Lady of the Ashes (Lady Of Ashes)
She definitely did her homework there! I really wanted to love this book, but alas try as I might, I could not. Although the novel itself gives us you a rare insight into the world of 19th century undertaking, the author's style really lets the book down. I could not help but feel that the author occasionally resorts to name dropping the occasional book by Dickens here and there in a desperate attempt to ground the story in the 19th century, even though the story would have been fine without it. Moreover, at some point along the way I lost my patience with the narrator who continuously interrupts the narrative to give the reader a bit of extra information here and there.
I would have preferred if this information had been embedded into the narrative: I would have also really liked for the author to address the psychological growth in her characters. Granted she does avoid the express train, when getting on one, but that's as far as her "anxiety" goes. No sleepless nights, no attempts to avoid trains all together. Just business as usual.
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I really would have liked the author to have spend some more time on the impact of the crash and other events on the characters. This book has the dubious distinction of being the first truly unsatisfying book of the year, and the first to earn such a low rating from me in a long, long time. It was just a bore from start to finish and reading it quickly became a chore.
Told in third person POV the story was populated with too many characters I didn't care about - including the lead female - and a mish-mash of subplots driven by cartoonish motivations. I will not be back for more. One person found this helpful. Great story about a female undertaker in the 's. The characters are well developed and the subject is just a little bit different. I have really enjoyed the information on Queen Victoria that talks about her post the death of her husband. Each book gets better. This first one is a little slow to develop as the characters take center stage initially.
Interesting view of the Civill War from the British side of the ocean. No spoilers in this review, just a recommendation to try this book. I really wanted to like this book.
Loved the premise and enjoy good context setting. Unfortunately the story is all context and historical references that I suspect were carefully researched; the story ultimately is too thin and built around the research to really enjoy. If you like Victorian era mysteries, this series is great!
I couldn't get into it, didn't like the characters.
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If she wanted to write a non-fiction book about funeral habits of the Victorians, she ought to have done so.
Lady of Ashes
There is far too much telling and not enough showing in this book. There wasn't enough believabl The nicest thing I can think to say about this book: There wasn't enough believable dialog. It was full of clumsy attempts to portray actual historical figures. The Queen Victoria sections alone were cringe worthy. Mark this one down as "disappointing". Jul 18, Christine Roberts rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm actually surprised by how much I enjoyed this novel. I don't know what I was expecting to be honest, but it wasn't this.

Violet Morgan is a well-written, independent female character, and I kind of adore her. In the style of Jo March and Anne Shirley, Violet marches to the beat of her own drum and refuses to let anyone drown out her tune. Faced with a husband with scurrilous behavior, an orphaned ward, a marring injury, and thieving help, Violet rises to every occasion and behaves exactly th I'm actually surprised by how much I enjoyed this novel.
Faced with a husband with scurrilous behavior, an orphaned ward, a marring injury, and thieving help, Violet rises to every occasion and behaves exactly the way a fierce, fabulous female should. Remarkable in her time, perhaps even remarkable in ours, Violet is one of my new favorite female characters in literature. This book has the dubious distinction of being the first truly unsatisfying book of the year, and the first to earn a one star rating from me in a long, long time.
It was just a bore from start to finish and reading it fast became a chore. Told in third person POV the story was populated with too many characters I didn't care about - including the lead female - and a mish-mash of subplots driven by cartoonish motivations.
I will not be back for more. Jun 20, Johanna rated it did not like it Shelves: The main character was okay, but not fully developed. In fact, none of the characters were. Another problem for me were the pages upon pages about the Civil War. Frankly, I just wanted a nice murder Sep 14, Book of Secrets rated it it was amazing. This book first caught my eye many months ago, and I was intrigued that the protagonist was a 19th century female undertaker. Though her career choice was odd for a woman of her time, Violet Morgan's character was likable and easy to connect with, and she drew me into the story.
She was a compassionate person and savvy businesswoman, able to keep Morgan Undertaking thriving while her husband's shady dealings kept him otherwise occupied. The plot moved slowly at first, but my morbid fascination with the subject matter early embalming techniques! The pacing picked up considerably after Violet suspects foul play in the deaths of two seemingly unrelated people. I loved how the mystery played out - very exciting! Mar 07, Andrea rated it it was ok Shelves: I really wanted to like this book about a lady mortician in England in the midst of the US Civil War. In some ways I did.
