The Chalice
In the Middle Ages the legend of the Holy Grail surrounded the origins of the eucharistic chalice with a magical aura. The precious stones and elaborate carvings employed for the embellishment of chalices have made them an important part of the history of ecclesiastical art. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind.

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Please note that our editors may make some formatting changes or correct spelling or grammatical errors, and may also contact you if any clarifications are needed. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: The care and artistry with which they were worked and their rich engraved and niello decoration show that they were valued as highly as altar vessels made of….
Objects used in sacrifices and in sacred meals. The cup of the chalice must be made of gold, silver, or vermeil gilded silver, bronze, or copper. The other is the Santo Cation in Genoa Cathedral , a flat dish made of green glass; this latter artifact was recovered from Caesarea in , but it was not identified as the Holy Chalice until much later, towards the end of the 13th century. It is preserved in a chapel consecrated to it, where it still attracts the faithful on pilgrimage.
The artifact has seemingly never been accredited with any supernatural powers. The cup is made of dark red agate which is mounted by means of a knobbed stem and two curved handles onto a base made from an inverted cup of chalcedony. The agate cup is about 9 centimeters 3. The lower part has Arabic inscriptions. It is kept together with an inventory list on vellum, said to date from AD , that accompanied a lost letter which detailed state-sponsored Roman persecution of Christians that forced the church to split up its treasury and hide it with members, specifically the deacon Saint Lawrence.
The physical properties of the Holy Chalice are described and it is stated the vessel had been used to celebrate Mass by the early Popes succeeding Saint Peter. Lorenzo a su patria, Huesca. In July , at the closing Mass of the 5th World Meeting of Families in Valencia, Pope Benedict XVI also celebrated with the Holy Chalice, on this occasion saying "this most famous chalice" hunc praeclarum Calicem , words in the Roman Canon said to have been used for the first popes until the 4th century in Rome.
Bennett presents as historical evidence a 17th-century Spanish text entitled Life and Martyrdom of the Glorious Spaniard St. Laurence from a monastery in Valencia, which is supposed to be a translation of a 6th-century Latin Vita of Saint Laurence, written by Donato, an Augustinian monk who founded a monastery in the area of Valencia, which contains circumstantial details of the life and details surrounding the transfer of the Chalice to Spain.
It was taken to Genoa by Guglielmo Embriaco as part of the spoils from the conquest of Caesarea in William of Tyre William states that the Genoese were still exhibiting the bowl, insisting on its miraculous properties due to its being made of emerald , in his own day Unde et usque hodie transeuntibus per eos magnatibus, vas idem quasi pro miraculo solent ostendere, persuadentes quod vere sit, id quod color esse indicat, smaragdus , the implication being that emerald was thought to have miraculous properties of their own in medieval lore and not that the bowl was thought of as a holy relic.
The Sacro Catino would later become identified as the Holy Grail.
The Chalice of Lady Urraca
The first explicit claim to this effect is found in the Chronicon by Jacobus de Voragine , written in the s. With the rising popularity of the Grail legend in 19th-century Romanticism , a number of other artifacts of greater or lesser notability came to be identified with the "Holy Grail" or "Holy Chalice". The "Antioch Chalice" is an artifact discovered in Antioch in which was briefly marketed as the "Holy Chalice", but it is most likely a lamp in a style of the 6th century.
The silver-gilt object originally identified as an early Christian chalice is in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It was apparently made at Antioch in the early 6th century and is of double-cup construction, with an outer shell of cast-metal open work enclosing a plain silver inner cup. When it was first recovered in Antioch in , it was touted as the Holy Chalice, an identification the Metropolitan Museum characterizes as "ambitious".
It is no longer identified as a chalice, having been identified by experts at Walters Art Museum in Baltimore , Maryland , believed to be a standing lamp, of a style of the 6th century. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Bilyeau's writing is wonderf Find the enhanced version of this and other reviews at: Bilyeau's writing is wonderful not to mention addicting. She strikes the perfect balance between fact and fiction, never over burdening the narrative with dreary monologues or allowing the plot to diverge too far from historic events. Now as far as protagonists go, you'd be hard pressed to find one comparable to Joanna Stafford.
