If This Is the “Last Days,” How Then Shall We Live?
My family and I have also had to walk away from churches because the Pastor was getting weird, and not sticking with the Bible, and getting into New Age teaching mixed with the Bible. There are many wolves, false teachers, and false prophets- of whom, I have met several. And it has crushed my spirit each time. I have read I John 3, as you wished, and I was so glad you referred me to it. Tears filled my eyes, and I cried. And I have failed a lot in my walk with God, but it is only through Him that I am able to get back up and continue on. By nature I am a perfectionist in the things I feel are right, and sometimes I forget that it is only through His Grace and love that I am called to be His.
Only through His unfailing mercy have I been led to repentance and to His beautiful heart. I am nothing with out Him, and weep at His kindness and love in forgiving me, and showing me that Jesus is the only way to His arms-to His Kingdom. I cannot earn this gift, nor can I claim it apart from Him. It is truly a gift, and how great a gift!!!! When I asked Him into my heart as a teen-I was alone in my room at night. I prayed for Jesus to enter my heart, and asked forgiveness of my many sins, and then went to sleep.
I had watched my mother change when she became a Christian. But someone had led my mother to Jesus at a prayer group she began attending, and I came to want what she had-desperately so. It just lifted away! Your face is glowing! I do not in any way, shape or form ever want to be compared to their crazy, and unGodly behavior. I want to make sure that I am doing what He says to do, and acting as He says because I am so afraid of being a hypocrite. I am in no way perfect by any means. But I do belong to Him, as He has called me a long time ago, and I want so badly not to disappoint Him.
I am struggling with many, many health related issues 25 yrs. And I am so afraid I have failed Him. And I feel like Satan is trying to break me. He is desperately trying to make me lose faith, and whispers lies to me all the time. But I am not responsible for His relationship with the Lord, and cannot give him faith. He has a plan, and I will not lose my faith over this. I have to believe He knows what He is doing. But I love God still, and nothing-nothing can, or ever will take Him from me. I am His forever-no matter what.
I am sorry for writing so much. I do enjoy writing more than anything, and sometimes things just seem to flow. I would very much appreciate each and every prayer you can give for me and my family as we are under attack. May He strengthen and guide and keep you in His capable Hands. And I pray for you, that He gives you rest from any attacks to your ministry or your personal life.
In the Last Days People Will be Covetous
Thank you again Erin. I believe you have the gift of encouragement or mercy or likely both. Count on my prayers for sure. What I mean by getting bashed is that sometimes I am called a false teacher, others say I am a heretic but I know that only the message is perfect and the messenger never is. I believe the Devil is more busy today because he may know that his time is running out too so I will pray for you and your protection from the Evil One my friend.
Again, may God richly bless you for your words of comfort and encouragement. I am also a strong Christian who makes so many mistakes on a daily basis. But my difficulties can not compare to what you are going through. But I want to thank you. You are an inspiration to me after having read all the adversities that you are dealing with and your faith is still so strong. Everyday I make a mistake, I hear a whisper deep down telling me what I did was wrong and I immediately ask for forgiveness.
Just know that God has a plan for all of us. Lay all your worries on Him, and He will take care of you. I will pray for you my sister. I wish you nothing but the best. God Bless You and Your Family. Thank you Jack for all of your encouragement. Everytime I read your comments, I feel excited to get my bible out and continue reading. But I am not here to judge. All I can do is pray for them.
Thank you once again and I look forward to reading more of your comments. It is my honor to be able to have a site and friends that I can share my words openly with.. I really just want to thank God for bringing this site to us. I have read all of the above comments and have very much enjoyed doing so. We live in an isolated area and have tried attending the available church but had to leave because of the hypocrisy and untruths.
I want you to know that it is such a relief and a joy to be able to correspond with real, like-minded, committed Christians. I believe that God has provided us with this fellowship as a world-wide source of encouragement and to strengthen our faith in these last days.
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- End of World Sign - PERILOUS TIMES.
Please continue in this ministry for there are many sheep out here that need a true shepherd in this evil world. Susan…you are so correct. We need to stay in the Bible and the teachings in the Word. Reading the Word of God is the best way to avoid apostascy and to avoid error. You are welcome to view any of these online at: You did not mention, another chance that God gives those left behind. But it will be during the days of sorrows. They will miss the rapture, BUT not eternal salvation they will have until the very last second of their last breath to repent and accept our Lord Jesus.
Oh how merciful our Lord Jesus Christ is. I guess my focus was on being saved today! You stated that after the rapture, those left behind will not see their loved ones again. I always thought as the Rapture is the start of a great repentance for those left behind. God and Jesus are all forgiving with no doubt, So are they also after the Rapture, One more chance for those non-believers to accept Jesus Christ.
