Dont Smile Until December, and Other Myths About Classroom Teaching
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Alle prijzen zijn inclusief BTW en andere heffingen en exclusief eventuele verzendkosten en servicekosten. Samenvatting Teaching is a complex profession, made more complex by many of the myths about teaching told by teachers themselves.
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This lively new book by veteran teacher educator Peggy Deal Redman identifies eight of the most powerful and longstanding myths about classroom teaching, and explains the classroom realities too often hidden by the myths. Explore the real truth about such myths as Good teachers are born, not made ; Good teachers don't make mistakes ; Teaching is a dead end job ; They can't learn, they belong to special education, and more.
Each chapter explores the reality behind the myth against the backdrop of today's professional learning communities, where teachers and teacher leaders know that every child can learn and that every teacher is a lifelong learner who grows through caring, collaboration, and reflection. | Don't Smile Until December, and Other Myths About Classroom Teaching | |
All chapters include classroom stories, reflective questions, how-to tips and strategies, and inspirational quotations. In the words of Peggy Redman, Smile as early on and as often as you can to build a healthy classroom climate. Toon meer Toon minder. Recensie s Each chapter stands alone, which makes them a handy resource for a quick reference or re-read I loved all the references and quotes--good resources for additional information The author's voice is clear and comes from a deep set of values and beliefs that should be heard by contemporary teachers in training and by practicing teachers.
This would be especially good reading for students and new teachers who are bound to hear some of these sage myths from sage teachers as they begin their careers. She has created a top-notch learning environment for teacher educators that is both rigorous and fulfilling.
It just doesn't get any better than this. The author uses simple yet profound examples, which make for an easy yet meaningful read. Peggy Deal Redman is a living treasure. To give you some idea of her influence: Teaching is NOT "just a job," but a special legacy. This book reminds us of that, and shows us several concrete ways to nurture the joy of learning in our own hearts, and by extension, in our students' hearts as well.
Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Discusses misconceptions about teaching and pushes the reader to consider the pros and cons of the profession before they make the jump. See all 3 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. Customers who viewed this item also viewed.
Thank You for Your Service. Powerful Classroom Stories from Accomplished Teachers.
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Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources. Routines are certainly important, as any classroom management reference will advise you.
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Sometimes, too much predictability can result in boredom — which often leads to misbehavior. In elementary schools, where students usually stay in the same classroom most of the day, these opportunities to exercise their limbs are especially important. In fact, according to this article based on a study done in the Netherlands, doing both at the same time can actually increase learning. At the very least, demanding that students remain in their seats for long stretches of time will certainly lead to classroom management issues from students desperate to combat boredom and sleep.
Learning stations are another way to ensure that students get to move around during class. Here is a good example of cell phone rules for the classroom, which can also apply to other digital devices: Some of us taught back in the day when noise in the classroom was perceived negatively.
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But times have changed. If you reflect on your own experiences, you will probably agree that your most engaging learning experiences in and out of school have been ones in which you actually had a part and a voice. The most frustrating, which are often the ones that create difficult classroom management challenges, are the activities in which you have no control or choice.
Noisy rooms may not always be signs of great teaching, but they definitely are not automatic indicators of poor management, and can often be just the opposite.
Don't Smile Until December, and Other Myths About Classroom Teaching
Following these suggestions is a great start, and will certainly minimize disruptions, but there will be some deeper issues that will need to be addressed with individual students. If you have already established an environment of trust and respect you will have a much easier time convincing them to make some changes. Understanding the reasons for their misbehavior is essential see the chart in this article by Robert and Jana Marzano for common reasons and helpful strategies , but relationships are just as vital.
Strategies for reacting to poor conduct vary with each student based on his or her misbehavior. The important things to remember when you react are: