Usted tiene la unción: Camine con confianza, denuedo y autoridad (Spanish Edition)
Eso describe a gente poco instruida que se cree cualquier cuento. Debieran primero aprender a leer para comprender las verdades de la Biblia. Y no andar adorando a "angeles" que sangran. La ignorancia es la principal arma de los "lidersillos religiosos". Ni los nombres ni los datos. De sensacionalismo y que lejos de ser veraz se junta con los de su mismo maldad. Busquen a dios sin maliciay.
La verdad es muy hermosa y nada que ver con esta pagina. Tus sabes lo que Dios quiere y lo que el quiere es que estes en la verdad, no te saliste porque Dios quizo ya que tu sabes sus propositos. Tu solo sabes que hacer. Esta gente esta mas que pendeja la sarta de mamadas en las que creen, pobres estupidos, a los pies de un abusador y mentiroso hijo de puta, Ni Dios! Es marabilloso lo q Dios hace cn su scojido y su santo pueblo x Dios adquirido desd ant d la fundacion del mundo stoy agradecido x lo q se y cual sea la voluntad de Dios.
Es bonito hablar de los demas sin tener siquiera la prudencia de ponerse a investigar o indagar la verdad. Es un negocio redondo primero su papa por cierto alucinaba y luego el, y de seguro luego el hijo. Honoris causa jajajjaa de donde de su propia universidad si ni siquiera estudio jajaja que bola de adeptos y ciegos tiene esta secta. Nuestro creador lo ignoraba.
Fructificad y multiplicaos, y llenad la tierra. El dios arrepentido de su barbarie, de la atrocidad cometida en el diluvio vuelve a ordenar al hombre que se reproduzca. Unas tienen poder sobre otras lo mismo que nos pasa a nosotros. Seguramente por que los que te crearon eran humanos y les interesaba apoyarse en tu palabra para justificarse. No, no podemos alimentarnos de todas las especies. No entiendo que necesitaras realizar un diluvio y exterminar la vida sobre la Tierra para finalmente arrepentirte y hacer un pacto con nosotros repoblando la tierra con la misma semilla.
Acaso lo que se quiso castigar no fue eso, acaso lo que se quiso castigar fue que lo viera borracho. Ya no es el dios quien maldice, ahora ya es un hombre el que maldice en nombre de Dios. Lo maldice a ser el siervo de sus hermanos. Lo que tu digas "Samuel". Pero ese joto ya esta pagando su Maldicion por mentiroso y por Homosexual y Pedofilo. Sabiendo esto se concluyo que poco tiempo antes el dia 14 de agosto, salio al balcon de su casa a Saludar a la gente de su Iglesia, y se le veia Demacrado y casi sin fuerza.
Eis nosso grande dasefio no trabalho, atrair vivistantes para o site e fazer com que eles passem cada vez mais tempo em nossa pe1gina. Ne3o he1 ff3rmula certa para criarmos nossas encruzilhadas, se vc souber, quero a receita, rss Por que o Facebook fez esse sucesso todo, principalmente no EUA, e o Multiply, por ex, ne3o chegou nem perto. Ne3o sei se e9 simplesmente uma queste3o de uma ferramenta aparentemente ser mais simples que outra, mas umas nascem para caedrem nas grae7as do pfablico e virarem moda por alguma raze3o mais complexa que buscamos compreender.
Por que o Orkut teve tanto sucesso aqui? Agora que o Facebook vem crescendo entre nf3s brasileiros, mas ainda como uma rede social mais elitista frente ao Orkut hj visto como popularesco e ne3o mais popular. Cuando Samuel Joaquin muera, se derrumbara la iglesia de la Luz del mundo. Varones israelitas, mirad por vosotros lo que vais a hacer con respecto a estos hombres. Cada vez que van a una conferencia a guadalajara, regresan diciendo que Son millones, que tienen presencia en muchos Paises.
Pero si aqui ni los conocen. En Guadalajara los hoteles no se llenan, antes les prestaban las escuelas para que alli los apilaran. Samuel se consiguio un falso titulo de Doctor Honoris Causa que se lo dieron en un hotel en Panama. Samuel joaquin es un desconocido. Solo alabado por los miembros de la Iglesia que cada vez son menos. La Iglesia hiba creciendo hasta que Samuel enloquecio de vanid. El objectivo de esta secta no es seguir las ensenazas de Cristo: Mas bien, en creer sin dudas que Samuel Joaquin es "El enviado de Dios" y a menospreciar a todo aquel no crea en el.
