BESOS oder Jaime: 101 Gedichte (German Edition)
Carol Rutz and Mary Savina. College City Press, Woulfe, "Decision-making styles in a real-life decision: Choosing a college major. Coherence out of Chaos. Hemwall and Kent C. A Faculty Development Program. Courses for Change in Writing. College City Publications, , pp.
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Antebellum Writers in New York. Innovations in the Teaching of History Today. California State University Press, The Smithsonian Institution, A Minnesota River Valley Review, , 1. Minnesota in a Century of Change. Minnesota Historical Society, Culture and Politics in the Age of the Cold War. University of Chicago Press, Material Life in America, Northeastern University Press, American Historical Association Newsletter, The Prophetic and Biblical Strains.
The Bible in American Arts and Letters. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Gale Research Publications, Threads in the Community Fabric of Northfield, Minnesota. Northfield Bicentennial Committee, The Case of Henry Whitney Bellows. A History of the American People, 6th ed. The History and Architecture of a Community. City of Northfield, General History of The Americas, Vol. Minnesota in a Century of Change: The State and Its People Since Minnesota Historical Society Press, The American Family Home, University of North Carolina Press, Spokesman for a Middle-Class America.
University of Illinois Press, Olaf College, Northfield, MN. Bryan-Paul Frost and Jeffrey Sikkenga, eds. Rousseau's Hidden and Modified Platonism. The Dynamic Psychology of the Republic.
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Rousseau and the Ancients. Duke University and Wabash College, Eros in Plato, Rousseau, and Nietzsche: The Politics of Infinity. Pennsylvania State University Press, Rousseau, Nature, and the Problem of the Good Life. Journal of Sedimentary Research v. Evidence for tides along inboard shorelines of the Sauk epicontinental sea. Journal of Sedimentary Research 73 3: American Journal of Science , v. The unenviable task of pattern recognition in carbonate lithofacies and reservoir modelling. Geological Society of America Bulletin , v. P, , Pertidal Carbonates in R.
Geological Association of Canada, , pp. Intercultural Transitions for College Students. Christian Wilhelm von Dohm on the Jews Scholarly Interview on Schleiermacher and Kierkegaard. Gennaro Luise, "Intervista a Richard Crouter. Mohr Paul Siebeck , Walter de Gruyter , vol. Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers. American Civil Religion and the Australian Experience. Duke and Robert Streetman, editors. Barth and Schleiermacher, Beyond the Impasse?
A Critique of the Critics.
Eine Kritik der Kritiker. Warren Bryan Martin, editor. New Perspectives on Teaching and Learning. On Politics, Religion, and Christian Faith. Jon Stewart [Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, Vol. Ashgate Publishing Limited, , Walter de Gruyter, Kierkegaard and Schleiermacher on Repentance," Schleiermacher und Kierkegaard: Reinhold Niebuhr und H. In Klassiker der Theologie , vol.
Vial and Mark Hadley. Invention of Scholars or Social Reality? Exegetische und theologische Werkstattberichte. Edited by Ulrich Schoenborn and Stephan H. Lit Verlag, , The Ubiquity of a Romantic Text. Schleiermacher und die Wissenschaftliche Kultur des Christentums. Festschrift for Hans-Joachim Birkner. Walter De Gruyter, Co-editor, with Fitzer, J. Nineteenth Century Theology Working Papers.
Graduate Theological Union, Jim Lehrer as Non-Voter. Walter de Gruyter; publishes twice a year, Co-editor and translator with Julie Klassen. Speeches to its Cultured Despisers by Friedrich Schleiermacher. Re-issued with New Introduction, Event structure and the left periphery of Hungarian. Proceedings of Console XII. A Study of Hungarian, German and Dutch. Selected Papers from the Open Linguistics Forum. Ottawa, March University of Maryland Working Papers in Linguistics 8.
Evidence for local deformation rather than large-scale transport. An example from the Alta stock, Utah. Progressive basin development and deformation in a suture zone. Local deformation rather than large-scale transport? Evidence from the western contact. Effect of Problem Solving Sessions. Susan Singer and Carol Rutz, editors.
Reflections on Learning as Teachers. College City Publications, Research Libraries Group, Mainstreaming Selection of Internet Resources. A Conceptual and Organizational Model. Preserving the Literature of N. Agriculture and Rural Life. A Model for Decision-Making. Theory and Practice, , Public Access Microcomputers in Academic Libraries.
