Babylon Sisters
Emily Mortimer shares her take on the title character in her film Mary Poppins Returns. Kamla and her parents have just moved in a rundown building on the outskirts of Trieste together with other immigrant families and an old grumpy retired school teacher, determined not to leave his home, when an eviction notice falls on all the residents.

While the men react in anger to the landlord's threats, the women strive to cooperate and save the destiny of their families through tears, laughs and misunderstandings. In this unsettling situation, little Kamla and professor Leone will become friends against the will of her father, while her mother Shanti will soon reveal a gift, dancing like a Bollywood star.
Thanks to a friendly social worker, they come up with the idea of a dance school. The neighborhood will soon be talking about the Babylon Sisters. Written by Gigi Roccati. This iteration is on the comedic side. Neither refined nor original it succeeds in avoiding the worst possible outcome: It's hard to point out how the absence of subtle irony, freshness, realism and depth still achieves something watchable but - at least for me - Babylon Sisters does it.
And who, going up in LA, hasn't walked with the stars on the beach in Malibu, driven down to Tijuana to partake in some cheap, kinky fun?! Cotton candy is a bit of fluffy sweet. Take it anyway you want it or both ways: The girls are singing, "Tell me I am the only one.
Remember the storyteller is a mature, successful guy. They are looking to hook-up with him. He's got the goods, he's connected. He was probably driving his Porsche convertible west on Sunset looking forward to the party. Only room for one passenger? Turn down the music yourself and enjoy the winding road down to the party house on the beach. I am already looking forward to it. Regrets, yes, I've had a few, but when you shake it like that it's hard to change.
Just don't go too far.
We are sorry...
You may not be able to come back. Too much Hotel California Oakland is not west of SF. Good lyrics are poetry and the Dan usually delivers in spades!
Both cities are referred to in each verse. The verses themselves are loose brushstrokes referencing decadence, from simply driving with loud music blaring Sunset to the sea to love triangles loves not a game for three on to the inevitable reflection on what has gone down watches his bridges burn.
We're forced to fill in the details and looks like many here have.
General Comment It's about a man who's getting older and clinging to his youth, but is realizing that his threesomes with very young women and fast lifestyle are leaving him spiritually empty. Babylon is a reference to evil or errant ways and when the background singers belt out "Shake It! The character dies a "spiritual" death in the end. General Comment Babylon, the city struck down for building their tower too high in defiance to God I interpret the Baby-sisters as Hollywood-area-active young girls, fine and young, who have license to go anywhere with their Babylonian lack of moral fears , freedom.
Could be a big movie producer's pet, house sitter, who can freely socialize with stars in East Sunset Blvd, where the music clubs are Roxy, Whisky-a gogo. Driving west from the club areas, you would drive through Bel Air Not a game for three Santa Ana winds certainly southern Calif. Certainly the ocean is where people can cool off, even stars. Certainly won't note the winds during the night Babylon Sisters gotta shake it. They are movers and shakers, the girls who know they are in their prime and domain. They are irre babylon sisterble to men in general, but even to very acute judges of glamour, beauty, charisma, rock personages in the city of the glamour industry.
It is their domain, they can go to places where they are recognized.
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The idea that "your the only one" is completely at odds with what likely drew the sisters into Babylon in the first place And as Babylon fell, so are the Sisters vulnerable, their good looks are fleeting, so Enjoy while you can My Opinion So many interpretations of this great song here. I wouldn't argue against any of them but I have one of my own which I submit for your consideration. I've loved this song for well over 20 years now and I always imagined it was about a man cheating on his wife with a much younger woman.
Released in it is not unreasonable to assume that a cheating spouse in his 40's at that time may think of contemporary radio as "jungle music". He tells his young lover to turn it down so as not to draw attention to themselves as they "Drive West down Sunset to the sea" They'll hang out at the beach and party for awhile, eventually the evening leads to sex. The line " I should know by now it's just a spasm" tells me he realizes that sex, specifically an orgasm is quite literally "just a spasm. He knows damn well "love's not a game for three" and is fully aware of the inevitable consequences of his actions.
He has shared knowledge of his affair with a few close friends. I see "cotton candy" merely as a reference to his lovers youth. These friends offer advice but he will have to "live and learn" through his mistakes.
Lyrics | Gaucho
Jerry Garszva, Roger Nichols Surround mix: Elliot Scheiner Rhythm arrangements: Rob Mounsey , Tom Scott Piano technician: Don Farrar Special effects: Roger Nichols, Wendel Consultant: Daniel Levitin Art direction: Vartan, Suzanne Walsh Design: Michael Diehl, Suzanne Walsh Design assistant: John Tom Cohoe Photography: Rene Burri Photo research: Ryan Null Liner notes: Steely Dan still feeling the groove Archived at the Wayback Machine.. Steely Dan Think Fast and Tour. River of Rock Music Network. The Steely Dan Reader.
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