Catch a Vampire by his Toe (Bloodlines Book 2)
In Bloodlines I really didn't enjoy anyone but Adrian and of course he is still the absolute best part, star of the show, wouldn't be anything without him, but I enjoyed everyone during this book. Eddie is so kind even when trying to keep the new frisky Angeline off his back. She likes to rub up on him during training and well who wouldn't. Angeline was so funny. She was completely out there and did whatever she wanted, causing a lot of trouble for Sydney. I just want to go on and on, especially about Adrian, but I must stop myself. I've probably said too much already!
I'm very happy it was the next level of action, romance, character development and Adrian awesomeness that I was hoping for. Adrian continues to swoon an amaze me. I shall head back to my Adrian altar and continuing worshiping until the next book. Feel free to join me. Can't wait to see what happens next. Situation is growing worse. My captors continue to find new and horrific ways to torture me.
When not working, Agent Scarlet spends her days examining fabric swatches for bridesmaid dresses and going on about how in love she is. This usually causes Agent Boring Borscht to regale us with stories of Russian weddings that are even more boring than his usual ones. My attempts at escape have been thwarted thus far.
Also, I am out of cigarettes. Any assistance or tobacco products you can send will be greatly appreciated. Not, like, doing homework together," he added. And a movie that's not part of a school assignment. Or about something boring. There's something that you can't do? But maybe I could switch to something slightly cheaper for a while.
Do you know how much I love those? I've decided I don't like him. I remember Jill and Eddie's early comments. I just think you can do better. He leaned his face toward mine. No one can look at you in this dress, in all that fire and gold, and start talking about anachronisms. If I were him, I would have said, 'You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen walking this earth.
Why would you act like you didn't know how to drive? No, of course it isn't. I did it so I'd have a reason to be around you-one I knew you couldn't refuse. View all 76 comments. First Rose and now Sydney! Why they keep hurting Adrian? Just give him to me: P 1 A lot of things happen in this book but all I can think about is that kiss! It rocked my world and Sydney's even though she doesn't want to admit! And then he admits his feelings about Sydney shock but she was like "ohh I am human.. Once again he is hurting. Because I kissed you back? He shook his head.
It was so obvious. I'm tired of hearing about it. You want to leave? I'll get you out of here, no matter what. He says all those things and she is completely oblivious. Almost everyone forgets his name except for Sydney and Trey. So, that guy is Sydney's love interest! The only thing Sydney and Brayden have in common is that they are both smart! Their dates were boring and a little bit funny shake hands. Their kisses was not memorable. She didn't feel anything when they were kissing.
In the end, Brayden broke up with Sydney. We were all glad about it. Brayden broke up with me. Trey is one of them. I did not see that coming. Although I still like Trey. He is so funny and cute. He is not the bad guy here. He is a lot like Sydney. He grow up believing what they told him. Especially, Adrian is very "happy" about it. Is this a good idea, Dimitri? Please give us your blessing so that we can fall down and worship you, Dimitri.
Vampire hunter or the "Warriors" believe that Sonya is still Strigoi and they wanted to kill her. They kidnapped her but Sydney, Eddie, Dimitri and Adrian rescued her. He wanted to know how his mother was and he treat Adrian like shit. He also blamed him that it was his fault that his mother was in prison! I will admit though that Adrian did some things on purpose.
He jerked his head toward me in astonishment. They are better as friends. At first she had some adjusting problems. In other words, she was always in trouble. But in the end she became more responsible and Eddie saw that change and she ask her out. I love Angeline but I want Eddie with Jill. Eddie is in love with Jill and Jill likes him. View all 14 comments. Jun 09, Alexa rated it it was amazing Shelves: My review can also be found on my blog Collections. After enjoying Bloodlines immensely, it was pretty much inevitable that I would love The Golden Lily. This book exceeded all my expectations, and I'm more obsessed with this series now than I already was before.
I just can't get enough of it! In Bloodlines , the focus was on learning about the Alchemists and Sydney bonding with her new group of "s My review can also be found on my blog Collections. In Bloodlines , the focus was on learning about the Alchemists and Sydney bonding with her new group of "siblings. There was slightly more action than in the previous book. It might not be as much as some want; however, I think there's lots of action to come later.
And I can't help but to trust where Richelle Mead is going with this story because so far I'm very happy with how she's developing these characters and their relationships. Likeable characters and great relationships are always what I want in the books I read and this series has that, which is why I want to focus on my two favorite characters: I adore Sydney and Adrian so much. Those two are some of the most awesome characters I've read about. They are both kind, funny although, I don't think Sydney realizes how hilarious some of the things she says can be , smart yes, Adrian is; just give him a chance!
And when they're together, they challenge and bring out the best in each other. Their relationship is perfect!

I get a big smile on my face and my heart flutters whenever they interact or are even in the same room. I about died from happiness a couple of times while reading this book because of them. They are definitely the main reason why I love this series. Sydney is still uptight at times, but she's opening up quickly and we're starting to see another side of her. While she hasn't gotten over her Alchemists beliefs just yet, she continues to make decisions based on what she believes is right. And some of her actions won't be viewed favorably by the Alchemists at all.
It worries me, but I'm impressed with her bravery and glad she has a conscience, unlike other Alchemists. As for Adrian, he keeps surprising me. I feel so guilty now for not caring about him in Vampire Academy. We get to see more of his vulnerable side in this book, and it really hurt to see him down and upset because of the situation with his father and with what spirit does to his mind.
I could also include the whole thing with Rose, but I won't. I really don't think it's about that anymore. He deserves a huge hug and so does Sydney! I'm just loving and having lots of fun with the Bloodlines series. And if you thought the ending of the first book was crazy, wait until you read the ending of The Golden Lily. I had to reread it a couple of times because it was that good. It made me wish I had the next book in my hands right now! Thankfully I have other books to distract me in the meantime, but seriously.
I need book three. With amazing characters and relationships and a very intriguing story, Bloodlines is well on it's way to becoming one of my all time favorite series. I cannot wait to read more! April , Second reading: View all 51 comments. Apr 02, mrsj rated it did not like it Shelves: Thank you very much. I am once again, the minority here among all my other goodreads friends. So why don't I like this book? These are my answers: The only action that I read about is when they got jumped and that's it. There is only one Rose Hathaway. She is no heroine. And she is annoying.
The "intellectual" talk with the so called "date"? Just get killed already. People are trying to protect her but no Thinking about love and oh.. With the clothes, the rashness? I am heart broken. My Adrian is no more. Pair off with whoever you want. If I miss you, I will read the VA series but not these. The wrongs of being together and etc etc. SO, I am done. I will always love Richelle Mead's work but not this spin off. View all 37 comments. Another successful buddyread with my sis Bea. You'll see her beautiful review when you click her name.
One word to fully describe the awesomeness of this book: This boy is one of the best, swoon-worthy fictional guys and it's so unfair we could not see him in the flesh! After reading this book, I was left utterly speechless and blown away. It was way too good! Most sequels in a series tend to give me some doubts with their potentials because oftentimes an author changes his Another successful buddyread with my sis Bea.
Most sequels in a series tend to give me some doubts with their potentials because oftentimes an author changes his or her tune and the end product sometimes disappoints me. It was one of the most amazing installments in a series. Because Richelle Mead apparently does not disappoint. I loved how The Golden Lily lived up to the interesting plot and romance that made the first book Bloodlines an enjoyable read.
In this book, Sydney Sage and Adrian Ivashkov 's character was greatly developed as they continued to hide under the radar of the enemies of St. There were lots of things that happened here and new characters were introduced, too. I wasn't disappointed with the way things had panned out in this book.
The plotline was so good and the pacing was fast. No dull moments as well. It was also nice to see the non-insta-love romantic development between Sydney and Adrian. Their romance, in a way, was slow-burning and tension-fueled and I totally loved it! What also basically got me hooked was how likable the characters were. Sydney is a female lead that I will love to befriend in real life because she is so smart, determined, and mature. I loved how she has this positive attitude that everything can be done-- no matter how difficult that thing is.
She especially encourages and inspires Adrian to be the best that he can be, and that is something. Adrian is also one great male lead. Since Vampire Academy, this guy already took my breath away because of his humor and romantic gestures. He didn't change in this series. In fact, his character became even better! I also loved the humor and the witty exchange of dialogues here. When you pair Sydney and Adrian together, everything collides so perfectly!!!
Apart from that, Richelle Mead also made this book even more interesting because of the side characters like Eddie , Jill , Angeline , Sonya , Trey , Dimitri , etc. The value of friendship and family love was so touching! These are my favorite lines from Adrian that basically knocked me off my feet: Because I want to.
You make me want to become something greater than myself. I want to excel. You inspire me in every act, every word, every glance.
You have no clue how beautiful you are or how brightly you shine. After reading it, all I wanted to do was read the next book which is The Indigo Spell. It was just everything I wanted in a sequel! View all 40 comments. Feb 18, Jessica rated it it was amazing. This book was awesome.
I really really enjoyed the first book, but I think this book was a lot better! I can't wait to get the next!! If you're reading this on your phone, there are spoilers ahead, so beware! We kept hearing about these hunters over and over And after the first book, I kind of wondered if maybe all of those deaths were just Lee and not hunters After Trey started getting those bruises I wondered if th Ahh. After Trey started getting those bruises I wondered if there was something more Then after Sydney's attacker reacted the way he did, I figured out it was him.
I'm really nervous about how the hunters act towards the Moroi and what will happen in the future books. They better not hurt Adrian or anyone like that. Naturally I've been waiting for Adrian to tell Sydney how he felt for some time now. Who else picked up on how Jill was acting to Sydney was actually coming through the bond?
I thought it was pretty funny how she just kept talking about how beautiful she was all the time. I loved the night of the Halloween dance, her "teaching" him to drive who else guessed he was just pretending? I think it's so adorable that Adrian paints. The lily part was so cute! Obviously I was thrilled when they finally kissed and he confessed his feelings.
But I dont think any of us were that surprised with how Sydney reacted. She's been terrified of vampires her whole life. Just because she's friends with them now doesn't mean she's going to be okay with them making out with her I'm sure she'll get over it soon. Who else was super bored with Braydon? I think he was an awesome FRIEND for Sydney, and they definitely have a lot they can talk about, but everyone could see there wasn't any passion. Not like the way it is with Adrian. I thought it was hilarious when he broke up with her for being "irresponsible" LOL I feel about for Jill and her love life again.
Once again the book is over and she's still not with the right guy. I guess it would have been just TOO easy if her and Eddie had gotten together right away. I'm kind of tired of Angeline though What does everyone think about Sydney's weird blood?
Is it connected with her being able to do magic maybe? Guess we'll find out later.. I know she's terrified of anything magical but I think it's pretty awesome that she can make amulets and things. I'm away from home at the moment, and won't return until tomorrow. I had no idea I'd finish this book so quickly or I'd have brought the third as well I mean how to you top Rose and Dimitri?
But after I found out it was centered on Sydney Sage, the awkward Alchemist, and Adrian the sexy, flippant but loveable Moroi, I was totally on board. I loved Bloodlines and after reading this, I think the series just keeps getting better. In this installment, we pick up right where we left off in Bloodlines. The group is minus the traitorous Kei 4. The group is minus the traitorous Keith, with Sydney making points for handling the situation so well. Dimitri and Sonya have arrived to study spirit with Adrian. Both the vampire community and the Alchemists want to find out why, once a Strigoi is changed back into their original state, they will never be able to be turned back to Strigoi again.
Sydney, Jill, and Eddie continue to attend Amberwood Prep as siblings but they have a new addition to assist in the protection of Jill: Angeline, the dhampir from the Keepers, a separatist group of Moroi, dhampir, and humans who don't care for the rules of the Moroi court. Angeline is a fun addition to their group, and I like how she mixes things up for Jill and Eddie! Richelle Mead really shines in character development, and this is my favorite part of this story. Sydney had come a long way since we first met her in VA. Her prejudices are slowly breaking down.
She is finally seeing the Moroi, and dhampirs as people, not as evil, unnatural creatures. My favorite part of her growth, though, is that in relation to Adrian. To see them grow close, and lean on each other was a real pleasure. There are many moments of swoon and hilarity.
The Golden Lily
Adrian is his usual wise-cracking self, and then Sydney can just be so clueless with social situations, you can't help but laugh. The best part with them is seeing how much they genuinely care for one another. I've always had a soft-spot for Adrian. In VA, he helped Rose so much without questions or strings attached well, maybe a little bit of string!
But I always thought he went above and beyond for her, as well as Jill. He's even more of a sweetheart in this book. There were times I would be sighing, oh Adrian! I don't want to give anything away, but fans of "Sydrian" will not be disappointed. And you don't even know it.
There is not as much action in this series as there was in VA. I think this is because both Sydney and Adrian are not fighters. I have a feeling we will see more action in the coming books, though, and I don't think these two will be on the sidelines. Sydney's reluctant education into the world of magic continues, and I think Adrian will feel the need to be more proactive with defense, in the future.
These are just speculations on my part, we shall see. As for the ending, all I can say is WOW!! I can't wait until the next book! Thank you so much , Alexa, for lending me your precious copy!! I had a blast with all the notations! View all 59 comments. Jan 03, Flameholly rated it it was amazing Shelves: View all 12 comments. Sep 27, is mee He's just so damn irresistible.