Lo raro es que ningun miembro de de alto nivel sale a defender al "Principe de Dios". Usualmente el miembro fanatico, ignorante con falta de razonamiento propio es el que sale a su defensa. Estaran muy ocupados contando dinero o negociando algun puesto politico. Aunque me costo mucho valor, por fin abri los ojos y deje esta secta. Sin rencores, coraje, y ni odio. Esta gente me da mucha lastima porque no alcanza a ver su ignorancia. Yo reto a cualquier miembro, preferencia a Samuel Joaquin a un debate publico o por este medio a tener un debate basado en logica, sentido comun y sin fanatismo.
Al menos que el Sr. Joaquin se esconda como un cobarde y no de la cara como lo hizo a Ricardo Rocha. Es ironico que a estas alturas en donde hay tanta fuente de informacion y tanto medio de aprendizaje aun gente permite ser arrastrada por la falsedad y ciegamente creen en ella. Columna y apoyo a la verdad??? Pero si realmente amas a Dios, ama a tu semejante como a ti mismo. Te vas a quedar esperando Raul porque no hay respuesta biblica, todo esta basado en mitos como todos sabemos. Gracias Dios por haberme permitido crecer una Iglesia ejemplar y con multiples valores. Que Dios te perdone y ojala alcances misericordia.
Dios has bendecido tanto tu Iglesia que cada dia crece mas y mas. Que cosas es el fin pero aunque me duela decirlo pero esa gente esta mas perdida Dios tenga misericordia y los salve.
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EL evangelio se esta predcando por todo el mundo,maldito el hombre que confia en e hombre , soy cristiano y sigo a Cristo , pero los que siguen a samuel son samuelistas , nuestra vivienda es en los cielos de donde esperamos al salvador , mas muchos son enemigos de la cruz de Cristo pues su gloria sera en confusion pues aman y sinten lo terreno DIOS te ayude ati que te emociona ver a samuel, pues cuando venga Cristo te espantaras tu porque mis ojos miraran al gran rey aleluya gloria A DIOS. Excelente articulo en el siguiente enlace: Miren, yo respeto al Papa aunque sea un ex-nazi.
Porque si eesta obra es de hombres se desvanecera, pero si no se hallaran enfrentando a Dios y su ira Hablando con la verdad los que segun somos catolicos porque nuestros padres decidieron por nosotros, somos necios e ignorantes y como nos da coraje del negro pasado de nuestra iglesia pensamos que asi son todas tengo el gusto de conocer a mucha gente de luz del mundo y deveras que mis respetos deveras.
Ahora otra pregunta para ti dime de que forma fue introducido el catolicismo en mexico y dime si eso es de dios. Y una grande aberracion es decir que maria es madre de dios pero en que cabeza cabe decir eso. Sencillo y muy entendible lo que te voy a decir. Raul me dices que nuestro dios para que este vivo tiene que nacer y nosotros decimos que nuestro dios es infinito el alfa y omega el principio y el fin.
Para esto mismo te he levantado,para mostrar en ti mi poder,y para que mi nombre sea anunciado por toda la tierra. Que dios no es infinito? Te invito a que leas en hechos 8: Entonces pedro le dijo: No es del que quiere ni del que corre sino de que dios tiene misericordia. Vamos por parte primero samuel como tu dices ha ido a tantos lugares donde ha llegado el evangelio y no te va avisar a donde va porque quien eres tu para que t ande avisando. Y me dices que soy ignorante. Yo no me creo. Yo solo se que no se nada se lo suficiente para defenderme de doctrinas falsa y eso es gracias a dios mira raul dice en una parte de las sagradas escrituras.
Yo vivo en Denver. De la iglesia la luz del mundo columna y apoyo de la verdad. Creo que Jesucristo es el Hijo de Dios. Porque fue quitada de la tierra su vida. Te ruego que me digas: Tu dinero perezca contigo, porque has pensado que el don de Dios se obtiene con dinero. Este es el gran poder de Dios. Si puedes creer, al que cree todo le es posible. Y no me desaparesco raul.
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Suban mas fotografias antiguas porfavor, aunque le pongan el comentario desagradable que quieran, que al fin y al cabo nadie les presta demasiada atencion a las sandeces que se escriben en este blog. Saludos cordiales y Dios les bendiga a todos. Es MUY triste ver que la gente se deje de enganar tan facilmente. Si yo publico esto es para que los que lean este comentario se pongan a pensar y reflexcionar un poco.
