

After that, you must place the phone on your forehead and from that moment on you are "transformed" into the word that is showing on the device. Your friends must help you guess what you are answering your questions, doing mimics, start dancing, drawing, singing or whatever they feel might work for you. The person who guesses more words correctly wins! Below you will find some of the available deck categories to choose from: Should I install this free guess the word game?

The answer to this question depends on the type of person you are the type of game you are looking for. If you are looking for a multi-activity game to play with your family and friends, from literally any age, then this free charades game a must-have game for you. If you are looking for a fun way to learn more about new things and increase your general knowledge, then this free charades game can become your best companion. And since this free guess the word game is available for free, there is no harm giving it a try and see the features for yourself.

How to Play the Guessing Game, "Who Am I?" | HobbyLark

We really want to know which is the correct way to write this. You invert the subject and the verb when you ask a question, so the verb comes before the subject in the question "Who am I?

The trap one of you has fallen into is thinking that the "who" means the verb and subject have to be inverted because this is what you do when you ask a question beginning with "who" "Who am I? But subject-verb inversion is done only in questions. Hence "Guess who I am" is the right form. I guess that "guess who I am" is correct because"guess who am I" is more like you asking yourself who you are like in a philosophical sense. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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Guess What I Am

Check out our FAQ below — your question might be answered there! All top-level comments must answer OP's question, answer it accurately , and provide a thoughtful, knowledgeable explanation. It obviously generalizes, and has at-least one nice answer backed by concrete and accessible mathematics. Surprisingly, it even has wide application. You either are unaware, or are forgetting the purpose of the stackexchange sites: As a corollary to this, not all questions irrespective of whether you think they are of wide interest or have any "mathematical" content are on-topic.

These guessing questions definitely fall into that bracket. For such puzzles, maybe puzzling.

The problem with the original question is rather this: Or as digits in a positional system? Or as digits at all? It is precisely this ambiguity which turns a "find a nice function" question to a "guess what I'm thinking" question. On a different perspective. Quoting from this meta post: Your answer is a good candidate for the generalized question.

For instance, consider this question: Yes, every special case might have some surprising solution, but that would imply that we never close any questions as abstract dupes. I see that meta post you link as more as a "do not be hostile to such question asker" rather than "allow guess the number to be open". In fact, that meta post seems to agree that linking to a generic question with excellent answers is a good idea and by implication, perhaps closing as dupe.

Note that closing questions as dupe is definitely not an hostile act. I would also like to mention that guess the number questions which provide context like: Saying that there is more than one answer is quite different from saying every answer is equally valid, and therefore the question is not worth thinking about. There is a -- partly subjective -- concept of complexity of a function, and the asker of such a question wants to fit a function of low complexity to the given data.

Or do you say: The point I wished to make was: I don't want to close such questions either.

How to Play

My point is that I don't think "any arbitrary number qualifies as an answer" is a satisfactory answer. The search for a model with few parameters that can match the observations is a nontrivial task.

Welcome to Reddit,

It may be that there is no unique best model, but some will be better than others -- consequently, some answers will be better than others. Your example is irrelevant to the point of this meta thread.

Want to add to the discussion?

In your example, you are working on a combinatorial problem, so you have a context right there, and would actually make a fine question on this site. Aryabhata The number of parameters in a model is not something subjective. Let's drop the context from my example: Yes it is subjective. Coming from a CS background, I prefer polynomials: If you have anything which will make the question less subjective, add it to the question!

I think this spikedmath. I agree with Aryabhata here: If the sequence come from some sort of Ramsey theory number, I might expect the number to increase much faster than exponentially, and believe that the apparent exponential growth is just an irregularity at small number.

If I am doing counting on a structure with obvious self-similarity, an exponential growth could be expected. Integer sequences without context is something you can merely conjectured on, and there are no standards to judge the answer. About the question I answered, OP did find a simple expression for the next term, but "BUT this is not the correct answer" quoting OP was his conclusion on finding that it didn't match the answer as per book.

Guess What I Am (Reading Together)

Don't you think in this case "any arbitrary answer qualifies as an answer" is satisfactory as this brings confidence to OP to accept that his relation also qualifies as an 'answer'? I would not be satisfied with "any arbitrary number qualifies", because I expect an answer to be supported by a formula with low complexity relative to the size of data set.

This requirement is basically an unwritten rule of all such puzzles. Depending on the quality of the puzzle, it may not identify a clear winner; still, some answers will be clearly better than others. This site is for discussion about Mathematics Stack Exchange.

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