Sea Turtles: The Complete Guide For Beginners & Early Learning (Wonderful Discoveries)
One of these items ships sooner than the other. Buy the selected items together This item: The Book of Honu: Ships from and sold by Amazon. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Sea Turtles of Hawaii. Voyage of the Turtle: In Pursuit of the Earth's Last Dinosaur. Here's how restrictions apply.
Review A magnificent guide for the budding high school marine biologist or anyone else with an interest in sea turtles. A Latitude 20 Book Paperback: I'd like to read this book on Kindle Don't have a Kindle?
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Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Showing of 6 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. However, info in it seems very reliable and the photos are nice. Perfect in every way! Shipping was right as expected. Shipping was right as expected Thanks Made a great gift!!! Ordered this book as a Christmas gift for my little niece who is 10 years old. Beautifully illustrated and so much interesting information, she was thrilled!
Would recommend this for any child of that age or older. If you have visited or live in Hawaii, this book serves as a fascinating description of one of the islands' icons.

It is surprisingly easy to read for such a technical biological text. For those who have yet to make it to the islands, the book is still an excellent way to learn about these awesome creatures.
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Customers who bought this item also bought. Baby Honu's Incredible Journey. Pages with related products. Unfortunately, CCC and others had not yet learned enough about the life stages of sea turtles to know that a yearling placed back on its natal beach would have little chance of surviving. Both Operation Green Turtle and the head-starting program were bold, optimistic and untested.
And in the end, they proved mostly unfruitful. After many hard lessons, and after scientific understanding about sea turtle biology increased, Dr.
Carr and the CCC decided that time and energy were more appropriately spent protecting the nesting beach at Tortuguero and eliminating the problem of over-harvesting. The park is a 19, hectare tract of beach, coastal rainforest and streams. The mile stretch of black-sand beach included in the park is by far the most productive green turtle nesting site in the Western Hemisphere.
With the park established, development along the coast would never stretch much beyond the existing village, and the presence of CCC researchers and park guards would discourage poaching. CCC realized, however, that the cultural demand for sea turtle meat and eggs would be harder to overcome.
Trying not to interfere with local customs, CCC instead began working with villagers to promote ecotourism as a more sustainable use of the sea turtles that come to Tortuguero each year. Gradually, local shops and hotels have sprouted offering villagers a steady source of income. Each year, tens of thousands of tourists come to Tortuguero to see the nesting sea turtles and the other natural treasures of the national park.
After receiving certification through a CCC training program, villagers are issued government permits authorizing them to guide tourists on nightly turtle watching excursions. Other early initiatives focused on the importance of educating Costa Ricans and visitors alike about the various threats to sea turtle survival. With support from the Tinker Foundation, CCC built an educational kiosk in the center of Tortuguero village that told the story of sea turtles.
The kiosk still stands today, and CCC has augmented its ability to educate by constructing the H. Shortly before his death, Dr. It is chilling to think what shape the green turtles would be in today if there had been no Caribbean Conservation Corporation.
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During the past 40 years, while helping discover much of what is known about sea turtle biology, migration and life history, CCC has learned perhaps the most promising lesson of all—that diminished sea turtle populations can be recovered with the right mix of habitat protection and reduction of human-caused mortality. The recovery of sea turtles cannot be accomplished through a quick-fix.
And often the most appealing, hands-on approaches, such as hatcheries and head-starting, are at best misguided and at worst a complication to conservation efforts. The fact is sea turtles have survived for millions of years by depositing their nests unattended on thin ribbons of sand around the world and living a pelagic existence as so excellent a fish.
Over a hundred million years of evolution are on their side. All we as humans need to do to assure sea turtle survival is to protect the natural ingredients of their lives—such as healthy beaches and unpolluted waters—and control over-harvesting.