How To Be a Pimp or a Different Kind of Entrepreneur and It Wasn’t Me!
Start a business on the side. Think of it as opening an adult lemonade stand. I used to dislike my job. Now I like it. I just realized my job is actually pretty interesting, it pays well, I like the people, I get to work from home and see my wife and kids. And I can work on entrepreneurial stuff at night. And by relaxing about my future entrepreneurial plans, I gave myself the space to actually just try stuff and be willing to fail. Not enough to quit my day job, obviously.
Of course, there are people who can still go out and quit their jobs right away. But I would still advise spending even a little time appreciating your current situation. After all, you have clients and need to help them, or go out of business, right? Now I also want to say every job situation is different. Your job truly might be terrible. You might, say, be verbally abused by your boss at work or worse. In that case, yeah, get the hell out of there. Find another job if you have to while you work on your grand plans. Or perhaps, stand up to your boss and demand fair treatment.
Thanks Pierre… that was helpful! As the bread-winning mom of two, that really lifted my spirits. Last year, my life was pretty much focused on every single word that you have just said there. And here I am on the other side of the world and standing on my own two feet. I would like to do this for many different reason. I just loved reading this article. I found it so real that I kept reading to the end which I rarely do while reading blogs. Three cheers for you, Corbett! It really is making sense. I never knew this things, not until I have joined a network marketing business and opened my mind.
But I never stopped there since I understand the advantage of working for myself and to put up my own business. Getting out of the rat race as Mr. Robert Kiyosaki always saying. In fact his writings and ideas speaks a lot regarding these issues. Check it out too.. Thoroughly recommend taking the leap. Boredom is a killer and I had some of the most boring jobs ever! The reason is the lack of discipline to prevent the consequences.
Ironically, taking time off in a poor timing last year accelerated my demise that resulted in my resignation a few weeks later. How would you want to see yourself a year from now? I have reservations about that personally. Corbett, this post is great! I have been working for myself for a few years. I had to take a job to cover some expenses before revenue comes and I just gave my notice 1 week ago.
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My body is in pain when I am hear triggers I guess.. Thanks man and keep up the greatness!!! My wife and I have been going back and forth about working vs. Yesterday she shot me the link to your blog and immediately I was overwhelmed with awesome titles but I decided to give this one a read first. And I agree, my priorities are slightly backwards.. Corbett — this is such a fantastic thread. I was fired from my job that I hated last August.
Had the opportunity to go do some sub-contracting work for a former business associate and just did it. There is no comparison to slaving away for someone else. When I was in college my dream was actually working at some high tech building, with a nice office and a huge paycheck. In reality I was working in a cubicle, for peanuts and being fucking trolled all the time by everyone above me.
One day I decided I had enough of idiotic bosses and all their shit and planned not one, but TWO trips. Needless to say, I felt like fucking Tyler Durden when I was telling my boss I was leaving for that trip. For those on the defense of his advice, ya you definitely need a plan and need to be prepared to break down all of your mental barriers and self imposed limitations. You need to be ready to master yourself before you take the plunge.
If that sounds like it is too much and you are not ready to take on yourself, maybe you are not ready to live life as an entreprenuer. The comments made about not everyone being able is true if you do not want to conquer yourself. That is half assing life though in my opinion. If you are married and have a family to support, does your partner work? Could you sacrifice the short term and make it while your business develops? The speed of that process is entirely up to you.
When you commit mentally and break down the excuses you can design your future and master yourself. Quite fulfilling in my opinion. I agree, wholeheartedly, with everything you wrote. So degrading—or so I thought. At the end of last year, I had enough. I am working in public sector bank in India right now.. Accompanying huge targets that I myself know can never complete them…. That being said, sometimes one has no choice — family to support, no savings.
I am lucky enough, that my spouse is working and was able to get a position in their field after I had lost two jobs I had for a long time. This is very fortunate for us, since we have children and my unemployment benefits would not be near enough to support us. That said my benefits are to run out soon and am contemplating my previous work experiences and what I want to do with my life.
