance on the war, and then saving the most important guy in that African town while sacrificing the one you love. Hooking up with a guy called Ratso and then selling your body to middle-aged women for cash. Saving a bunch of ungrateful Japanese villagers and then getting paid nothing but rice and millet for all your good work. Hanging around on a rooftop with a bunch of pigeons and then a killing a bunch of mob guys with your urban samurai skills or b saving a bunch of hard-up workers from being ripped off by a bunch of mob guys by getting beaten up.
Being in an elite platoon of muscle-bound soldiers, and getting killed-off in the jungle by a rogue hunter-alien. Being a surfer who gets called up for the 'nam war. Hanging from the ceiling by hooks clasped onto your skin while boiling hot oil is poured onto your back.
Piglet leaving A Hundred Acres woods to find Winnie and the rest of the gang. Being an old, cranky Swedish doctor who gets offered an award, goes on a road-trip with his daughter-in-law, and discovers himself in the process. Dressing up as a woman in an all-girl band so you can hide from the mob who are out to get ya for witnessing a murder. Making love to Julie Christie to get over the grief of your daughter's drowning. Being in a ragtag group of prank-playing doctors during the Korean war. Whatever it's like, it is NOT like having Guillermo licking your pussy until a fountain of pleasure-juice erupts into his face.
I sense this thread will be locked. Yep I thought so too, Orcus. And they've probably got a point, but I just figured I should remind some of the newer ainticoolers that this site used to be run by a guy called Harry Knowles. Do you miss me or Harry? But this review hurts my soul.
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What terrible fucking images it invokes. While having a beer and cheets on his wife while flaming Optimus Prime. And I know Time Travel, trust me. Nothing good can come of this I know first hand You've been restored to your former glory I'll never join you. I'm a Houstonian, like my father. I'm losing it man, no question. I think I'm gonna have to fire up Civ4 and slaughter the russians to make me feel better. That's what Guillermo said after an early screening of Blade II. And that's all I could hear at the end of Pan's Labyrinth, too.
What an absurd review. Just like you can't blame Jesus and Mohammed for the bullshit done in their names. I thought everyone knew that. I saw that Mori laid down the law to a poster and Harry referenced the eight talkback monitors but what the hell started all of this recent madness? Point me to the right talkback. New THX marketing tagline? Before she went to bed with me that night - I ate her to a few orgasms - and she went to sleep behind me. I'm so glad so many of you loved this review, or hated it enough to bring it up again.
My fiancee hadn't read this till today - and boy did it inspire the fire. Sexy has not been brought back. Last night's dinner, maybe. Stop making my willy burp, Harry! I think I heard you and your hottie moan, Harry. I laughed at your post. I don't see how you've been time traveling and never met him. Just brushed up on the Orcus mythology--In Roman mythology, Orcus was a god of the underworld, punisher of broken oaths, more equivalent to Pluto than to the Greek Hades, and later identified with Dis Pater. He was portrayed in paintings in Etruscan tombs as a hairy, bearded giant.
A temple to Orcus may have existed on the Palatine Hill in Rome. The origins of Orcus may have lain in Etruscan religion. Orcus was a name used by Roman writers to identify a Gaulish god of the underworld. The so-called "Tomb of the Orcus", an Etruscan site at Tarquinia, is a misnomer, resulting from its first discoverers mistaking as Orcus a hairy, bearded giant that was actually a figure of a Cyclops. The name "Orcus" seems to have been given to his evil and punishing side, as the god who tormented evildoers in the afterlife.
Like the name Hades or the Norse Hel, for that matter , "Orcus" could also mean the land of the dead.

From Orcus' association with death and the underworld, his name came to be used for demons and other underworld monsters, particularly in Italian where orco refers to a kind of monster found in fairy-tales that feeds on human flesh. The French word ogre appearing first in Charles Perrault's fairy-tales may have come from variant forms of this word, orgo or ogro; in any case, the French ogre and the Italian orco are exactly the same sort of creature.
An early example of an orco appears in Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, as a bestial, blind, tusk-faced monster inspired by the Cyclops of the Odyssey; this orco should not be confused with the orca, a sea-monster also appearing in Ariosto. This orco probably inspired, at least in part, J. Tolkien's orcs in his The Lord of the Rings. From this use, countless other fantasy games and works of fiction have borrowed the concept of the orc. He also appears as a character in Christopher Moore's novel A Dirty Job, in which he is associated with the Morrigan, although no such connection exists in classical mythology.
