Love Me When Im Crazy
Both Warner and River have awful parents, and in the small town where they live everyone is always judging them. One day after too many terrible things, they decide to escape together. Two young kids, crazy in love, running away from a lifetime of pain at the hands of their parents and escaping towards freedom. A lot of blood and pain, but their love is the one thing that keeps them going. The level of angst in this book is insane, just when you think something is going to happen the author turns the story in a crazy, different way.
This story will definitely leave you panting.
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What could be better than a modern day Bonnie and Clyde story to peak my interests? Love Me Crazy literally took my breath away. I was not prepared in the slightest for the wild and crazy ride M. Forgy took me on, with all the twists and turns and the in depth raw and gritty "Warner and I had an instant connection, like we'd always been together.
Forgy took me on, with all the twists and turns and the in depth raw and gritty plot. This made for one adrenaline pumping read. I am so pleased I took the time to read this one because it is unlike anything I have read in recent times and I know it will stay with me for a while to come. River and Warner are literally crazy, just like the title of the story suggests. Dancing by the fire, I was lured to her like a bee to pollen. River and Warner have a powerful and unstoppable connection and together they are two rebels all for the same cause.
They create destruction, chaos and just when I thought the story was going in one direction, I became in awe of the plot when it made a complete and moved in a totally different direction to what I was anticipating. The twists, turns and unexpected events made for a heart pounding and thrilling adventure. At times I was completely on the edge of my seat and unsure of what to expect next. I really enjoyed Love Me Crazy for the pulsating thrills, the unique storyline and the characters for always keeping me on my toes throughout this journey.
If you are after your next love story to be unlike anything else out there in the market, then I would absolutely recommend you one click Love Me Crazy. View all 6 comments. Ma si lasceranno dietro una scia di rapine e sangue. Ha comunque soddisfatto, seppur non a pieno, le mie aspettative. New Adult Romance Standalone or part of a series? Sep 06, Tania Desired Reads Bookblog rated it it was amazing. This modern day Bonnie and Clyde was just fantastic. Warner has had a hard upbringing with his drunk father.
River is just a pawn in her parents schemes which almost lands her in the worst possible situation. The chemistry between River and Warner is sizzling hot!! Their bond is one that can never be broken. Their journey is one that can break most people but these two stick together through the worst, their love for each other never faltering. But will they survive all that is thrown their way?
But will they survive all that is thrown their way?? They meet and their lives are changed forever. The beginning was really good for me, while once on the run I found myself bored and the end was unrealistic. Overall not my favorite from this author. Sep 10, Philomena Callan Cheekypee rated it it was amazing Shelves: Warner and River are two brilliant characters. I loved them both straight away.
Two broken characters from two completely different backgrounds. Two characters that I was really rooting for. I recommend you go in blind with this story. A modern day Bonnie and Clyde. Cannot praise this read highly enough. Sep 12, Renee rated it it was amazing. Legend has it that there's an intangible red string that binds two souls destined to be together.
That's what it was like between Warner and I-an instant connection, like we'd always been together. We simply tied it in chaotic knots, with no hope for every separating them.

But will our unbreakable bond uphold the chaos fate brought us, or will our love bleed into a pool of crimson. I absolutely loved and devoured this book. I am telling you now that when you pick it up you will not lay it down. This is the story of River and Warner. Warner is from a small town and is the football star with a bright future of a full ride to college. However he hide that he has the most horrible dad in the world who is an alcoholic and super abusive. River is new in town and has moved with her parents to another small town for them to destroy basically and she hates it.
She hates what her parents try to keep secret from her. When they all decide that one should not see the other and Warner's dad pushes him to far he decides to run and River is not going to let him do it by himself as her parents have awful plans for her too that she needs to escape. This is the beginning of a crazy journey with twists and turns that you will not see coming.
I loved this book so much I could pick it up again right now and reread it. It has got to be my favorite M. Forgy book to date. She has written an story that is about love and acceptance, the ugly side of life that people have to live through, but most importantly it is about love and how in your life there is a soulmate that your meant to be with for your entire time here on earth. Do not miss this book or your going to miss one of my favorite reads of Sep 24, Cocktails and Books rated it liked it Shelves: I'm all for a teenage Bonnie and Clyde story, but I felt like there was something missing from the story.
Having finished it, I still can't put my finger on it. Maybe it was not being able to fully connect with the characters. These kids dealt with some pretty horrible stuff, but it was almost like they were normal teens until it all went to hell and they were on the run. Bonnie and Clyde are River and Warner. Two crazy kids on a wild adventure that left me wondering how in the hell it was going to play out until the very end. This book was an interesting one. River is this carefree, gypsy type of girl, with parents who are the complete opposite.
She arrives at school via driver, but when she gets out of the vehicle she is nothing like you would expect. She is a little bit wild, a little bit shy, and completely smitted with the kid in the letterman jacket. Warner Bonnie and Clyde are River and Warner. Warner is the star football player, lots of friends, big man on campus, but inside he is none of those things. He doesn't like his path, his home life sucks, but then the gypsy moves in next door.
Warner was not the adventurous one of this pairing until River comes along. She adds vibrant color to his world and makes him lose his mind a little. Then we get to the real crazy stuff and something that just needs to be experienced for yourself. There were a couple of pieces I missed the connection on and wish were fleshed out some more. But it was surely an adrenaline rush and had me up late to get to the end.
It seemed like so much happens in such a short period of time that when I got to the end I needed time to absorb it all. It was definitely wild and had a different feel to it than I was anticipating. I liked the unexpectedness of it all and I liked being taken by surprise at the end. Certainly, something that I will be recommending for those that are just in the mood for something different with an intense dose of thrills.
Sep 08, Anne Milne rated it it was amazing.
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The cover is stunning and the title fits the book perfectly. Warner and River are compelling characters on their own but together they are the match that lights the fuse. River is a unique woman she's a flower child born in the wrong era. She has her own sense of style. I loved that she owned her uniqueness and doesn't conform to fit in. Warner is the popular jock following his father's path but he doesn' The cover is stunning and the title fits the book perfectly.
Warner is the popular jock following his father's path but he doesn't want to be that guy. When he meets River he knows she's special.
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I loved the chapter headings, if you put them together your getting another story within the story. One decision changes the course of their lives forever. The story was fast paced but gave me everything I wanted. Ride along with Warner and River as they try to outrun the consequences of their decisions.
Sep 16, Rebecca rated it really liked it. Forgy works her mayhem magic and forces River and Warner to battle a variety of demons and a whole hell of a lot of darkness at every stage of their escape. Forgy created these two characters who seem to go off the rails and find themselves running for their lives and it also had me hoping against hope that when everything is said and done that these two lost souls find a way to channel who they want to be and go about ensuring their happy ending, even if their journey was anything but.
Love Me Crazy is a fast paced, messed up journey told from the perspective of both main characters. This modern day Bonnie and Clyde type tale broke my heart and pieced it back together. River and Warner, the most unlikely pairing, the school Football Star and the Hippie new girl. Both come from poor family situations, both looking for someone to love them.
They are so different and yet so similar that one drunken night together changes the course of their lives forever. To Warner, River tastes like freedom in a life he feels he has become trapped in. His father is a drunk who likes to use his fists and pushes Warner to the point he has no other choice but to runaway.
River finds a fierce, loyal protector in Warner, which after what happened in the last town she lived in she really needs in her life, considering her parents are too self involved to really care. There was no hesitation, Warner came to say goodbye, and River instantly reacts, packing her bag to go with him.
Their love for each other pushes them to the limit. Completely changes who they were. I does not make the evil or malicious, but they put each others survival above all else. They are in for some crazy times, but they have each other and in the end isn't that all that matters. This book will give you goosebumps no lie, it is a tremendous fast paced romance that will leave you gasping for air. Sep 13, Heather C rated it liked it Shelves: It's starts off all sweet and no so wholesome with the star football player named Warner who has had his fair share of girls but one night he meets River, who completely rocked his world.