She is intelligent without coming off arrogant and kind without coming off saintly. She is incredibly dynamic, a personality I wanted to read about and at the end of the day a reader can't ask for more than that. Unfortunately I can't say how this its piece compared to its predecessor as I've yet to read The Crown, but I will say I appreciated how Bilyeau approached writing a sequel in that she doesn't spend a lot of time rehashing.
Written as a standalone, The Chalice can be enjoyed by those with absolutely no knowledge of Bilyeau's work. The Chalice is an intriguing suspense made all the more fascinating in its focus on those individuals displaced by Henry's Reformation. Refreshingly different from most Tudor pieces, it is a compelling page turner that is sure to satisfy.
I've had a hard time categorizing this series. The Crown was nominally a historical mystery, which is why I had picked it up, but ended up being more historical suspense. Now The Chalice drops mystery altogether, focusing instead on a prophecy for Sister Joanna that throws her into danger. So maybe historical suspense is the most appropriate label, at least so far. The fact that it is difficult to categorize is one of the reasons I'm enjoying the series. The story focuses on a Dominican novice d I've had a hard time categorizing this series. The story focuses on a Dominican novice during the time when Henry VIII was dissolving the monasteries and priories and stripping the churches to fill his coffers.
Joanna, who took vows to avoid the tumult of politics, has been torn from that peaceful existence and is now trying to make a living in the village near her old priory. A few of the friars and nuns remain together, attempting to continue their observances as well as they can while being reviled by the locals who once came to them for aid and education.
They find themselves at the mercy of petty authorities with the weight of King Henry behind them. This is a great perspective on the time period. It does not deal very directly with the Royals, instead showing how ordinary, loyal papists made their way through the tumultuous changes of the English Reformation. From this angle, it was not a holy enterprise! At the end of The Crown , I had an idea of where this sequel might be headed.
I thought that with the Priory closed and Joanna no longer a novice, she would settle down and find herself a new life - most likely hopefully! She would maybe run into some new intrigues and mysteries related to his position as a constable. I was completely wrong! There was very little about this book that I could have predicted. Although there was part of me wishing for those next steps that I had envisioned, it was refreshing to find myself being led around by the nose without any idea of where it was going to end up.
The way that Bilyeau intertwines Joanna's life with actual events of the time, giving this insignificant woman an importance that few people are aware of, is brilliant. Joanna is once again caught up in politics against her will, dragged into matters beyond her understanding by family ambitions, and tossed about by forces beyond her comprehension. She is confused and changes a lot during the book, betraying her sense of self and struggling with guilt. The prophecy forces her into crises, muddies the waters of right and wrong, and inexorably drags her in a direction she does not want to go.
But rather than making the plot predictable, the prophecy plays out with enough twists to bring about a satisfying ending, so that you look back on what happened with new understanding. Both novels so far have been very well done. I'm looking forward to the next installment but I no longer have any expectations about where it could go next.
I still have hopes for where it might end up eventually. Nov 19, Judith Starkston rated it really liked it Shelves: The most powerful people in England once again tug and pull at Joanna, alternately threatening her life and those she loves and courting her as an essential element to their plans. Faith, its value, and the willingness of supposedly true believers to exploit faith for their own ends, become intriguing, multi-faceted themes in this book. From mystical prophets to court intrigue to the challenges of romance and love amidst those who had once sworn themselves to chastity, The Chalice is writ large across England and the Continent as history and supernatural mysticism combine in this compelling thriller.
May 13, Erica Hafferkamp rated it did not like it. I honestly don't understand all the positive reviews for this book. I found the protagonist to be completely unbelievable - the least "nun-y" nun ever one minute bemoaning the destruction of her beloved religion, the next throwing herself at two different men, the next praying again In fact, I didn't find any part of the book to be believable, especially not the characters or their motivations. I understand that this is supposed to be more of a historical fantasy than straight histo I honestly don't understand all the positive reviews for this book.
