Der kleine Vampir liest vor (German Edition)
A few years later I was lucky and met such a traveller myself. Of course I was a bit shy in the beginning, but the lady was such a nice and friendly person that I actually found the courage to talk to her. After that I had to consider there might be some truth in her stories. As I am the adventurous type, I decided to find out myself and after many months of careful preparation I started an expedition to the South.
It was not easy, but I finally made it to regions my great-great-grandfather may not even have dreamed of. Now you need a lot of strength, RenaRd; I'm not sure whether you really want to continue reading this! It is true, there are people who speak and write like that and they insist they speak German! Comment but wouldn't have expected it in a book translation I am sorry, Sachs, I forgot to comment on that aspect.
Maybe, the translator belonged to the pluricentric camp, advocating the existence of a standard southern German. My German is as pure poor? Hihi, nice story, harambee!
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No, it's not writing but speaking. No, it's not the article plus family name but plus forename the diva-attitude. And yes, I recognise a lie when I read one! I'm a frequent traveller, too. I know there are different dialects and, furthermore, different people. I've been warned to go to Cologne for example! But why should I go there? I asked someone to write it down for me. You claim you had been to the south: I'm so anxious to hear more about it!
Are the people are they human at all? How did you survive then? Last but not least: How can I be sure about you? Can I trust a man using a nick nobody is able to understand? Gotta leave now for the Bochum-tribe. That's a real challenge at this time of the day with all those oxcarts on the Ruhrschleichweg Und wie hast du Mut gefasst, in ein anderes Land zu reisen? Hier scheint die Sonne. In der Nacht hat es aber geregnet. WIr haben "nur" ,8 Zoll bekommen, aber in Lansing hat es gegossen: Ein bisschen zu viel auf einmal.
Comment Amy, in German you can't say ",x" if you mean "0. In spoken German, it's the same. It's nice to hear that it's sunny where you are! I hope your day is bright in the metaphorical sense, as well: Comment Und wie hast du Mut gefasst, in ein anderes Land zu reisen? You know, there was that lady and I wanted to impress her. So I was blind to the dangers awaiting me ;- Are the people are they human at all? Also a good question, RenaRd! Fortunately I had brought curly kale with pinkel and they loved it!
That shows once again: Good preparation can increase your survival chances significantly. Comment So, harambee, did the man-eaters not eat you because they were grateful for the kale and pinkel, or did they not eat you because they were full from your gift? Or is this love story a tragic one? Please say there was a happy ending. In real life, I like sad endings significantly less than in literature. Comment curly kale with pinkel Ah!
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Long time no eat! Comment shhh, did you really get the impression that I'm one to kiss and tell? Comment Aw, come on, harambee. I don't want the juicy details, I just want you to tell me that there are happy endings in this world ;- Not that kind of happy ending, if that's what you think. Why, did you kiss them, too?
Comment Oh yes, one has to bury tragedies deep inside When you don't do it I have to! Comment shhh, don't worry, there are happy endings in this world, there must be! Yes, she is happy now and that is the most important thing, isn't it? You did not take all that at face value, did you? You couldn't as you all know that I'm a very down-to-earth person who would never leave his home planet for long! Comment I take everything at face value. I don't even know how to spell "joke" ;-.
Comment Way to go, shhh! Great to follow your funny battle of words! Do you still would like to have some rain? Comment I learned a new word: In both languages; the German - Weihwasserwedel - was new to me too and doesn't sound very respectful, I have to say. It's from the game that I mentioned earlier an app ; they also had lots of words where you weren't sure what to look for - pipe: Or even a person?
And I had to save the girl and get the bad guy, of course. I finished last night and downloaded another one immediately, which I'm going to look at in a minute. I think I'm regressing; I never had a Nintendo or Gameboy or anything, so now I'm doing what people normally do in their teens. Temperatures dropped about twenty degrees within a few hours today. I cycled to work in bright sunshine in a skirt, t-shirt and sandals at midday and then took the dog in Wellies, jeans, jumper and a Mac at 4.
What is going on? Maybe it was Lucy, sending her rain to other people. Comment No Gibson, I didn't! Only on request ;-. Comment How in the world did you guys know that there was juice involved? I had forgotten it myself, but thanks to your reminders I can now tell you: It was pineapple juice and it was served in a carafe: I will go offline, that's probably a good first step: And we may also have lost Gibson. Such games can be addictive! Sehr interessant auch zwischen den Zeilen. Gibson , dein Spiel erinnert mich an etwas, das die Piplinge oft gespielt haben - "Fishdom".
Manchmal haben wir alle wild herumgeklickt, nur um am Bild herauszufinden, was das komische Wort wohl sein konnte.

Comment Back from my short holiday in Landshut and unfortunately too busy at the moment to read all you racing snails contributed in the last few days I'm at least trying to follow the slime trace again from now on Isn't an attitude a behaviour, the way you act, and not a name given by the press? However, I couldn't express a special behaviour in another way so I lent this term from some of the above postings.
As mentionerd above already: When being interviewed on TV or radio most people - Bavarians and Austrians are excused, of course! I'm cool, ain't I? Who invented this term, btw?. Nice to have you back again. Comment Hi RenaRd - I just passed by and your posting aroused my interest! The declination at the end of the nouns in Old High German was delegated to the articles they were developping out of the demonstrative pronouns.
As names were declined, too and some are until today: Christi Himmelfahrt, Martinimarkt, Georgiritt, St. Pauli, Marienplatz names took the article, too. Evidently that was a little bit strange for some of the Northerners like other forms of MHG that have survived in southern dialects and vernacular who had to learn High German as a foreign language and apparently it's not usual until today. In my ears a first name without article sounds hard and harsh, almost reserved - specifically in situations when people are introducing themselves.
I'm new here and I'd like to improve my English. Welcome in here, have fun, write something so the English native speakers can offer you corrections!
PISA at DIPF — en
Would you like to share a few things about yourself? We are a curious lot in here, well, at least some of us - including me - and we ask all our new members for their credit card number, shoe size, and - if that's ok with you - whereabouts you live. Comment manni3 Thanks for the excoursion into the past. I guess, it will help to minimise my aversion Your profile doesn't show the area you live in - you are German? You asked for Alien's credit card number. I don't want to be a grinch but, what is it good for when we don't know his current account balance?
We should keep that in mind! I ain't the rookie anymore! Who's going to polish your shoes henceforth?? Comment Well, we could always overdraw, couldn't we? Comment I'm feeling flattered, I really do! But you know I'm flail now and crooked after all those bows and kowtows. I'm convinced that aliens will do a hell of a job You just have to take care when aliens start to present their toch-light-finger saying: Make this shell their home!
Maybe the better question: Which is your home planet? We can even handle two rookies. A little Sunday outing to the Solling mountains. The sky was blue, the sun was shining. Thick white clouds moved southwest, but the thin ones higher up moved Northeast. We stayed for a rest at a restaurated peat bog. The cotton grass displayed its little woolly balls. A raven flew by And then, virtually in the middle of nowhere, there was this information board providing yet another piece of evidence in favour of the 'seiner'-hypothesis: Comment Emil, what is the "seiner"-Hypothese?
I did not see a raven, but a lot of cyclists there was some charity event on the local trail and two bald eagles on the hunt they caught a fish.
Oh, and are there cuckoos in the US? I saw today a bird that may or may not have been a young cuckoo, being fed by a bird that was clearly smaller; so I wondered if the young one was a cuckoo. Dein Satz "But you know I'm flail now I'm f r ail now, oder? Schaut jemand die NBA-Finale? Na ja, im Deutschen ruft man Kuckuck! Thank you, Amy, I think it was neither a roadrunner I always thought they looked more like ostriches, but I only know the roadrunner from the tv show: It actually looked a bit like an old world cuckoo. No NBA here, I am not even sure if the B stands for baseball or basketball as you are talking about the finals I would say basketball, I think the baseball season only just began.
Aber manche Kuckucke wohnen bei so kleinen Pflegeeltern, dass ich manchmal staune, dass sie nicht die Eltern essen. Vorhin beim Schummeln in Leo gefunden: Benutzt das jemand so? Now I only have to figure out why the young bird was grey and black and the parent brownish: Regarding "sich aufplustern" I looked up to vapor and came to this definition: Nice one, Dixie ;-. Comment Always read it as " leer hirnig" so far.
But I might have been misreading it because that seemed more logical WK, where are you - tell us more about the occasional state of your brain!
The Little Vampire in Despair
Comment Clearly, I am leerhirnig. Logging off now before I write similar nonesense in my client emails. Comment Nee, nee, Dixie , ich hatte nicht bezweifelt, dass du einen richtigen Kuckuck gesehen hast - du hast ja auch geschrieben, dass er wir ein "old world cuckoo" aussah. Es war das "aufplustern", das ich da nicht so verstanden habe. How was your weekend? Unfortunately, I was ill on Saturday, so no art for me on that day: We had a reading with my authors' club, too, which was moderately successful i. And our book is available now! Is there an emoticon for shameless self-promotion?
Comment Self-promotion - where? I can see neither a book title or the name of the author s nor an IBSN number, so you definitely have to improve your advertising strategy. Summer's here too - but two weeks after almost winterly temperatures I'm not sure if I really like it. Obviously we lost a season, there was no spring anywhere. Isn't it funny how a brain works: When writing the above sentence I was about to write an abstract of "The unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry". In chapter 26 Harold is "flailing with an axe on his garden shed".
So, when I wanted to write frail my fingers typed flail again. You want to point out that it is slang? That's just a fall-back: For some years in the past I was dealing with companies in African countries. And though most of the chiefs were able to speak BE perfectly, we loved to speak pigeon English [I ain't cheat you Mista, notattall!
Ain't got no room with eyeglasses to the sea! Fenster mit Meerblick ]. Hence I like to intersperse "such stuff" from time to time. I'll try to obstain from doing it too often And furthermore I seem to remember a connection with "I'm tired" or so Comment Oh, I think there were a few days of spring here and there, but they were few and far between You're right, I'm really bad at self-promotion: But I'm so ridiculously proud, because I think it's beautiful: I was about to write an abstract of "The unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry".
I have given it a try, but so far it's failed to capture my attention. I'll give it a few more pages before passing judgment, though. Slang can be fine, at times and under the right circumstances when in Rome But to each his own, I guess I use it so seldom I even forgot how to write it It would be like throwing pearls before swines so to say. But here in the CC I can talk frankly, test my skills, play with words a bit - as long as I pull myself together. I don't know much about birds and just found another topic BTW, what should I think of a site offering this sloppy example: My boss is contantly critising me!
Comment Hier ist das Wetter toll. No more school for you until September? School lasts here a few more days. Comment This is going to be the hottest day of the year so far.
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Water the tomatoes, then take a rest in the cellar. No, I am not watching the NBA finals. But I am trying to keep informed. I, too, keep my fingers crossed for the Spurs. I hope they will take the title tonight. If not, game 7 will be very, very hard. The seiner-hypothesis proposed by myself predicts two things: In fact, the seiner-hypothesis is just another way of saying that there may be a lot of nonsense in the Duden.
Yesterday, I was in a forest and I saw a couple of wrens scurrying along a moss-covered fallen tree trunk like mice. Probably a family - although I'm not sure, whether they were led by a parental bird. It is very dark inside the forest once the canopy has closed, about as dark as on a very dull day in the open. No sign of a wren family at home this year.
Und ein kleines Komma ist vom Platz abgewandert: No I am not watching Das liegt auf einem erheblich niedrigeren Niwo als Umgangssprache, eher wie Kanaksprache oder so. Toi toi toi, nur ein Mal noch Comment Thank you, hm -- us, for the corrections. No, the article is deeply imprinted on my germanic mind.
Brain wash from Mannheim. People will probably keep asking me just how I managed to move that comma to the new place without letting it leave the old one, hihi. However, I would opt for "einmal" in both cases. Maybe, someone else will look it up in that Duden book? There are conical glass rain gauges on the web, alas, prices are in pounds sterling.
It ain't necessarily so Re - I was one of the idiots who kept the "Six-Gear" thread alive for so long - and I'm still proud of it! Comment Guten Abend, Wolfman. Einen Regenmesser aus dem UK importieren, hmm. Comment shhh, I think you have every reason to be proud, your book looks very professionally made and I agree it's beautiful.
It must be great to hold the finished work finally in your hands. And of course you'd advertise it everywhere, how else are you going to be the next 'Shades of Grey'?
Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
But it's amazing and sad what people will steal. I'm sorry you lost something pretty and hard to replace.
Absurd bit of news of the day: An 8-year-old student in Baltimore has been suspended for biting bits off his pop-tart until it resembled a gun. And just so the anti-gun people are not the only ones looking as if they need their heads examined, some other people then got the boy a lifetime membership for the NRA. It looks like you really hate it! I know I'm herr to improve. And I love to be corrected and asdmire your linguistic skills, hm. But here's a matter I can not agree with for the following reason: When I started chatting I found this CC without knowing any rules at all and soon found myself in a quarrel with Goldammer about one word: I guess every snail remembers that It started because I felt that "der wo, das wo" etc.
Only "certain" people of lower education would say "Der wo da geht" etc. I'm still shivering every time I hear it but with a smile now. Because I'm living in Swabia now, where this phrase is often used. It's dialect, not ignorance, I've been told. And with regard to kanak sprak TurkGerman: I think it is funny, worth making jokes of. I've always associated "ain't" with Afro-Americans, with Harlem. And with a lot of jazz-standards, with Alicia Keys and Nina Simone as well.
But asking Wiki I found films, folk songs and more using the "ain't". All these people didn't care about to appear appearing? Your harsh words made me feel you not only wanted to keep me away from a term that would make me look stupid Comment Oh, thank you, Gibson! And the travelling expenses don't really count toward the price of the rain gauge, because you'd get a nice time in Europe for that money, too.
I can see no downsides ;- But if that is out of the question, I hope you'll find something in the US. It's a real pity your old gauge was stolen, especially as that doesn't even sound like something someone would steal out of need but rather just to be an a- erm, a brat: Of course, you could try to only communicate in song; I guess then it's fine, even with hm--us ;- Do you have a good singing voice?
However, it might be a bit bothersome in a forum. You'd have to record your song-post, upload it to a filesharing service and then post the link in the thread - it seems my idea is not that good after all Maybe you just shouldn't listen to me ;-. Comment That was close - minus three in overtime. Now some Texas magic is needed. Aber du gibst oft Kontra, und das kann ich einfach nicht nachvollziehen.
Ich habe mit meiner Schwester gesprochen und es so orchestriert, dass ich von meiner Familie doch einen k Ich freue mich riesig. Comment shhh , ich stimme Gibson zu - euer Buch sieht wirklich wunderbar aus und mir gefallen die Illustrationen sehr gut. Comment A few small correcturitos for Lara: There are other solutions, but someting is missing in the original sentence.
Und dreieinhalb Wochen bis zu meinem Urlaub. Comment Hi, Lara Chu, "komma bei mich bei"! And probably no ENS would understand what is meant by this apart from the literal errors. May I offer some correcturitos? Nice example with the Hessian greeting! Edith waves cordially to harambee - nice double post! Comment I've always associated "ain't" with Afro-Americans, with Harlem. I don't have that association at all. In the UK, it's clearly working class language; in the US, it's a bit more complicated, in that it is also used in rural parts in casual conversation. That said, it's a difficult issue, I think, and probably best avoided by foreigners like us.
There is one notable exception for some fixed phrases like "Ain't seen nothing yet" or "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Sure, you can do that you can also use "ain't" in a hillbilly joke , but would you speak it yourself, or encourage learners of German to do so? I know I wouldn't. I'd probably say "eingerichtet". I was aware of using a middle-class maybe lower-class term. I grew up in of? Everytime I welcome a friend with the words: We don't mind using "lower class"-speech from time to time.
We know we can do better. There are other limits in what I say! I rarely swear anyway and was surprised there is a thread dealing with "Fluchen in der Fremdsprache". Ain't was used freely by educated speakers in some geographical areas as late as the turn of the twentieth century. For Victorian English novelists William Makepeace Thackeray and Anthony Trollope the educated and upper classes in 19th century England could use ain't freely, but in familiar speech only. Comment Ich habe fertig. Comment Lara, whatevber it is: Let me add a few sentences to my I needed so long writing seartching for the appropriate words which wouldn't harm anybody that I missed five postings saying am I right?
A non-native speaker shuld not use native dialect or lower-class-speech. Lucy, you know where I'm from "Kommse auch in mein' Hoff? I know that it will sound strange when a "Non-NS" would try to pronounce it. But, to speak frankly, if hm or Amy would ever write it, I would think: It's not wrong but only idiomatic in the Ruhrpott. Comment I somehow liked "orchestriert" and decided against correcting it. Comment Or, in perfect Denglish: Lara, will you remind us where you were going to for your holidays?
Will your birthday be before or after? I'm asking to know if the ereader will join you on your trip. Comment "komma bei mich bei" I wouldn't understand it either. Ain't was in my English lessons book, many years ago and it wasn't marked as to avoid it. It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing. But you could guess, couldn't you? This is where I found myself: It is used in both speech and writing to catch attention see: Comment I do love "Machse mich ma'n Karo?
Comment Renard, did you read the complete explanation on ain't in the M-W article? As it pretty much confirms what the ENS try to explain to you - that it is used in certain expressions, but otherwise should be avoided. RenaRd , hast du zwei Wohnsitze?
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Oder verstehe ich da etwas nicht richtig? Comment Pippa re RenaRd's residences: Comment Goldammer, so hatte ich das auch verstanden, bis ich 92 gelesen habe. Comment Oh wow, I just got an email from the company management - we have hitzefrei today: The only difference to school is that in school, we didn't have to use overtime for this: Does this concept even exist in English-speaking countries? I guess that also depends on climate - what are your experiences, dear ENS?
I'd be interested to hear about this. Renard, did you read the complete explanation on I preferred to quote the part that I liked best. But, as I stated before: I don't mind to intersperse a lower class-term. If I'm asked to in an acceptable way I'd avoid the term henceforth. Since it was no "dirty" word the f-word e. Do you stop doing something at once just because one! Anyway, when somebody tells me "stop doing so" which is not a little correcturito in my opinion the person has to accept my continuative question: You should really try the language lab Are you sure you were willing to say what I do understand when reading the paragraph?
Are you really saying "Go to the lab where the underpreveleged people of lower value are debating"? I can't believe it! That was a satiric reply to harambee's satiric Some might know by now that I was living in Dortmund for a long time. He did as if I didn't knew about dialects and I joined the game. The most beautiful animal songs. The children's University - Thunder and lightning Bats. Drama CD Walt Disney - the original radio drama for the film. Benjamin as a forester. We will dispatch the product after receiving the money. We will do so too.
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At least I got a little taste of the potential workflow. Let me know how the mdd to blender and fluids works for you, strongly advice to use blender 2. Then sending to blender by mdd baking, then painting a weightmap around the main break area with blenders weight paint.. Saving out the simulation as vdb uncompressed.