
Key Research Concepts in Politics and International Relations (Key Concepts)

Theresa Callan is a political scientist who specializes in security politics, specifically ethnic conflict and post-conflict peacebuilding, and international relations theory, specifically realist perspectives. She also teaches and develops material on research methods and study skills, with a special interest in ontological questions and grammar much to the delight of her students. A member of the Political Studies Association and the British International Studies Association, she is dedicated to the teaching of politics in an inclusive, engaged way and has a special distaste for osbscurantist practices.

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This book has been written as a contribution to the SAGE Key Concepts series, but, more importantly for us, we have produced something that we hope students will find an important resource throughout their studies. Research methods are rarely the key reason for people choosing to study Politics or International Relations, yet they are recognized as a crucial element in any such degree. The discipline of Politics was lamentably slow in explicitly embedding research methods into the curriculum or providing suitable texts and guides in comparison to subjects such as Psychology and Sociology and International Relations even more so!

Thankfully, this began to change in the s and there are some excellent political research methods textbooks that take students through the process of research — many of which we reference. By producing a Key Concepts guide, we have attempted to do something slightly different. We have focused on commonly employed concepts that students often struggle to understand and, at times, misuse. For each concept, we offer a succinct explanation that is cross-referenced to related concepts.

A fundamental reason why we disagree about political explanations is because we ask different questions in different ways. Each concept is focused and intended to be illustrative. We cross-reference other concepts where possible and supplement each entry with [Page ix] two types of bibliography.

Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations : Andrew Heywood :

Further reading will take you to sources that explore the concept in further detail. The problem is that words such as 'freedom', 'democracy' and 'justice' have different meanings to different people, so that the concepts themselves come to seem problematic. This book provides an accessible and comprehensive guide to the major concepts encountered in political analysis.

Each term is defined clearly and fully, and its significance for political argument and practice is explored. The text has been updated and expanded to take account of the increasing influence of globalization on politics and now features 70 additional concepts. Renowned for its lively, engaging style and user-friendly approach, the second edition is an invaluable companion to the study of politics and international relations.

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    We'll also discuss the North-South gap. Did you know… We have over college courses that prepare you to earn credit by exam that is accepted by over 1, colleges and universities. You can test out of the first two years of college and save thousands off your degree.

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