While they never thought they would see each other again, circumstances bring them back together and then end up living in the same town. From the moment they were back in each other's lives, they become attached to each other. Their story escalates quickly so hold on to the rails. I will say this, it was harder for me to get into their crazy actions towards the end just because of how innocent they seemed in the beginning.
I also had a hard time getting into their ages. I would have liked them to be older but I understood why the author did it this way. The transition from sweet to sin was so sudden that it was a bit hard for me to wrap my head around and to feel the believability of it. That's just a personal choice. Overall, I think it has a good storyline and I was intrigued the entire time. I enjoyed it and think a lot of people will. If you want young love to root for then Warner and River are your team!
Partono, ricercati per vari crimini, con la voglia di essere liberi e di p 3. Partono, ricercati per vari crimini, con la voglia di essere liberi e di potersi amare; i guai purtroppo non verranno a mancare e anche con scelte discutibili i due andranno avanti seguendo il loro piano. Sep 20, Brandy Roberts rated it it was amazing. If she is a new author for you you definitely need to get all of them as soon as possible. There was so many things that I loved about this along with the characters that are incredibly unique and have me wanting more can't wait to read whats to come.
Sep 08, Andrea rated it liked it. This book was definitely crazy. I don't even know what I'm thinking right now. It started really good for me and I really liked Warner and River at the beginning. But at some point,the book took a really dark turn. Two teenagers,in love with each other,left so many bodies behind them.
Warner and River are both coming from problematic families,so their need to run was understandable to me. If I had a parents like that I would run too. But,they did some crazy things along the way. And This book was definitely crazy. And there were some parts of the book that were really creepy for me. I got scared at some point. I liked this book at the beginning,in the middle it was just enjoyable for me,and at the end I was reading it simple because the end was near and I wanted to see what happens.
I can't really recommend this book to anyone. It was so unrealistic,even for a book. But this all product of imagination so if you want to read it,do it. Sep 09, Konny rated it it was amazing. Forgy is a wild and crazy ride. I recommend go in this book with reading a blurb or a review, theres nothing that will prepare you for this story, believe me. Meet Warner Nina and River Addington. Both are so young, barely 18 and their lives are about to change unalterably. Both have had a rough past, one of them experienced a violent upbringing, the other one was neglected.
Both bear scars, visible and invisible. River and Warner go on a journey and I was allowed to accompany them on their journey. I cheered for them and I was hurt, I laughed and I cried and at some point in the story I was angry at the characters. Sep 14, Nicolette Eyssen rated it really liked it. Love me Crazy Well, it was exactly that!
I love this book, crazy. It was a fast read and full of emotion. Man, the stuff these characters go through and experience together. It was a storm of emotion that left me feeling like I entered a war zone. River and Warner had a connection the bleed through the pages- or maybe that was just what River left in her path??? Warner, all American home town football hero.
Students, parents and teachers all loved him except the one person who should, his father Love me Crazy Well, it was exactly that! Students, parents and teachers all loved him except the one person who should, his father. He had deeper struggles than anyone realized and suffered more than some adults. So many times I found myself Just longing to hold him. River is a storm of sorts. Best intentions, horrible outcomes. The little hippie was pure fire. She had a heart of gold but she was not set up in proper a environment that her spirit needed. This story was all around - amazing. Happy Reading Peeps, Nic x He wants to chill with her at the fire place.
It's not baby it's cold outside. This song is driving me crazy coz i forgot the tune but i really enjoyed the song! Haai, I'm looking for an electronic pop song, sung by a guy and the song is like a David Guetta song. There aren't many lyrics, but I'm sure some of it goes "and watch the suuuun riiiise. Hey guys I'm looking for a songs name.
I know parts of the lyrics. It goes like "youre my love and my here it sounds like cobblestone to me , youre the best thing that ive ever known, i love you baby oh oh" im not sure if the lyrics are a hundred percent correct. Especially im not sure about the exact words hence cobblestone. I couldn't find it on there, but I might have missed something. I can't find this song anywhere. Some of the lyrics are: Hey guys, I'm looking for a recent song sung by a male: I'm looking for a song, all I can remember from it is they sing, "so whyyyy are we tryyyy" it's a female song and I think it's only a few years old so it's quite new.
