Six Feet Deep (Red Apple)
Oldest cultivar in Northern Europe, grown mostly in Sweden and Estonia. A versatile English dessert apple raised by horticulturalist Thomas Laxton some time before A small apple, aromatic, with a pineapple-like flavour, keeps its shape when cooked. Medium to large in size, mostly red coloration with yellow patches.
Has cream-coloured flesh with a sweet, crisp, aromatic flavour and low acidity. Ambrosia trees are hardy and no major disadvantages have yet been identified. Colour is yellow with a red blush.
List of apple cultivars
This variety does not grow well in the cold and prefers heat and humidity. Very old apple; possibly one of the oldest of all. Believed to be older than first mention in Pasquale's Manuale di Arboricultura , A very old Russian variety, often planted at dachas. Apples are large, yellow-green and bracingly tart to eat out of hand, but superb for cooking, as they keep their shape. Extremely tolerant of cold weather, and because it produces a single, deep taproot unusual among apple trees , Antonovka is propagated for use as a rootstock.
Arthur Turner agm [4]. Ashmead's Kernel agm [5]. The Autumn Glory variety is a hybrid of the Fuji apple and the Golden Delicious apple, featuring a red over golden background. Very sweet, firm flesh with a subtle "cinnamon" flavour. Sweet to subacid flavour. Also known as "Woodpecker". Very old variety for North America. Makes lots of juice. A large, round apple with firm, dry, sweet, slightly tart white flesh. Scab and canker resistant. A medium-sized eating apple with a unique lemon aroma. Skin color red over gold. Single tree discovered on Bardsey island in , age of original tree unknown.
May have monastic origins. Deep red flush and streaks of red with a little russet. Early maturing but short season. Formerly grown commercially in England for local markets. Good flavour in its home climate if it is eaten soon after picking. Poor flavour if distributed long distances and stored for weeks, so now rare. Belle de Boskoop agm [7]. A cross between Cortland apple and Lord Lambourne. Blenheim Orange agm [8].
Has greenish-yellow to orange skin streaked with red. Distinctive nutty flavour excellent for cooking. The vigorous tree is slow to come into crop but then produces heavily. A medium-sized, very dark red, heavily ribbed apple. Crisp, mildly sweet white flesh, sometimes pink-streaked. It is reputed to have got its name from a ploughman who was caught stealing apples near Megginch Castle and was shot by the gamekeeper.
His wife got the bag of apples and threw them on the compost heap where a seedling then grew and - voila - Bloody Ploughman. Bramley Bramley's Seedling agm [9]. The fruit is the most widely sold cooker in the UK. Large sized fruits with waxy skin, green with a red flush. A favourite ingredient in many traditional British puddings. Esmolfe , Penacova , Portugal. Spreading habit with intermediate vigour; full flowering season is medium-late, production is heavy, fruit is medium or medium-large, with smooth skin; white lenticels, no russet, excellent taste characteristics. Ripens first week of October Trentino.
Noted for unusual looks somewhat lumpy on the side but excellent reward when tried. Noted for having unusually high vitamin C content. Apple of choice for tarte tatin in France. Existence owed to freak accidental crossing of two most popular apples in world: Red and Golden Delicious. Retains prongs on bottom of latter parent but has flavour more resembling Golden. Has unusual habit of blossoming twice, and producing two crops per year. Very popular Civil-War-era Southern apple. Does beautifully in humid weather. Good choice for backyard gardener in subtropical climate.
Medium to large, roundish oblate; skin green or greenish yellow washed with dull red with darker red broken tripes, covered with a heavy bluish bloom.
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Crisp, juicy, sugary, aromatic, mild subacid. Foliage also has a blue hue. Ripens September and keeps until November. Once widely grown in the American South, then thought extinct. Reintroduced to America in after being discovered at the National Fruit Trust in Kent, England, where it had been added in from a collection in Rhone, France, after it had been acquired around from the Fruitland Nursery in Augusta, Georgia.
This tree bears attractive fruit, extra-large sized, deep red, juicy, and crisp. Keeps fresh for a long time. Starts bearing at a young age. Harvest time is October.
Apples: How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Apple Trees | The Old Farmer's Almanac
Lumpy shape and electric green colouring. Known to have been a variety planted in early Virginia by settlers as well as native England. Extremely rare in native UK; occasionally still found growing in southern US. Has been an AGM winner. Best cooked early in season. Good flavour, and sweet when eaten later in season. A large long keeping yellow-skinned apple with diffuse orange pink flush. Still grown in Essex orchards including Lathcoats Farm Shop. Medium to large oblate apple.