I understand that this is supposed to be more of a historical fantasy than straight historical fiction, but I found it completely implausible and ridiculous.
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I only finished it because I had to for book club. Mar 13, Margaret rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is one of those books, you know the one? It's the one that very early on you stop for a sec and just sit in awe, marveling at the talent of this author. You can just tell with the flow of the words, with the vivid pictures forming in your mind, that this is going to be one of those books that will stick with you long after you are finished.
The amount of This is one of those books, you know the one? The amount of research that had to be done and then writing the story made me realize that this is an author with some serious talent.
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It's like a jigsaw puzzle, where every piece fits together perfectly with no bent corners, missing or forced pieces. I can picture a huge bulletin board, full of sticky notes of 'who is who' and 'who did what', then with string connecting the notes making sure each sticky note was put in the proper place. With this book all those notes were perfectly positioned, there were no disjointed scenes or out of place story lines. It flowed so nicely that I had a hard time putting it down. We all know the stories of Henry VIII and his wives, but with The Chalice set after the death of Queen Jane this was a story that showed a darker side to Henry VIII's reign, there was suspense, romance, religious, spiritual elements, mystery along with the supernatural stuff, action and so much more packed into this book.
Not a small book, close to pages, but worth everyone of them. The first book in the series The Crown was just as good and I am hoping that there will be a third because I miss Joanna already. This is the second historical novel to feature Joanna Stafford, niece of the Duke of Buckingham and formerly a novice at Dartford Priory.
The first was The Crown , in which Joanna was forced into the service of the powerful Bishop of Winchester, Stephen Gardiner in order to save the life of her father. I This is the second historical novel to feature Joanna Stafford, niece of the Duke of Buckingham and formerly a novice at Dartford Priory. She continues to reside in Dartford, intent on starting a tapestry-weaving business; but as a member of a prominent family, related to both the King and the Duke of Norfolk, the powerful factions around her are not willing to leave her to a peaceful life in obscurity.
The story hinges on a prophecy made about ten years before the action of the book, in which Joanna was told that she would be the one to bring about a change in the fortunes of the Catholic Church in England and to undo all that Henry VIII had done to crush it.
The Chalice.
Despite her devotion to her faith, or perhaps because of it, Joanna wants nothing to do with the prophecy and in any case, does not see how someone as insignificant as she could possibly be destined for such an act. The prophecy also tells that Joanna will need to meet with a further two seers in order to discern her course of action, something that she is determined never to do.
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But as events ten years later bring her into contact with the Exeters, Norfolk, Gardiner and the Spanish ambassador, it becomes clear that she is never going to be able to escape her destiny. The plot is complex, but never confusing. She has problems controlling her temper at times, and has an inquiring mind; perhaps not the best qualities in one expected to conform and submit without question.
She is kind without being sugary-sweet, intelligent, but not all-knowing. Her impetuosity and honesty lead her into dangerous situations and attract the wrong sort of notice — yet she is brave, determined and self-possessed. But although there are strong threads of romance running through the book, it is not the main focus.
Joanna knows she has more to do than fall in love and finally, having been rather beaten down by circumstances, she makes the decision to hear the final prophecy and meet her destiny. The Chalice is a superb read, full of suspense and intrigue. She also raises an interesting question concerning the fate of those expelled from religious orders due to the Reformation; no longer able to serve God in their chosen manner, they were also forbidden to marry and were forced to live on the fringes of society, banned both from a purely religious life and a secular one.