Anyone now what it called? I'm looking for a slow indie song song by a girl, about a breakup or argument I think, it has a pattern of "Tears don't fall now, voice don't break now, eyes don't well up, heart don't race" etc. Well, I found my song but apparently a lot of people sung it! I'm trying to find the original. I recommend you to hear it.
Btw, I'm looking for a male singer so all female singers aren't the right one! If you can find the original singer or just know it I look forward to anyone's reply. So this rap song that is kind of slow paced and has lyrics that all go together in this order "it's a homicide cause i'm down to ride" but could not find it on here. What is the name of the song with the lyrics of "You are the sun in my sky, you are the days in my nights baby". So just finished the criminal minds from last night. Wanted to download the song but apparently no one can find it so here's the lyrics lemme know if u know.
It's beautiful, isn't it? But now that it's over Beautiful.
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- Love Me Crazy by M.N. Forgy.
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And I'm sober the stuff that I feel is so real". I came here looking for the same song for the same reason! Such a good episode and beautiful song! I finally found it, it's called Sober, by an artist named Taps. Came in looking for the same song. Thank you for posting the question and thank you Laura for identifying the song.
Trying to find a song In beginning of the song he tries to start his car and it wont go Any help would be appreciated. Looking for a song and it starts with: Yeah I just feel lonely right now and the girl answer: Why are you lonely? When I was younger I used to have alot most friends and something like: Is that why I personally feel? Then the songs kick in. I can offer some similar lyrics we are n we are n you are n me am n n means num chuck gope this helps. Hey I'm searching for a pop music which I only remember the clip video. Some naked women were getting some sort of honey or sirup on them Do anyone know this song???
Just type in the parts of the song you only know then read all of the results untill you find the song you were looking for! Then the song is all about how they want to be with the girl but she like drives them crazy, any help would be absolutely amazing!! Hello, boys and girls, I'm looking for a song, here are the lyrics I want to lick my own feet wrap my tongue around my legs Bitch I have so many teeth in my mouth and want to have stupid with all the teacher's pets! Hey guys, can u help me? I'm looking for a song but I can't find it anywhere Please help me know the title!
Hi i heard some rnb music in fm station pls can someone help me.. I don't need love I don't need cash I don't need nothing but me unless I'm on my feet Standing right here The only thing I have is me I guess. It starta with a kind of organ riff simple based on two chords.. Looking for this song that has lyrics along the lines of "I'm not mad at me but it still hurts though". I dont know this song It goes like this;the chorus And i would give my eyes of i could see you one last time And i would give my arm if i could hold you in mine So this songs vocal is sung by a woman.
Dont even remember the genre of the song but it goes something like this: I think the song you're looking for has Justin Bieber sleeping in a milk bottle, and a close worker collects stacks the shelves and by mistake feeds Justin Bieber to the cows. Chorus goes "Dive in. Hold my breath, close my eyes, let the sun kiss my skin.
In a sea full of strangers, I'm an island of sin. Im gonna start a fire, gonna start a riot, im the best guest you never invited. Can I get a hell yeah, I just crash a pool party don't know anybody here. I'm looking for an electronic song with a girl voice: I heard it from the youtuber frenzii latest video on It starts around A song by an Asian singer I heard in that is about running out of time and missing a lost love. Not upbeat but has dramatic guitar and the main part is that the beginning of the song has ticking noise. Then the woman starts singing quietly but the music is quite modern, not like the other Chinese songs that are melodic.
It might be Korean though. But the most important part is that ticking noise in the beginning. Desperately searching for a song heard in geko's snaps a couple of times: Pleaseee can anyone helpppp?? Lyrics of the chorus go along the lines of this: How do I dream without you Drown in the sea without you How do I sleep without you by my side Stars never shine without you Words never rhyme without you just can't go on without you on my mind It's always the same Someone's always changing the game Been searching for this song for years.