How then should we live? A letter to my children in the last days - Love God Greatly
But those times will be horrible for the believers those last 7 yrs. Please correct me if I am wrong. But that is how I see it. Yes, there will be some saved during the tribulation and yes, it is a wakeup call for many but we cannot expect all of our loved ones to be saved at Paul writes about this when the man of lawlessness is revealed at Paul say sin 2 Thess 2: He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.
They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Another view is that those who hear the gospel and reject it before the Rapture cannot be saved. Those saved during the Tribulation, then, are those who had never heard the gospel before the Rapture. Granted, those who are hard-hearted toward the gospel before the Rapture are likely to remain so. And the Antichrist will deceive many Matthew So, there is no clear scriptural evidence to support this view.
We cannot count on that and this is all the more reason we must tell them today to repent or perish, right? Hello, I think it is clear that Jesus is coming again soon. Which leads me to my question. So does that mean that the second coming is still thousands of years away. Thank you Peter for your question and comment sir. So does that mean that the second coming is still thousands of years away? After reading this and a few other articles, I feel honored to know that he might come again in my lifetime. Jack, I was saved 20 years ago and was very active then in church, bible study, and just day to to day living as a christian.
That only lasted on a consistent level for a few years only to go lukewarm for the last 15 or so years with a year or two every few years back on track only to slide back again. In worldy views still a very good person but as a christian knowing better. From back since I was first saved I believe I was given the gift of disernment when in his will. I had a really bad day in this world about 10 days ago because of some self destructive actions of my own.
The next day it was as if a light went on and telling me to take the first step. The next day was a little lighter and blessings started happening. As I recognized who it was from and acknowledged it the fire in me began to grow. Then after a few days it was like a veil was lifted and I could see things much clearer.
I immediately started noticing those on my social networking accounts that were really saying debase things. It was so clear and made me so aware and shocked of how big a number of people are lost. I have always been able to ride the fence on these topics or duck around and let others do the fighting but I believe that God has really shown me that the day of riding that fence are gone. Soon we will have to not only pick a side but stand up for it and declare it, not just on ours knees or in the pews but in all things. Just was wondering your thoughts on this and is this a sign of the end times?
Islam are becoming friends. And well I had some phases of total confusion and did things I later regretted like everyone even more maybe or who knows less considering where I was in life. Basically now isolated for 10 years, I wanted to be clean from bad memories and pain, a lot of out casting all my life, Physical abuse, sexual abuse, starting at age three.. To make a long story short as possible these Islams I was involved with on occasion at one time in my life here for real and learned yes they lie a lot, and thought I was crazy I had a year span of dreaming, and sudden thoughts, and more, of one those men getting maybe killed — and then he was.
In one dream Jesus came to me, After seeing a lot of blood and dead bodies in a public bathroom of all places, Then I asked him to come back and everything was clean and pure white, etc.. But I also dismissed all of that as my imagination, Now with all this new Isis stuff I am not so sure if all things that beat me down in my life was leading up to these days? Many times in my life even with no training I think I must have prayed not knowing I was praying in my life.
Anyhow right now things feel really odd — Also I have acquired an online friend who fights demon possession, and things have been weird in front of me a man was hit by a car recently hit and run, a month before that a woman hit by a car right in front of me they were all okay, But it is like I am getting some message of having close calls with that. How someone so uniformed of Jesus and Lord suddenly in life swamped, was my life events an attempt to keep me away at such a young age I wonder that seriously now. Thank you for this powerful, right to the point message. I agree we are in the last days.
The world is becoming more depraved by the minute. See to it that you are not alarmed, some of these articles seem so negative but it is a time we are to SEE TO IT, that we are not alarmed, and I guess to go out and make it our mission to follow Gods will. Rapture on Yom Kippur September 30, I wrote these things as so moved by the Holy Spirit of God so that maybe you can come to see how God is saying to this world right now that He is about to come back for us.
I wrote this thing not to scare you or anybody else who will read it, but it is solely to pass on what He has shared with me.
You may not agree with me in what I wrote about, but I can only present to you what God has laid deep in my heart. All Jesus desires from us is that we, Christians, will be ready when He comes back for us. Just like in His first advent to us over years ago. Mary was the one who anointed Jesus at the dining table signifying His coming death — she knew He had to die. God allowed this to happen so that when He unveils His message at a time when people are fully de-sensitized, only those who have stayed closed to the heart of God will be moved by the Holy Spirit of God to fully accept His message.
I believe that time is now and this is why I feel such an urgency to share this message that He personally gave me. My answer is simple. My purpose for sharing this with you this much is that I feel that you have a heart that wants to draw close to God. History — Moses atoned for the Israelites when they rebelled against God by building the golden calf in the wilderness — Moses pleaded with God not to destroy the Israelites. So it became the holiest holiday of the 7 important Jewish festivals of the year.
