Grenzen und Normen der mobilen Kommunikation (German Edition)
September 13 Venema R. Presentation at the Conference "Visualizing in the New Media". Sustaining Culture and Creativity". January Lobinger K. December Kalbaska N. Towards a Sustainable Approach.. June Brantner C. Visual Body Representations in distractinglysexy. Contesting Pasts, Presents and Future". November Averbeck-Lietz S.
November 11 Kalbaska N. International Hospitality and Tourism Research Conference.. April Marchiori E. June 1 Lobinger K. June 20 Lobinger K. November Brantner C. September Venema R. Fragen und Herausforderungen aus forschungsethischer Perspektive. Questions and challenges of research ethics]. November 19 Grittmann E. November 19 Kalbaska N. New Trends and Research Perspectives. June Geise S. San Juan, Puerto Rico. May Geise S. May Kalbaska N. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.. October Venema R. Tourism in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Mauritius..
September Lobinger K. May Murphy J. May Offerhaus A. May Averbeck-Lietz S. November 3 Averbeck-Lietz S. Zwei explorative Studien zu Fach- und Branchenzeitschriften sowie Blogs. May 29 Lobinger K. November Kalbaska N. International seminar on knowledge sharing for tourism destinations.. September Kalbaska N. Future education in hospitality and tourism. January Averbeck-Lietz S. November 14 De Ascaniis S. Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 6th Expert Conference. June , Lobinger K. What People Do With Images.
May 22 Lobinger K. May Adukaite A. August, Kalbaska N. Academy — Industry round table.. Auckland University of Technology. June Lobinger K. Alte und neue Grenzvermessungen nach 50 Jahren". May 8 Brantner C. October Lobinger K. Mediatization in an Eye-guided World. November Murphy J. An Overview and Diffusion Considerations. October, Cantoni L. January, Lobinger K. January Brantner C. July Lobinger K. July Brantner C.
May Grittmann E. Presentation in the Panel "Analyzing the Visual. Including eTourism subject in a graduate tourism curriculum. An experience of students and alumni. November, Brantner C. November 29 - December 1 Brantner C. July Kalbaska N. Activating Change in Tourism Education.
April Lobinger K. July Cantoni L. Structure and Development of an Hospitality Training Game. November, Mazzola L. Atti del convegno italiano Moodle Moot - Bari, Italia. February Carassa A. Presentation at the 1st International Visual Methods Conference. March Carassa A. Workshop on Social Commitments. Conference Presentation in the Panel: September Dobernig K.
June Dobernig K. October 30 - November 1 Lobinger K. Towards the Understanding of Media Images. Paper presented at the 2nd Global Conference "Visual Literacies. Basic Principles and Methods in Communication Science. August Lobinger K.
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October Mazza R. June , Como, Italy. Gaining Insights From Visualisations. Workshop on Usage analysis in learning systems. La conversazione col paziente difficile. B, Biological Sciences , , European Journal of Human Genetics , 23 , Emotions at work - working on emotions: Germany, - The production of economic selves in twentieth-century Germany. Full text Donner-Banzhoff, N. Improving the diagnostic yield of primary care consultations.
European Journal of General Practice , 20 , Working memory and postural control: Adult age differences in potential for improvement, task priority, and dual tasking. The Journals of Gerontology: Theory and Decision , 77 , Effect of word arousal and subject anxiety on emotional interference. Psychological Research , 73 , An introduction to history of science and the emotions. Osiris , 31 , Untersuchungen zur Sozialisation in der Arbeit Ein Literaturbericht Materialien aus der Bildungsforschung No. Full text Dudey, T. Making good decisions with minimal information: Simultaneous and sequential choice.
Journal of Bioeconomics , 3 , Full text Dumont, H. Does parental homework involvement mediate the relationship between family background and educational outcomes? Contemporary Educational Psychology , 37 , Design and usability of heuristic-based deliberation tools for women facing amniocentesis. Health Expectations , 15 , Basal forebrain integrity and cognitive memory profile in healthy aging. Brain Research , , Neuropsychologia , 46 , Hypercholesterolemia in Asperger syndrome: Independence from lifestyle, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and social anxiety.
Psychiatry Research , , Full text Dziobek, I. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders , 38 , Full text Ebner, N. An adult developmental approach to perceived facial attractiveness and distinctiveness. Schema reliance for developmental goals increases from early to late adulthood: Improvement for the young, loss prevention for the old. Psychology and Aging , 24 , A database of facial expressions in young, middle-aged, and older women and men. Behavior Research Methods , 42 , Bildung durch Wissenschaft in neben- und nachberuflichen Studien: Full text Edelstein, W.
Piagets Theorie als forschungsleitende Heuristik. Newsletter Entwicklungspsychologie , 1 , Partizipation und Demokratie in Ganztagsschulen. Die Ganztagsschule , 47 , Erziehung zu Demokratie und Verantwortung. Die Ganztagsschule , 48 , Retrieved November 27, , from http: Unterrichtsstoffe und ihre Verwendung in der 7. Klasse der Gymnasien in der BRD: Kohorten und Full text Ehrenreich, H. Specific attentional dysfunctions in adults following early start of cannabis use. Psychopharmacology , , Full text Eibich, P. Exercise at different ages and appendicular lean mass and strength in later life: A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences , 71 , DIW Wochenbericht , 9 , Analyzing regional variation in health care utilization using rich household microdata.
Health Policy , , Individual differences in children's pronoun processing during reading: Detection of incongruence is associated with higher reading fluency and more regressions. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , , Full text Eitler, P. Das "Reich der Sinne"? Fear is a lie: Emotion and religion in the "New Age". Emotion und Religion im "New Age" , In: Animal history as body history: Four suggestions from a genealogical perspective.
Feeling and faith-religious emotions in German history. German History , 32 , Curriculumreformen in den USA: Full text Ellerbrock, D. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte , 64 , Between passion and senses? Emotional dimensions of legal cultures in historical perspective. InterDisciplines , 6 , Perspectives on emotions and law [Special issue]. Full text Elmore, J.
Benign breast disease - the risks of communicating risk. The New England Journal of Medicine , , Synchronizing movements with the metronome: Nonlinear error correction and unstable periodic orbits. Brain and Cognition , 48 , Full text Engel, C. Full text Engelhardt, H. Differences in family policy and the intergenerational transmission of divorce: A comparison between the former East and West Germany.
Selected Publications in Full Text
Demographic Research , 6 11 , Full text Eppinger, B. Age-related prefrontal impairments implicate deficient prediction of future reward in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging , 36 , Reduced sensitivity to immediate reward during decision-making in older than younger adults. Reduced striatal responses to reward prediction errors in older compared with younger adults.
Of goals and habits: Age-related and individual differences in goal-directed decision-making. Frontiers in Neuroscience , 7: Electrophysiological correlates reflect the integration of model-based and model-free decision information. Dysfunctional nitric oxide signalling increases risk of myocardial infarction. A choice prediction competition, for choices from experience and from description. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making , 23 , What impacts the impact of rare events.
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty , 36 , Full text Erev, I. How to make the intuitive mind appreciate or neglect them. Full text Erixon-Lindroth, N. The role of the striatal dopamine transporter in cognitive aging. Neuroimaging , , Full text Erol, M. Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies Full text Es ist viel besser, wenn beide Eltern bereit sind, Kompromisse zu machen [It's much better when both parents are willing to make compromises] [Interview mit Lorraine Daston und Gerd Gigerenzer].
Erfahrungsberichte von Wissenschaftlerinnen pp. Full text Ettlin, F. Back or to the future? Preferences of time travelers. Full text Euler, H. The effectiveness of stuttering treatments in Germany. Journal of Fluency Disorders , 39 , Empfehlungen [Member of the Expert Commission: Full text Fabich, F. Full text Faggion, C. Patients' values in clinical decision making. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice , 17 , Behavioural, modeling, and electrophysiological evidence for domain-generality in human metacognition. Deficits in process-specific prefrontal and hippocampal activations contribute to adult age differences in episodic memory interference.
Cerebral Cortex , 24 , Maintenance of youth-like processing protects against false memory in later adulthood. Age differences in false memory: The importance of retrieval monitoring processes and their modulation by memory quality. Psychology and Aging , 33 , Age differences in short-term memory binding are related to working memory performance across the lifespan. Psychology and Aging , 29 , Changes in ventromedial prefrontal and insular cortex support the development of metamemory from childhood into adolescence.
Heterogeneity in memory training improvement among older adults: A latent class analysis. Memory , 20 , Differences in binding and monitoring mechanisms contribute to lifespan age differences in false memory. Developmental Psychology , 49 , Social moral reasoning in Chinese children: Psychology in the Schools , 40 , Full text Fantasia, V.
Not just being lifted: Infants are sensitive to delay during a pick-up routine. Size, entropy, and density: What is the difference that makes the difference between small and large real-world assortments? Psychology and Marketing , 26 , Individual differences in adaptive choice strategies. Research in Economics , 57 , Perceptions and practices of replication by social and behavioral scientists: Full text Fecher, B. Assessing post-event processing after social situations: A measure based on the cognitive model for social phobia.
Anxiety, Stress, and Coping , 21 , Full text Fellinger, R. Pre-stimulus alpha phase-alignment predicts P1-amplitude. Brain Research Bulletin , 85 , Cognitive processes in disorders of consciousness as revealed by EEG time-frequency analyses. Clinical Neurophysiology , , More evidence of stable individual differences in moral judgments and folk intuitions. Full text Feltz, A. Do judgments about freedom and responsibility depend on who you are? Personality differences in intuitions about compatibilism and incompatibilism. Natural compatibilism versus natural incompatibilism: Back to the drawing board.
Vom sicheren Umgang mit Unsicherheit: Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz , 53 , The impact of medical record technologies on collaboration in emergency medicine. International Journal of Medical Informatics , 80 , ee Are perceptions of fairness relationship-specific? The case of noblesse oblige. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology , 60 , Full text Fiddick, L. Looking for loss in all the wrong places: Loss avoidance does not explain cheater detection. Evolution and Human Behavior , 27 , Full text Fiedler, K.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz - Hans-Bredow-Institut für Medienforschung
Hirnforscher, Psychologen und Philosophen im Dialog pp. Full text Fific, M. Are two interviewers better than one? Journal of Business Research , 67 , Logical-rule models of classification response times: A synthesis of mental-architecture, random-walk, and decision-bound approaches. Information-processing alternatives to holistic perception: Identifying the mechanisms of secondary-level holism within a categorization paradigm.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition , 36 , Exploring the phenomenology of self-reported absence of rivalry in bistable pictures. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , Metacognitive mechanisms underlying lucid dreaming. The Journal of Neuroscience , 35 , Persistence of internal representations of alternative voluntary actions. Frontiers in Cognition , 4: Negative motor phenomena in cortical stimulation: Implications for inhibitory control of human action.
Cortex , 48 , There is no free won't: Antecedent brain activity predicts decisions to inhibit.
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Brain correlates of subjective freedom of choice. Consciousness and Cognition , 22 , Human cortical control of hand movements: Parietofrontal networks for reaching, grasping, and pointing. Neuroscientist , 16 , Are all spatial reference frames egocentric? Reinterpreting evidence for allocentric, object-centered, or world-centered reference frames. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 9: Multiple parietal reach regions in humans: Cortical representations for visual and proprioceptive feedback during on-line reaching.
The Journal of Neuroscience , 29 , How embodied is perceptual decision making? Evidence for separate processing of perceptual and motor decisions. Observed, executed, and imagined action representations can be decoded from ventral and dorsal areas. Cerebral Cortex , 25 , Transition of the functional brain network related to increasing cognitive demands.
Human Brain Mapping , 38 , Effects of changes in schematic support and of item repetition on age-related associative memory deficits: Theoretically-driven empirical attempts to reduce older adults' high false alarm rate. Rate of movement of juvenile lemon sharks in a novel open field, are we measuring activity or reaction to novelty?
Animal Behaviour , , Konvergenz verschiedener Messverfahren und Wirkung auf motivational-affektive Aspekte des Mathematiklernens und Leistung. Journal for Educational Research Online , 7 , Full text Fischbacher, U. How to model heterogeneity in costly punishment: Insights from responders' response times.
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making , 26 , Age-differential patterns of brain activation during perception of angry faces. Full text Fleischhut, N. Moral judgment and decision making under uncertainty. Sampling of social information: Decisions from experience in bargaining. Full text Flueckiger, L. How health behaviors relate to academic performance via affect: An intensive longitudinal study. Full text Fortunato, C. Associations between respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity and internalizing and externalizing symptoms are emotion specific.
Egalitarian motive and altruistic punishment. Nature , , E1. Full text Franzke, R.
Full text Frech, H. Full text Freese, H. Full text Frensch, P. Imposing structure on an unstructured environment: Ontogenetic changes in the ability to form rules of behavior under conditions of low environmental predictability. Rule extraction and representation pp. Full text Freunberger, R. Dissociation between phase-locked and nonphase-locked alpha oscillations in a working memory task. Human Brain Mapping , 30 , Brain oscillatory correlates of working memory constraints.
Die Selbstdefinition alter Menschen: Full text Freund, A. Age-related differences in outcome and process goal focus. European Journal of Developmental Psychology , 7 , Stronger evidence for own-age effects in memory for older as compared to younger adults. Memory , 19 , What I have and what I do: The role of resource loss and gain throughout life [Commentary].
Applied Psychology , 50 , Goals as building blocks of personality and development in adulthood. Temporal stability of older person's spontaneous self-definition. Experimental Aging Research , 25 , Full text Freund, J. Emergence of individuality in genetically identical mice.