The story was in-depth and it kept me captivated. Major plot points include: And you could tell the book was very well researched. Perhaps TOO well researched because this was my main problem with the book. There were so many little tidbits or historical facts that didn't really move anything forward or even set the stage for the time period that it seemed to forced.
Not to mention some of the points of view of these characters has a distinctive 21st century bent to them. I wish that it had flowed more smoothly.
Because I was so distracted by these things, it detracted from the story for me, which was all other things considered quite fun and enjoyable. This book is admittedly a little difficult for me to pin down. I did enjoy reading it, and it kept my interest throughout. And the summary of the book is a bit misleading in my opinion. I would categorize the book as a work of historical fiction, not a historical mystery.
The ending of the book dragged on for much longer than was necessary. I enjoyed the story a lot when it focused on Violet and her work with the dead, as well as her interactions with other people. Apr 25, Margaret rated it did not like it. The research was clunky and not adequately incorporated, the dialogue entirely unconvincing as the characters strove to "fill in the blanks" in the story, with little attempt at natural speech patterns. I felt distanced from all of the main characters and because I didn't care, was happy to put the book down half way, so my only concession is that maybe it improved later.
This was not a well-constructed book. Perhaps I'm being a bit generous, but I liked the protagonist a lot, and the historical setting was well done. Agreed that the plot became long with the side discussions of the Adams family and Queen Victoria. Still, I'm looking forward to the sequel due out later this year. Dec 12, Kirstie rated it liked it. I overall enjoyed this book, however, it was drawn out I felt and all over the place as far as the story line.
Too much happening for the first book in a series and just felt a tad squeezed together. Still, somehow, I actually enjoyed it. Feb 13, Darlene rated it really liked it. This novel is great mix of historical details along with a tale that keeps you turning the pages. She is one author who can spin a tale that never fails to draw me in and keep me there! I must say as well that I adore this cover along with the title! Violet Morgan is no normal lady of society. While she loves working with her husband Graham trouble seems to be brewing on the marital front. This leaves Violet on her own with the orphan Susanna but Violet is no weeping willow and she pulls up her boots and moves on with, of course, the help of a handsome fellow who is more than willing to help her.
Who will be victorious — the murderer or Violet? While this novel is full of many true historical characters and happenings which I really liked as I learned quite a bit, it is still Violet who steals the show. It is her story that kept me turning the pages. I really liked her and the way she stood up for what she believed in. Of course she elicited a few giggles from me when she was angered and would becomes incensed at people who she felt deserved a verbal battering.
The novel also takes us back to Victorian London in a way that made me feel as though I was there. Trent is a very descriptive writer and I could almost feel the darkness of the streets and the swirling mist that seemed to constantly fill the air. One of my favorite parts though would have to be the diary entries of the murderer every few chapters as they contemplated the people getting in their way and the next move that they would have to make. It was fascinating to learn how they prepared bodies back then and that embalming was thought to be evil and not a common practice as it is today.
Lady of Ashes by Christine Trent is another winner for me. I enjoy her writing and her stories and I could not have found a better way to spend my weekend than to immerse myself in the tale she wove. I am already looking forward to the next novel in this series! Nov 07, Chelsey Wolford rated it it was amazing. A historical fiction novel surrounding the life of a female undertaker? Yes, and it was so brilliant! Christine Trent is a historical fiction author to be rivaled with because in all my years as a historical fiction fan, I have not found many who can draw me in quite like she can.
In her latest novel, she tells the story of Violet Morgan, a Victorian undertaker.
Paperback Editions
We are slowly introduced to the career and receive many different view points on death. One reason why I love Christine Trent so much i A historical fiction novel surrounding the life of a female undertaker? One reason why I love Christine Trent so much is because she writes for feminists like me. She writes about strong, courageous women who are working in some sort of trade and demand some type of respect. Violet Morgan married an undertaker, but that surely does not signify that she is beneath him. Violet never knows what to expect, especially in the business of death, but she is about to be thrown an entirely unexpected curveball.
