
Conditioning to the Core

Please check out our new stores: Training for Stabilization, Strength, and Power. The muscular structures of the abdominal and back regions play a dominant role in postural control, lumbar stabilization, and proprioception what we call total body balance.

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As we have said, a well-functioning core can help reduce the risk and severity of injury and promote greater efficiency. Straight-Arm Plank and Elbow Plank. Position the hands on a moderately unstable apparatus. The hands are directly under the shoulders with the arms perpendicular to the floor. Overhead Medicine Ball Slam Rotation.

Select a medicine ball light enough to be thrown hard but heavy enough to provide resistance. A Cyclical Program for Core Efficiency. A stable, strong, and powerful core lasts a lifetime. Core efficiency is not a passing fad or something that needs to be trained only while actively involved in sport. Conditioning to the Core.


By Greg Brittenham , Daniel Taylor. Condition the core; unleash the potential. Serious athletes train for results—results that make them winners on the field, pitch, course, or court. And the key to getting those results, to improving performance in any sport and at any level, is no secret. A strong, well-conditioned core is the lynchpin to athletic success. In Conditioning to the Core, strength and conditioning coaches Greg Brittenham and Daniel Taylor deliver the definitive guide to training the torso. You will quickly identify and organize each component that addresses your needs, your sport, and your high-performance goals.

If you are serious about performance, Conditioning to the Core will help you get serious results.

Conditioning to the Core

Key Sports Performance Factor Chapter 2. Anatomical Lynchpin Chapter 3.

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Injury Reduction Chapter 4. Strength and Power Source Chapter 5. Anti-Extension Exercises Chapter 7. Anti-Rotation Exercises Chapter 8. Scapulothoracic Exercises Chapter 9. Anti-Extension Exercises Chapter Anti-Rotation Exercises Chapter Scapulothoracic Exercises Chapter Core Assessment Tools Chapter Complete Core Program Chapter Advanced Core Programs Chapter Health Care in Exercise and Sport. Health Care for Special Conditions. Physical Activity and Health.

Physiology of Sport and Exercise. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation. Nutrition and Healthy Eating. Sport Management and Sport Business. Strength Training and Conditioning.

Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology. International Journal of Golf Science. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology. Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

Conditioning to the Core : Greg Brittenham :

Journal of Motor Learning and Development. Conditioning to the Core. Description Books on core training typically promise six-pack abs or trimmer waistlines, but Conditioning to the Core takes a different approach. While an aesthetically pleasing abdominal region is the aim for a bodybuilder, it is not the primary goal for an athlete.

A torso trained for high-level sport performance is what it's all about for them. The book offers a functional approach to core training for athletes seeking a competitive edge in sports. Colour-coded stability, strength and power training exercises and programmes help readers grasp the proper design of a regime able to meet their respective goals. Full-colour anatomical artwork and demonstration photographs further inform readers on developing the most functional athletic core.

Conditioning to the Core includes the most effective assessment tools and proven training programmes, complete with sport-specific examples, tips and applications for football, baseball, basketball, swimming, distance running and more. The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Product details Format Paperback pages Dimensions x x Looking for beautiful books? Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more.