
A Wonderful Heart: The Films of William Wyler

He is still forgotten for many stupid reasons and such a wonderful book by Neil Sinyard is very important and Effective attempt to persuade that Willie was national gem and genius in USA, much more important than Welles or Ford or even Huston. One person found this helpful. It's a good book but I don't need that tell me the argument of each film because I saw the movies. See all 3 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway.

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No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! You've successfully reported this review. We appreciate your feedback. September 6, ISBN: You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices: He helped propel a number of actors to stardom, finding and directing Audrey Hepburn in her Hollywood debut film, Roman Holiday , and directing Barbra Streisand in her debut film, Funny Girl Both of these performances won Academy Awards. Olivier credited Wyler with teaching him how to act for the screen.

And Bette Davis , who received three Oscar nominations under his direction and won her second Oscar in Jezebel , said Wyler made her a "far, far better actress" than she had ever been. Other popular Wyler films include: Wyler was born to a Jewish family [4]: During Wyler's childhood, he attended a number of schools and developed a reputation as "something of a hellraiser", being expelled more than once for misbehavior.

Sometimes at home his family and their friends would stage amateur theatricals for personal enjoyment. Wyler was supposed to take over the family haberdashery business in Mulhouse, France. After World War I , he spent a dismal year working in Paris at He was so poor that he often spent his time wandering around the Pigalle district. After realizing that Willy was not interested in the haberdashery business, his mother, Melanie, contacted her distant cousin, Carl Laemmle who owned Universal Studios, about opportunities for him.

Laemmle was in the habit of coming to Europe each year, searching for promising young men who would work in America. In , Wyler, while traveling as a Swiss citizen his father's status automatically conferred Swiss citizenship to his sons , met Laemmle who hired him to work at Universal Studios in New York. Around , Wyler arrived in Los Angeles and began work on the Universal Studios lot in the swing gang , cleaning the stages and moving the sets. His break came when he was hired as a second assistant editor. But his work ethic was uneven, and he would often sneak off and play billiards in a pool hall across the street from the studio, or organize card games during working hours.

After some ups and downs including getting fired , Wyler focused on becoming a director and put all his effort into it. He started as a third assistant director and by he became the youngest director on the Universal lot directing the westerns that Universal was famed for turning out. Wyler was so focused on his work that he would dream about "different ways for an actor to get on a horse".

In several of the one-reelers, he would join the posse in the inevitable chase of the 'bad man'. He proved himself an able craftsman.

Best Years of our Lives, William Wyler, 1946

In he became a naturalized United States citizen. He became well known for his insistence on multiple retakes, resulting in often award-winning and critically acclaimed performances from his actors. It was during this time that Wyler began his famous collaboration with cinematographer Gregg Toland. Toland and Wyler virtually created the "deep focus" style of filmmaking wherein multiple layers of action or characters could be seen in one scene, most famous being the bar scene in The Best Years of Our Lives.

Bette Davis, discussing Jezebel [5]: Bette Davis received three Oscar nominations for her screen work under Wyler, and won her second Oscar for her performance in Wyler's film Jezebel. This was moviemaking on the highest plane," she said. Laurence Olivier , whom Wyler directed in Wuthering Heights for his first Oscar nomination, credited Wyler with teaching him how to act for the screen, despite clashing with Wyler on multiple occasions. Olivier would go on to hold the record for the most nominations in the Best Actor category at nine, tied with Spencer Tracy.

It is, unquestionably, one of the most distinguished pictures of the year. Five years later, in , while visiting London, Wyler met with Olivier and his actress wife, Vivien Leigh.

A wonderful heart : the films of William Wyler in SearchWorks catalog

She invited him to see her performance in The Doctor's Dilemma , and Olivier asked him to direct him in his planned film, Henry V. But Wyler said he was "not a Shakespearian" and turned down the offer. In , Wyler and Olivier made a second film together, Carrie , which was not a commercial success. However, some critics state that it nonetheless contains Olivier's finest film performance, but because of its old-fashioned story, the film was very under-appreciated: If there were any justice in the world, Laurence Olivier would have got an Oscar for his unforgettable performance in Carrie.

Director and screenwriter John Huston had been a close friend of Wyler during his career. When he was twenty-eight and penniless, sleeping in parks in London, Huston returned to Hollywood to see if he could find work. Wyler, four years his senior, had met Huston when he was directing his father, Walter Huston , in A House Divided in , and they got along well. Wyler read dialogue suggestions that Huston had given to his father Walter and hired John to work on the dialogue for the script.

He later inspired Huston to become a director and became his "early mentor. Willy was certainly my best friend in the industry We seemed instantly to have many things in common Willy liked the things that I liked. We'd go down to Mexico. We'd go up in the mountains.

He was a wonderful companion He was equally capable of playing Beethoven on his violin, speeding around town on his motorcycle, or schussing down steep virgin snow trails. In , Wyler directed Mrs. Miniver , based on the novel; it was the story of a middle-class English family adjusting to the war in Europe and the bombing blitz in London. Pidgeon originally had doubts about taking on the role, until fellow actor Paul Lukas told him, "You will find working with Wyler to be the most delightful experience you ever had, and that's the way it turned out.

The idea for the film was controversial, since it was intended to make America less isolationist. By portraying the real-life suffering of British citizens in a fictional story, Americans might be more prone to help Britain during their war effort. However, before America entered the war in December , all films that could be considered anti-Nazi were banned by the Hays Office.

Kennedy felt that British defeat was imminent.

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Miniver went on to win six Academy Awards, becoming the top box office hit of President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill both loved the film, said historian Emily Yellin, and Roosevelt wanted prints rushed to theaters nationwide. The Voice of America radio network broadcast the minister's speech from the film, magazines reprinted it, and it was copied onto leaflets and dropped over German-occupied countries. Mayer a telegram claiming that " Mrs. Miniver is propaganda worth battleships.

Miniver was the finest film yet made about the war, "and a most exalting tribute to the British. Between and Wyler volunteered to serve as a major in the United States Army Air Forces and directed a pair of documentaries: Army Air Force crew; [34] and Thunderbolt! Wyler filmed The Memphis Belle at great personal risk, flying over enemy territory on actual bombing missions in ; on one flight, Wyler lost consciousness from lack of oxygen. Wyler's associate, cinematographer Harold J.

Tannenbaum, a First Lieutenant, was shot down and perished during the filming. Wyler was exposed to such loud noise that he passed out. When he awoke, he found he was deaf in one ear.