Made to Love Her
I was born in Lil' Rock Had a childhood sweetheart We were always hand in hand I wore hightop shoes and shirt tails Suzy was in pig tails I know I loved her even then You know my papa disapproved it My mama boohooed it But I told them time and time again "Don't you know I was made to love her Built a world all around her" Yeah! Hey, hey, hey She's been my inspiration Showed appreciation For the love I gave her through the years Like a sweet magnolia tree My love blossomed tenderly My life grew sweeter through the years I know that my baby love me My baby needs me That's why we made it through the years I was made to love her Worship and adore her Hey, hey, hey All through thick and thin Our love just won't end 'Cause I love my baby, love my baby.
My baby loves me My baby needs me And I know I ain't going nowhere I was knee high to a chicken And that love bug bit me I had the fever with each passing year Oh, even if the mountain tumbles If this whole world crumbles By her side I'll still be standing there 'Cause I was made to love her I was made to live for her, yeah hey hey hey Ah, I was made to love her Built my world all around her Hey, hey, hey Oo baby, I was made to please her You know Stevie ain't gonna leave her, no Hey, hey, hey Edit Lyrics Edit Wiki Add Video.
I Was Made to Love Her (song)
Add your thoughts 4 Comments. No Replies Log in to reply. There was an error. General Comment Real sweet! General Comment I just heard this again today. The passion in Stevie's voice when he's delivering the lines is incredible. You really get the sense he's thinking of his first true love as he singing this song. And the lyrics are something anyone who has truly been in love can relate to. To ask other readers questions about Made for Love , please sign up. Where did the second sex doll come from? Hazel's father loans her his rascal to go pawn her Gogal stuff and by the time she returns with her wad of cash there is the second doll.
Catie I think he bought it on time. See 1 question about Made for Love…. Lists with This Book. Feb 18, karen rated it really liked it Shelves: If there was one person in the world who could make someone better at chopping things down with an ax just by having sex with him, this was the guy.
Liver had a lot of smells that seemed automotive in nature, so being on her back beneath him, Hazel thought about the flat rolling carts mechanics lie down on to slide beneath cars, and the sex became a little fun the way it might be fun to roll out from below a vehicle and then roll back under again, and again. View all 35 comments.
Dec 14, Roxane rated it it was amazing. There is no one who negotiates the absurd as vigorously yet poignantly as Alissa Nutting. In her second novel, Made For Love, Nutting explores the loneliness of a future overly mediated by technology through a tremendous romp involving Hazel, trying to leave her tech mogul husband Byron even though his reach knows no bounds.
There are sex dolls and a senior citizen trailer park and brain chips and a con man who loves dolphins and still, the story makes sense like a motherfucker. Brilliant, dense There is no one who negotiates the absurd as vigorously yet poignantly as Alissa Nutting. Brilliant, dense, hilarious writing that hurtles toward an ending that is both satisfying and unexpected. View all 5 comments. Jan 24, Kelly and the Book Boar rated it really liked it Shelves: Find all of my reviews at: Naturally that equated me being denied an advanced copy.
I mean, I have continually crapped my drawers about Tampa so I thought I was a shoe-i Find all of my reviews at: Alas, it was not meant to be and so for the past eight months my life has pretty much gone something like this: The following gif is actual footage of me once I finally received word this little beauty was on hold for me at the fancy downtown library.
Really, Nutting could have re-written an old telephone book and I still would have put myself on the wait list, but a middle-aged woman moving into a trailer park. Upon finishing, I was a little like. I dug it and all of its crazy. Especially dear old dad. The deliveryman asked me if rocks were inside. View all 12 comments. Nov 20, Theresa rated it did not like it.
The sophomore slump is real.
I Was Made To Love Her
It was outrageous, explicit, unapologetic, and a total badass. Nutting's latest novel, "Made for Love" is cringe-worthy with idiotic characters and a paper-thin plot that never gets off the ground. The first 50 pages were somewhat interesting, but once the narrative is switched from Hazel she's a nincompoop to Jasper and he's a freak , I just couldn't take it anymore.
I tried, I really tried. I think Nutting was overreaching this time around. She can definitely write, but I think she was trying too hard with some of the metaphors and the wordy, head-scratching prose. Sex dolls, horny dolphins, and mind-controlling husbands, oh my! Pretentious garbage is more like it. I would recommend this book to well Trust me on this one please. View all 4 comments. Apr 27, Kelli rated it it was ok. You lost me with the dolphins. There is no denying that Alissa Nutting is an excellent writer.
I can't imagine being faced with writing a novel after putting Tampa out into the world either Perhaps she was trying too hard?
When a book leads with a man living with a blow-up doll and that becomes the least quirky part of the story, I'm out! I finished this but I did not enjoy it. View all 8 comments. Jul 07, Jessica Sullivan rated it it was amazing Shelves: I've been looking forward to this book all year and it did not disappoint. Alissa Nutting is a genius of the absurd, hilarious and straight up bizarre; she takes a sledgehammer to societal norms and never shies away from uncomfortable taboos.
At 35 years old, Hazel abruptly leaves her psychologically abusive husband Byron Gogol, the multi-millionaire CEO of a monolithic tech company not entirely unlike you guessed it Google. With nowhere else to go, she moves in with her septuagenarian father a I've been looking forward to this book all year and it did not disappoint.
With nowhere else to go, she moves in with her septuagenarian father and his newly acquired sex doll—a better alternative than staying with Byron, who has threatened to take control of her entire mind as part of an innovative new experiment. Meanwhile, a handsome conman named Jasper, who relies on his Jesus-like appearance to scam wealthy women into falling in love with him, has a near-death experience in the ocean one night and from that point forward can only be sexually aroused by dolphins.
Yes, you read that correctly. With Byron spying on her move and threatening to harm her loved ones, Hazel grows increasingly desperate to escape his grasp for good. Ultimately Hazel and Jasper's storylines intersect in a surprising but strangely logical way, and it turns out they may be able to save each other. Made for Love is an delightfully odd trip from the opening sentence to the final page. Nutting's unrelenting strangeness and deviance isn't for everyone, but it is certainly for me. I ate up every last word. Beneath the entertaining absurdity is smart commentary on the intersection between technology and human connection, and a poignant dismantling of the cultural norms we come to expect from stories about love and relationships.
Aug 19, Tooter rated it did not like it. Ugh, I just did not get it. I loved Tampa but this book was an utter disappointment. I guess I wasn't the intended audience. I think I'm too old for this kind of nonsense. View all 10 comments. Mar 13, Adrienne rated it it was amazing. No one makes me more uncomfortable to be a participant in human sexuality than Alissa Nutting, and I mean that as an enormous compliment. I doubt it's even possible for her to write something boring, and god knows this book never is.
See a Problem?
It is a delight. Jul 24, Paquita Maria Sanchez rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jul 10, Kyle Muntz rated it it was ok. I had a bad feeling about this ever since I first read the synopsis--that there was the possibility for a lot of interesting strangeness which Nutting delivers but that the idea also just seems a bit cartoony and maybe even dumb.
This book is funny and sharp, but I got a sense of something just sort of thin and not working from the first page; for a long time I was hoping it would go away, but it only got worse. There are some really interesting ideas here, but the whole just didn't work for m I had a bad feeling about this ever since I first read the synopsis--that there was the possibility for a lot of interesting strangeness which Nutting delivers but that the idea also just seems a bit cartoony and maybe even dumb. There are some really interesting ideas here, but the whole just didn't work for me.
Jul 28, Bill rated it it was ok. As the absurdity continued chapter after chapter after chapter, I wondered aloud if some semblance of reality would make an appearance. My brief encounter with Made for Love was unrelentingly maddening and interminably frustrating. What was the point?
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Buried somewhere in this crazy insane piece of work is social commentary I think! Laced with satire, sarcasm, wit and a few pinches of irony and mockery throw 1. Laced with satire, sarcasm, wit and a few pinches of irony and mockery thrown in for good measure, I could never quite fit all the pieces together into a coherent and intelligible moral to the story.
Intended and unabashed deadpan humor? Nutting expertly challenged our assumptions about child sexual predation in her literary debut Tampa , successfully forcing the reader to ponder some fundamental societal beliefs. The sex was graphic. The point well communicated. It feels like Made for Love attempted a similar exploration of some of our core beliefs and expectations but it never quite brought home the point for me.
Sex plays an important role in this book too. The story opens with sex doll relationships, explores abstention from sex, casual and occasional sex and even introduces the reader to dolphin sex fetishism think of all the crude jokes and coarse innuendoes about a man and the blowhole! A company named Gogol a nod to the ubiquity of Google? But the point of Made for Love was lost on me, the message hidden under an Everest of absurdity.
Maybe the absurdity of modern life is the point. If not for the occasional chuckle, this was a one-star read for me Good writing; unknown destination. Many folks adored this book. It is a quick and easy read … experience it for yourself. This novel is strange and entertaining, to be sure. She leaves him when she becomes afraid he has plans to put a computer chip in her head to be able to monitor her thoughts. Hazel has nowhere to go and ends up with her father and his new sex doll. Meanwhile, a man named Jasper is only sexually at 3 to 4 stars, I'm completely undecided I picked up this one because of a nice blurb from Roxane Gay as I'll basically read anything that she recommends.
Meanwhile, a man named Jasper is only sexually attracted to dolphins And I'll leave the synopsis right there. Nutting is a compelling writer and this book is a literary beach read dealing with love and technology. It's interesting, if at times over the top. Jul 17, Leesa rated it it was amazing. And legit made me LOL in some spots.
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Alissa Nutting is just such a good writer I want to read everything she writes. And so much of this was super-creative wow what in the world is even happeningggg. Sep 25, Justin Tate rated it really liked it.
My first Alissa Nutting read, but I'll be back for more! The first chapter showcases some of the best writing I've ever seen. Hilarious, character-driven, perceptive social commentary. The second chapter was even better. The plot turned out to be less gripping than the first few chapters suggested, but it provided a superb context for Nutting to incorporate her hilarious commentary on technology of today and how it might look in the future. This is a farce at its finest, for t My first Alissa Nutting read, but I'll be back for more! This is a farce at its finest, for the most part, but I will be honest that I became un-hooked part way through due to a stagnant storyline.

By the end, the conflict remains the same and the situations become a little too ridiculous to fathom. As long as you can appreciate brilliant writing, you'll love this book. If you need a strong storyline you might skip it. Aug 21, Jill rated it it was amazing Shelves: Made for Love is the perfect book for Americans in AD: Just when you've decided it's okay to laugh, at least a little bit, the situation turns and you're stabbed through the middle with utter fear and sadness.
Nutting writes with such assured confidence about such extraordinarily surreal topics—just FYI, there's an attempted dolphin rape in the book, which gives that rosy airbrushed cover a different appeal, non Made for Love is the perfect book for Americans in AD: Nutting writes with such assured confidence about such extraordinarily surreal topics—just FYI, there's an attempted dolphin rape in the book, which gives that rosy airbrushed cover a different appeal, non?
I trust Nutting to write anything and everything after Made for Love seeing how she transformed what in most circumstances would be the harebrained hallucinations of an addled addict into a compelling, poignant, and comprehensible narrative. Beyond the tone, the story itself is part and parcel of this era. The evil genius CEO of a tech company whose real-life inspiration Nutting barely tries to mask in the book, it's called Gogol marries Hazel, a down-on-her-luck, female Joe Schmo. When he tries to install a mind-reading chip in her brain as the next stage of his technology takeover, she demurs and escapes to live with her dad and his sex doll in a retirement trailer park.
Parallel to Hazel's story, we have Jasper, a lothario con artist whose seduction strategy can be described as "bone and loan": Their stories are separate until Act III when they overlap for the booming finale and make us wonder about 21st century greed, the social dislocation caused by technology, and prospects for love in all of its forms during the age of robotics and Instagram. What's astonishing about Nutting's authorial talents is how she creates empathetic characters whose concerns feel real while all of the other elements of the story combine to wreak a surrealist storm. The reason this book works is that even though the majority of the plot takes place up in the stratosphere, far removed from anything resembling daily reality, the characters are tethered—admittedly, sometimes only by flimsy strings of dental floss—to Earth.
The characters do wild things, but their reasons for doing so are reasonable and recognizable. In tradition with her first novel Tampa , Nutting plays with gender types to create a fascinating protagonist. Hazel is a female version of the stoner you might encounter in a Seth Rogen movie. I adored Made for Love but will not be recommending it to my reader friends as I usually do.
The dark, absurdist humor coupled with the zany plot will leave many people claiming "I don't get it".