It is the time when the high priest enters the Holy of Holies to sprinkle blood on the Ark of the Covenant to atone for the sins of the people. In His death on the cross, the curtain the 6 inch thick veil that separated the people from the Holy of Holies was torn in two Matthew In the Rapture, we approach God Holy of Holies not only spiritually as of right now, but we will approach him also physically raptured heavenly bodies wearing the white gowns that is stated in the scriptures that the saints will wear in heaven.
During Yom Kippur, the Jews traditionally wear white garment to signify that they are being purified that day! We are already purified by the blood of Christ. Also, we are now called by God as a royal priesthood I Peter 2: At the end of the celebration of Yom Kippur, the shofar a big horn — much like a trumpet is blown a long trumpet blast signifying the end of the feast! And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.
I believe that Rosh Hashanah is a feast reserved by God for the actual second coming of Jesus Christ when He comes down from heaven riding a white horse with the armies of heaven behind Him to make war with the antichrist at the war of Armageddon at the end of the great tribulation period.
Imagine millions of people suddenly gone — those left behind will weep as their loved ones are now gone. And then all the peoples of the earth will MOURN when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
Great American solar eclipse — August 21, Remember, God uses the heavenly bodies He created as signs for the people on the earth. The moon is mainly used as the sign for the Jewish people, e. The Jews base their calendar on the lunar cycle. However, the sun is mainly used by God as a sign for the gentiles. We, the gentiles, use the Gregorian calendar because we base our year on the orbit of the earth around the sun, which is exactly days.
One example of this was when Jonah preached to the people of Nineveh on B. Although Jesus spoke of Jonah being in the belly of the fish Matt. Well, 40 days is the period from the total solar eclipse over U. However, I feel that U. If indeed the rapture comes September 30th, our main Christian nation of this world will not be that nation anymore — we Christians will be in heaven.
In the Last Days People Will be Lovers of Themselves
I believe that, since the total solar eclipse passed through all of the major catastrophe zones of U. Jewish feasts or festivals: There are 7 most important Jewish feasts of the Year: Jesus in His teachings likened leaven to sin; therefore He lived a sinless life as a direct fulfillment of this feast. In this case, there will be only 2 feasts left to be fulfilled: All of these feasts are prophetic in nature as we have already witnessed in history.
Four of them have already been fulfilled: Passover — Jesus is the Passover lamb whose blood saves us from eternal death Romans 3: Firstfruit — Jesus is the first to rise from the dead — miraculous resurrection. The upcoming September 22nd is the celebration of the Rosh Hashanah feast!!! This is obvious to us Christians because this is our redemption time as promised — we Christians are harvested taken out of the earth. So, 3 more feasts are left to be fulfilled: As you can see, all of these feasts are fulfilled by Jesus Christ.
Whether it is this year of or later, they will be fulfilled on His feasts days. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. This heavenly sign completely depicts the picture of the Virgin Mary giving birth to our Lord Jesus Christ — the sign of the Son of Man.
Well, this same scenario has happened a few times in the month of September before: So, you might ask why this is so significant now. Just look at this passage found in Matthew I propose to you that this sign is one of those signs that people will only look back on when a major biblical event happens, like the rapture.
This great sign has to be coupled with verse 3: Many in the internet right now informs us that verses 1 — 2 sign will be fulfilled on September 23rd which is the day of the Rosh Hashanah feast.

Many of these writers believe the rapture may occur then — maybe? We know the fulfillment of the latter part of verse 4 when Herod had children killed when Christ was born Matthew 2: The part of verse 3 that I need us to focus on is this: If you stop right there, you will note that the first sign will happen September 23rd, but following that is another sign. Although the verse continues to talk about Satan vs. Christ scenario, I firmly believe that this sign of verse 3 is in conjunction with verse 5: It will be such a great sign that the people left behind on the entire earth after the rapture will mourn.
However, it will be the great marriage feast in heaven as the Groom has finally come for His Bride. We pronounce this word: Its literal meaning is: So, basically it is synonymous with the words used by the Apostle Paul in I Thessalonians 4: Like the creation story that starts in Genesis 1: He called the 7th day the Sabbath meaning the 7th day to signify day of rest, in which this year Yom Kippur falls on a Sabbath, a Saturday September 30th.
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The word Sabbath or Sabbaths is mentioned times in the Bible and 60 of them are mentioned in the New Testament. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day.
When we were youngsters we were made to have respect for the olders. Now if an older was to slap a youth that kid is going to pick up a hammer. This is one of the many signs of the end of the world, and it is pointing clearly to our generation. The youths of today go about in gangs having little respect for their elders and parents, and pretty much little respect for anything, which this business man in Detroit will tell you.
And why is that? Because society today teaches them that there is no God. They have no idea what Christ Jesus has done for them, and therefore they do not have any future. So really, it's not surprising that they rebel! Many of us are unthankful today because we have been so conditioned by the world to just take things for granted. Just have a think about your daily life. Are you really thankful to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon you?
Do you thank Him for waking you up in the morning? For providing you with a job and income? Do you thank Him for His wonderful creation? Do you contemplate that amazing sacrifice He made? Now if Christians are unthankful, then what are those outside the faith like? We certainly live in a time of ungreatfulness.
Spare a thought for those who DON'T have today! There will be some people reading this that have great troubles and difficulties in their lives. But you CAN be thankful. Now this sign of the end of the world is an amazing one. Do you know why? Because I only need to talk about professing Christians here. Go back just 50 years and you would find a world with Christians who were far more holy and humble than they are today.
Many believe that we need not keep the ten commandments anymore, just as long as we "believe" in Jesus. And what does this lead to? A people who continue living in sin and being unholy. These men have certainly crept into the churches and as a result the churches are full of unconverted, unholy people today, who have turned the grace of God into a licence to sin! Much more so today than in times past. Churches today have become more like social places, theatres and concerts, rather than holy places of worship.
Christians have lost the Bible truth about how to worship in Church. There is little effort today being made in turning away from sin and living a holy life for God. And if this is the state of the majority of Christians, then what is the rest of the world like? Yes, this end of the world sign is being fulfilled today. We are sure living in the last days. Just look at how homosexuality is being pushed and accepted around the world today. The picture on the right is just one of the many articles from the news today, showing that homosexuality is becoming the "norm". And not just in the world, but in the churches too!
And not only that, many churches are now placing these people in leadership positions! Homosexuality is being pushed through television also, with many programs portraying homosexuality as normal. This is all in complete disobedience to God's clear Word Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals , nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
We live in an age today where people will not take correction or rebuke for their sins. If you warn Christians for wrong doing, many of them will just say "stop judging me! Even though the Bible says that the Word of God is to be used for instruction, correction and rebuke. If you are seen to be a good, holy person, then the world will sneer at you, being labelled as a "goody two shoes". The world is so full of sin today that it cannot handle people who are good.
This Bible sign is applicable more for our day than any other before us, and shows we are living in the last days. You will now see how Paul above in 2 Timothy is talking about our day. These signs of the last days are so clearly speaking about our generation. Do people love themselves today by putting themselves before God and other people? Satan is the grand master at diverting people's attention away from God to themselves and ultimately to Satan himself , and he has succeeded in luring the world into ungodly pleasures and desires. Pride is the cause of Satan's fall because he wanted to be exalted above God, and the world today is full of proud and boastful people.
This isn't Christian pride, boasting about Jesus, this is worldly pride.
Do you like to be the center of attention? Do you like to be accepted by the world as one of them? Do you like to be exalted and lifted up by others? One of the reasons people seek after material goods and wealth is because of pride. They want to be able to boast about the things they have and what they have achieved in a worldly sense. If you go back just 40 or 50 years you will find that children had far more respect for adults, but now we have a world full of children who have little or no respect for grown ups.
Not only that, many children now have little respect for their parents. My job takes me around many schools and it is amazing to see how cheeky and disrespectful children are nowadays. Satan loves disobedience, and if he can get children to disobey at an early age, then they are going to find it more difficult to be obedient to God as they are growing up. Just have a think about your daily life.
Are you really thankful to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon you? Do you thank Him for waking you up in the morning? For providing you with a job and income? Do you thank Him for His wonderful creation? Do you contemplate that amazing sacrifice He made? Many of us are unthankful today because we have been conditioned by the world to HAVE things and just take it for granted. Now if Christians are like this, then what are those outside the faith like? We certainly live in a time of ungreatfulness. Spare a thought for those who DON'T have today!
The majority of professing Christians believe that because we are under grace we no longer need to keep the law the ten commandments and it doesn't matter if we continue in sin. Again, just go back 50 years and you would see Christians living much holier lives. But today in we have churches full of unconverted people who continue to live just like the rest of the world. So to fulfil this condition of the last days, we don't even need to step outside the church because there is so much unholiness inside it! Churches have become like theatres and concert halls rather than sanctified holy places of worship.
I love this one, because it alone shows us that we are in the last days. Just look at how homosexuality has become accepted by the world over the past 20 years, and not just by the world, but by professing Christians too! It's no longer regarded as "taboo" or forbidden, which God confirms in His Word, instead it is treated as just a normal thing.
Just last year President Obama said that one day soon, homosexual marriage would be regarded as just as honorable as a marriage between a man and woman. Now this is a professing Christian President of a supposed Christian nation.