Mateo 7 21 No todo el que me dice: Raul se ve que no conoces nada de la iglesia la luz del mundo y por consecuencia no sabes nada de la doctrina que se predica. Se calcula que en la actualidad existen en nuestro suelo entre cinco y seis millones de protestantes. Al salir ellos, vimos claramente que entre nosotros no todos eran de los nuestros" Jn. A los miembros de la iglesia que Dios los bendiga y oidos sordos a esta clase de gente Yo no pertenesco a la iglesia En verdad deseo de todo corazon que las personas que se expresan mal de otras creencias que vean primero como viven Antes que nada creo que somos libres de decidir a que religion pertenecer y tambien tenemos la obligacion de respetar a los semejantes.
Yo me hago una pregunta???? Por que se expresan de esa forma????? Acaso jamas nadie los ha querido,por que solo una persona que pienza asi no conoce el AMOR Son una bola de borregos, porque hacen lo que les dicen, para todo tienen que pedir consentimiento, los hacen que hagan labores sin que ellos esten de acuerdo y ya por ultimo les cercenaron muchas casas para ampliar la calle Esteban Alatorre, porque asi se llama la calle, no el nombre que le quieren poner, ademas muchas de las escuelas donde les prestan, en muchos casos las dejan contaminadas y bastante mugrosas, por el tipo de gente que ahi se hospeda digamos de media baja hacia abajo.
Atacando y diciendo cosas que no son ciertasyo pudo decir que si el tiene lo que tiene es porque dios lo ha bendeci. Destajador de cerdos perdoname la palabra pero: Dejate de babosadas y metete en lo tuyo ok. Dios tenga misericordia de ti y abra tus ojos y los ojos d mas gente!!! Se dice que ellas lo aceptan como si fuera un privilegio, sin importar que sean casadas o no.
Que mal que el nombre de Jesucristo en la luz del mundo solo sirva como pretexto y como adorno para las marquesinas que anuncian al tipo este de samuel. Dios tenga misericordia de LLDM. Ellos no entienden, no quieren entender. Andresito oye y ya son los mentados 7 millones? Ademas se muy bien que en tu secta se pidio incluir a los "mojados" o inmigrantes en el Censo, cuando eso es ILEGITIMO porque no se encuentran en suelo mexicano, y aun asi ni a mil llegan!
Si es cierto lo que dice bet, los samuelitas dicen que la historia se repite de nuevo, la de cristo imaginense! Por ponerlo a la misma altura de Jesucristo, no tienes perdon perro arrepientete y ojala Dios tenga misericordia de tu podrida alma. Perro blasfemo, puerca lavada, desechado de Dios.
Q Dios nos perdone: Q tristeza que el mundo siga pereciendo por ignorantes y fariseos fanaticos. No soy catolica pero un comentario los llama idolatras por venerar dioses hechos por el hombre. No se contrapone eso con el 1er y 2o Mandamientos???? Dios se escribe con D mayuscula, ya que en la biblia los dioses con "d" nada tienen que ver con el Altisimo. La biblia dice en juan 3: Solo quiero que se den cuenta que la historia se repite una ves mas cuando aquellos hombres que jusgavan a Jesucristo cuando lo crusificaron y le maltratavan lo escupian lo culpavan de cosas que el no havia echo!
Pero lo estupido es afirmar que si, que si lo es y que son Cristianos si a kilometros de distancia se les nota lo blasfemos e idolatras que son! DLB hermanos q alegria ser parte de este pueblo ,lastima de aquellos q no pueden entrar,pero nosotros afortunados valoremos esta oportunidad. Luego luego se nota la baja ralea de esta gentuza que forma la luz del mundo, puros indigenas resentidos y uno que otro delincuente y narcos, tambien los hay los que ni pagan impuestos se la viven en la economia informal la cual se presta para el lavado de dinero y demas anomalias.
Son gente anomala, desechados y escorias de la sociedad. Y con todo esto se creen los elegidos! Elegidos pero de Satanas. Y esas inditas que onda? Es mas yo lo doy por inocente! Blasfemia es afirmar que Sami es el nuevo ungido de Dios para estos tiempos! Dios tenga misericordia de ustedes. Asi es joze, es asombroso pero no es un asombro positivo, en realidad da pavor ver como esta gente puede ser capaz de todo por Samuel Joaquin.
Son monumentos a la egolatria de un hombre Sami Joaquin hombre maldito y lobo rapaz. Yurisem entonces Sami Joaquin si es el mismo Cristo verdad? Hola anonimo, por lo que comentas eres mujer, y tuviste un hijo fuera del matrimonio con un miembro de LDM. Su decadencia se acelera mas y mas. Lo mismo ocurrira con LDM. No pasan de ser 66 mil Joaquinos segun el Censo Inegi Segundo, ya sea por: In The recent past we have started temporary shelter for tribal kids, feed them with bread and bananas, they are about 20 kids, who are really in hungry condition and naked and half naked, awaiting food and proper clothes,Therefore, We request you, kindly pray for these 20 kids be fed twice a day, permanent shelter and proper clothe and also education, a mighty man who wish to be a sponsor or father for these poor kids.
Please Pray for tonight's Prayer Fellowship from 9pmam and sunday service from 9ampm. Today's Evangelistic Meeting Jun 13, Greetings Dear Pray for me, i have to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ today evening in an Evangelistic Meeting, pray for Multitudes' salvation, deliverance and healing and edification.. Greetings Dear, Pray for my youngest bro.
El mismo, es de nuestra absoluta confianza por lo cual lo recomendamos; este necesita ofrendantes para su ministerio: Puedes contribuir de esta manera: Banco Estatal de la India. Church Requests Jun 08, Jun 04, 1 Comment. Bible Jun 01, 3 Comments. Friends, thank you for prayers , once again i was able to finish reading the Bible today, this is my 10th time you can pray for me as i plan to go through it once again Praise God.
Pray for my exam May 30, 2 Comments. Dear Saint, use your prayer authority to protect 4 years old girl Anayya, she is in Hospital.. Tomorrow is exam, preparing for that May 27, Dear Saint, Pray for me ,um preparing for exam.. Tomorrow is exam, preparing for that May 27, 1 Comment.
Les amamos mucho en el amor de Cristo. A very respectable our contact Natalia from Ukraine, which makes us a coment on your page Cross. This, is what we considerer to be treated is a private matter. My God to bless you. Pray for me taking Exam today May 22, 1 Comment. Friends, the youth team from the church is going for outreach on 1st of June, you can pray that, the Lord of the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish bless, their finance , which is at hand now, and all the youths may be able to experience the Lord there in a mighty way, you can pray for their preparation journey, good health and the people they meet there, the enemy has a plan to defeat us but the Lord has a plan for us to succeed , keep praying to see the work of the Lord being magnified in the Hindu dominated people and others in the northern state of Uttrakhand, where there are many religious temples, influencing people there Praise God.
Operation was succesful , recovery in process.. May 19, 1 Comment. Greetings Dear, Thank GOD who answered our prayers, now mom is in hospiatal , treatment is in process.. Gracias Senor May 19, Gracias Senor porque tu siempre cuidas de mi y mi familia, que seria de mi si no te sintira serca de mi en cada momento, tu amor me fortalece y me anima a seguir adelante, aunque no soy perfecta mi corazon te anela y no desea vivir sin ti te necesito como el aire que respiro. Te amo Senor y quiero servirte por el resto de mi vida. Gracias Senor por todas tus bendiciones nunca voy a dejar de agradeserte.
Gracias Senor May 19, 1 Comment. Prayer for the Media May 18, 6 Comments. We give you thanks for those who risk their security and even their lives to expose injustice and to bring news of hope. May they strive to be the bearers of good news that all people may come to know the abundant life for which we have been created; and yet more wonderfully redeemed in Jesus Christ.
We offer our prayer in your name, in the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of the Father. Prayers for world leaders May 18, 2 Comments. Help us, good Lord, to follow the example of your Son. In fearlessly holding to those things which are true,despite the divisions both in human societyand in the understandings of others. But give us the strength also, Lord,to recognize our liability to error,and to venerate your presencein the hopes and lives of others.
So let us, at the last,be drawn into the Kingdom of true righteousness. Let us praise the Lord with joyful hearts….. Father God, Our all expectations are in You , alone …….. Mother admit in Hospital For Operation May 16, Pray for my mother Mrs. John 17; 20—— 26 May 13, 10 Comments. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.
May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them. La alternativa, es por esta columna " Mis Oraciones Diarias " o por sus respectivos emails.
Please note, that in our Cross. The alternative, for this column "My Daily Prayers" or by their respective emails. TANNI , my mother's friend has taken a turn for the worse. For Pastor Rao Rama 1 of the Indian. We need you contact us. I dont can for Cross. Nos urge que se comunique con nosotros. May 07, 3 Comments. Padrecito want to give me strength to endure the pain of the loss of my father. Everything was so fast.. I reset me and gave me time to enjoy the last few years. I only ask you give me the strength. Also my beloved father I want to ask for peace in my country so much violence, and the government to stop the persecution.
It is with these young students. As a mother hurts me to see many abuses. Lord I know you're angry so idolatry. For with is Mr. Chavez and state that aside the decision of Santeria. It is very terrible master. I know you know, and give free will. Oh father so much. I just know you'll do at the right time your work. And with all the glory for you, my heavenly Father. Padrecito quiero me des fortaleza para soportar este dolor de la perdida de mi padre.
Yo solo te pido me des las fuerzas necesarias.
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Que tiene con esos jovenes estudiantes. Como madre me duele ver tantos maltratos. Yo se que tu lo sabes, y le das el libre albedrio. Ay padre tantas cosas. Solo se que tu haras en el momento adecuado tu obra. Y con toda la gloria solo para ti, mi padre celestial. May 06, 2 Comments.
Herr, rette meine Familie. Herr, rette meine Frau. Herr, rette meine Kinder.
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Gelobt sei Jesus Christus. You always hear my prayer - Thy will be done. You always hear for our own good. Lord, save my family. Lord, save my wife. Lord, save my children. Praised be Jesus Christ! Do not Ignore Please May 06, 1 Comment. Naveed Shahzad Dear Saint , me and my family needs urgent prayer support..
We inform all our beloved fellow servants and Cross. Applications can also use our "My site". Les informamos a todos nuestros amados consiervos y contactos Cross. Apr 25, 2 Comments.
Meaning of "hongoso" in the Spanish dictionary
Beloved Servants of the Lord, we ask for your prayers for us and our kindred. Also for our Prayer Chain World. May the almighty continue to bless and use with power and anointing. Pray for my family Urgently Apr 15, Prayer Apr 12, 4 Comments. Lord, help me to face every storm-even the blinding cloud of my own sinfulness-with the resolution that you are present in the thunder and the roaring, the tossing and the turning. Come craft Christlikeness from my unreliable heart. Take my mortality and dress it in immortality.
Apr 08, 1 Comment. Gift of deliverance Apr 03, 2 Comments. Lord Jesus has given me the gift of deliverance spiritual gift in these days, when i pray and lay my hands some fall down, falling down is the sign of being healed , or receiving the power from the Lord, you can pray that Jesus give me good knowledge and wisdom, and lead me to the people and use me, so that more people be blessed by me, and i may glorify Him , thank you Lord for this new spiritual gift God bless! Heavenly King, Comforter Mar 29, 6 Comments.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages. Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of truth who are present everywhere and fill all things, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us. Cleanse us of everything. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and to the ages of ages. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. My Mother is in Hospital Mar 27, 1 Comment. Greetings Dear Pray for my Mother Mrs.
Azra Samuel Falak Sher, she is in Hospital, Doctors have suggested her for operation, Keep praying for her healing and healthy life. A fast track court has acquitted three persons in a case relating to the killing of a physically handicapped youth during the Kandhamal riots. According to the prosecution, a mob had surrounded the house of the victim, who was handicapped and unable to move anywhere. He was allegedly burnt alive after being doused with petrol.
Rest of the members of the family had managed to escape. Police found his charred body three days later. Please pray for Let, Rasananda Pradhan 's family Christians Chased Out from Home in Odhisa Hindu extremists drove out a Christian family from a village for their faith after beating them up in Bhalutangara village, Kankadahada block, Dhenkanal, Odhisa. The extremists were against Rabinarayana Marandi and his family soon after they become followers of Christ.
The extremists on 1 March beat them up, took their mobile phone and chased them out from the village. The Christians submitted a police complaint and the police and administrative officials thereafter arranged a meeting between the two parties on 8 March. However, no compromise can be worked out as the extremists insisted on imposing the village tribal law on the Christian family claiming that they should contribute for all the local Hindu puja and festival collections. In the meantime, the Christians agreed to pay towards all the social welfare programmes and activities but refused to give anything towards the idols and spirit of the Hindu festivals.
The official authorities then urged the Christians to do as requested by the Hindu extremists group and to take part in all the village activities and rituals and further threatened to take off the government benefits if they did not oblige. The Christians were told to make their decision by 10 March. Kindly pray for this matter. Urgent Mar 09, 1 Comment. Dear Saints pray for Whole night prayer is about to start after 4 hours Friends, pray on my behalf for a right life partner in my life, pray for me and my family members as lot of decisions to be taken regarding my marriage, for God s guidance in all these.
Forgive me, Lord, for the mistakes Feb 24, 2 Comments. They tempted me, which I must confess and ask forgiveness from God It is not thought, the main thing This is the Christ? He was in the beginning with God. Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all might believe through nego. And try to force their hand nail?
Whole Night Prayer Feb 23, Dear Saints pray for Whole night prayer is about to start after 2 hours Further comment is superfluous The rich man replied: Then ask the same question, and the poor man, and he said the same: So what is the difference between the storage from the rich man and the poor if they are both called the same word: So people, when they read Scripture, then, almost always, are fooling themselves, introducing themselves and others in these rich, who really keep their big savings in this large and well-guarded bank.
People on themselves so much convinced of this, that the lies begin to seriously pass off as truth. At the same time keep their loose change in a glass jar and hide it in the peas in the fridge to someone stole from the banks last small savings. However, this apparently benign lovers deceive themselves and others ends when the person reading the Bible, it does not differentiate between the readers of the book and its author. In reality, the difference is huge. People who read the Bible as if, all the talk of God and the treatment and instruction, and the promises that God makes and gives his apostles relate to the full and ordinary readers of God's word.
People do not see or do not wish to see this huge difference between the responsibility which God entrusts to His apostles and responsibility to his conscience and honor in the most ordinary reader of the Bible. The result is that the dividing line between the role of the permissibility of the Apostle, and the role of Bible readers in all major aspects of the reports and learning the basics of the world's population and understanding of the Gospel mysteries implement the plan to build the kingdom on earth as in heaven.
This is misleading and distorting role of the apostle of the ordinary citizen in readers the Bible is widespread and total error, distorting the essence of the Gospel and its preaching among society, steeped in corruption of morals and ways of movement on the part of the civilization of progress or regression of society in a completely different direction, or to hell or to heaven. Modern preachers of the Gospel throughout the world lead mankind to hell, preaching, with Jesus Christ, but their own way, and not, as taught by the apostles and the Lord Jesus Christ. I do not know how long, the thinking part of the progressive mankind will endure this mess, but if modern preachers and their false self-made Christianity, do not stop, but it seems that all of this is that they do not depart from the path curves preaching a false Jesus Christ and his apostles h, the elements, natural and cosmic disasters flare up and consume such preachers with all deceived billions of people.
The planet may be only a small handful of true apostolic teaching of the Christian faith living representatives of His kingdom on earth as in heaven. Is humanity a scenario Apocalypse pleasant and necessary? You do not know what to ask for: Feb 22, 1 Comment.

Blindness pride of your heart is closed, not because you're weak, but because the enemy is strong, which is more than 19 centuries, holds you in paralysis. If you have ears, listen and modify the prayer of your heart, which is silly asking God to make you more than one God, for God has a weapon and it is His Word, and His Word is Christ. Second Christ, we do not. But know that there is in the world today is the last messenger whom Jesus sent to you, that you found him and he listened to the will of God through the messenger of God, the name of which the Apostle Baaz and he has a weapon that you need - is the living Word of the living God Jesus Christ, and for you and for your friends.
Challenge the last apostle of Jesus Christ, which God gave the name Anatoly Baaz Paraclete, to lead the army of Christ, and make marriages in his own army, and then you will all Weapons of victory and the Lord God the Father and His Son The winner will lead you to the victory of his people. So be it and do not delay the invitation of the Apostle Baaz lead your movement of purification for finding a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness of God.
Only then you will do what God expects of you. I want to know your thoughts and reply to these words, and Amen. Sweet greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayer and concern for us. I glad to say that those who prosecuted us now they are willing to know more about Jesus Christ. Now they were repented. Please pray them that they know truth.
Now there will be school new academic year is going to start by next month onwards. At present we have ten childrens of our pastors they were struggling with financially to admission their children in the school. Each pastors children need I R Five hundred only. Kindly do pray for them. If God is speaking in your heart kindly do respond for the pastors children.
My second prayer request is that summer season is approaching very near and there will be crises of drinking water in different remote villages even they carries water from two km away from their house. Please pray for them that Lord may provide few bore well or dug well. If sprit of God is speaking in your heart then let us know immediately.