American Library Association, Structural, Petrologic, and Thermochronologic Constraints. Discrete Probability and Algorithms. Journal of the American Statistical Association Probability Models and Applications by Olkin et. Technometrics 44 1 Applied Stochastic Modeling by Bryon T. Carol Rutz and Susan Singer. An Online Journal of Film Studies , no. Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut iskusstvoznaniia, A Collection of Materials from the International Congress: Bob Wilson in Germany.
Ideas and Fates an overview of specialized literature of the s. The Thoughts of B. Bettelheim on the meaning of the Wonder Tale. In Search of Lost Traditions. Scholarly Reference Collection, no. Scholarly Review Collection, no. Michael Groden and Martin Krieswirth, editors. John Hopkins University Press, Nicholas Spadaccini and Jenaro Talens, editors.
Autobiography in Early Modern Spain. The Prisma Institute, Revista de la Actualidad Filosofica, , 6: Salvador Jimemenz Fajardo and John C. At Home and Beyond: New Essays on Spanish Poets of the Twenties. Dolan and Charles S. Handbook of Imagery Research and Practice. The Imagination as Trickster and Midwife. Ortega y Gasset and the Question of Modernity. Arts Criticism in Minnesota in the Nineties. The Center for Arts Criticism, An Interview with Faith Ringgold. Northfield Women Poets Chapbook Series.
Paul; Walker Art Center. Songs from the Mosquito Net: Monthly readings with Penchant: A Progress Report," Women in Physics: Four Scottish Songs; Carulli: Concerto in D for guitar and strings; Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Ecologues for flute, English horn and guitar; Ponce: Sonata for guitar and harpsichord; Villa-Lobos: Music of John Dowland for lute solo and ensemble; Vivaldi: Three Pieces for Prepared Guitar; J. Variations on a Theme of F.
Prelude, Fugue and Allegro; R. Variants on two themes of J. Bach at Carleton College. Four Songs for soprano, flute, harp and guitar; Telemann: Associated Music Publishers, Entry for the Literary Encyclopedia Lit. His Reaction and Response to the Classical Tradition, ed. Rosemary Rizo-Patron de Lerner Lima: It is also available from the University of Wisconsin Press as the initial volume in their New Studies in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Education for Participatory Democracies: Paradoxes in Globalizing Logics. II Congreso Internacional de Filosofia: Heidegger and the Ideology of War: Death, Community and the West.
German Studies Review, Vol. Community, Death and the West. The Journal of Value Inquiry An Unresolved Conversation, XXX, Number 1 February , , p. Stanford University Press, P. David Barison and Danial Ross, dirs. Paul Bishop and R. Northern Universities Press, The Poetics and Politics of Femicide.
Michael Catholic Church; St. Marshall Cavendish Press, Chicago as Caramelo 's Heart. A Bambi Lover's Respect for Nature. Comments on Machan's Critique of Jaggar. Review of Steven M. Wise, Rattling the Cage: Perseus Books, , Ethics and the Environment, , 7: Dual Disruptions to Reproductive Lives and Discourses. Curare, , 29 1: La costruzione culturale della femminilita. History, Memory, and Rumors in Cameroon]. Notizen zur Alltagskultur 21 2. Aldine Transaction Press, Reproductive Insecurity and the Management of Memory in Cameroon.
Variations in Royal Blue: Carpet, Textile and Islamic Art, , Learning Ways of Thinking and Writing Anthropologically. College City Publications Melvin Ember and Carol R. Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. Countries and Thier Cultures. An Emic View from the Grassfields of Cameroon. Marcia Inhorn and Frank van Balen, editors. Infertility Around the Globe: Retrospective Study of a Rumor in Cameroon. An Interdisciplinary and Comparative History. Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Vol.
Africa and the Middle East. Fear of Infertility in the Cameroonian Grassfields.
University of Minnesota, Ethnomedical Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. African Studies Centre, Communication, Mass Media and Development: Reproduction, Collective Memory, and Generation in Africa. Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs: Threatened Reproduction and Identity in the Cameroon Grassfields. University of Michigan Press, Resonant and Nonresonant Behavior. Implications for Photoemission Cross Sections. Autoionization and Final-State Symmetry. Cross Sections and Angular Distributions. Evidence for a Pseudorotation Mechanism.
An introductory ChemConnections module for College Chemistry revision of Wiley version , instructor and student manuals, New York: Why Does the Ozone Hole Form? John Wiley and Sons Inc. The Colorado School of Mines, Relationships of the Market , ed. Susan Strasser New York: Routledge, , University of New Mexico Press, forthcoming. Duke University Press; forthcoming. Review of High Frontiers: Mandala Book Point, Development and Rural South Asia.