But the lead up to the ending and most importantly: I wish that would happen more throughout, but it doesn't. Still, i like this one better than the first book. So don't hide from me Mister! I still want lots of Adrian in this. In fact, I demand it! I love the guy.
I don't want him to hurt anymore. Something must be done. Please have some romance, please have some romance. You know, most preferably with Adrian. Mead will probably shove Trey into the mix, but I don't mind. Just give me something! I just read the blurb and noticed the "forbidden romances" part. I just want some controversy! Jill was so central in the first book, I wonder how much more central she's gonna be in this one since she's on the cover this time.
Or what I assume is her anyways. Unless it means her character is going to develop, cause Adrian was on the front of Bloodlines, but he wasn't in it that much. Not like Jill was. Did you know that the last line of Bloodlines would create such a stir? Vampire Academy Richelle Mead. Blood Promise Richelle Mead. Spirit Bound Richelle Mead.
Last Sacrifice Richelle Mead. A Vampire Academy Graphic Novel: Book 3 Richelle Mead. Review quote This story is no ordinary vampire tale. Mead has done her homework on Romanian folklore and Orthodox Catholic saints, and she uses it to weave a unique and mesmerizing mystery with a whodunit ending that even the most skilled detectives will not predict.
With social angst that every teenager can appreciate and sexual tension that leaves Stephanie Meyer's Twilight looking like a children's book, this little gem is sure to be a hit. Occasional steamy sex and a scattering of vulgar language demand mature readers, but teens able to handle the edgy elements will speed through this vamp story and anticipate the next installment.
Our customer reviews I start this review with the utmost trepidation because It has crazy amounts of crazy fans and, well, I didn't think it was fantastic. It wasn't bad either. It did make me want to bash my head against the wall at some points we'll get to that , but some other points were genuinely good. But did it have me jumping out of my chair, bursting with joy, ecstatic about the awesome?
Let's add some context of my reading situation, because I don't want to lead you on. I am not a vampire fan. In fact, I'm pretty much a vampire hater. I get creeped out by them, I don't think sucking blood is sexy, it's just not for me. And the awesome Judith made me an offer I couldn't refuse ha by sending the book to me so I wouldn't even have to buy it or find some other place to borrow it.
So obviously, I had to read it. But by that time I was curious. I mean, I might like it. I might hate it. Curiosity was getting the better of me. So while I was still very skeptical about it, I set off on my reading journey, deciding to liveblog it on Twitter vampirehaterreadsVA to provide some LOLs or impressions. My problem with Vampire Academy surprisingly is not the vampire aspect.
Usually, I'm, like, vampires? And I was scared, when I started reading, that already on page 3 there was a "feeding" scene. I thought it wouldn't end well. But the vampire aspect is rather tame, to be honest. As Rose herself is not a vampire but a Dhampir, a half-blood vampire bodyguard, that typical stuff is kept largely out of the picture. In fact, I quite liked these vampires. Much better than Twilight, in any case. These vampires are harmed by the sun, can wield elemental magic, and have an old fashioned monarchical, classist society.
I do kind of dislike that their saliva is like a drug to the people they feed on, but I managed to ignore that for the most part. So what was my biggest problem with Vampire Academy? What made me want to throw the book across the room and bash my head against the wall sometimes? Yes, I know, you're all gaping at the screen right now. Rose is the most badass character ever!!!
You should already be proud of me that it's not the vampire thing bugging me. But here's the thing with Rose. Everyone says she's badass. There's a fine line between being awesomely badass and being obnoxiously cocky and conceited. And I feel like Rose crosses that line many, many times. Some examples of what I mean: The story had gained legendary status, and I liked to imagine that it was still being told around campfires late at night.
How come all the harmless people were so lame? Because, yes, to a certain extent it is refreshing to have a main character with a bit higher self-esteem than most. But when it's page after page of comments like this Seriously, in some parts, on each page Rose was belittling different characters in her narrations, particularly Natalie - all the time. I got sick of her attitude.
I wanted to throw the book across the room. It's a brand of cocky I can't take. Now, I want to be perfectly honest: That's how badly she pissed me off. All the time I was reading, I just kept thinking I can say that she did seem to have grown a little by the end of the book. But I'm still extremely weary of her. She still needs a reality check and a slap across the face.
