Azure Masquerade
A solution is needed because there is no direct transit route between the two. Therefore, we must use the Azure common cloud as the intermediary destination between the two disparate routing and security domains.
Using IPtables Masquerade on SUSE Linux in Azure to migrate data to HLI
For our solution however, we will use IP masquerading. A major difference between IP masquerading and IP Proxy is that with masquerading, no configuration change is required on the sending and receiving clients. The masquerade host must be treated as the destination for all traffic. This is fundamentally different from the solution linked above, which binds a second IP address to the interface of the IPtables node in order to mimic the final destination HLI node.
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In our real-world example, the main purpose was to migrate data and services to a new location, and not to create a performant environment for bi-directional fault tolerance or disaster recovery. A basic illustration of this scenario is diagramed below.

In this way, we can demonstrate the translation taking place. For actual HANA system replication or other applications, you would need to adjust the prerouting rules accordingly, to accommodate those protocols and sockets. This configuration represents a simple functional solution designed for one-time data migration, and yet the logic can be applied to bi-directional synchronization for DR or other scenarios.
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The configuration would need to be modified for bi-directional replication, performance, or even a DR scenario. For the configuration of a production system on Azure Compute or Amazon EC2, for example, bi-directional rules, multiple failure domains and improved networking would be essential.
It can be easily replicated on any virtual or physical environment where a single extra SUSE Linux host or instance can be instantiated to solve the forwarding issue. In real life, the hosts would be behind a NAT or firewall and be presented by an outside public interface as the sending source. For lab purposes, let us assume that the following statements are true. Environmental requirement for this PoC: Node B has only a single NIC.
This was a condition in our set of requirements from the customer. The Prince of Dreams.
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Point-to-Site (P2S) connection using OpenVPN infrastructure
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