The time off has given me perspective on my purpose and place in this world. Rather than feeling guilt as I had previously, lately I have been as productive at home, and helpful in general — fixing things, being a better parent etc…. When I think of all the repetitive calls to potential sales, the obnoxious comments from the people I worked for I realize this is not what I want.
This was how I was able to do it for so long. So I was comfortable and made a decent living and got to spend a good amount of time with my family. But, if I look at what I was doing and how I really feel about it , I want something else. Also, its not feasible to think similar autonomous opportunities where I have the best of both worlds is out there. I love that I just found this post today. I AM getting laid off.
And I HAVE been asking myself questions about why in the world would I want to find another job so that I can eventually feel trapped and constrained again. What about life experience, man? Where is THAT taught and promoted in schools? Hey did you ever end up working for yourself? If so, what did you create? This article resonates deeply with me and how I feel is identical to the words written but I feel trapped. So was just wondering if you pursued self employment and how that is working out for you. The insights are those of one that has been through it before.
You forgot to mention how many times you will fall, smash your face and have to get back up, wipe off the blood and keep at it. No question about how good it is to work for yourself. Every morning I decide how my day is planned. Every dime I make gones directly to me and not the bosses big annual raises. No more 47 mile daily commutes. In my pjs at home. Monday is the same as Friday…unbelievable that most people only get 1 or 2 weeks off a year to vacation. Working for others made me have to conform to their dumb rules. Have to say this one again…the sky is the limit….
I loved this article. I shared it with all my friends and family. I am 34, divorced father of 3yr old twins. I have been in the landscape industry for 16 years. I climbed up every ladder possible and now am in a respectable position with a salary of k annually. In my first year I did k in sales, 2nd I did k in sales and in the 3rd I did k and all with good margins.
Now here I am almost 4 years later and have been working a regular job and slowly rebuilding since my divorce and all is ok but living tight on cash and it literally hurts to sit at my desk m-f knowing I should be doing my own thing! So… 2 weeks ago a friend of mine reminded me of what i was meant to do and that is be my own boss. Since I was reminded, I have built my website www. I have built my business plan and am ready to start selling but I still currently have my job Had to hide my comment post as my boss walked up as it pays my bills.
The problem is that I still need to get the money to get my truck and equipment set back up. So thats my next step. The reason I am commenting is for the people who have never tried going into business for themselves… If you ever want anything more that your regular and the satisfaction of building something on your own this is the best route. I wish you all luck. This is the best article I read this weekend. The momentum and motivation it gives us pushes us hard to go take action today and build our dream lifestyle.
3 Reasons to Never Take Another Job
Btw, the amount of knowledge and connections we got from Fizzle is amazing and thanks for the trio at ThinkTraffic. How to give up a job that has given the right to complain.
- How to Be a Pimp or a Different Kind of Entrepreneur and It Wasn’T Me!;
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Life is not always about choices…. This post is just what I needed to read today! I have been feeling this miserable way for so long…like there HAS to be something more out there for me. Something more fulfilling, something I can do that I most days I can feel happy. I recently got laid off from the company I was with and am trying to find that thing that will make me happy and that I can commit to. I have to do this!!! I just have to and reading posts like this, of people with like thoughts, who have taken the plunge and succeeded really helps!
Then I thought Enough! I can do this myself! Sir, how can some article exactly speak out what i was thinking in my 2 years of working. The feeling of rejection is killing me everyday. This article has now given me so much confidence sir. I found this article when I searched for: I just want my life back, so I can live it on my own terms. Some days it feels like it would take a gun to my head to motivate me, other days I would say screw it, pull the trigger. Something is different this time, and my will to participate in the corporate lifestyle is completely gone. I already have a small profitable business, several great connections, and many other promising projects with varying levels of dust on them.
If I could for example have more freedom like: Instead of right now just being paid to sit at a desk waiting for my manager to give me any assignment. What bullshit mentality that is. I thought about working for google or similar… But hey what do they do different? They just have cool office and free lunches and stuff…But at end of day you are still shackled to office. I learned programming, and now work in that field.
I constantly think at my desk this cannot be what we as human beings are meant to spend our days doing. I need to explore! Make connections, valuable relationships, do work with meaning, help others, make a difference, love…. Was just wondering if you were able to make any changes in your work field and find something you love? Sabrina love what you said. I doubt you still read this but if you do. I think we should get married and start a business lol. Hey Wolf, your post describes everything I feel too. I too did not realize how much I would hate office work until I got there.
After four years, I am tired of it. I feel like I am in a cage trying to claw out! Some people are okay with it. I need to feel like I am doing something. See the product of my labors. Here is some food for thought.
I have heard of some people in trades, the ones who are not settled and like adventure, pick short term contacts for a few monthes ie. Downside to some trade jobs is that you have looooong shifts. My cousin has long shifts, but only has to work three days a week. He always does overtime and makes twice as much money. The other cool thing is if you do learn a trade like carpentry or electrical, peacecorp and other orgs are very willing to accept you. So in theory, you can work part of the year, make enough money to last you a year if you are single and have no dependents and then travel or volunteer the rest.
Once you get experience under your belt you can have more freedom on where you want to work. As I write this, I realized responding to your post has helped me see my own future path clearer. I think I am going to check out a welding apprenticeship. Damn, this resonates so strongly, which to be honest, is scary. My family is obviously proud and thinks I made out far better than they did. I find myself on autopilot through my work week and then spending my days off asking why the hell I spent four years in school to end up doing THIS.
Shackled is the perfect term. I want to leave, to be free, to explore. Working for those 4 weeks of vacation…. What baffles me the most is that my coworkers who are fresh graduates, and one who I even went through school with, seem to be entirely content. Ironically, as far back as I can remember I planned to go to school to get one of these well paid office jobs to avoid going into a blue collar field as my parents did.
A traditional type position simply brings no sense of purpose or fulfillment to my life. I have to say that a six figure salary at 22 is pretty incredible. I want freedom to do what I want and how I want! Very inspiring words and thank you for writing them. Very good article and inspiring. I would like to see more people follow this, as I finally got the balls to a few months ago. People need to learn to think for themselves. If you want to tell people the benefits of being self-employed, fine. I know that money is important, but I want to do something more than your typical office job.
My parents keep telling me that I should do something with my degree, but even that seems boring. It just seems that most people go to school. It could still take a while for my novel to get done, and I need to make a living in the mean time. I think writing online would be a lot more freedom than working in an office. If you any ideas, please let me know. Most studies shows that entrepreneurs do worse that employees on levels of pay. While certainly the freedom can make up for this, people who become self-employed should be aware of the sacrifice they often make.
This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me…. My name is maria cooker … My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa ork who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems.
I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how papa ork brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa ork e-mail address.
After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Try the great papa ork today, he might be the answer to your problem. Contact him for the following:. So how much of your hard earned money did Papa Ork scam you out of for putting the voodoo hex on your vajayjay? I am tired of working at a job where my job security is wrapped around how much my superiors like me.
I want to be self-employed for so many reasons…. How can I keep finding motivation to strive when there will be constant increases in cost of living but no control over the increase in my wage? I want to break this cycle of being a modern day slave to a failing system. I want to work for myself and I believe we can all take part in the dream if we work together.
I have one skill that really sets me apart and my entrepreneurial success is dependent on it…I am an excellent web designer. I can create astoundingly-beautiful interactive websites. I can build them fast days too, and I can do it cheap. If any of you want to take a leap out of monotonous work life and need a website, email me: No one can think straight with that propaganda machine on. You get to pick your new tenants for compatibility.
Again, hopefully a win-win.
Make smart progress and avoid the worst pitfalls.
Let them build your equity, if any. A lot of places now have showers available for bike commuters, and if not, find a place a short drive away from a 24 hour gym. Alternatively, lots of people have spent their days at a tech incubator now springing up all over, or start one yourself and nights in their car. Dicey at times but you do what you have to do. Do it so you can get freedom…, not a millstone around your neck and a demanding, spoiled, materialistic partner…. Look on line for huge amounts of info on this, and YT is loaded with videos too.
He gets brewery remains from the local breweries and coffee grounds from coffee shops, uses that for compost and to feed chickens and worms which are fed to the fish, which make the water that feeds the plants. Full circle, organic, brilliant.

Then he bags up the compost and resells it, and the eggs. All of these jobs are part time and if live-in will include room, board and a pay check. Great way to get into a very tight housing market. Again, look for a win-win situation, best for all concerned. Again, win-win for everybody. Sorry us old people left you with such a mess; if you can think of a way of overthrowing the govt, getting rid of D.
Both those will be more of an education than anything you ever learned in school…. Last but not least, check out this guy: I quit my job and only 6 months later, made more than I used to at my old job. No programs, gimmicks, paying for anything else. This article moved me too.
How to Be a Pimp or a Different Kind of Entrepreneur and It Wasn’T Me!
I have been in the work force for over 25 years. The current job is full time and I have been in over a decade. I have been working with my sister on ideas for our own business. Just the other day, I texted her and asked her to start drawing up an outline for a business plan we could work out.
I ended up in counseling cause of my current job, but, it was a blessing in disguise, along with this article. Thanks a million for sharing and sharing your own experience. Jealousy in the workplace is only too real. Hi Melissa, I went through a very similar scenario a few months ago. Getting fired was probably the best thing that could have happened to you. Adversity seems to bring out the best in successful people. IF you do move out of that corporate job then any chance you want to move to another leading country not third world goes out the window with it.
I hate living in britain, the country is like a soggy newspaper, once held it all, now, not fit for wiping your ass with. Thats how I feel. So after a long time thinking about it, I decided Maybe just moving will give me the get up and go I dont feel here. Without that sucky, stupid corporate crap you will not get that chance to leave this country…. So where would I choose to go? So as much as this article wakes up that passion for my own business it dies when I realise I have to stay here my whole life….
I worked at a call center about 10 years ago, and they started doing some iffy things, like moving all the calls to a certain part of the sales floor. Some of the managers also refused to help a lady on the floor, and one lady who showed up to work late because of a car accident was told that she would be fired if that ever happened again.
Also, a guy I know quit about a year later after I was fired from this company. A co-worker jumped on his lap at a bar over the weekend, and when they came back on Monday, he was accused of sexual harassment. Good luck to you Reem. Hope it all works out for you. You are in trouble. Not because your future is threatened by the idea and pressures of resuming work, but because you have tasted a life of freedom! No slave ever wants to go back to slavery once they get a taste of freedom.
The main thing you must do, among a few, is to psychologically cling to your freedom, Refuse to settle back into a comfy corporate slavery. This is a very important thing. Your self employment is a complete and full road of life. Embrace it, then take tiny small steps forward. All business begins when we can give something of value to a person who wants it enough that they will pay for it.
Your music may be what someone else wants to hear and pay for. Temporarily inspiring, but the missing ingredients are true ambition and a workable concept vs. You can end up working much longer hours to fill gaps that others used to take care of in a company. You might as well be on the side where you can take a day off without having to beg for it a month in advance. I finally found people who see the bleak existence of working their life away. I tried explaining this to friends, every time i get the same reaction.. Was i put on this earth to waste my life at a pointless job?
This is yrs of your life working. What i really want to discuss is how can one travel? How to experience the world and its cultures, explore magnificent places?! Our society is obsessed with money and being a slave to the man. I wish there was a way to live with out it. I have considered opening a business. However, My passion is still there and i will try one day. So glad I found this post, and the great comments. You can see what I write on http: Although it is good old article, i would like to share my thoughts.
Of course you are going to be your own boss. You will try to sell your services to them when they have the good mood to buy or when they have the budget. When customers finally bought your stuff, they will have controls over you in the same manner as corporate bosses have on you. The Death and Life of Rocky the Crab. Seriously Useless Crime Stoppers. The Real Entrepreneur in Me. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long.
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Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Some pimps established quotas for their workers and others fueled competition between their prostitutes. Although the economic downturn pushed down prices, most of those surveyed "shared the sentiment that a high market demand for sex always exists," the study said.
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