Multiculturalisme lavis dun méridional (French Edition)
Valencian Museum of Ethnology in campaigns for the identification and enhancement of the documentary and cinematographic festivals-related heritage. Valencia City Council in the inventory and cataloguing of the Fallas Museum, in the design and implementation of the Documentation Centre of the Fallas festival and the recovery of missing festive events. Generalitat Valenciana regional government , in the design and realization of exhibitions on intangible cultural values linked to the festive literature. Junta Central Fallera local festive committee in works for developing new measures to promote cultural heritage linked to fire festivals.
Federations of Falla committees, associations and local committees, in organizing and conducting various activities to publicize the festival of Las Fallas and other popular festivals: Gremio Artesano de Artistas Falleros de Valencia, in the catalogue and enhancement of the Museum of the Fallas Artists and in the restoration of some of its pieces. Le tout est produit en trois langues minimum: Leurs auteurs sont souvent des universitaires. France, Georgia, Guinea, Mexico Objetivos: According to the item 3 of the statute, in its larger aim of solidarity and social and cultural promotion, the objectives for which the nCircolo" was established are: Besides, according to the item 4 the Cireolo carries out its work and initiatives not only in Scapoli's area but also out of it with the aim to favour the exchange and the cooperation between communities and territories.
When some inhabitants of Scapoli decided to establish the cultural association "Circolo della Zampogna", the tradition of making and playing this ancient instrument was still deely-rooted in the local community, but they felt the need to preserve this heritage and to transfer it to the new generations. For that, many and various activities have been carried out, involving not only the zampogna makers and players but the whole community.
The main actions can be summarized in the following: Besides all the other good results in terms of preservation, promotion and revitalization, the project let the Circolo to take the first census of the cultural heritage connected with the zampogna, to collect materials and documents for the Italian centre of the Bagpipe, to realize a transnational cooperation project called "Common Sounds to the European Rural World" in cooperation with the Local Action Group "North Pennines" Northumber1ad, UK and above all to reinforce the link between the community and its heritage.
About the competence and the expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage, the personnel and the membership consist in: The "Circolo della Zampogna" was bom from the will of a consistent part of the local community "to do something" to safeguard, to promote and to transfer to the new generations the typical cultural heritage represented by the zampogna. Since its foundation joined the Association several zampogna makers and players that, both as group and individuals, are those who traditionally create, maintain and transmit this kind of heritage.
Besides, most of the activities have been carried out wit the involvement and the participation of the whole community, from its younger to the older members. At this regard, a very important and successful role has been played by the LEADER project "Living with the bagpipe" with which it has been possible to reinforce the relationship between people and their cultural heritage.
Particularly significant is also the annuallntemational Bagpipe Festival in which. The festival is organized in collaboration with the Commune and with the local turistic association. There are also involved all the economic and trade activities of the area, people give their help in the organization of the event, place rooms for visitors and musicians, sell gastronomic specialities, etc.
In each edition of the Festival the musicians involved, traditional and not, come from all over Italy and each time from 2, 3 or more foreign countries. The event is very well attended around Every year, on the occasion of the Assembly of the members, the Circolo organizes also 2 "Bagpipers Meetings", in Spring an in Autumn, in which the participants analyse what has been done and propose what could better to do in terms of safeguard, research, transmission and promoting of the zampogna tradition.
It has in addition been active in the valorization of the traditional Iiutery for the construction of zampogne a chiave,and other local traditional musical instruments like surduline, ciaramelle, tamburelli, cupa-cupa, fischiett di canna etc. This activity is carried out in the respect of the ancient craftship but with an opening towards the young generations through old and new forms of artistical expressions and through initiatives and collaboration and exchanges with local bodies, cultural institutions, universities, associations, etc.
The association promotes, organizes and eventually manages courses on traditional instrument and vocal music, traditional dance, seminars, stages and what more to disseminate the knowledge and the practice of the local musical tradition among young and elder people.
Moreover the association implements local historical research, safeguarding of the ethnic inheritage, re-discovery of instrument players and singers from the past through the publication of their original repertoires and documentation and a systematic data collection regarding the past and contemporary musical tradition.
The association together with its members promotes and carries out activities in order to promote and disseminate the knowledge of the traditional musical culture. Members are divided into ordinary, sustaining and honorary members. Planning and management of programmes and activities are implemented by the members as participation is considered a fundamental element in order to guarantee democracy and good functioning of the association.
All ordinary members have the right to express their vote. The General Assembly of members is the main decision organ. The Association was created with the aim of reviving the still deeply-rooted tradition of making and playing the zampogna a chiave and the other local traditional instruments within the community all along the year and with particular regard to the religious feasts.
However, slowly the old bearers of tradition are disappearing and for such reason the members of the association together with community felt strongly the need to preserve this heritage and to transfer it to the new generations. In this direction, various initiatives have been implemented in time among which: Members of the association have competence and expertise with regard to the intangible cultural heritage as they are mainly traditional zampogna makers and players, other traditional instruments makers and players, dancers, ethnomusicologists, anthropologists, musicians and scholars, besides being all members of the various communities present in the Pollino area, including Arbresh representatives.
The President of the Association Giuseppe Salamone is member of a family considered since more than years one of the principal families trasmitting the tradition of the zampogna including construction, playing and dissemination of the instrument and its music for further detailed information please refer to the ethnomusical studies done on the famiglia Salamone in the Pollino area.
Similarly the other members of the association come from families that for long time have been barriers of tradition with regard to zampogna and totarella, singing on the zampogna, dance and percussion, and other traditional musical instruments. All members of the association have competence and expertise with regard to the intangible cultural heritage as they are mainly traditional zampogna makers and players, other traditional instruments makers and players, dancers, ethnomusicologists, anthropologists, musicians and scholars, besides being all members of the various communities present in the Pollino area, including Arbresh representatives.
All members participate actively since ever to all religious and cultural events of the community, as they are part of it and also are important members of the communities of the Pollino area, as documented by the innumerable studies done by all anthropologists studying the Pollino area and the local cultural tradition. At all religious and non feasts, the members of the association are active participants of all cultural events implemented, as they are the main bearers of the local cultural intangible heritage, inherited by their ancestors and continued by them and handed over to the young generations.
It is practically impossible to present a specific timeframe, as the activities are implemented daily, since the last generations of these families, and have always included transmission and safeguarding of the tradition and cultural heritage from one generation to the other.
In this area as in many other parts of Italy, playing the zampogna, dancing, singing, is part of every day, it is done when returning home after working in the fields, or else, as a means of being together and sharing among the members of the community its cultural tradition and also a way to reconfirm the community among its members.
Since the last ten years and more, all members of the association have contributed in trasmitting to innumerable young people their knowledge both regarding the construction of zampogne, totarelle and other traditional local musical instruments and music and ways of playing these instruments, besides dancing and singing, contributing hence in safeguarding and transmitting the cultural intangible heritage of the communities of the Pollino area.
The management board includes: Giuseppe Salamone bearer of tradition , Giuseppe Altieri bearer of tradition , Antonio Arvia zampogna player and teacher , Paolo Napoli various local traditional player and ethnomusicologist , Mauro Semeraro player , Domenico Miraglia bearer of tradition , Saverio Marino player and singer. The Totarella association is formed by members that are all part of the local communities of the Pollino area, including representatives from the Arbresh communities.
The entire philosophy underlaying the work implemented by the association aims at pooling together the traditional knowledge and pratice of the communities of the area through their direct involvement and participation. Particular attention is given to all the feasts of the local communities and to the participation of the members of the association with special regard to the religious feasts which are an important aggregation and identification moment for all the people living in the Pollino area.
Programmes and participation to all events of the area are established in sinergy with the local communities who strongly take part in all rituals marking the various parts of the year and try to maintain their local tradition and languages, sharing repertoires, dances, food, stories, use of herbs, etc. After the crisis of Sicilian traditional puppetry, the Association was established and in it founded, and still manages, the ethno-anthropological Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum , which houses ab.
It aims to safeguard and revitalize puppet traditions and the related craftsmanship, as well as local practices and productions in their different territorial, artistic and traditional expressions so as to save and expand the rich immaterial heritage connected to Sicilian folk traditions and to encourage the research focusing on their relation with their original context. This activity takes place by means of collecting; research; promotion; networking and cooperation; educational, didactic and theatrical activities, eg. Since the beginning they have undertaken important researches about local traditions and material culture collecting important testimony and recording, among others, religious festivals, puppet shows, interviews to puppeteers and traditional spectators.
Also, to safeguard the Opera dei pupi, the Association started to collect lots of items used to put on traditional shows creating the first core of the collection, which was to be exhibited at the Museo internazionale delle marionette International Puppet Museum , founded in Among the numerous activities of the Association: It encourages the intercultural dialogue by adopting an interdisciplinary approach and proposing programmes, which have always promoted an exchange between folk and cultivated theatre, art and music in relation to the field of performing arts, heritage and culture.
In its latest five editions, it involved more than artists www. This stable collaboration has allowed the organization of ab. Meetings with art and traditional music , held in various Sicilian towns and in collaboration with CIDIM Italian National Committee for Music , which included performances of local story-singers concerning some famous stories of the poetico-musical repertoire.
Performed according to the traditional executive techniques and staging codes; cunti, which are serialized stories publicly related by wandering storytellers and concerning chivalric epics stemmed from the ancient French Chansons de geste; concerts of folk songs; seminars about the Opera dei pupi and Unesco masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity held in Palermo. Since its foundation, the Association has cooperated with local puppeteers and craftsmen to help them survive the deep crisis, which since s threatened the existence of this local tradition.
This stable collaboration aims to increase their activity and expectations within a constant exchange and dialogue, which are at the basis of the important research activity carried on by the founding members of the Association. In addition, in order to revive, promote and popularize it, since the opening of the Museum, the Association organized an annual review of the Opera dei pupi and during the year it still schedules Sicilian puppet shows by inviting companies from all over Sicily and involving them in other didactic activities. Not only does the Association mediates in the relationship between puppeteers and national and international spectators and institutions, but it also creates contacts and cooperation with craftsmen, puppeteers and artists from other countries promoting the cultural and professional exchange between Sicilian traditional artists and foreigners operating in the same field.
In fact, during the annual Festival di Morgana, the Association often invites companies from abroad, which perform or hold workshops in Palermo, and it has also promoted the production of innovative performances mixing traditional practices ex. Chinese Opera and Sicilian Opera dei pupi , or various forms of art contemporary dance, paintings and music: Finally, this exchange has helped the development of a more general comparative study of traditional theatrical practices. The "Battuglia di Pastellessa" are ornamental wagons that are prepared to celebrate the religious feast of Saint Anthony, the Abbot, in January following a tradition that started years ago in Macerata Campania.
Membership to the Association is free, without any kind of discrimination with regard to race, citizenship, sex or religious belief. Other Associations, Committees, Institutions and Foundations, sharinq the same purposes of the Association, can apply for membership to the Association. During such event the Association coordinates about 1. During the previous days concerts, tastings and religious liturgies warm up the atmosphere. The feast consists in: The band exhibition of the "bottari" is in the morning when they are carried on 16 meter-long wagons, with their instruments consisting of vats, barrels and sickles, realized by local artisans, around the town.
After the Mass fireworks are exploded as symbol of the purification and the struggle against the evil spirit. Figurative fireworks representing a woman, a pig, a donkey, enrich the symbolism and represent the protective force from the snares of the world. Traditional games as tug of war, the sack race and the raffle, when all donations collected during the procession are auctioned, mark the closure of the festivities. The event is organized by the Association with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Macerata Campania, the Province of Caserta, with the Campania Region, and the participation of the "Comitato per la promozione del patrimonio immateriale".
Dissemination Project Sant'Antuono Web 2. With the aim of disseminating knowledge about the intangible heritage, the Association has created a net of Internet Web Official website, YouTube channel, Facebook group, etc The Association's Web community puts together more than 1. The event was organized by the Association with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Macerata Campania. The event was organized by Association with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Macerata Campania.
The event was co-organized by the "Comitato Carnevale di Montemarano" and the "Comitato per la promozione del patrimonio immateriale ICHNet " with the sponsorship of the "Istituto Centrale per la Demoetnoantropologia" of the Italian Ministry of Culture. Establishment of the Study Centre "Historia Loci" in order to fulfil safeguarding activities for the intangible cultural heritage of Macerata Campania through research, studies, and events. Young people are invited to join in the practice of playing the various typical musical instruments used while elder people participate in the transmission of techniques and patterns of playing and singing.
In order to fulfil the safeguarding activities for the intangible cultural heritage of Macerata Campania, the Association collaborates with other Associations, Committees, Institutions and Foundations, of the territory such as the "Associazione Radici" of Marcianise, the "Comitato Carnevale di Montemarano" of Montemarano, the Province of Caserta, the Municipality of Macerata Campania. In order to strenghthen the knowledge of its local tradition and specific percussion techniques, it also collaborates with organizations from other parts of Italy including the "Comitato per la promozione del patrimonio immateriale ICHNet - Intangible Cultural Heritage Network " and the "Istituto Centrale per la Demoetnoantropologia" of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
MusicaEuropa is a non-profit association operating in the fields of arts and education and implementing intenational projects to promote music as a tool for intercultural dialogue. Since its foundation in , MusicaEuropa has been committed to developing ideas and projects in the arts in order to bring different cultures together in a social context and give young musicians the opportunity to work professionally with professionals and institutions in the public and private sectors. The key focus of the activities of MusicaEuropa are music and arts for professionally targeted musicians, but also as a formative artistic activity of fundamental importance for a better development of modern society.
MusicaEuropa, in accordance with the "Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage" is engaged in the research, preservation and dissemination of the intangible cultural heritage. This objective has been achieved over the years through a commitment in researching and protecting the ancient traditional music of the Mediterranean area from Turkey to Portugal.
MusicaEuropa ia a non-profit association operating in the fields of arts and education and implementing intenational projects to promote music as a tool for intercultural dialogue. November marked the beginning of a five-year project: This project had different themes each year: At the end of this five-year project, MusicaEuropa organised the international conference, "European cultural Associations - Today's Problems and Future Development" in December This Festival focused its 7-years activity on creating a real exchange between north and south Europe, on developing the concept of cultural integration, offering young music students important opportunities of quality training with excellent teachers and musicians and concrete possibilities of professional growth playing with the World Youth Orchestra and in chamber music ensembles.
The Festival had many different concerts and music sections the involvement of important international institutions and non-governmental organizations in Rome. The International Fetival of Young Musicians has added value to a common cultural European space and it has fostered international networking connections amongst young people and cultural institutions created international partnerships. Innovative programming of the concerts received a widespread appreciation by broad international audiences.
The World Youth Orchestra gathers young students from 16 to 28 years old, coming from the best music academies, conservatories and universities of the five continents to play music together. The activities include high level trainings, music master classes held by well known music professors and musicians, participation to international musical events, tours and concerts all over the world. All these activites foster intercultural dalogue, integration and mobility of youth, multi cultural coexistence through formal and informal education thanks to the universal language of music.
Since its foundation in , it has involved more than students from 48 countries. In particular, in MusicaEuropa created a long term project for the peace and dialogue in the Mediterranean: The project had its focus on peace in the Mediterranean area, and its activites were implemented in many Mediterranean countries such as Algeria, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Malta, Palestine, Slovenia, Tunisia and Turkey. Through formal and informal education, MusicaEuropa fosters young artists mobility and intercultural dialogue. Another project managed by MusicaEuropa in the past years is the "Arthmos Project", a social project for underprivileged children, promoting the artistic education in primary schools with high percentage of children with fewer opportunities social obstacles, educational difficulties, economic obstacles and cultural differences.
Artisitic education and creativity aim at developing cognitive, relational and emotional capacity, as well as self-esteem and social consciousness in order to keep children away from drop-outs, lack of dialogue and cultural standardization. Theses activities has been implemented from to in the suburbs of Rome and we are now trying to implement similar projects in Palestine, together with the Palestinian Minisitries of Education and Cutlure.
The key focus of the activities of MusicaEuropa are music and arts for professionally targeted musicians, but also as a formative artistic activity of fundamental importance for a better developement of modern society. MusicaEuropa is a non-profit association operating in the fields of arts and education, safeguarding the ancient mediterranean musical heritage and implementing international projects to promote music as a tool for intercultural dialogue.
Project managed by MusicaEuropa include: In , thanks to Damiano Giuranna, Alexander Sasha Karlic and other important personalities of the musical world, MusicaEuropa started a research study and to disseminate the music repertoire of folk and traditional music of the Mediterranean basin. This Festival focused its 7-years activity on creating a real exchange between northern and southern Europe, on developing the concept of cultural integration, offering young music students important opportunities of quality training and concrete possibilities of professional growth.
The World Youth Orchestra gathers young students from 16 to 28 years, coming from the best music academies, conservatories and universities of the five continents. The activities include high-level trainings, music master classes held my well known music professors and musicians, participation to international musical events, tours and concerts all over the world. All these activities foster intercultural dialogue, integration and mobility of youth, multi cultural coexistence through formal and informal education thanks to the universal language of music.
More than students from 48 countries have played in the orchestra. In MusicaEuropa created a long term project for the peace and dialogue in the Mediterranean: Another project managed by MusicaEuropa and implemented between and in the suburbs or Rome is the "Arthmos Project", a social project for underprivileged children, promoting the artistic education in primary schools with a high percentage of children with fewer opportunities social obstacles, educational difficulties, economic obstacles and cultural differences.
Safeguarding the intangible heritage through the research on ancient traditional Mediterranean music in the Middle East, in northern Africa and in Europe, has been possible thanks to a series of contributions and influences from the professionals working with MusicaEuropa and various collaborations with leading personalities of the world of music such as Alexander Sasha Karlic, Robert R.
Bloc-notes : la France, théâtre du choc des cultures - Liberté d'expression
Holzer, Nader Jalal, Issa Boulos. Damiano Giuranna committed himself to the research of the ancient musical Mediterranean heritage following the teachings of Alexandar Sasha Karlic and Moni Ovadia. During 15 years of activities he has gathed hundreds of songs and instrumental music in Turkey, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. He has studied also the ancient Sephardic music in Spain and Greece. The execution of these compositions has been performed in many countries, giving a concrete contribution to the safeguarding and widespreading of a precious musical heritage.
The "Arthmos Project", was a social project for underprivileged children, promoting the artistic education in primary schools with high percentage of children with fewer opportunities social obstacles, educational difficulties, economic obstacles and cultural differences.
MusicaEuropa in the past years has managed different projcet which had the aim to create a spirit of mutual respect and collaboration. The "Arthmos Project", a social project for underprivileged children, promoting the artistic education and the ancient Mediterranean. Social activities like art and music stress the importance of the interpersonal relation leading to a better listening of the other and thus the developing a feeling of brotherhood.
In accordance with the Art. MusicaEuropa organizes annual workshops, advanced training and high-formation courses for young musicians from all over the world. The Association has promoted and organized courses dedicated to schools of every grade in Italy and in several countries in Europe and the Middle East, focusing in particular on the ancient traditional music of the Mediterranean area with a particular attention on the influences, on the different styles, on the structure, on the performing techniquest with a deep work of research. A particular significance has been given for these events by the participation of the community, helping to raise the awareness amongst individuals and groups of people on the wonderful musical intangible heritageof the Mediterranean basin and particularly on the ancient folk Mediterranean music.
This shared by the community participation has passed knowledges and a great strenght capable of transmitting the artistic cultural heritage. The exchange of information and experiences among young people has been an important element for these project and a fundamental value for Musica Europa, in accordance with the Paragraph N. Learning from the knowledge of the other is a way to enrich one own's cultural background and therefore a way to preserve and transmit the cultural heritage.
The purpose of the Azerbaijani Carpetmakers' Union is the safeguarding of the Azerbaijani national carpetmaking and handicrafts, their development and popularization in the world. The Union helps to learn and form the public opinion about carpet-making art, legal rug products, and it also helps the stimulating of the raising of the creative work mastery of the physical persons, popularization of quality and special signs of our national culture and handicrafts to determine various examples of carpets and also helps theirs popularization and demonstation in Azerbaijan and the world.
The NGO collaborates with local and international organizations of carpet-making art, including museums and also with legal and physical persons, as well as the state agencies. The Unity organizes different trainings and workshops, round tables and meetings, exhibitions, charitable fundraising, conferences, other cultural and other mass measures; dissiminates information about purposes and activities, publishes print materials. The Carpetmakers' Union organises regular trainings in technique of pileless carpets at the the Museum of the Azerbaijan carpet.
Communities of carpet weavers demonstrate the works at various exhibitions. So, in the national competition-festival of carpets in various zones of the country was organised. In , works of national weavers were shown in one of the Days of the Azerbaijan culture in Basel. Besides, the following national laws were adopted: In , , and , three international symposiums of the Azerbaijan carpet were organised in Azerbaijan.
In 4th symposium devoted to the anniversary of Ljatif Kerimov took place in UNESCO headquarters in Paris where the exhibition of artists works also was organised. Among large publications of carpet protection for last decade: Kerimov and Materials of 4th symposium about the Azerbaijan carpet. Many last projects have been connected with efforts on revival of carpet art. In 14th of September, has been spent the round table and a master class "Not varying values of varying time" with the assistance of carpet — wavers, artists on carpets, collectors and businessmen, and also fans of carpet art.
It has been shown a collection of clothes with use of carpet patterns of young designer Minary Kulieva, works of the master on embroidery art with use of a carpet thread of Shahla Askerova, etc. On 17th of November, , on the day of birth of the great artist on carpets, masters, scientific Ljatif Kerimov has been opened the exhibition of professionals and masters is national-applied art "The art Bridge, the leader from the past in the future".
On 18th of May, has opened the exhibition of tapestries "Tapestries: On 10th of May, has been opened the exhibition of the Union's member Mr. In March, has been opened the exhibition of masters on national-applied art was devoted to a holiday of Novruz. Since the Carpetmakers' Union has started to carry on negotiations with similar international communities in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, in Russian Federations and in Islamic Republic of Iran.
Result of negotiations was the opening of an exhibition of masters of people-applied art of Uzbekistan which has been opened together with "Fund-Forum of culture and art of Uzbekistan", Associations of Antiquaries of Uzbekistan "Meros" which will proceed in the autumn opening of an exhibition of the Azerbaijan masters in Tashkent, also opening of an exhibition of carpets on the basis of pictures of the National artist of Azerbaijan and Russia Tahir Salahov.