Also, the way she's so flirty and devil-may-care with her sexual reputation really bothered me for the fact that she was still a virgin. So I kept reading and kept reading I didn't really know why. It's a really simple read, compulsively readable, one might say. I was sometimes annoyed by the juvenile narrations, but I set that aside, just because it read so quickly. Well written characters with distinct personalities. Those thoughts do not do the story justice, I know, so I'll try to come up with a more coherent review 4. Those thoughts do not do the story justice, I know, so I'll try to come up with a more coherent review later on.
After all that buildup, I was a little disappointed with how things were resolved with Oberon. It felt a little rushed, and didn't quite live up to the rest of the story. I also thought the ending was a bit rushed and wrapped up a little too neatly. View all 4 comments.
Nov 28, Bev rated it it was amazing Shelves: Ingo and Micah have a chemistry that leaves scorch marks. So sexy and yes, extra points for biting! The pop culture references were of less interest to me and at times distracting since there is enough going on with the story that it didn't need the boost and I didn't understand the need for it. At times, the story felt very "pulpy", but it was entertaining and a fast page turner.
I really enjoyed this book! The story was well paced and vivid and I liked both the MC's. Thankfully, I did not feel that I was missing a huge chunk of the story by not reading it first. Inigo is a vampire. Not a bad guy, but other supernatural beings tend to not trust vampires. He pretty much just minds his business and takes only the blood he needs, He doesn't kill for it.
Inigo is also a very tal I really enjoyed this book! Inigo is also a very talented tattoo artist I wish he could give me a tattoo! One day, he is Surely, that will turn out ok. Micah, an exiled faerie, found himself in the company of King Oberon the Seventh when he and his sister bring back something that the current king's grandfather had claimed was stolen. They also bring proof that the grandfather was lying and of the deception that followed. So, Micah is trapped and abused and manipulated by Oberon.
The king, being his sadistic prick of a self, beats Micah to a bloody pulp and throws him into the cell where he is keeping Inigo. A very hungry Inigo. And that is the start of a very beautiful, and hot as hell, relationship between our two MC's. What follows is an adventure of a lifetime, filled with unexpected allies and and a few enemies and some very interesting side effects of some rare blood.
It was a fun book and I look forward to sinking my teeth into the next one! Well that wasn't your common or garden "Once a Upon A Time" fairy story, but it was a hell of a lot of fun! Nice one Ms Elsborg! You've just put a nice big smile on my face. I have a thing about fairies Oh my he's a doozy!
I was doing my pantomime "Boo Hiss! They're trying to clear their family name of false theft and disgrace which had their family banished to our world but Ellie lets slip some news that Oberon has been trying to hide from his subjects, that could result in his being dethroned and this evil piece of work has no intention of letting that happen so to protect Ellie, Micah ends up staying behind whilst his sister is sent back to retrieve a certain Bill of Sale that Oberon means to destroy.
Not a great move as Oberon is psychopathic, unfeeling, callous and vicious and once he gets him into his clutches, he takes great pleasure torturing, humiliating and sexually assaulting Micah, biding his time, until Ellie returns so he can get rid of any loose ends threatening his kingship. Loose ends that include all Micah's family members.
But all that comes later, as the book actually opens with us meeting the gorgeous, permanently eye linered, loveable, constantly quipping, rascally vampire: He feeds on his victims but only enough to keep himself satiated, finds his 'meals' on Grindr, and isn't averse to getting a bit of sexual pleasure out of it if needed, but apart from one instance, he never kills. Basically over the years he's coasted along, teaching himself different professions.
At this stage in his life he's a tattooist at 'Demonink' and because his rep is high in the paranormal community, he's kidnapped by three nasty ass faeries and taken to Faeriland where he's told in no uncertain terms he's to give Oberon an elaborate tatt on his back, one that only the true faery king can wear. Faery skin is not easy to tattoo so he's given some special blood to add to the ink, which he surreptitiously takes a sip from and steals, as its like nectar to our cheeky vamp!
Can't say much more about this as it's really important to the plot, but you get to see what creature the blood comes from and the amazing results of it as the story along! He sees Micah, shackled in Irons, bespelled mute and rendered helpless and he has to watch while Oberon goads and humiliates him. To test the validity of the blood in the ink he makes Inigo tattoo Micah's peen.