Thanks to anyone that can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to find the name of a 60s song that had one of the lyrics "You may think I'll take it but baby I won't" and I think it might be called something along the lines of "Baby I Won't" but I have no idea who it's by and when I tried looking up the lyrics at one point nothing helpful came up on Google. It was recorded on a tape cassette that had a bunch of songs from the 60s on it and I'm thinking it was by a band that was popular in the mid s Paul Revere and The Raiders, The Monkees, The Turtles and The Yardbirds were also on that cassette so it may be an obscure B Side from one of those bands.
If someone can help me figure out the name of the song and who the band is that would be greatly appreciated. I m searchng for song I am looking for a song I can't find anywhere on the web. It is an upbeat song with an mv of a disco and party stuff and the lyrics go sth like this: I've searched the lyrics but hell, this song is definitely not on the web anymore.
Anyone heard it, I think it's kinda late 's. Brings back so many childhood memories I am trying to find a song from my youth. The lyrics go something like the following Dear World I really love you.
Love Me Crazy
And I wanna hold your hand. Seal a letter with a kiss and send it on a prayer. Dear world take my love and pass it on. I want to play this song for my brand new baby boy. I'm looking for a song I herd in a dance club. Had a brief bit in a video clip from inside, but not enough to shazam. Sounds like the words are: I wanted to know a song which it starts like" It talks about his morning walk i guess and finding strangers down the street!
Looking for a song and the only lyrics i can remember are go something like "If i could save you life then i would give you mine" "Because i will never ever let you down" Not much to go i know but heres hoping. Looking for a song i hear and i only know a few lyrics from it not much to go on i know but heres hoping "If i could save your life i would give you mine" "i will never ever let you down". I have this song and it goes remember i told you to save it its over and ill be alright so hurt me as much as you'd like but i dont know what its called I heard a song.. I love you boy I love you too its and I baby its me and you ain't no matter what they say imma love you every single day I need the full lyrics and the artist.
Does anybody know this song? It's driving me crazy i heard it once, it's a fast song and a male voice the lyrics goes something like: Im not sure it's upbeat and good for a party or a workout. I think there's something with: Refrain had the line "We're looking for reality Need help on finding a song I heard it today on the radio for the first time.
I love this song but I don't know the artist It goes like this " owole,y yo dey form semcima,dis kin song I'm doing the singing I'm doing the dancing. I'm looking for a song sung by a male. I heard it on the show New Amsterdam a few weeks ago but no luck when looking through songs featured in the show. It's a male singer and is very slow and acoustic. The lyric I keep remembering goes something like "And maybe I'm going home again" I feel like I've heard this song on another show a while back - maybe Greys Anatomy or Without a Trace?
I am trying to find or figure out the song played in one of the "mary queen of scots" trailers on Hulu. The lyrics I caught are "I'm gonna take over". It's only in ONE trailer. The Song I am looking for is sung by a male and a female singing in the chorus parts I'm not sure if it was really the chorus parts but it must be it went something like this: I want to know what the song is on a recent Blue Moon beer commercial that I saw.
I can't find it anywhere! It's only a 15 second commercial and half of it is the announcer talking. The lyrics that I can make out are "I know she won't say so, long as I know To me, the voice sounds like Sting The Police , but my boyfriend doesn't agree.
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Does anyone have a clue what I'm looking for??? Im looking for a song sung by a male. It goes, "and I'm Leave all your worries, all behind.. Looking for a song I heard on the radio a few weeks ago. This is the chorus. Look at all the pretty people looking back me I've got a million pictures in my head of things I don't want to see I wish I could make you understand just what its like to be me Look at all the pretty people looking back at me. I'm looking for a song i dont remember the lyrics because i was a kid when i first heard it but in the music video there were two young kids one boy one girl who were skating and dancing?
With older kids in a park or something and then they got kicked out because they were young and went to dance somewhere does anyone know a music video like this? I also briefly remember someone crying but im not sure about that one.