Association between exploratory activity and social individuality in genetically identical mice living in the same enriched environment. Neuroscience , , A social and cultural history of the duel. Reprinted Full text Frevert, U. Geschlechter-Differenzen in der Moderne. Geschichtsvergessenheit und Geschichtsversessenheit revisited: Full text Frevert, U. Clio , 20 , GHI Bulletin , 36 , Does trust have a history? San Domenico di Fiesole FI: Wer um Vertrauen wirbt, weckt Misstrauen: Retrieved February 12, , from http: Emotions in history - Lost and found. Central European University Press.
Jewish hearts and minds? Feelings of belonging and political choices among East German intellectuals. Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook , 56 , Vertrauen in der Krise. Historical trajectories of legal defenses. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History , 22 , The modern history of emotions: A research center in Berlin.
Honour, shame, and the ecstasy of sacrifice. International Encyclopedia of the First World War.
Retrieved November 6, , http: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte , 68 , Learning how to feel: Children's literature and emotional socialization, Emotions in History. Europa ist eine Frau: Jung und aus Kleinasien. Geschichte, Emotionen und die Macht der Bilder. Full text Frey, D. The pugh controlled convergence method: Model-based evaluation and implications for design theory. Research in Engineering Design , 20 , Do we have to trade off accuracy and procedural satisfaction?
Medical Decision Making , 34 , Fear shapes information acquisition in decisions from experience. Cognition , , The role of cognitive abilities in decisions from experience: Age differences emerge as a function of choice set size. Sell in may and go away? Learning and risk taking in nonmonotonic decision problems. Learning, Memory, and Cognition , 41 , Differential age effects on semantic and syntactic priming.
International Journal of Behavioral Development , 22 , Full text Froehlich, E. Drifting through basic subprocesses of reading: A hierarchical diffusion model analysis of age effects on visual word recognition. Psychologists are open to change, yet wary of rules.
Perspectives on Psychological Science , 7 , Internationale Kontakte im schulischen Sektor: Full text Fuchs, J. Wieviel Freiheit braucht die Schule? Full text Gaissmaier, W. The mnemonic decision maker: How search in memory shapes decision making. Die Kunst der guten Entscheidung: In einer unsicheren Welt brauchen wir Kopf und Bauch [The art of good decision making: In an uncertain world, we need both brains and guts]. In Union Investment Ed. How do physicians provide statistical information about antidepressants to hypothetical patients? Statistical illiteracy undermines informed shared decision making.
A fine-grained analysis of regional variations in traffic fatalities in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. Forecasting elections with mere recognition from small, lousy samples: A comparison of collective recognition, wisdom of crowds, and representative polls. Judgment and Decision Making , 6 , The smart potential behind probability matching. Show summary of all matches norm noun quality norm noun remuneration norm noun.
British English American English norm. British English American English safety norm. Show results in the Wyhlidal Automotive Engineering Dictionary. British English American English quality norm. British English American English remuneration norm. Are you missing a word, phrase or translation? Submit a new entry. Compile a new entry. British English American English deviance from the norm. British English American English to set a norm.
British English American English deviation from the norm. Abweichung f von der Norm. British English American English to establish a norm. British English American English to deviate from the norm. British English American English this weather pattern deviates from the norm. To systematise regional norms , principles and standards for access to justice, the OAS receives special support from the supranational Quality of Justice network, as well as recommendations from the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice.
The development of a body of established court rulings by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the comparison of these with decisions made by national courts will also contribute to the above systematisation. The war has traumatised a great many people, leaving them estranged from their families and community and alienated from social norms and values.
We give advisory on the effective use of instruments in line with national and international norms. New laws, ordinances, norms , guidelines and standards for energy efficiency as well as a national monitoring system to record the effects of energy efficiency measures are to be developed and introduced, thereby creating incentives for investments in energy efficient technologies. The aim of an energy efficiency strategy will be to provide a broader and more systematic basis for decisions regarding operational improvements, investments and other aspects, which are often taken in isolation.
The economic exploitation of nature within the National Park is subject to clear norms. Norms and standards The introduction of the European system of norms and standards in the construction sector and the resultant increase in Mongolia s competitiveness, are being supported. Cultural norms of status and seclusion, more pronounced in some societies than others, also restrict women's mobility outside the home. So, that from now on this Sacred Congregation may more perfectly fulfill its role in promoting the sound doctrine and efficacy of the Church in the most important works of apostolate, in virtue of Our Supreme Apostolic Authority we have established the following norms to alter its name and its regulation: Whether it's a buggy, jogger, stroller, or combo pram, we will carry out the audit and certification of your company's products in compliance with the EN European safety norm.
Electric and electronic devices, machines and equipment must keep to a safe operation after existing security norms and safety regulations. The entry has been added to your favourites. You are not signed in.