Despite the circumstances both of them feel an initial pull when they first see each other but the situation isn't great for making eyes, especially not with the threat of Oberon's wrath hanging over them. Now things never really ever go to plan in this entertaining story and its at this point that the shit really hits the fan, as the tatt won't take. Oberon throws a major thrombie and has Micah beaten unmercifully and then thrown into a cell with Inigo Thats how the two guys get together, and when the tale really starts to take off! They escape together and from then on its a frantic fun filled race to dodge Oberon's equally cruel, psychotic fairy hunter Cavan, find a missing Werewolf, save Micah's family, clear their names, bring down Oberon, find some very important missing faeries and put the true king on the throne!
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And all the while this is happening, Micah and Inigo are quickly falling They're hot in the sack! We're talking Fairy-Vamp lurve and I was liking that Sizzling chemistry and loads of sparkling sexual tension! This was a day of firsts, because he'd never wanted to kiss anyone so much in his life. Shit what's happening to me? Being able to flit between the two worlds gives the story a contemporary feel at times and a fairytale feel at others.
In Faerieland you get the magical, over in London you get the modern. Interesting supporting characters in an alternate world where if you can come up with a paranormal creature then I guess it'll be wandering somewhere in there and I reckon if we do get more in the future there'll be more species to come. Here we've got Vamps, Were's, faeries, zombies Owner of the paranormal agency that Micah works for but I'm not telling what he is, you'll have to find that one out yourselves but I'm hoping if Barbara's teaser in the epilogue is right, we get Romans story next.
He's quite a character! Lots of mileage in this universe and I really hope that Ms Elsborg gives us more. One thing I did like was that even though some of the scenes over in Oberon's court are graphically violent, torturous and dark in tone, the book never slipped into serious or gloomy. Inigo's dry, witty sense of humour, his one liners and self deprecating tone and the sexiness of their romance lifted this into more of a fun filled romp, but thankfully never a farcical one, so like I said I finished with a huge grin on my face. That's the beauty of setting a story in a world where there's magic and mayhem There were times when I had to really concentrate on the plot because there's so much going on and a fair amount of characters to keep track of but what the hell I think if you're a lover of the paranormal you'll be quite taken with these guys.
I know I was! For a book that started out with me freaked out of my mind this turned into something so completely awesome and I loved it!! I love, love, love Micah and Inigo, even if he isn't avenging his father ; So, like the first book, this was easy and sweet and hot as fuck and so funny! I truly laughed out loud at so many parts. The beginning really did make me very nervous though.
Here is my only complaint. Why is this not set up as a series? To me these are not stand alone books. They connect and Wow!
Bloodline (Norwood #2) by Barbara Elsborg
They connect and follow right after each other. And, because this isn't set up as a series, the beginning of this book actually used some of the last pages of the first book, word for word. I am confused by this. I felt like I was reading the same thing and I was. Thanks for the rec JL! May 16, Riina Y. My doctor says I have a preoccupation with blood and violence. Well, I think we can change that: Bloodline is beyond awesome - the characters, the dialogue beyond brilliant.
I am sooo in love with Inigo! He and Micah are so much fun together! So much, I will read it again, and again At first I though I was going to like it less than I did that one but the second half got better, or I was in a better mood. And I ended up eagerly reading it right to the end. A nice mixture of banter, adventure, angst, tea and sea, both the latter supplied from my end. View all 8 comments. This book was I Loved it. It was like nothing I've ever read before. I honestly didn't think I was going to like it, bcause I'm very picky when it comes to paranormal books.
It was exciting, sweet, dark, sexy, funny and damn hot!! Now I'm not gonna explain the plot, because I honestly wouldn't know where and how to start. When I started reading this I was a bit worried that it would be to complex for me to enjoy. This book has a lot of different creatures and portals to other worlds. I'm dutch This book was I Loved it. I'm dutch and my english is very good, but I tend to stay away from shit that is to complex to process right away.
I don't like it when I have to read a page more than once to understand what's going on. Paranormal books can be very complicated. This one looked complicated, but thank god it wasn't. I has so much fun reading it. I'm still not gonna explain what it's all about, because that would take me way too long. There is so much going on I will tell you about Micah and Inigo. Damn they were awesome. The steam was off the roof!!
And then there is the funfactor. This book was so fucking funny. Inigo almost made me pee my pants laughing. There are some parts that are a bit darker, but nothing to worry about, because the fun and sexy times make it al better!! View all 3 comments. This was most often fun, romantic, but also at times difficult to read through certain scenes.
Inigo is a yr old vampire who is a tattoo artist with his own shop and over the top snarky. When he is approached to do a tattoo on a faerie, he is weary this will be his demise. Micah and his sister land in the king of the faeries bedroom when they jump through a portal. This immediately spells disaster f 4 Solid Stars!