Red flush over greenish yellow skin. Crisp, juicy, sweet white flesh.
Flavour can be variable but at its best is very well balanced. Grown by Chivers now a brand of Premier Foods for apple sauce. Claygate Pearmain agm [12]. A cultivar first expected to be available commercially in A combination of Enterprise and Honeycrisp apples. Extremely old variety, may date from as early as Roman times. Popular during the Victorian era. Yellow to light green, flushed with red. One of the most celebrated apples in the UK, valued for its aromatic "orange" colour and flavour. The fruit is widely sold commercially.
Crimson Delight is a multi-purpose apple intended for snacking, baking and fresh recipes. The fruit size is medium to large with a firm texture and is crisp and juicy. A golf ball sized applecrab hybrid developed by Albert Etter who named it Little Rosybloom for its cute size and attractive ruby red flush. He died before completing the patent papers. Fruit was later rediscovered and renamed.
Very crispy and keeps texture in baking. One of parents believed to be Ben Davis, but very tart unlike parent. Dark red skin underlaid with stripes. A medium-sized apple with yellow-green skin, a red blush where exposed to the sun and covered with an spotty ochre russet. White flesh is aromatic, firm and crisp with noticeable hints of anise and clove. Fruits are sold commercially in the UK. Grown from chance seedling of Golden Delicious. One of the most southerly apples grown in North America.
A medium-sized oblate apple with greenish-yellow skin covered with red stripes over a solid red blush. Flesh is firm but tender, juicy, aromatic and quite tart, becoming milder as it ages. Good for fresh eating and cooking; rated by many as one of the best for apple pies and sauces. Tree is a natural semi-dwarf, very hardy and bears heavily annually. Dummellor's Seedling agm [15] also known as Dumelow's Seedling [16].
Large, roundish-oblate apple with pale greenish-yellow skin strewn with large russet dots, occasionally covered with a delicate pinkish-orange blush. Yellow-tinted white flesh is aromatic, firm, crisp, tart, and very juicy. One of the most widely grown culinary apples of Victorian England , esteemed for its fine flavour and good keeping qualities. Also called Emmeth Early. Ripens in late July. Edward VII agm [17]. A large oblate-round apple with yellow-green skin and pinkish-brown blush. Suitable for more northerly, cold, wet climates.
White flesh is sharp and pleasant. Extraordinary keeper; apple ripens in autumn and will keep until Easter. Egremont Russet agm [18]. This variety ripens in June. Tastes tart, does not do well in cold weather. Not the same as Anna apple. Ellison's Orange agm [19]. Medium-sized, mostly red with yellow showing.
Often used in desserts due to its intense honey flavour. Emneth Early agm [21]. Grown by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. Named for creek near which first seedling found. Heirloom variety still available at farmstands in Northeast and portions of Virginia. Difficult to grow for inexperienced planters. Sometimes called Red Pippin. Claims both UK and US heritage: Has flavour similar to the former but storage, colouring, and cold tolerance of the latter.
This is the variety that inspired Sir Isaac Newton to consider gravity. Fortune agm [24] Laxton's Fortune. Dark red, conic apple. Sweet, crisp, dense flesh is very mildly flavoured. One of the most widely grown apple varieties in the world. Gala , Royal Gala agm [25]. A small to medium-sized conic apple. Thin, tannic skin is yellow-green with a red blush overlaid with reddish-orange streaks. Flesh is yellowish-white, crisp and grainy with a mild flavour. Cross of three of the world's best known apples: One of the most widely available commercial fruit.
A medium-sized roundish-oblate, sometimes slightly conical apple. Greenish-yellow skin is striped and splashed with bright red, dull or grayish toward the stem; dots few, light and gray; cavity deep, basin shallow, slightly uneven. Flesh yellow, very tender, juicy, rich, mildly subacid and aromatic. Upright habit, productive bearer, some biennial tendency. George Neal agm [26]. A medium-sized green-yellow elongate bell-shaped apple, sometimes takes on a reddish blush. Tart and juicy, stores well, taste improves with age. Excellent culinary variety; renowned for its use in Strudel. Gloster aka Gloster Somewhat tart, ruby red colour like parent Red Delicious.
Good choice for backyard gardening. Tangy flavour, crunchy texture, pale green-yellow colour. Golden Delicious agm [27]. One of the most popular varieties in the world. Due to its regular size, even colour and storage qualities the fruit is widely sold commercially. Uniform light green-yellow coloration, very sweet. We recently purchased on the South West shores of Nova Scotia. How do we determine what type they are?
When clearing the brush next spring how far apart should these fully grown trees be? How far should they be from a spruce or pine or maple? If you have fruit on any of the trees, Karen, pick one or two good specimen pieces and take them, with a few leaves, to a local fruit grower, orchardist, or nurseryman. You can try your luck or compare opinions on this British web site that invites you to examine, taste, and evaluate the fruit, then try to narrow it down as you click through: This one, from the University of Maine, not too far from you, has advice on recovering an orchard: About distance between trees, try the chart on this page: Finally, we can not find conclusive advice on the distance apples should be from the three other trees you name.
I have tried to plant using seeds ,they germinate and grown into long single branch. What should I do so that the stem becomes thick and strong? I started this tree from a seed in college and have since planted it in my patents backyard. They have another store bought tree that is doing rather well but is a bit older. My tree seems to be growing more than one tree.
- Max & Milo Go to Sleep!: With Audio Recording (Max and Milo).
- List of apple cultivars - Wikipedia!
- Six Feet Deep by Tightwire on Apple Music.
- Lecture Notes: Medical Microbiology and Infection.
- Growing Apples!
- 6 Feet Deep by Gravediggaz on Apple Music.
- Six Feet Deep (Red Apple) by Rose Impey - book review.
The main tree is covered with wart like bumps. I want to save this tree can I splice it or trim it once it goes dormant? I'm very green and apppericate any advice! Me too i have tried to plant apple from the seed it growing and i want to know how to start bearing the fruit and is 4years. Like it said above, if you bought conventional apples from a grocery store, the seeds will turn into a tree, but won't bear any fruit. I've been growing "organic" trees from "organic" seeds, from "organic" apples, lol May I ask if apple can grow in Philippines,cause we only have 2 seasons dry season and rainy season..
I planted a Honeycrisp apple tree almost three years ago. It was about 3 feet tall from the local nursery. I dug a big hole, and did all the things I should. The first year deer almost killed it be eating all the new growth. Last Spring we got some stinky deer spray and the have left it alone, but ever since it's not thriving. It looks exactly the same as the day we planted it. It has some small branches with leave leaves " long and is definetly alive, but that's about it. I water, I fertilize anfd it just sits there! What could it be missing? Do young trees take a few years to get established before the take off?
Sorry to hear about the deer. They and squirrels seem to consume more tree fruit than many home fruit growers! We really do not know enough about your situation to give you proper guidance here—where you are, the site, the soil, etc. We would also suggest that you talk to the nursery from whom you bought the tree. They have specific advice about this plant in your locale. Additionally, you might consult your local cooperative extension service. You can find it here: In answer to your last question, yes, honeycrisp trees can take years to become established. A neighbor had some fruit trees cut down on his property a couple of years ago due to bee allergy and to thin them out.
I received some of the mulch from the cut down trees.
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I now have several trees growing, which look like apple trees, where some of the left-over mulch had been. Is it safe to separate and move them now that they have grown so much? By the way, I have small pine trees that came up and grew the same way. In any case, you can certainly transplant small apple trees. His older sister has already moved out to live with their gran who thinks the whole lark is disrespectful to her own late husband , his aunt's pick-your-own farm where the stunt is being held is home to a media circus and special gift shop.
Jordan's gained a dog out of it all as extra company, but his school colleagues' taunts, his eczema, and his laziness are all providing problems. So much so that his mother would spin in her grave - if she wasn't having a more fun time there already. From the unusual start of a boy and mother separated in such a unique way we actually get a book firmly grounded in the everyday.
We realistically see Jordan's school life, his outlet in angling just as his grandad taught him, and his delaying all housework while there's only his older brother, his workaholic father and what gossip his mother hears to inspire him to change his bedding. Jordan in fact is very different from much fiction for this age range - eight to twelve, at a guess - in that he is very much true to life.
He has his skin problems, nightmares, his idle-itis, his natural weakness when facing other people none of which, we see, are helped by mother's absence , and they all go to show his life very well. All characters are fully-rounded, in fact, even including the cameos of his mother stuck at the end of a pair of tubes as she is. That record attempt has itself been thought about - from her iPod and simple exercises, to the fact she needs a second tube to ventilate her accommodation to keep it cool enough.