The Carpetmakers' Union plays the main role of creating intangible cultural variety of the local communities, groups and various persons. In this way the Union supports to enrich cultural variety, protect non-material cultural heritage especially among young generation. It carries out monitorings for the learning cause and effect in the material and technical direction, prepare the activity program in the direction of restoration of the technologies defining on the basis of getting results of the sensible and forgotten kinds of the carpet-making art. In in Guba, Khachmaz, Gusar, Shabran, Siyazan the Union carried out the survey about modern situation of the carpet-making art, in in the result of analysis of the surveys compile the plan of monitoring and in Guba unity have been organized the exhibition from the works of the carpet-makers and masters of applied art.
In there were surveys about carpet-making art in the west zone of Azerbaijan. The same problem is connect with various kinds of art embroideries. It is about the propaganda the ancient kinds and names of embroideries art among the young generation. Once in a month the Union organize the meetings with craftsmans in the various handicrafts of people-applied art and investigate their problems.
Carrying out the work among different adults , the Union learns their interests to various kinds of applied art and organize different groups. It was established to highlight the oral intangible cultural heritage from the region and to revitalize by stimulating oral storytelling, shedding knowledge of fairy tales, legends and folktales and to safeguard the narrative traditions of the Land of Legends which is three municipalities in this region of Sweden. These three parts have all the same goal, to highlight and safeguard our oral traditions, this is being done by: At the museum but also in schools.
We are holding courses for youths and adults who want to learn, and also have two university courses at the museum together with the Gotland University. Since , every year we have had a storytelling festival, which is local, national and international. At the festival we host a Nordic youth camp for the next generation of storytellers. We are trying to highlight different kind of storytelling traditions, we highlight the romany tradition.
The Land of Legends: This has been done by; road signs, maps, story cabinets at the actual place the cabinets consist of a story that the visitor can read in Swedish, English or German, a painting which is connected to the story , an app you can listen to the story in your phone instead of reading if you like geocaching, performances, activities and excursions. Every summer we do a summer program in The Land of Legends, with performances open for the public. Storytelling is a performing art, we do plenty storytelling from stages, at theathers and festivals.
Several books have been published with the old tales but also with the new stories that we have collected today. We work with different kinds of projects: The network is active in the work that is now taking place in Sweden of implementing the Convention with the Institute for Language and Folklore.
Examples of groups we are working together with: Individuals — at our website everyone can download their own stories done by calling a number and telling your story At the festival we always have some telling of life narratives. Minority groups — we have highlighted storytelling traditions belonging to groups that unfortunately have been overlooked in history, for example Romany and Sami. Together we have done many projects, and helped them at several places to highlight their legends and stories connected to places where they operate.
NGO for traditional handicraft — connected to the making of handicraft are several stories and tales. We work together with the traditional handicraft association to bring forward these stories. We co-operate around storytelling, doing performances at the museums. The municipalities give founding to our work yearly Authorities — for instants: Main objectives of the Organization: Rediscovery and promotion of the intellectual and traditional knowledge of the Igbos relating to its traditional medical knowledge and practices; 2.
Protection of the masquerade and oracular prophetic practices of the Igbos, Wawa people as they extend in Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d'lvoire and Senegal; 3. Defense and sustenance of the natural and customary practices of the indigenous African people under the context of foreign religion and globalization which exterminate the population's social and economic existence; 4. Sensitization of the intellectual class in Africa on the issues that border on African intellectual property and folklore; 5.
Research and publications on African intellectual and folklore history and issues by collating end reports of conferences and workshops. Poverty reduction programs to ensure environmental and economic sustainability for the Wawas in 19boland spread through the four West African states; 7. Designing relevant programs that will impact positively and contextualize the millennium development goals in the lives and customs of the Wawas in 19boland, especially those in tension soaked Niger delta of Nigeria.
Poverty reduction programs to ensure environmental and economic sustainability for the Wawas in Igboland spread through the four West African states; 7. Designing relevant programs that will impact positively and contextualize the millennium development goals in the lives and customs of the Wawas in Igboland, especially those in tension soaked Niger delta of Nigeria.
We have embarked upon documentation and profiling of the intellectual properties and folklore of the Wawa people of West Africa with a view to seeking legislative and copyright protection of these activities, previously undocumented; 2. Publication of well researched articles and books on Wawa indigenous people that will itemize the various cultural properties and rights of the people to sensitize the world and national governments on the areas which are threatened with distinction. Egypte, Jordanie, Syrie et Liban. La plupart sont venus y chercher des notions pernicieuses!
Ou une monarchie absolue de droit divin comme en Arabie saoudite, aux Sultanats du Golfe ou en Jordanie? L'islam est comme la mousse de construction - on fait un petit pschitt et dans dix secondes il n'y a plus de place pour rien d'autre et inutile de s'essayer de l'enlever; qui plus est, au toucher elle devient explosive. Mais je vous lis toujours. Il faut lire Les Somambules de l'historien anglais Christopher Clark. Je pense qu'en plus, vous aimez bien. N'importe quel miroir ferait l'affaire…. Merci pour ce lien: Sur BV un article sur Tahiti: Bravo pour vos articles Vous avez bien raison.
Pour l'instant,on peut leur attribuer cet oxymore: En cela,je pose la question: Je ne le pense pas Un dicton arabe dit ceci: S'allonger, comme d'hab, sous la roquette la plus proche, par exemple celle qui est dans la cuisine. Et je suis surpris Nous, nous n'aurons plus rien. Ils recensaient les faites et gestes des Cplf. On en voit les ravages mais quel en est le travail. Non, mais je m'en doutais. Votre courage est intact. Il n'y a donc des croyants que dans l'islam??? Depuis quelle date le pays Palestine existe?
Vous avez totalement raison: Voici ce que diffuse le JT de 20 h de France 2: Sami Abu Zuhri, porte-parole du Hamas. La myopie morale de ces irresponsables est inadmissible. Autre question qui devrait interpeller les pro-palestiniens: Permettez-moi de vous adresser un sourire. Oui est le meilleur moyen de "s'en rapprocher" au niveau des moyens politique et "pechu" c'est le FN En tous cas, les 50 points, j'en avais entendu parler sinon je n'aurais pas chercher plus loin.
Besoin d'un peu de recul! Merci pour ce rappel. On a honte pour eux. Vous n'avez pas pu inventer cette phrase tout seul. Ce comportement est normal pour eux. Et puis, pourquoi se plaignent-ils de leur morts arabes? Lisez et relisez ces 3 lignes. A qui la faute quand on accepte des piscines speciales, des regles speciales dans nos ecoles-hopitals et le droit de prier dans des rues publiques etc Ils travaillent, votent, respectent leur prochain, respectent la France, ne cassent rien, et ne font pas parler d'eux.
Fais plaisir a lire Oui, cette phrase de "De Gauche" est un morceau d'anthologie. Nous demanderons l'asile et ensuite nous revendiquerons des tas d'avantages" Ce n'est plus la peine de m'envoyer d'autres preuves. Je suis totalement convaincu. Il ne vit pratiquement personne. Quelle est la source de cette statistique? Ils avaient de bonnes raisons de venir. Ils y trouvaient des emplois. Et ils vinrent nombreux. Winston Churchill observa en Puis arriva et la grande partition. Mais, tragiquement, ces derniers choisirent de partir. Pour nous occidentaux, un mort c'est une vie qu'on supprime.