There is also a trans-Neptunian object called Orcus after this deity. Being at work, I do not have access to my bookmarks right now. Time travellers have little hidding holes throughout AICN where we could shoot the breeze, one was the now defunct thread 0, which was basically a dumping ground for crashed posts. It might live in a google cache somewhere. I'm remapping the joint and I've noticed alot of redundant articles have been removed. What's even odder is that even the article itself has been removed the Tb is somewhat intact. You don't, you just stumble upon them. If you follow their travels you will notice their patterns and we are fairly easy to track.
Once you know our routine feel free to say hi, we are a friendly sort. I will give you a declassified one: Just that the thread is closed.
Hey, the post count went from tp to I suggest we cool it. The first one was great but Blade 2 sucked my cock and spat my jizz back in my face and a little bit went in my mouth. Why did you guys have to bring back the bad memories?! Even with Biel in the 3rd one. What the wicked witch couldn't Harry, personally I loved the review.
I can remember when I first read it I told my nephew about this teh cool spoiler site that would probably have some Blade II news. Yep, it was this review that did it. Dude, did you get my email. Why do you call it the Repligin Machine? I was just waiting until I happened to stumble across a few old Orcus entries in the talkbacks like I did a few years ago under a different account name The only reason why he's not locked this talkback yet is because he's currently in London to visit some film sets and some UK Zoners.
Which is kinda strange, seeing as Harry got a kick out of seeing this review bumped back into the Top 10 again. Whose site is this after all? I like Moriarty and all, but he does tend to be like the "Eine dunkle Gestalt" sinister figure behind Harry's grinning, jolly red-headed German sorry, I just got back from seeing Black Book, so I got Nazis on the brain.
And I'm glad to see all these little treasures you've unearthed along the way; at least all your hard work hasn't been for nothing. Sepp--do I know thee? Have we ever been acquainted? Harry that's fucking disgusting. I have a zone account but don't know what a PM is. I don't get how to find people in the zone to post a pm to them. I'm going nuts in the zone. I'm afraid Orcus and Ikamono speak in cryptic language to confound me in my search for the truth about who is who on this site. Deus Vult has many allies and will uncover what cannot be covered! I appreciate wolfpack's explanation but it sounds quite hard.
What an insane face-fuck of a review. I'd heard it was slightly mental, but that blew my mind and swallowed the load. Perhaps today is your groundhog day? My post was nothing more than to say that this review was college newspaper worthy, and anybody over the age of 21 who writes something like this needs to reconsider how they're spending their life.
Bam - post deleted. If you're going to publish rubbish, you have to be prepared for the commentary. Aquaf g's slumber is truly deep Anyway, be on the lookout. So, how about them Bears? But why talk about it now. It was fun to bust chops about the whole "got of the phone with Del Toro" thing,but none of this will get Snakes on a Train made eny faster people!!! Colbert got it right. Colts are nice little creatures WTF is everyone posting here for again?!?
April 11, , 8: April 22, , 2: June 26, , 1: I remember this grotesque review coming back. Good to see you Orcus..
May 14, , 1: I wonder if we'll see any form of Del Toro's pussy trama in The Hobbit? July 19, , 7: Harry is a hack. May 4, , 8: June 19, , June 19, , noon CST. And don't forget to wear a "shroud of Turin" bib, as these nachos are messy! Oh, and be prepared for a "poop-Pieta"! But I choose to not include those ingredients in my nachos. I'm not fucking catholic, you know? I have no life. June 19, , 1: June 19, , 3 p. Stereotypical Evil Archer would see it.
That's gotta count for something. Someone might compare that feature to buttfucking? June 19, , 3: You know he's either: He sounds more like Kevin Smith's older, fatter, stupider and hornier brother. June 19, , 4: It's just bugnuts insane. How did I miss this review? This is possibly the funniest thing I've read on this site. Yoko must be a very understanding woman. June 19, , 5: Reminds me of a dodgy fish and chip shop on a saturday night. June 19, , 6: God bless your wet-chinned, thigh splitting soul! June 19, , 7: Ya know cuz its everything is vampires and werewolves these days.
June 19, , 8: I hope it's everyones first taste of AICN. Probably be their last, too. While another girl rides your disco stick and eats out the other girl's ass. And Nazis are there, too. June 19, , 9: Did that turn Harry and Del Toro off while they licked under my cock? The thought of Harry, saliva and pussy juice soaking his ginger beard, devouring a snatch like a bucket of KFC, and with chubby, sticky fingers parting the labia, created a foul picture in my mind. Fat people and oral sex don't mix.
Of course, it could explain why I felt sodimized after paying to see Blade 3. June 20, , Funny that they gave Blade to Del Torro after that. We Are Being Hunted. Forgotten in time, lost to legend, the Lochkray are the hunters of the night, the origin of the modern vampire myth. When a search party treks into remote woods, looking for a missing archaeologist, a lone Lochkray follows them, hoping they will lead the way to a lost settlement of his people.
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