Once again thank you for your prayer and concern. Christ is in us Feb 17, 6 Comments. May Father graciously open our eyes more and more about this truth For many years I missed this truth. I believed all the other prepositions: Christ for me, with me, ahead of me. But I never imagined that Christ was in me. Paul refers to this union times. John mentions it Max Lucado And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory. May Father graciously open our eyes more and more.
Les instamos a perseverar orando por lo menos una vez diaria fervientemente. Orar por las necesidades: Received my Doctors report today. Not looking good at all. My wife is freaking out after reading it. They found a very rare disease, so rare that they can't even get enough people to study it.
I need to see a heart specialist. Many of the few with this have heart problems with this. I am not afraid but concerned right now. God has healed me from worse then this. At least the meds can help my right leg to function better. It explains why I have had problems with my lungs and digestive system. If I have a heart problem, I am unaware of it at this time. This one thing is still true God is in control and he is bigger then my problems.
I will not fear, I live by faith in my God and Savior. Please keep my wife Suzanne in your prayers. Triumph in Christ Feb 04, 1 Comment. Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. Now I realize walking with Father and spiritual warfare goes hand by hand. Knowledge about enemy and its strategy will help us to understand who we are in Christ and our position in Christ.
This will bring more glory to Christ our savior. Please do share these videos, download these videos by your fingers: Let us grow together stronger in Christ against the principalities and powers and discern everything with help of Holy Spirit. Pray for Anointing Feb 04, 1 Comment. Baby, last year started writing the whole Bible in her own writing and she finished it some days before. Dedicated to Holy Trinity, miracle of my life Feb 02, You grow me in such a wonderful way! Ma binecuvantezi, ma calauzesti, ma ocrotesti si ma cresti intr-un chip atat de minunat. Iubirea ta nu m-a dezamagit vreodata.
Iti multumesc vesnic, si-s cel mai fericit ca esti mereu in preajma mea, ca si iubirea mea pentru Tine, o maresti neincetat. Join us Feb 02, 1 Comment. Getting ready for whole night prayer I need Healing , my family too Feb 02, 1 Comment. Dear Saint, please pray for me , my name is Naveed Shahzad age 26, on Ezra and my youngest brother Asher has been suffering with this issue for last 15 years.
My family needs healing from this curse …, we all are servants in Christ. We are waiting and having faith for the mighty power to be released in our lives. Asher Shahzad 18 Years. Pray for my mother on her 50th Birthday Jan 29, Pls pray for my mother today is her 50th Birthday Please must pray for at least 1 mins if you are busy, join us Rural Church Jan 28, 1 Comment.
This Rural Church will be a light for this villages, where there is no church or believers for a long distanceThis will be our first Rural Church. Jesus has been enthroned Hebrews 2: Now you have been set free from sin and are the slaves of God. Now we lift up this country unto you May God's people over there may fully equip with Ephesians 6: May His blood makes peace on that country right now Now we are asking that blood may cover whole Lebanon and protect from enemies May all heavenly gifts showered upon Lebanon right now in Jesus name Flight ticket Jan 23, 1 Comment.
I can stop, prevent any disasters Jan 15, I eat only natural juices, peanut butter with the addition of olive oil. In '98 I started rejuvenation. Heal from any disease, I can stop, prevent any disasters: Heal from any disease Jan 15, Heal, intercessory prayer Jan 15, Heal, intercessory prayer, from any illness, praying for hours on end, the "tongues" - the Holy Spirit, the video - Skype Heal, intercessory prayer Jan 15, 1 Comment.
Les recordamos a los grupos, iglesias, ministerios, artistas y bandas y en general a todos Prayer for parents Jan 09, 3 Comments. From the depth of my soul I fervently beseech Thee, O gracious Jesus Christ, my God, hear my prayer and have mercy upon my parents, who have given birth to me and are bringing me up in Thy grace and love. Protect them from all evil, harm and sickness; grant them health, and mercifully pour forth Thy bountiful blessings upon them. Bless their efforts and deeds; have mercy on them according to Thy great mercy, that faithfully serving Thee, through them I also may be worthy to praise and serve Thee.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, bless my father and mother, my guardians, and those who are in authority over me, for their love and tender care for me, and the benefits I receive at their hands. Help me, I pray Thee, to be respectful and obedient to them in all matters according to Thy will; and give me Thy grace to perform all my duties carefully and faithfully, to avoid undesirable company and influence, and resist all temptation that may come my way; that I may live a sober, righteous and godly life, ever praising Thee and glorifying Thy Holy Name.
Prayer for enemies Jan 09, 2 Comments. Grant us to overcome the malevolence and offences of people with Christian meekness and true love of our neighbor. We further beseech Thee, O Lord, to grant to our enemies true peace and forgiveness of sins; and do not allow them to leave this life without true faith and sincere conversion.
And help us repay evil with goodness, and to remain safe from the temptations of the devil and from all the perils which threaten us, in the form of visible and invisible enemies. Jan 06, 2 Comments. Father I dedicate to You I pray that you will be lifted up higher in my life,use for your greater glory. Here I am making myself available for your service. I pray that everyday of my life will be filled with Your presence and surround me with your love. I cleave to You, I believe every promise you have for me.
Stir up my heart and keep my heart burning for You All these things I ask in the precious name of Jesus Amen! Pray for sunday church service ,and worship session i have to lead in deep presence Jan 05, 6 Comments. Pray For Jan 04, Friends some information are here you can pray for as the Holy Spirit leads you.
Prayer Jan 02, 9 Comments. We preach Christ crucified and Risen- Finland Dec 28, Now we are asking that blood may cover whole Finland and protect from enemies May all heavenly gifts showered upon Finland right now in Jesus name My prayer , Dec 28, 1 Comment.
Heavenly father thank you for your love and concern for our downtrodden people. They are downtrodden and daily labourers. Pray that thirty neglected children may get financial support to develop their spiritual, moral and physical so that they live for your glory. Pray that we may get finance to purchase medicine for downtrodden people of Kandhamal. So that they may realize the lord Jesus of compassion. Lord Humbly I pray that those who have backslided kindly forgive them because of fearness they have deny you that they may come once again in the faith of God. Thank you very much that one year you have supplied our daily needs and strengthened us to do ministry effectively.
Lord as we enter in to the new year that we may win more souls for the extention of His kingdom. We pray in the name of our savior Lord Jesus Christ. Bible Dec 17, 2 Comments. Before a few hours , i completed reading the Bible for the 7th time, you can pray for me to read once again, i feel blessed to do so, i believe i am inching towards the Lord, to know Him more. Our life is dedicated to God.
Dec 15, 3 Comments. We lift up our country unto you We praise you Father protect Romania from enemies A new generation is raising up … a new generation who walk with me…. May all heavenly gifts showered upon Romania in Jesus name We preach Christ crucified and Risen- Hungary Dec 14, But now you have been set free from sin and are the slaves of God. Now we are asking that blood may cover whole Hungary and protect from enemies May all heavenly gifts showered upon Hungary right now in Jesus name A todos nuestros contactos y amigos de Cross.
To all our contacts and friends Cross. Kepp praying and interceding earnestly, for people of Philippines, who is suffering the disaster caused by tropical storm Paul. There are more than missing and dead. Protection Dec 06, 4 Comments. Friends this Christmas season has begun, lets pray together for the protection of the believers during this time, as there are many attacks in different parts of India. Give to those in prison and force to resist evil, Dec 02, Ravi Zacharias Dec 02, On Journey of KMs Nov 30, Dear saints , keep praying for me and my safe journey , will leave at 1pm and wil have to return tomorrow..
Nov 24, 11 Comments. My dear Cross tv family Today ,24th November ,I am celebrating my 25th birthday Father brought me to Germany and helped me so much to build a good professional life Thank you so much Father For in our union with Christ You have blessed me by giving every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world Ephesians 1: So much thankful to you,Father For all Nov 22, I pray on accorbance to my faith and i know it will be done and thank you in advance,for the healing of a very special woman lola, also for all cross tv members that are going through trials, sicknesses obstacles, hinderences, and financial frustraions.
You are the GOD that is above everything, and we thank you for giving us the Victory, you have said that we can do greater, and we are excercising our write as children of the most HIGH. Peope in India Nov 21, 1 Comment. Ahora veamos lo que nos dice Dios a este respecto La biblia nos dice en Lucas 2: My Exams Starts on 19th Nov 17, Pray for me , I have to take my 1st exam of 2nd semester on 19th Nov, at 2pm.. Now we are asking that blood may cover whole New Zealand and protect from enemies May all heavenly gifts showered upon New Zealand right now in Jesus name Smathers Libraries, University of Florida also available.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Record Information Source Institution: University of Florida Holding Location: University of Florida Rights Management: This item is presumed to be in the public domain.