Annie and Snowball and the Surprise Day
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Annie and Snowball and the Pink Surprise
Return to Book Page. With her pet bunny, Snowball, choosing the route, the day is bound to be a grand adventure with loads of surprises! Hardcover , 40 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Annie and Snowball and the Surprise Day , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Annie and Snowball and the Surprise Day. | Annie and Snowball and the Surprise Day
Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Dec 19, midnightfaerie rated it liked it Shelves: A book my 6 yr old loved, a little old for my preschoolers.

A solid reading level 2 book, this reader has a good amount of advanced vocabulary words, but not so long that it discourages a new reader. Used it for his read out loud book, which was perfect.
It took about 20 mins for him to read and had just enough new vocabulary words to make it challenging. Also, it was a fun and interesting story he could get into. He liked it so much, he asked for more by this author. Mar 29, Shelli rated it liked it Shelves: Annie and her father go on a seat of their pants day tipping adventure. Same author as the Henry and Mudge books.
In fact Henry is Annie's cousin. I love Cynthia Rylant's stories because they always have great families who enjoy spending time together. Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Other books in this series. Annie and Snowball Collector's Set! Her novel Missing May received the Newbery Medal.
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She lives in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Visit her at CynthiaRylant. Su ie Stevenson is the acclaimed author and illustrator of more than fifty books for children and is best known as the illustrator of the popular Henry and Mudge books by Cynthia Rylant. Ask a question about this product. With her pet bunny, Snowball, choosing the route, the day is bound to be a grand adventure with loads of surprises!
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