Je n'en connais qu'un. Il se nommait Alain Mimoun Mazal Tov pour vos sources "objectives". Et ce qu'on peut y lire est vraiment terriblement accablant. Par contre, l'argument des "pro-palestiniens": Sommes-nous une democratie ou une theocratie sous la regles des Ayatollahs? C'est exactement le programme de degauche. On a tous le droit de se tromper mais il faut rectifier les erreurs. Atlantico Conversion ou mort!! Allez debout kamarade la fin du "nettoyage" est pour nous. Nous vous laisserons faire soyez en certaine et bonne manif pour aujourd'hui! Que les uns et les autres nous "f..
En effet, bien d'accord avec vous. La suite, c'est la mort. Reconnaissons que cette interdiction est une c L'islam n'est pas une religion d'amour et de paix mais de haine et de mort. Bien d'accord avec vous. Shocking scenes as Jewish men go on rampage in Paris streets and clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Il y en a d'autres, comme Pierre Rabhi http: Nouvelles du pays profond Les Ayatollahs ou les politicians Petit voyage dans le temps: N'ayez pas peur, ce n'est qu'une anticipation!
Mais certainement pas comme des idiots. Il se retourne contre elle, la traitant de tous les noms, puis la regarde attentivement et s'exclame: Casse-toi, sale Juive ou je vais te crever. Impossible puisqu'il aurait fallu admettre que les victimes du racisme et de la discrimination pouvaient, elles aussi, incarner la haine. De cette jonction terrible, nul ne sait ce qui sortira. Ce n'est pas un concept musulman, mais manque de bol, cette barbarie ne se pratique que chez les musulmans.
Je peux continuer de citer des exemples de ce genre sur 10 pages. Pour qui se battent nos militaires? L'un de nos internautes disait quelque chose comme Marlan? Je suis impatiente de voir combien se feront verbaliser alors que tatataubira veille sur les petits! La justice Taubira est elle pour un ou pour tous?
Les choses sont simples: Des preuves, pas des mots! Si la polygamie devient officielle, ma piste devient plus que vraisemblable. Reste la polygamie pour les couples LGBT. Que penser de ceci?: Il n'y a eu que des suppositions! Aujourd'hui,ce drapeau flotte sur Paris. Beau travail de l'UMPS depuis 40 ans,et certains continuent de voir et de combattre le FN,danger majeur pour notre pays. Il y aurait eu quelques arrestations,nous attendons les Valls,Taubira,Cazeneuve Nous sommes la honte du monde.
Sans la force,point de salut. Deux poids deux mesures. Je regrette cet argument venant de vous. IR est un observateur rigoureux de notre vie politique. LMPT est un grand moment pour notre vie politique. Ce sera une composante essentielle de notre renouveau national. Mais rien n'indique que cela change. Et cette menace n'a pas disparu. L'islam ne renonce jamais.
EUR-Lex Access to European Union law
Dans le gauchisme il n'y a pas que lui qui est infantile. Parez-vous de votre esprit critique? Je crois que je peux encore lui acheter des croquettes pour un bon moment. Je prends acte que vous n'avez pas de preuves Une politique de Remigration pour le retour de la paix, de la croissance et du bien vivre ensemble. Il en va de notre survie. Est-ce que les temps changent enfin un peu? La remarquable conclusion du texte: Ils les nomment,la "gauche de la gauche".
Mais oui, il y a des morts, des civils, comme dans toute confrontation avec ces organismes terroristes qui utilisent leur population civile Mais surtout cela implique -pour les raisons que vous analysez bien- le grand remplacement des peuples en toute logique. Je ne crois pas aux chiffres de quelques millions de musulmans: Ils nous feront le coup exactement comme avec les gens de Mossoul: Sauf quand ils s'implantent , dans leur esprit , le pays est conquis.
En attendant de s'approprier le pays entier Entre temps il s'agira de bien endormir les gens pour qu'ils ne s'en rendent pas compte car c'est uniquement pour leur bien! On en reste pantois. Il a donc tort. Et il tue pour de vrai, dans une disproportion effroyable, cependant que son crime contre les civils locaux est quotidien.
Non, non, ne nous laissons pas enfermer dans la bande de Gaza…. Nous voulons maintenant des actes: Nous aurons besoin de tous pour faire face. LMPT reste saine, digne et massive. Moi je choisis mon camp. Le combat ou la dhimmitude. Historiquement, vous avez tout faux. Il est dommage que ces ses? Dans cette affaire, qui terrorise l'autre, ce n'est pas le noir et le PS? Ou que tout le monde sait que les roux sentent mauvais Dommage, il faisait si beau samedi Vous pourriez nous expliquer la contradiction?
Vous seriez incapable de faire un blog ouvert comme celui de Rioufol. Ils sont parfaitement capables de s'adapter aux circonstances. With the eruption of financial crisis and its transformation into an acute social and humanitarian crisis, there has been a continuous and rapid increase in the number of suicides, which in recent months have become a painful and virtually daily occurrence, shocking Greek society. Both suicides and suicide attempts are, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a reflection of increasing desperation and despair due to the extremely adverse socioeconomic conditions experienced by Greek citizens.
The lack of work and household over-indebtedness, the reduction in disposable income, and the poverty — particularly in its extreme forms, e. In this context and in response to the Commission's previous answer on the direct connection between the unemployment rate and the suicide rate, will the Commission say:. Does it have any recent statistics on variations in the suicide rate in the Member States? Will it take key actions to raise public awareness about suicide prevention, given the increase in unemployment which aggravates the risk of a proliferation of cases of suicide? Will it promote exchanges of best practices to identify the most appropriate ways of addressing this very painful social phenomenon?
Are there any funds available from the European Structural Funds for the psycho-social support of persons who are disadvantaged socially and economically e. Are there any statistics for take-up rates of the Member States in respect of psycho-social support programmes and unused funds that may be used for actions of this kind? Addressing suicide falls under the responsibility of Member States.
While preventing suicide is an issue falling under Member States' responsibility, work under the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being, in particular as regards exchange between Member States on depression, can help support national action in suicide prevention. The Commission has no evidence on changes in the profile of people committing suicide — which is driven by a range of factors — and does not plan to take action to raise public awareness about suicide prevention. For example, the Greek Human Resources Development Operational Programme aims to promote the social and professional integration of vulnerable groups such as immigrants, disabled persons, and long-term unemployed.
Da allora non se ne hanno notizie: La Cina ha rotto le relazioni diplomatiche con il Vaticano nel e da allora molti vescovi non sono stati riconosciuti dalla CPA e sono stati incarcerati per una ventina o una trentina d'anni. A newly ordained Chinese bishop has been confined in a seminary near Shanghai after stepping down from his post in the government-backed Catholic Patriotic Association CPA. When the Vatican ordained this priest as a bishop, he resigned his position with the CPA to be in line with Rome.
This move was seen as a challenge to Chinese control over priests and bishops, and he has since gone missing. He is said to have been taken away and been refused contact with others. A Chinese investigation is pending. The EU follows closely the human rights situation in China and is particularly concerned by restrictions on freedom of religion and harassment of people in relation to their beliefs.
Il giornalista belga si era recato nella Repubblica democratica del Congo per il lancio del suo documentario. Inoltre, i diritti umani, e quindi anche il caso Chebeya, restano uno dei principali argomenti del dibattito politico regolare tra il governo della RDC e i capi missione. On entering the country, the journalist was stopped by customs at the airport and detained by three Congolese immigration officials.
His visa was arbitrarily annulled, he was put on a return flight, and he was forbidden from communicating with anyone in the Congolese territory by phone. He was in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to launch his documentary there. The Observatory is asking the Democratic Republic of the Congo to guarantee the physical and psychological well-being of all human rights defenders within its borders, as well as free movement throughout the country to the journalist in question. Is there reason to believe that others involved in human rights work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are in danger, and, if so, what action can we take on their behalf?
Taking into account widespread human rights violations in DRC, it remains important to us that the DRC government demonstrates its attachment to the fundamental values of freedom of press and expression. This strategy is one of the cornerstones of EU human rights policy in DRC and includes dedicated human rights programmes for the protection of human rights defenders. Furthermore, human rights, including the Chebeya trial remain an essential element of regular political dialogue between the DRC government and heads of missions.
Is the Commission aware that off-shore workers who must travel to their places of work do not have their travel time included as part of their work time? The directive does not state that time travelling to the workplace should be considered as working time, and there have been no decisions of the Court of Justice interpreting the directive on this point. Informazioni circa l'utilizzo dei fondi comunitari del periodo da parte dei comuni di Urbino, Ancona, Pesaro e Macerata.
Risposta congiunta di Janusz Lewandowski a nome della Commissione. Come richiesto, l'allegato presenta l'elenco delle proposte di progetti presentate alla Commissione. In questo modo la Commissione potrebbe risparmiare il tempo impiegato per rispondere a ogni singola interrogazione e fornire all'onorevole parlamentare un unico esauriente insieme di dati.
Can the Commission state whether the municipalities of Urbino, Ancona, Pesaro and Macerata have submitted projects for the following programmes:. The attached annex presents a list of requested project applications submitted to the Commission. The Commission notes that the Honourable Member is interested in the funding granted directly to Italian cities from specific EU programmes managed by the Commission. Should the Honourable Member so wish, the Commission could prepare a table providing this information for the major Italian cities likely to take part in these programmes.
This would save the Commission time needed to reply to each individual question and provide the Honourable Member with one single set of comprehensive data. As a result of the heat waves that Europe has been experiencing, lorry driving bans have been imposed on account of the damage such vehicles could cause to road surfaces. Regrettably, however, the current provisions regarding bans on vehicle movements conflict with each other and it is national agencies that decide when to impose a ban.
The obligatory halts that such bans impose upon drivers mean that they are often forced to break their journeys. Then, when the ban is lifted and lorries are once again allowed to continue their journeys, other countries along the route introduce bans and drivers are once again forced to come to a halt. This can extend the length of journeys by a number of days and have an adverse impact on drivers.
In view of this situation, is the Commission planning to harmonise the rules and introduce a common European system, or is it looking at other arrangements? The Commission is aware of the problem of differing provisions for traffic bans across Europe which impedes the provision of international transport services.
The proposal proved to be very controversial for a large majority of Member States. The Commission does currently not foresee any measures to harmonise the rules regarding traffic bans and introduce a common European system. It is however vigilant and ensures that traffic bans do not violate basic EU principles such as the non-discrimination principle, free movement of goods and the freedom to provide services.
Mantendremos al Parlamento Europeo informado del curso de este asunto. Has the Commission considered setting up a mechanism to check rates against real data from inter-bank transfers? Given the number and value of the interest-rate derivatives and their crucial role in the management of risk, these products are highly significant to the sector and the European economy as a whole. If the Commission's concerns are confirmed, the necessary actions will be taken to sanction and bring these practices to an end; this should also prompt a change of culture in the banking sector. Concerning the regulation of benchmarks more broadly, the Commission is investigating the facts in cooperation with competent authorities, the European Central Bank and its international partners, to determine what further action is required.
Today, some benchmarks are based on real transactions and others on estimates. Issues to be examined include how to ensure the integrity and transparency of benchmark calculation methodologies, as well as governance and surveillance arrangements. The European Parliament will be kept informed of progress. Targeted support measures for young, mobile EU citizens can help them to enter the job market in the more prosperous Member States such as Germany. These might usefully include work-oriented language courses, support in job-seeking and personal and professional supervision.
This would be a practical, worthwhile measure in the context of the freedom of movement of persons, the freedom to provide services and the ability to adapt which we are striving for. Has the Commission planned further measures to facilitate the ability of young job-seekers from crisis-hit Member States to move to economically-stronger Member States? What possibilities for financial support for the abovementioned measures are available from EU programmes, including accompanying measures organised for the public good?
The objective is to help young Europeans aged to find work in other EU countries, on the basis of tailor-made job matching services combined with EU funding. National employment services provide information, job search, and recruitment, funding for both young jobseekers and businesses interested in recruiting from outside their home country.
The action also covers the costs of language training or other training need for young recruited workers before departure to another Member State. The budget appropriations made available are as follows: It is well known that the future of the creative industries in the European Union has been called into question by their apparent difficulties in developing an effective, monetisable global distribution in the context of unprecedented corporate media consolidation and hard-to-regulate digital networks.
The copyright framework seems to provide inadequate support for these actors in a new technological environment characterised by the unrestricted proliferation of copies. As has become apparent to Parliament in its recent debate and subsequent rejection of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, social patterns with regard to sharing seem fairly entrenched. With European broadband speeds and connectivity set to increase following the implementation of the Digital Agenda and CEF Programmes, it seems likely that peer-to-peer distribution, allowing users protagonist roles in the distribution of content, will continue to gain traction.
While this may be perceived by some as exacerbating the problem, it could also be seen as a potential opportunity for our European content industries as they struggle to create and address new international markets. It is therefore worrying that there remain very few examples of online distribution platforms trying to create revenue opportunities by connecting creative producers and the file-sharing public.
How does the Commission ensure its support for such new enterprises through is allocation of, for instance, the funding available for media and content production and distribution under the MEDIA programme?
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Will the Commission ensure that these new online services and platforms get additional attention and financial support during the start-up periods when the new Creative Europe programme enters into effect? Most of this is allocated to theatrical distribution, but other means, notably Video on Demand platforms are included in the funding schemes. The MEDIA Programme further encourages film professionals to use new technologies and business models drawing on digitisation through various training schemes. The MEDIA Strand will have a significant focus on digitisation and will help film professionals to benefit from the digital shift.
Training as well as distribution and development will offer new funding opportunities for digital production and distribution. A cross cutting objective is the support to the development of new audiences in particular children and young people and other under-represented groups. Social networks and other digital platforms make it possible to address new audiences and to raise their interest in European audiovisual content. The Creative Europe Programme will also include a financial instrument to facilitate access to private bank loans through a guarantee fund.
This fund will be addressed to SMEs including platforms offering creative content, and will serve a range of financial needs from investing in start-ups to gap financing. Dopo aver ucciso due poliziotti impegnati a sorvegliare le chiese e aver rubato i loro fucili, gli aggressori si sono introdotti nell'edificio per lanciare bombe a mano. Altri attentatori aspettavano all'esterno per sparare sui fedeli mentre fuggivano dalla chiesa. Secondo la Croce Rossa keniana i feriti dei due attentati sarebbero almeno 75 e le vittime avrebbero affollato gli ospedali locali.
Il pastore della Chiesa Pentecostale dell'Africa orientale ha dichiarato: Seventeen people were killed and dozens more were wounded. The town of Garissa is situated miles west of the Somali border. The attackers killed two policemen guarding one of the churches, stole their guns and proceeded to throw hand grenades into the building. More gunmen waited outside to shoot people as they ran out.
A second attack took place at a Catholic church and hand grenades were thrown inside the church. The Kenya Red Cross said at least 75 people were injured in the two attacks. The number of victims overwhelmed regional hospitals. There are suspicions that the attack was the work of al-Shabab, but the authorities have not named any suspects. The pastor of the East Africa Pentecostal Church has noted: It is likely that at least some of these attacks are perpetrated by affiliates of Al-Shabab or similar extremist groups.
Archives de catégorie : Sitographie
The EU regularly raises security concerns in its dialogue with Kenyan authorities to ensure the safety of all Kenyans and foreigners staying in the country. Negli scontri scoppiati successivamente tra cinesi di etnia han e uighuri persero la vita persone. Furono quindi effettuati arresti di massa, con migliaia di persone poste arbitrariamente in stato di fermo. Le famiglie che hanno chiesto informazioni sui propri congiunti sono state minacciate e arrestate. Le persone scomparse provengono da contesti diversi, ma non esistono dati in merito al loro numero.
Molti dei parenti degli uighuri scomparsi hanno protestato di fronte alle sedi della polizia e del governo a Urumqi. Una madre ha dichiarato: Il capo del Dipartimento di pubblica sicurezza di Urumqi avrebbe ricevuto richieste di aiuto da parte di famiglie che desiderano ritrovare i propri cari. Alcune affermano di non essere neanche interessate ad un risarcimento, ma di voler semplicemente sapere se i propri congiunti sono ancora vivi. Come valutano i funzionari dell'UE in Cina il trattamento riservato dal governo cinese alla popolazione uighura presente nel paese? La delegazione cinese ha respinto le argomentazioni dell'UE, ha attirato l'attenzione sul miglioramento della situazione economica nello Xinjiang ed ha affermato che era stata dimostrata grande clemenza nei confronti degli autori dei disordini del Protestors at the time claimed that the authorities failed to protect the workers.
Violence later erupted between Han Chinese and Uyghurs, leading to the deaths of people. Mass arrests took place, and thousands of people were arbitrarily detained. Families seeking information about their relatives have been intimidated and detained. The individuals missing come from a variety of backgrounds.
No figures exist for the number of Uyghurs that have suffered forced disappearances. Many family members of those missing have protested outside police and government buildings in Urumqi. Since she spoke out to Radio Free Asia, she has been under constant surveillance and followed everywhere. Instead of assistance, however, many families describe the years of threats, intimidation and detention that they have suffered at the hands of the authorities. Some admit that they do not even ask for compensation from the authorities, but simply want to know if their relatives are dead or alive.
The EU will continue to raise the issue of the mass disappearance of Uighurs with the Chinese authorities. Particular issues of concern include: The Chinese delegation rejected the EU's concerns, drew attention to improvements to the economic situation in Xinjiang and claimed that great leniency had been shown to the perpetrators of the unrest. The European Union is in the process of negotiating with the Government of Canada a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement CETA , with the potential to foster trade flows, create new jobs and generate investments on both sides.
After Germany, Canada is currently the best-performing G7 economy, projected to grow faster than the other EU economies in the coming years. Growth is expected to be 1. Can the Commission provide details of the proposed calendar for the technical and political rounds of negotiations between the parties scheduled for ? By taking existing EU legislation as a reference, the Commission considers that it will safeguard the respect of fundamental rights and ensure the balance between the right to intellectual property and to freedom of expression.
It is however paying due attention to this matter. The Chief negotiators will decide after summer on the work plan following the September session. A meeting in October has already been tentatively agreed. The timing of political meetings will be decided once the technical negotiations are at a more advanced stage. Conferenza mondiale per la revisione delle regole internazionali sulle telecomunicazioni ITR. The member countries of the ITU International Telecommunication Union will be holding a world conference in Dubai in December in order to review the current regulations ITRs constituting the binding global framework for telecommunications and hence the Internet.
Renegotiation of the treaty could be a golden opportunity for governments to impose total control of the Net by transferring governance to the United Nations, which would then be able to determine how electronic communications would be transmitted on the new-generation networks and what data could or could not be sent over the Web: What is the state of play regarding the negotiations and coordination with the Member States?
Gli incontri, che iniziano oggi, sono caratterizzati dalla segretezza dei contenuti. Essi si svolgono annualmente e vertono su politica, tecnologia e informazione. I temi chiave di quest'anno saranno i rapporti Israele-Iran, la Cina e la situazione economica europea. Ha la Commissione inviato un gruppo di suoi rappresentanti all'incontro in questione? Intende chiedere un riscontro al primo ministro italiano in merito agli accordi politici ed economici eventualmente intercorsi durante l'evento segreto in oggetto? La Commissione europea non ha inviato nessun rappresentante alla conferenza del The conferences take place annually and focus on politics, technology, and information.
The main themes this year will be relations between Israel and Iran, China, and the economic situation in Europe. Will it ask the Italian Prime Minister to report on such political and economic agreements as might have been entered into at this secret meeting? Il gasdotto prevede 5 lotti facenti parte di un unico grande progetto. In base alla direttiva dell'UE sulla valutazione d'impatto ambientale VIA , la valutazione deve essere estesa all'intero progetto e non ai singoli lotti.
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In particolare, sembra che il progetto sia stato suddiviso in cinque sezioni che sono state tutte sottoposte a procedure di valutazione. La Commissione non ha dati concreti attestanti che la suddivisione del progetto nelle suddette sezioni abbia comportato una violazione della direttiva VIA. Gli effetti cumulativi sono pertanto stati valutati. The company Snam Rete Gas S. The pipeline consists of 5 lots that are part of one big project. The Adriatic network pipeline is a single project and was drawn up and approved as such. It was supposed to have been built along the Adriatic coast of Italy.
However, in the area of Biccari Foggia , it was instead diverted inland, along the Apennines. This diversion has raised a number of critical issues — the destruction of numerous forests and protected areas, geological hazards and the very high risk of earthquake along the Apennines. In Italy, the various tiers of government in the regions concerned by the pipeline work have all expressed a negative opinion on the current version of the project, precisely because of the critical environmental and planning issues that this infrastructure is raising.
Does the Commission, having accepted an assessment per lot rather than an overall assessment, not think it may have violated the ruling of the Court of Justice? The change mentioned by the Honourable Member was made before the Italian authorities subjected the project to the assessment procedures under the EIA and the Habitats Directives.
In particular, it appears that the project has been split into five sections, which have all been subjected to assessment procedures. The Commission has no evidence that the splitting of the project into the above sections resulted in a breach of the EIA Directive. In particular, it appears that an EIA was carried out for each section and that each EIA procedure made reference to the whole project. Thus the cumulative effects have been assessed.
In the context of the revision of the EIA Directive, the need for properly assessing effects related to disaster risks has been identified as an issue to be addressed. However, the current version of the directives already includes the risk of accidents among the criteria to be taken into account when assessing the need for an environmental assessment. In addition, when an environmental assessment is carried out, all significant effects on the environment should be identified and assessed. Come valuta la Commissione l'introduzione della norma auspicata dal governo italiano?
Non ritiene la Commissione che tale norma possa portare de facto ad una sanatoria di massa di immigrati clandestini? This would allow employers who come forward voluntarily to avoid more serious punishment. Would it not agree that it could result in the mass regularisation of illegal migrants? Would it not agree that this departure from the letter and spirit of the directive could be seen as a means of surreptitiously introducing provisions permitting and facilitating illegal migration and employment? It seems that the Italian authorities have decided to prepare for the implementation of the new rules by creating a window of opportunity, of very limited duration, for migrants and the employers to regularise their situation.
This transitional period would allow both the employers of irregularly-staying immigrants and the migrants themselves, to put an end to the illegal situation by paying a fine, recovering any unpaid remuneration and concluding a lawful work contract. The Commission has not yet analysed in detail the recently notified Italian legislation and the assessment of the compatibility with the Employer Sanctions Directive is still ongoing. Moreover, the legislation refers to modalities to be specified in a decree. Welche Schritte wurden seitens der Kommission unternommen um den entsprechenden Forderungen des Parlaments nachzukommen?

Insbesondere wird in diesem Zusammenhang um Beantwortung folgender Fragen gebeten:. In welchem Zeitrahmen plant die Kommission, die Handelsstrategie umzusetzen? Falls ja, wie sieht diese aus? Falls nein, wann soll diese erstellt werden? In particular, can it answer the following questions in this context:.
If so, when is it likely to be published? What time frame is the Commission planning for its implementation? If so, what do they predict? If not, when are such forecasts due to be made? Since the adoption of Parliament's Resolution, the Commission has continued to implement and further develop its ambitious trade policy agenda and strategy. It has launched a number of new important initiatives, all aimed at contributing to the EU's growth agenda.
In this context, the Commission has recently presented negotiating directives for negotiations with Japan. A recommendation should follow later in on prospects for launching negotiations. Regarding other important trade relationships, the paper argues that tapping into the markets of the EU's key trading partners — in particular its strategic economic partners — will play an increasingly significant role for Europe's growth in the future. It also contains a solid analytical section, explaining how trade policy is changing and how the fundamental changes in global supply chains mean that we need to look more closely at where value is added to products and less at where exports are booked.
Entwicklung eines vereinheitlichten Zolldienstes. Welche Schritte wurden seitens der Kommission seither unternommen, um den Forderungen des Parlaments nachzukommen? In diesem Zusammenhang wird insbesondere um Beantwortung folgender Fragen gebeten:. Wenn ja, wie sehen die Resultate aus? Wenn nein, warum nicht bzw. Wann plant die Kommission gegebenenfalls, mit der Umsetzung der Vereinheitlichung zu beginnen?
Asambleas Generales
Has the Commission examined whether it is feasible for a unified EU customs service to be established? If it has done so, what has been the outcome of this examination? If it has not done so, why has it not done so, or when will the outcome become available? If it is feasible, when is the Commission planning to start implementing the unification of the service? Commission services have recently commissioned a study on the functioning of the customs union. Furthermore, it should be underlined that most if not all national customs administrations have integrated tasks and competencies that go above and beyond those of the customs union most notably in the area of taxation.
Nevertheless, a wider evaluation is currently being undertaken to assess the broader state and impact of the customs union on its various stakeholders. The Commission's approach, including further integration of the customs union through the next Customs programme, will be further communicated on after completion of the evaluation. In this light, the Commission is not prepared to launch further studies regarding a unified EU customs service concept before the adoption, implementation and assessment of the effectiveness of the new instruments created by the Customs programme In diesem Zusammenhang wird um Beantwortung folgender Fragen gebeten:.
Wenn nein, warum nicht? However, in the same resolution Parliament also observed that under certain circumstances export restrictions may be seen as important for the support of development objectives, the protection of the environment or the sustainable exploitation of natural resources in poorer developing countries such as LDCs and SIDs and therefore called on the Commission to diversify its raw material suppliers and to conclude long-term bilateral agreements in this area with countries other than China.
Has the Commission taken measures to prevent and eliminate the abovementioned unfair trade practices at multilateral and bilateral level? If so, what measures? If not, why not? Have any bilateral agreements concerning raw materials been concluded since the resolution was adopted, and if so, with which countries?
For a limited number of goods subject to export duties at that time, a phase-out mechanism was agreed. Moreover, a prohibition on dual pricing was agreed, as well as disciplines on licensing and authorisation covering the mining and hydrocarbon sector. With Singapore, good progress has been made as it has accepted a horizontal provision on the elimination of export duties.
For certain wood products, reduced export duties will apply with a quota, which will be administered by a Commission Implementing Regulation setting up a system of EU management of the Russian export tariff rate quota. WTO accession negotiations, including on raw materials-related provisions, are ongoing with Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.
Intervento urgente dell'UE sulle nuove ondate migratorie. Alla luce delle tragedie in mare — verificatesi anche negli ultimi giorni — di immigrati libici che tentano di raggiungere le coste italiane, il pericolo di nuove ondate migratorie verso l'Italia annunciato tempo fa dal ministro degli Esteri libico al suo omologo italiano si sta concretizzando. A quanto ammonta tale beneficio? Quali interventi concreti e urgenti intende attuare la Commissione europea per stroncare i traffici di migranti provenienti dalle coste libiche?
In the light of the tragedies at sea — most recently within the last few days — involving Libyans attempting to reach the Italian coast, the danger of new waves of migration to Italy, of which the Libyan Foreign Minister warned his Italian opposite number some time ago, is becoming more real. Frontex is said to be ready to support Italy at the operational level in and is planning to redeploy experts and technical resources on a flexible basis should there be any sudden mass influx of irregular migrants and asylum-seekers. Is the operation now under way? How much is it receiving? What specific urgent measures will the Commission take to halt the traffic in migrants from the Libyan coast?
Since its inception a total of irregular migrants, mainly Somalis and Tunisians have been intercepted trying to reach the coasts of Sicily or the Pelagic Islands. Around half left from Libya and the others from Tunisia, Egypt and Greece. The Commission is already financing several projects in Libya, which aim, inter alia , to support the establishment of a fair and effective migration management system respectful of human rights, and to build up the Libyan capacity to control borders and prevent irregular migration and transborder organised crime.
This could have repercussions for the small, dependent economies of the outermost regions. Will impact assessments be carried out to measure the effects of these negotiations on the European market in agricultural and meat products, where such agreements also cover products produced in the outermost regions? Like in other free trade agreements, the Commission intends to take into account the specific situation of the outermost regions in the trade part of the Association Agreement that it is currently negotiating with Mercosur. The EuroLat Parliamentary Assembly also expressed its concern at the removal of President Fernando Lugo and urged Paraguay to reconsider its action, to ensure greater respect for democracy and the role of the President.
This decision was based on the opinion of the Heads of State of the Mercosur countries, who considered that the democratic process in Paraguay has been interrupted and the democratic and constitutional order endangered as a result of the coup which ousted the democratically elected president, Fernando Lugo. She also underlined that respecting the democratic will of the Paraguayan people was paramount.
The EU keeps a critical eye on the situation in Paraguay and follows the general consensus in the region to avoid any measure that could have a negative impact on the livelihood of the Paraguayan people. The EU is committed to concluding an Association Agreement with Mercosur and will continue to work towards it.
The EU and the current Brazilian Presidency of Mercosur are discussing a date for the next round of negotiations, likely to be held in autumn La pasada semana fue acribillada una mujer afgana frente a una multitud en la provincia afgana de Parwan, al norte de Kabul, acusada de adulterio. Catherine Asthon, sobre este acto indignante?
Last week a woman accused of adultery was shot to death in front of a crowd in Parwan province, to the north of Kabul. This is a brutal and inhumane act carried out by the Taliban as part of their efforts to rule through terrorism, a situation in which women are unfortunately left totally defenceless. If so, in what way? The incident referred to is, regrettably, only one of many and not all are reported. The Commission provides assistance to the Afghan Government and civil society to fight violence against women, address the issue of early and forced marriages and provide safe shelter for those in need.
EU assistance programmes continue to focus on governance, including reform of the justice sector and its institutions. Die Kommission erarbeitet derzeit einen solchen Vorschlag. Member States of the International Telecommunication Union ITU are considering whether and to what extent it should expand its jurisdiction to Internet matters by amending its underlying treaty, the International Telecommunication Regulations ITRs adopted in Concerns are growing over proposals, presented by various countries, that will have an impact on the Internet, its architecture, operations, content, security, business relations and governance, and, in some cases, on the free flow of information online.
The biggest threats, however, are the changes proposed to the definitions section that would in large measure give the ITU power to regulate the Internet.