South Asia Outreach Educational Project, Tanka Prasad Acharya Smriti-Grantha. Perspectives on the Development of Himalayan Studies. International Handbook of Contemporary Developments in Sociology. The Encycolpedia of World Cultures, Vol. The Greater India Biographical Dictionary, Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology. Tribhuvan University Press, Perspectives on Development Issues.
Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, Workshop on Himalayan Studies; Kathmandu, Nepal: Mechidekhi Mahakalisamma Cornation Gazetteer. His Majesty's Government, Department of Information, , 3: Summer Institute of Linguistics, Tanka Prasad Acharya Memorial Foundation, Individuals and Revolution in Nepal.
Economy, Society, and Culture in Northwest Nepal. Bridging the Gap for the Nonmajor. University of Arizona, Order, Concord, and Constituency. Elisabet Engdahl and Mark Stein, editors. University of Massachusetts, New Perspectives on Chinese Cinema Classics. British Film Instritute, Du Shu Reading , January Jin Yong xiaosho yu ershi shiji zhongguo wenxue. Teacher's Role in Second Language Classrooms. How to Come and Go in Chinese. Preceedings of the Second International Colloquium on Deixis: Time, Space, and Identity.
Ming Pao Monthly , February Ming Pao Monthly , April Choosing a First-Grade Placement. Hewlett Project on Cognitive Science. The moral status of relational aggression in elementary school children. How children and adolescents frame their decisions. College City Press, pp. College Students Choosing an Academic Major. Recall of a Real-Life Decision.
An Analysis of Time Management. A Review and New Evidence. An Alternative Term Paper Assignment. Deduction Rules or Mental Models?. A Look at Two Worlds. Natural Language Procedure Specification. Comments on Grudin and Barnard. A Study of Text-Editing Terms. Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory.
Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory 3rd ed. Making Decisions that Matter: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Marietta Shaginian's Journey to Weimar. Echoes of Humboldt in the Work of Andrei Bely. The European Foundations of Russian Modernism. Studies in Russian and German. The Edwin Mellen Press, Computer Society Press, Advances in Computer Graphics I.
The Character and Logical Method of Political Economy
Computer Science Press, Pew Charitable Trusts, A Test for Credit Market Failure. Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. Research Conference Presentations Greenberg, S. Memory and perceptual task competition. Presented at Midwestern Psychological Association, May Do words prime letters? Presented at Eastern Psychological Association, April, Symposium on social psychology of computer programming teams.
Presented at the American Psychological Association, Aug. Do words activate their constituents? Component processing and reading ability. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Aug. The effect of orthographic context on the perceptual organization of letters. Presented at Southeastern Psychological Association, March Echoic memory interference in foreign language learning. The enhancement effect in letter detection. Presented at Psychonomic Society, Nov More evidence for the structural model.
Presented at Eastern Psychological Association, March Text familiarity in letter detection. Presented at Psychonomic Society, Nov. Extension of letter detection in Bilinguals at Psychonomic Society. Remembrance of victim testimony: American Psychological Society, June Fixation position changes during fixations in reading. Language switching during reading: Evidence from letter detection. American Psychological Society, May Cross-Race Face Categorization of the Famous. Intertask delay as a parameter of perceptual deficit in divided attention.
Journal of Experimental Psychology , 88 , Visual word recognition as a function of meaning and graphic familiarity. Journal of Experimental Psychology , , Effects of letter orientation and sequential redundancy on the speed of letter search. Voice change in the stimulus suffix effect: Are the effects structural or strategic?
Evidence for processing of constituent single and multi-letter codes: Support for multilevel coding in word perception. Are letter codes always activated?
The missing-letter effect with nonwords: Evidence for syntactic influence on letter detection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: The effects of syntactic structure on letter detection in adjacent function words. The prominence of leading functors in function morpheme sequences as evidenced by letter detection.
The extraction of structure during reading: Evidence from letter detection errors. The enhancement effect in letter detection: The perception of sentential structure during reading pp. Language acquisition, reading and writing in Hebrew. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , 69 , Words do not stand alone: Brain and Behavioral Science. Allocation of visuo-spatial attention and saccade programming during reading in A.
Evidence from reading prosody.
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A reconsideration of the role of structural units in guiding and organizing text online. The impact of letter detection on eye movement patterns during reading: Reconsidering lexical analysis in connected text as a function of task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59, Familiarization effects for bilingual letter detection involving translation or exact text repetition. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology , 61, Inter-lingual homograph letter detection in mixed language text: Persistent missing-letter effects and the effect of language switching.