I know I keep saying this but she is a female undertaker! This is just not something that I normally come across in books. She added personal touches like having Violet talk to the dead as she dresses and cleans them. Violet really loves her career and lets nothing and no one, not even her husband, stand in her way. I found Violet to be an inspiration because as I started to compare her character to myself, I realized that I could never be in half of the situations that she found herself in.
For instance, the Victorian era did not support the embalming of their deceased and it was actually looked down upon.
Lady of Ashes Series by Christine Trent
Trent definitely captured the times and the Victorian era through her writing and vivid descriptions. All of the practices were acknowledged such as the mourning periods they went through as well as descriptions of the various funerals that were held and how they varied depending on social class. I would honestly recommend this book to anyone breathing! It will be forever on my shelf, and I hope rumors are true that this is going to be a new series!!
I read this as part of the Book challenge- a book based entirely on its cover. This was a solid read for those that enjoy stories taking place during Victorian times. Also, I have no idea why this title was chosen aside from the fact that the author liked the sound of it; nothing burns in this book--there are no ashes!
Used as a metaphor for death, I guess this title could work, but that seems a bit of a stretch. Still, overall I enjoyed this book and would read something else by this author. Mar 17, Kari rated it it was ok Shelves: I was really looking forward to reading this book. From the synopsis, it looked really interesting. For the most part it was a good mystery with a strong female lead.
I liked Violet and her determination to be a good undertaker. She is a smart and compassionate woman. I also liked the glimpse into the world of death and burials in the late s. The problem that I had with the book was that it was too packed with plots and historical figures. Had the book just followed the killer plot that I wa I was really looking forward to reading this book. Had the book just followed the killer plot that I was expecting, I think I would have liked it more. I found myself skimming parts of the book, especially the parts pertaining to the civil war. The mix of American and British history just didn't work for me.
I would recommend reading the notes from the author at the end of the book. She provides more information about the historical figures in the book. I found that interesting. An interesting tale of a woman undertaker in Victorian London, with plenty of derring do, royalty, murder, a mute girl, a train wreck, the American Civil War, and more. Actually a bit too much more, and goes wwaaayyy over the top to the point where I was shaking my head and sighing.
Now I love a good historical tale, and even more when an author can work in actual people and events. But at times this felt just too contrived, which is why it got just three stars. For the longer review, p An interesting tale of a woman undertaker in Victorian London, with plenty of derring do, royalty, murder, a mute girl, a train wreck, the American Civil War, and more.
For the longer review, please go here: Apr 28, Melanie rated it it was ok Shelves: I loved the cover of this and the idea of a woman undertaker. There were elements of the story that were good but on the whole the story was all over the place. There were too many storylines which made reading this book as bad as keeping track of a soap opera. As you can guess I have never been one for soaps. I had gotten book 2 out of the library but now I am not sure if I will continue with the series. Sep 23, Ruth rated it it was amazing. I woman mortician in a society that believes woman should not dirty their hands.
It was a great read that I truely enjoyed. I had to dig into finding out how death was dealt with in the past and this author was spot on. I love a strong character, even when they have their faults. I loved the unusual narrator a woman who practices a trade! Mar 13, Mary rated it liked it.
I was fascinated by the Victorian undertaking business. I could have done without the zoo scene. It just seemed too far fetched. Sep 06, Kay Dee rated it it was ok. Mar 28, Linda rated it it was ok. I liked the premise, but the book itself was a little confusing. The author tried too hard to fill it with too much history. It ended up feeling like a time line where the characters were forced to experience every event that happened during that time period.
I ended up rolling my eyes a few times while reading through references of books of the period and one particular catastrophic event. The Karl Marx neighbor was just too much. It would have been better focusing on the characters and bringi I liked the premise, but the book itself was a little confusing. It would have been better focusing on the characters and bringing them more to life. One suspicious character was never addressed which left things hanging.
Jan 28, Foggygirl rated it it was ok Shelves: I had this book on my to-read list for a very long time before I actually got around to reading it. Unfortunately in retrospect I could have given it a pass because it turned out to be not a very good read. The premise of a lady undertaker was a great one but the storyline was short on delivery, being all over the place thematically speaking and the characters had mediocre chemistry. Jun 28, Ashleigh Willett rated it really liked it. Love historical fiction, and after accidentally reading the third book in this series and loving it, decided to go back to the beginning to see how it all began.