
We Fall Asleep So Early (Surface Children)

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Sleeping in the parents' room but on a separate surface lowers a baby's risk of SIDS. Besides the potential safety risks, sharing a bed with a baby sometimes prevent parents from getting a good night's sleep.

Why is my Child Waking Up Early!?

Bed-sharing increases the risk of SIDS, especially in preterm infants preemies , babies with low birth weight, and healthy full-term infants younger than 4 months old. To avoid the risks of bed sharing while enjoying the benefits of room-sharing, parents have lots of options.

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To keep your little one close by, but not in your bed, you could:. Despite the risks of bed-sharing, some parents decide this sleeping arrangement is best for their family.

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If you do choose to share your bed with your baby, follow these precautions:. The study also found that babies who died while asleep on the sofa were about twice as likely to be sleeping with someone else compared to babies who died sleeping in other places.

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In other situations, however, the parents or other caregiver may not have realized the sofa was an unsafe place for a baby as long as they were nearby. Babies who died on the sofa were also more likely to have other risk factors for SIDS or other infant sleeping deaths than babies who died elsewhere, according to the study. For example, the mothers of infants who died on sofas were about 40 percent more likely to have smoked during pregnancy than mothers of infants who died elsewhere.

Infants who died in their sleep on the sofa were more likely to be white and found on their side -- another SIDS risk factor -- compared to babies who died in other places.

Bed-Sharing (for Parents)

Shaham suggested that parents plan ahead and recognize their own limits to avoid accidentally falling asleep with their baby. National Institutes of Health has more about safe sleep for infants. The findings were published online Oct. More information The U. What are some ways to help my newborn sleep well? There are a number of ways you can help your baby become a better sleeper. Work on shifting your baby's sleep cycle more toward nighttime by months of age.

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When there is a need to feed during the night, keep lights dim and reserve stimulating interaction for the daytime hours. Also, try not to cut back on nap time, as this will result in overtiredness and lack of a good night's sleep. Learn to understand signals that your baby is getting tired. Signs of being tired differ among babies but can include things like becoming fussy, crying, tugging on body parts, yawning, and rubbing eyes.

Sleep in Your Baby's First Year

Putting your baby to bed when he or she is showing these signs usually allows them to fall asleep more quickly and begins to establish a bedtime routine. Most experts recommend putting your baby to bed while he or she is still awake but drowsy.

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Establish a bedtime ritual. Your baby can respond well to such near bedtime rituals as bathing, rocking, reading, quiet talking, singing, playing soft music, cuddling, and gentle massage. Even though your baby may not understand these signals yet, setting up these bedtime drills now can help establish a regular bedtime routine that will lead to good sleeping habits in the future. Avoid making bedtime feedings part of the bedtime routine after about 6 months of age.

Try to introduce a security object eg, a stuffed animal or blanket or a knotted T-shirt with your body odor on it around the age of 1 year. This object, if accepted by the baby, may help the baby soothe itself at night. Make sure the bedroom environment is quiet, cool, dark, and comfortable for sleeping. A nightlight or area light on the very lowest dimmer setting is fine. Do not be surprised to see a lot of body movement as your baby sleeps. Your child may sound like he or she is awake, but actually is not. You'll see smiling, sucking, twitching, jerking, and all kinds of motions—these are all normal aspects of sleep.