Language and Cognition , 11, Remembrance of Eyewitness Testimony: Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Word Integration and Regression Programming during Reading: Human Perception and Performance. Not all faces are processed equally: Journal Of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition , 35, Molecular Specificity in the Gas-Phase?
Foreign Firms and the Role of Contract Law. Technology Transfers in International Business. The Chinese Enterprise and Foreign Technology. China's Economic Dilemmas in the s. Congress of the United States: Government Printing Office, , What Makes the Transfer Process Work. Science and Technology in Post-Mao China. Harvard University Press, Economic Change and Political Crisis in China.
Charting a Course in a New Market. Minnesota World Trade Center, Lessons of a New Market. United States Department of State: Office of External Research, Imperialism as a Level of Analysis Problem. Rosen and Kurth, editors. Testing Theories of Economic Imperialism. American Firms and the Transfer of Technology to China: How Business People View the Process.
Office of Technology Assessment, Rising Paper Company prize. Berthe von Moshkisker prize. Bethune, James, and Haielab, Bereket March Haileab, Bereket and Bethune, James undergraduate student , March Haileab, Bereket and Bethune, James, March Journal of the Geological Society, Volume , Number 1, p. Haileab, Bereket, Francis H.
Gombe Group basalts and initiation of Pliocene deposition in the Turkana depression, northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program. Annual Meeting in Denver. AGU, 84 46 , Fall Meet. Bereket Haileab and Brown, F. Bereket Haileab and Feibel, C. Journal of Human Evolution, , Matisoff ; Pacific Linguistics; Canberra, Interdisciplinary Studies of Chinese and Japanese. A Clause Linkage Analysis.
Advances in Role and Reference Grammar. Evidence from Tones and Initials. Linguistic Studies Beyond Tai. Language and Social Identity. Bowling, Fencing and Golf D. A Tale of Hope. Fred Hagstrom and Joseph Byrne. Stories and Poems by Carleton Writers. Northfield, MN Carleton College, A Burning of Applewood. New and Selected Poems, The Water Man revised version. Third Programme, February British Myths and Legends. The Folio Society, The Boydell Press, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a new verse translation.
At the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis, a translation of Catullus Mathematical Association of America; Translated and Reprinted in Russian In: Olaf Colleges' Summer Mathematics Program. American Mathematical Society, Proofs Without Words II. Mathematical Association of America, MAA Notes, , International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Connections-Altars and Objects of Personal Devotion. Exhibition Essay and Catalog. Exhibition Catalog and Text. The Spirit of Folk Craft. The Day of the Dead: Books for Colleges Libraries. Warren MacKenzie and the Core of Vesselmaking. Exhibition Checklist and Introduction.
The Library of Congress, Dictionary of World Art , 5 Vols. A Case Study of Krasnodar. Teaching Note to Accompany The Treuhandanstalt: Taking a Nation Private. Effective Economic Management in a Transition Economy. In Russian Krasnodar, Russia: Russian State Committee on Higher Education, Russian and American Students in a Prisoner's Dilemma. American and Russian Students Compared.
Implications for Political and Economic Transition. Developing a Market Economy in Russia.
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Russian Economic Academy of G. Empirical Evidence and Policy. The Conference on International Competitiveness. Aschenbrenner and George Rapp, Jr. Excavations at Nichoria in Southwest Greece, Vol.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Argonne National Laboratory, Determining Geologic Sources of Artifact Copper: Lanham, New York, and Oxford: Anthology of North American Ideophonics. Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Semiempirical Calculations. Fe and Ni Analysis. Artist-in-Residence for the theater department Gardner-Webb college. Appearance with the Carleton Singers in Carnegie Hall. Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Morada de la palabra. Universidad de Puerto Rico, Guillermo de Osma, Forma y Finalidad en Jacinta la Pelirroja. An Imaginaty Dialogue between Ortega and Heidegger.
Anti-Desertion Reform in the Progressive Era. Victoria de Grazia, editor. The Sex of Things: Gender and Consumption in Historical Perspective. The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics. Philosophies of Religion, Art, and Creativity. Philosophy Documentation Center, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Vol. Temple University Press, Lars Aagaard-Mogensen and Luk deVos, editors. Text, Literature, and Aesthetics. Konigshausen and Neumann, and Amsterdam: Rudiger Bittner and Peter Pfaff, editors.
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