The Christmas Child
Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. A Chicago journalist finds himself in a small Texas town on Christmas eve. Lonely and alone, he encounters old faces and new facts…a hand carved manger, a father's guilt, a young girl's faith. The trip into the past holds his key to the future, and a scarlet cross shows him the way home. This Christmas treasure, formerly titled The Christmas Cross now repackaged and redesig A Chicago journalist finds himself in a small Texas town on Christmas eve.
This Christmas treasure, formerly titled The Christmas Cross now repackaged and redesigned, is quickly becoming a Christmas classic. The book takes place in three different settings with four main characters. The film has expanded to include nearly 69 locations, set-ups, 34 speaking parts and over extras. Also features Steven Curtis Chapman as the town's minister.
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Hardcover , 48 pages. Published October 7th by Thomas Nelson first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Christmas Child , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Excellent Christmas story of love, birth and forgiveness! Recommend the audio version as the sound effects are superb!
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Dec 22, Christine rated it really liked it. This was a sweet story of forgiveness. Dec 01, Tricia rated it it was amazing. Nov 08, Shakara Withers rated it liked it. This is a short, fictional tale by renowned Christian author Max Lucado. If you know me well or have already read my other Goodreads review, then you know about my near-obsession with Lucado he's one of my favorite writers across all genres.
I figured I'd give this book a read because I'm trying to fulfill a goal of reading all of Lucado's published material! This story is a little bit about Christmas The holiday felt much more like a backdrop or something incidental to the story, not critical This is a short, fictional tale by renowned Christian author Max Lucado. This story is a little bit about Christmas The holiday felt much more like a backdrop or something incidental to the story, not critical to the story's progression.

For instance, with a little bit of maneuvering, I think Lucado could have set this story on any other holiday or even on any ordinary day and the story could have still worked. Personally, I prefer Lucado's nonfictional works to his fictional ones, but this one was gripping nonetheless I read it in a day because I couldn't put it down!
Nov 23, Elaine rated it it was amazing Shelves: The main character, a man whose father receives a photo in the mail — a photo of a church — Clearwater Lutheran Church. He sets out to find the church pictured in the photo. What he learns upon finding the church surprises him very much.
Dec 12, Barbara rated it it was amazing. After I got into this story, I realized that I had seen the movie. Still, it's a great story of forgiveness and finding your true self. We all can take a page out of this book. Do you have someone you need to forgive this Christmas? While Christmas is a time of great joy for many, it is also a very sad time for some.
Try to make it a happy one for someone else. This book wasn't bad but it wasn't the best either. It was really short and didn't take long to read but it also did not have a lot of details. I think it could have been expanded and would have been better but it was an ok book the way it was. Dec 13, Esther rated it it was amazing Shelves: The Christmas Child is a sweet, touching story about forgiveness and the real meaning of Christmas!
Christmas Child () - IMDb
My eyelashes brimmed with tears more than once. The mesage of the scarlet cross was so perfectly put! This book has been such a blessing to me!
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Dec 03, Laura rated it really liked it Shelves: In Clearwater, Moses does find the mystery of his birth and the reason why a whole lot of people are trying to keep him from finding out. Christmas Child is a nice enough family holiday classic. With Christian singer Steven Curtis Chapman playing the part of a preacher in the film, it was guaranteed from the start to have a built in audience appeal. Chapman was fine in the role, truth be told the part was no stretch for him. In the film his character and his wife adopt a young foundling child, in real life Chapman and his wife adopted three Asian orphans.
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Christmas Child does have a heartstring tugging ending, but one that is totally in keeping with the spirit of the movie. There is one character in this film who gets one fabulous Christmas present. Visit Prime Video to explore more titles. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Andrea Jobe , Max Lucado short story: Related News Heroes Among Us: Merry Martin Christmas Movie List.
Op HDD Kerst films. Share this Rating Title: Christmas Child 6. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Learn more More Like This. Christmas Homecoming TV Movie How Sarah Got Her Wings Christmas Solo TV Movie Operation Christmas TV Movie Falling for Vermont TV Movie The Olden Days Coat Edit Cast Credited cast: Jack Davenport Tonya Bordeaux Alicia Steven Curtis Chapman Michael Curtis Megan Follows Meg Davenport Tree Browning Naomi Williams Juli Erickson Jimmy-James Frederick Martin Smith Piano Player Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Edit Storyline A life-sized nativity leads a man to learn about his past and lost family.