Having gone straight from The Crown into The Chalice, I'm remarkably impressed by how largely consistent the two books are in quality, and I had a very similar reaction to this installment, which is to say largely positive but lacking that spark that really makes it a me book. In The Chalice, the stakes for Joanna Stafford are raised as it becomes more about her and less about Catholicism in general. Readers who loved The Crown will likely find that they are similarly thrilled by The Chalice. Per Having gone straight from The Crown into The Chalice, I'm remarkably impressed by how largely consistent the two books are in quality, and I had a very similar reaction to this installment, which is to say largely positive but lacking that spark that really makes it a me book.
Perhaps what I enjoy most about this series is its unique perspective on a heavily documented, in both fiction and nonfiction, historical period. The drama, the sex, the beheadings, and the betrayals make that period such ripe fodder for entertainment. As such, it's been done to death, except that clever authors can still manage to put a unique spin on well-trodden ground.
Rather than focusing on the usual suspects and court life, Bilyeau looks at this turbulent period in English history from the perspective of a novice nun, and puts the shift to Protestantism into sharp, personal relief. Though not of a religious persuasion myself, the way that Bilyeau confronts these issues is fascinating. The former nuns, friars and monks are lost in this new world, the priories and monasteries having been dissolved at the end of The Crown.
Some of the former religious personages manage to establish fairly ordinary lives, marrying and finding professions. Many, though, live together on their pensions, trying to keep life as much as it was before as is possible. Others, desperate, wander the kingdom in search of God and a sign, beaten and battered by the judgmental and fearful. Their world has changed so rapidly, which is all the more upsetting for those who have been cloistered in places of routine and unchanging order. I still really like Joanna Stafford, but she wasn't quite as level-headed in this one.
She waffles back and forth between her two love interests and the possibility of being single. To distract herself from her indecision, she throws herself into absurdly idiotic schemes in the name of her faith without thinking them through. She gets arrested so many times and saved by her connections, thus embroiled into another huge scheme where she's manipulated by other forces, wresting control for herself at the last minute through her badassery. The way that all came out just felt rather contrived.
In addition, I wasn't a huge fan of the mysticism angle, though it was an interesting interpretation of King Henry VIII's difficulties fathering children. Like with The Crown, The Chalice was a bit of a slow start for me, though I did get quite absorbed at certain junctures. The slowness was not aided by the one formatting change Bilyeau made, adding a prologue and epilogue to this installment. I did not much care for these, as they, like most, are intended merely to drum up dramatic irony. The prologue hints that Joanna might die, and then jumps back two months to wind the story forward. I'm not a fan of this narrative device at the best of times, but thought it particularly weak here, since the moment therein isn't even the culmination of the main plot arc, but a minor, stupid plan.
The epilogue just felt redundant and out of place, but is, likely, paving the way for book three. All in all, I'm still quite impressed with this series and do plan to read the third book when it comes out. They're definitely good reads for those who appreciate historical fiction with less of a focus on romance and sex scandals. This novel is solid. It has a well constructed unique plot with an equally unique heroine. Joanna is a well constructed character, I simply need to know what happens next! I want to know if she finds happiness, love, and if she ever gets to have a nice quiet life in the country with her tapestry loom!
This was an exciting read!
Holy Chalice - Wikipedia
The Tudor period is such a stormy and unsettling time in history and what could be a better setting for a religious historic thriller? The time period Bilyeau chose is so This novel is solid. The time period Bilyeau chose is so rich in history and excitement…. See my full review here Mar 12, Lisa rated it it was ok. The first book was terrific - engaging, suspenseful, a good mystery in search of the crown. I was hoping for this book to continue in the same vein, another adventure in search of a relic, but it did not. This book centers much more on the romance, court drama, and some rather implausible prophecies involving Joanna - none of which I particularly cared about.
Very little actually happens, but it takes a lot of pages to get there. This is definitely a big step down from the Hugely disappointing. This is definitely a big step down from the first book. Feb 15, Hannah rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a really good series. Looking forward to 3, The Tapestry. Sister Joanna is a terrific character. Moving on to 3. It's no secret the Tudor era is not a favorite of mine but Nancy Bilyeau makes me sing a different tune: