The Way to Peace
The next stage of humanity, the leap which we are poised to take, will be guided by the force of that love. It is a new way of being in the world, giving each individual the power to end war in our time. From the Hardcover edition. TIME magazine has described Dr.
He offers a clear pathway to make this world a better place for us all. By Deepak Chopra, M. Read by Deepak Chopra, M. Religion Politics Philosophy Category: Religion Politics Philosophy Audiobooks Category: Religion Politics Philosophy Audiobooks. Buy the Audiobook Download: Apple Audible downpour eMusic audiobooks. One cannot love another who esteems his brother to be 'wrong'. These divisions cripple love and make way for folly and contention. The evidence of a selfish and darkened man is one who seeks to elevate himself above another.
How wretched and delusional the man who judges another man based on his own bias and lack of understanding. Christ taught these things. Allen presents them in beautiful language. A beautiful meditation about truth vs. Allen discusses 5 things to consider during meditation which I write below in order to remember. Love - even your enemies 2. Pity - compassion for all human beings in suffering 3. Joy - rejoice and share in the joy of those in the world experiencing it 4.
Impurity - how those little things about the "self" and the need to immediate pleasure stop us from the truth 5. Dec 27, Nai rated it it was amazing Shelves: Again, another James Allen keeper. If your not ready for this book, put it down, don't check this book off your list for the sake of "going through books", this ones a real experience. It was a breakthrough time and the book supported me in the process. All my thoughts were aligned with the book so each page seemed to mim Again, another James Allen keeper.
All my thoughts were aligned with the book so each page seemed to mimic my own thoughts it was as though I was writing the book myself! I know that's why it felt God Sent. The substance will surely unfold unto you with each page turned but the concept will be personal for you. This belongs on my shelf, always. Dec 03, Sassy C rated it it was amazing Shelves: Classic, beautiful, and an eternally poignant message.
A meditative philosophy centered on seeking Divine Love by conquering one's corrupt, sinful self. Selflessness and peace is the goal of this life and to partake in the immortal spiritual light of God. Strength is quiet contemplation, patient repose, gentle response, and contentment with tides of humanity. All is meant to be. Feb 23, Nuzhat rated it liked it Shelves: Dec 07, Dave rated it it was amazing. Loved this audiobook and listen to it often.
Jan 27, Deb Hendry rated it liked it. Love the message- found the text lacking in a flow that made it enjoyable to read.
A Brief History of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations and a Way Forward in the Middle East
Jun 07, Joseph Devlin rated it it was amazing. Great book with practical applications for daily living. Especially appreciated the chapter on the precepts. James Allen gives you a lot to think about. His books are not long, but they will take a lifetime to accomplish. Yet you get the benefits within days of implementing his way to peace.
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Aug 25, Sotiris Makrygiannis rated it really liked it Shelves: Is this a Christian book? Argumentation is used to understand the Selfness of Christ. Good bits of advice and suggestions. An easy book that makes you think, what are you life principles? Feb 10, Pamela Fernandes rated it liked it. The first half makes sense and is practical, the second half is far more philosophical. So if you read up to the first half, it would be more than enough.
It explains how our emotions, desires and lusts cloud our minds and prevents us from peace. It does references Buddha occasionally, but it uses plenty of Christian scripture. The main understanding is conquer yourself and focus on God. As you get closer to the Holy calm and seek truth, then you will abide in peace. Another good book from James Allen.
The road to peace
The human soul often has two masters contending for supremacy - the master of Self and the master of Truth. In order to know and realize Truth we must be prepared to sacrifice and renounce self our pride, avarice, vanity, self-will, self-indulgent, self-centeredness so that it no longer holds us in bondage.
Basically the message of this book is that the Way to Peace lies in conquering ourselves. By clicking 'Sign me up' I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the privacy policy and terms of use. Free eBook offer available to NEW subscribers only. Must redeem within 90 days.

See full terms and conditions and this month's choices. Tell us what you like, so we can send you books you'll love. Sign up and get a free eBook! Mitchell and Alon Sachar. Price may vary by retailer. Add to Cart Add to Cart. Two months after the withdrawal the Israeli Army invaded Lebanon in an effort to push out Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organization. He hoped to capitalize on what suddenly appeared to be a favorable regional environment. Palestinian autonomy, Begin worried, would bring them right back.
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President Harry Truman —53 is often celebrated for initiating our close and strategic partnership with Israel. Israelis have never forgotten that he was the first world leader to recognize their fledgling state, just eleven minutes after their declaration of independence. As I said that, tears suddenly sprang to his eyes.
And his eyes were still wet when he bade me goodbye. With Soviet influence entrenched in eastern and central Europe, Asia, and beyond, the United States believed it urgent to prevent the Soviets from gaining a foothold in the Middle East. Therefore his decision to recognize Israel surprised even some of the most senior officials in his administration.
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This first of several Arab-Israeli wars lasted ten months; Israel was ultimately victorious, and without U. In President Dwight Eisenhower did what today is unimaginable: Because the Canal provided the shortest route for ships traveling between Europe and Asia, its geopolitical significance at the time, and even today, cannot be overstated. France and Britain had their own reasons for initiating the war, not least of which was to protect their influence and interests in the region. The British government was the largest shareholder in the Suez Canal and British and French shippers among its largest patrons.
Nasser had become the charismatic face of pan-Arab nationalism, positioning himself as the leader who would unite the Arab world and destroy Israel. Eisenhower worried that armed conflict would enhance Soviet influence in the Middle East. Though wary of Nasser and his arms deals with the Soviet Union, Eisenhower disfavored war and preferred a diplomatic solution to the Suez crisis. He immediately and unambiguously cautioned the British and the French against armed conflict. When they did not heed his warning and proceeded to involve Israel in their plans, Eisenhower was shocked and angered.
With the Soviet Union threatening to engage militarily in support of Nasser, Eisenhower scrambled to end the war in a way that preserved regional balance. But by then Israeli forces had taken full control of Sinai. Over strong objections from the Israelis, Eisenhower pushed through a United Nations resolution calling for their full and immediate withdrawal. Ben-Gurion desperately sought a meeting with the president to explain his position, that Israel was reluctant to simply withdraw its forces without clear assurances of its security and its continuing right to navigate the Canal and other international waters.
The Way of Peace by James Allen
But Eisenhower refused to meet until after Israel agreed to withdraw. Ben-Gurion complied, but bitterly. Efforts to prevent the Middle East from becoming yet another cold war arena had failed, for the Soviet Union made inroads. Cairo, Baghdad, and other Arab capitals drew closer to Moscow.
And America came to view Israelis as partners in curbing and offsetting Soviet influence. Under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations Israel received its first large-scale shipments of sophisticated American weapons systems, including antiaircraft missiles, tanks, and jet fighter planes. The sales were intended to help Israel maintain its defenses against the larger and better armed Arab states still bent on its destruction and also to counterbalance Soviet arms pouring into the region. Kennedy worried about a broader nuclear arms race; Ben-Gurion viewed the arms race as inevitable absent U.
Frustrated, Kennedy warned Israel in a bluntly worded letter that U. Like his predecessors, Johnson was in part reacting to Soviet moves in the Middle East. He worried that an imbalance in power between the Israelis and the Arabs would invite an Arab attack and instigate a regional war that would threaten U. But close ties between Johnson and Israel did not mean the absence of disagreement. In the West Bank was under the control of Jordan.