Шалом (Russian Edition)
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Director of the play Mikhail Tserishenko, the same of the "Crooked Mirror", who previously staged a hilarious "Defrosted" in the Shalom Theater! The new production is not so extravagant, but in humor and in the heat of passion past comedy masterpiece is not inferior. This is especially true today, when the world suffers from intolerance.
Trushkin's heroes sincerely love each other and with a smile defend their Russian-Jewish happiness. Action in Russian and Jewish families is held in turns with the participation of the same actors!
Tag: Пансионат Шалом by Ella Borodyansky
So, the sparse Jewish grandfather in the new scene turns into an eccentric fishers grandfather, and his cowardly son-in-law becomes a henpecked husband from the Russian family. Reincarnation of the characters makes spectators from the heart to laugh at invented conventions and differences. To make a feedback, you must Sign In Thank you for your review adopted. Feuchtwanger, My Kosher Lady Russian: Trushkin and Madame Roza Russian: Kolyada based on a novel by E. Ajar, Wandering Stars Russian: Aleichem, Garnished Gefilte Fish Russian: Children are catered for well at the Shalom Theatre.
The House is lost | Полный Шалом
Their performances are mostly comic musicals based on A. Shows aimed at children are less expensive than those intended for adults.
From to rubles depending on visitor category and programme of visits. Photography and video filming are not allowed.
Translation of ""шалом"" in English
Customs and border in Russia. Safety and health in Moscow.
Kremlin and Red Square. World Nations in Moscow. In the Footsteps of Great People.
Best Russian Business DFW 2012 – The Conclusion!
City Parks and Estates. But the mission of such organizations is limited by just the period of prisoner serving his sentence in correctional institution. Unfortunately, at present there are very few institutions in Russia that deal with social and psychological adaptation of released prisoners.
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- Two Colorful Musical Performances.
The first steps towards social and psychological adaptation of released prisoners have been made in when the several rehabilitation seminars in Russia for released Jewish prisoners took place. A group of tens prisoners released from institutions of confinement, convicted for different crimes, took part in the seminars. As specialist the following people have been invited to the seminars: During the seminars the invited specialists worked with the groups in the following directions: Analysis of the experience gained at the seminars allowed to develop a unique model of social and psychological adaptation as applied to such a specific target audience as released prisoners.

These events have been widely covered by the Jewish Mass Media on the territory of the Russian Federation, which led to immediate results: