Dark Awakening (Crimson City)
While the various factions decide what to do, Gia and Tajo hide from assassins and quietly begin falling in love. But, can love conquer all? Will Gia and Tajo have their happily-ever-after or is it back to Dumont Tower for this fetching furry girl?
See a Problem?
Over all, I really liked this story. This was no different, and I would expect no less from Liz Maverick, the writer who created his series. The second story, DX by Carolyn Jewel, had a lot less bite. Although the idea behind this story is very good, the plot has holes and the character development is fairly one-dimensional. The story centers around bounty hunter Hell Marshall falling head over heels for Jaden Lightfeather, a Demon posing as a a federal agent.
Jaden, of course, has a dark secret. Milo is hiding a great deal and just about everyone else is lying, evading the truth, or has a secret identity. This is definitely the weakest story in the anthology. The third tale, School Bites by Jade Lee, is sardonic and darkly humorous with a good deal of steam and my favorite in the anthology. The only downfall that I can see is Kimi's mention of her virginity on more than one occasion, yet neither Kimi nor Nic mention it again.
Good, quick read with lots of sexy tension. May 14, Dren rated it liked it. This is my first entry into this series and this book interests me enough that I want to read the first novel in the series. If you're looking for a something quick and interesting, pick this one up.
Mar 06, Lyndsey rated it it was amazing. Although this was a very short read, it was well written with a great plot. I would've loved to have a longer story just to flesh out more of the relationship, especially at the end. Overall, though, very good short story on a newer take on demons.

Recommended for a fast read. Sep 28, Michelle rated it liked it Shelves: I haven't read any of this series but I have been wanting to try it so I thoght I'd give this novella a try to see if I liked the writing style. I did enjoy it but I know I would like it more if I had read them in order. Mar 30, SheLove2Read rated it it was ok Shelves: One of my favorite authors but I didn't feel like this was her best work. Mar 27, Arthetta Rodgers rated it really liked it.
Kind of erotic which I like and the storyline was really good. Apr 25, Steph marked it as to-read Shelves: Shards of Crimson ]; on-hand TBR ].
- Advanced Healing: Energy Discussions for Leading Lightworkers;
- Dark Awakening.
- Works (11)?
- Crimson City.
- Markt der Visionen oder Illusionen - Der Arbeitsmarkt im Hinblick auf die Berufswahl von Jugendlichen heute (German Edition)?
- Crimson City Series in Order - - FictionDB.
Apr 13, Marj rated it liked it Shelves: Mar 04, Mara rated it it was ok Shelves: I've read this novella a few hours ago. I can't remember much of it. It's a short romance set in a world probably explained somewhere else. I can't say I cared about the characters. Apr 14, ms bookjunkie rated it it was ok Shelves: Apr 02, W rated it really liked it. I'd like to read more about these characters. Mar 30, Melindeeloo rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a kindle freebie, that is a reissue of a story from Shards of Crimson, a collection of Crimson City shorts. Sep 24, Julie rated it it was ok Shelves: Length of story let it down.
And as the other Crimson stories are short ones, I don't think I will bother. Liked the Demon and witch idea. Apr 15, Amanda rated it really liked it Shelves: Rhonda rated it really liked it Jul 31, Starr rated it it was ok Aug 06, Stephanie rated it it was ok Dec 30, Stephanie allen rated it it was amazing Jan 13, Ruby rated it liked it May 19, Merideth Doss rated it liked it Apr 17, Rene Beddingfied rated it really liked it Mar 14, KitKat rated it really liked it May 23, Preview — Shards of Crimson by Liz Maverick. Patti O'Shea Goodreads Author. Carolyn Jewel Goodreads Author.
Jade Lee Goodreads Author. Its been said there's no such thing as quiet here. Ever since the metropolis first became home to paranormals, discord was named queen. But who will be her king vampires, werewolves, demons or men? One thing remains sure: This land is a battleground and conflict is eternal. Yet there are those who join together strangers, enemies, lovers.
Here, one silken caress can be deadlier than a bullet, but some still know joy. For darkness can become light, and in one sharp instant pain can become ecstasy, and hatred, love. Mass Market Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Shards of Crimson , please sign up.
Lists with This Book. Mar 15, Gina rated it really liked it Shelves: I thought all four stories were pretty good. Each one had characters that were secondary characters in the other novels in the series. Each one different, but all had action, inner turmoils and excellent, erotic love scenes.
- Series: Crimson City.
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- Shards of Crimson (Crimson City, #7) by Liz Maverick?
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A Time to Howl by Liz Maverick: I thought this was great. What started out as a spur of the moment kidnapping turns into an excellent l I want more! What started out as a spur of the moment kidnapping turns into an excellent love story. I was disappointed, though, but not because of the story. I want Jill and Marius! Please, oh please, Ms. I need Jill and Marius. Right at the beginning, the page just before the title page, Liz wrote: This novel had been published in January The suspense is killing me here! Not bad, but not the greatest.
This one was delightful! I really liked how Toni and John fumbled with each other, turned to each other, trusted each other, helped one another. Each one strong in their beliefs, even when they change. I thought the story was a great change to the usual fighting and will to survive. The had a point to push across and I loved how that played out in the story. Even though fiction, we can learn from this one, and it was a pleasant surprise. Oh, I really enjoyed this one. I truly love how Kimi and Nic come together and win against the odds, just the two of them.
Their love blossoms, and the reader can feel it.
Dark Awakening by Patti O'Shea
I love how they team up to beat the bad guy, and no matter how scared she was, she did what she had to, to keep Nic alive. I need Jill and Marius! Jul 02, Doris rated it liked it. It had echoes of Aladdin, as in the cartoon of the same name, but with a great twist.
Shards of Crimson
The two primary people in the story were first read in June The four stories in Shards of Crimson, from current female fantasy writers, are interesting and themed together in a way that strongly reminded me of Thieves' World, especially when they started straying from the storyline into a highly explicit recount. The two primary people in the story were both werewolves, one a sheltered princess, the other a rogue street walker, both with something missing in their lives.
It was very well told, and the explicit scenes were very tastefully handled in a way that added to the storyline rather than, as so many do, abruptly jarring you out.