Angelic Tales of The Universe. Tale 14. The Gathering of The Now
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Edgar Allan Poe 3. Just My Luck 3. Sarah Connor Chronicles 3. No More Heroes 3. Sarah Jane Adventures 3. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog 3. Picture of Dorian Gray 3. Alchemists of Al-Revis 3. Protector of the Small Quartet 3. It was the first part of a two-part story. It saw the return of the enigmatic woman of the Doctor's future, River Song , and the Weeping Angels. Throughout the episode, hints are given about River's relationship with the Doctor in his personal future. It also showed the purpose the Church will serve in the 51st century.
The enigmatic River Song hurtles back into the Eleventh Doctor 's life, but she's not the only familiar face returning — the Weeping Angels are back! Following River's calling card, the Doctor is recruited to help track down the last of the Angels, which has escaped from the Byzantium starliner and into the terrifying Maze of the Dead.
A man spins dazedly in a green field on a sunny day. There is a lipstick smear on his mouth. He is approached by two armed guards and a man in evening clothes. He tells them what a beautiful day it is. The man wipes the hallucinogenic lipstick off, revealing the dazed guard is actually standing in the metallic corridor of a spaceship. He states grimly, "She's here. Elsewhere in the ship, a woman in high heels blasts through a steel door with a firearm ; behind it, is a room with a black box suspended in the centre.
She changes the gun's settings, and uses it as a torch , burning a message onto the box's face. Meanwhile, twelve thousand years later , the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond explore the Delirium Archive , the final resting place of the Headless Monks. The Doctor promised to take her to a planet next, and the museum is on an asteroid. She wonders why they are at a museum while the Doctor announces that most of the displays are "wrong" until coming to one that he says is "one of mine".
Amy deduces that this is how he keeps score. The Doctor is fascinated by the box seen earlier. He says it's a home box , which works like an aeroplane's black box except it homes. He says the message scrawled on the box is for him. It is written in Old High Gallifreyan. Amy asks what the message says, and the Doctor exasperatedly replies, "Hello, sweetie. Getting a visual, he sees River Song smiling at the camera. Changing the footage, River is now cornered in front of an airlock by the man in evening clothes and two guards.
She explains coolly she needed to see what was in the vault and warns them that the ship will not reach its destination. Meanwhile, River tells the men they'd better find something to hold on to. They grab for handholds as alarms sound, and the airlock blows open. She flies inside, knocking the Doctor to the floor. Surprised to see her again , the Doctor greets her. But the Byzantium 's getting away. River yells "Follow that ship! As River takes over the piloting, the Doctor sits down and complains about the "blue boringers".
River says she had lessons from the very best. The Doctor looks smug until she adds, "A shame you were busy that day. River announces that she's plotted all possible landing locations, and, with a soft thud, that she's parked the TARDIS next to the Byzantium. River replies that it only makes that sound because he leaves the brakes on, though he insists it's a brilliant noise.
The Doctor, grumbling, opens the door — despite River's warnings that they must do environmental checks — and announces they have landed on Alfava Metraxis , which has an oxygen -rich atmosphere , an eleven-hour day, and a chance of rain later. River sneers, "He thinks he's so hot when he does that. He tells Amy that River is his future, and can run away from it if he wishes to, but Amy reminds him that he promised her a planet and insists on spending 5 minutes there.
The Doctor reluctantly accepts, though insists River is not dragging them into anything. Happy to learn that she'll be a professor one day, Rivers states her trademark, " spoilers "; the Doctor is annoyed he just gave away foreknowledge. River asks the Doctor to boost the signal of her radio with his sonic screwdriver , so that she can use it as a homing beacon for reinforcements in orbit.
She also mentions there was one survivor of the crash, something that can never die; she notes that "now he's listening". She produces her diary , and asks the Doctor where she's landed in his timeline. The Doctor orders Amy to keep away from it, as it is "Her past, my future". Before River can read off any past adventures, four men in combat uniform teleport in and approach them. Their leader, Father Octavian , is rather cross; River had promised him an army. However, she corrects him, saying that she promised the equivalent of an army.
He takes back his complaint once introduced to the Doctor. They then reveal their enemy. Turning to the Doctor, River asks him what he knows of the Weeping Angels. River calls them to a drop-ship to show them footage of the Weeping Angel they're chasing. It is a four-second clip on a loop. The Doctor and River explain the nature of the Weeping Angel to Amy and Father Octavian, including their quantum-lock defence mechanism ; the Doctor also briefly recounts his previous encounter with the Weeping Angels on Earth.
The Angel that they're after had been patient and feigned dormancy since it was discovered. All but Amy depart the drop-ship as River offers the Doctor a book about the Angels ; he reads the whole book in seconds. He is perplexed; something is missing, but he doesn't know what.
While the others make plans, Amy is left with nothing to do. Looking back at the tape, she realises the Weeping Angel has changed its position slightly. When she asks River if she has more than one clip of the Angel, River says no, it's just the one. When Amy looks back, the Angel has moved again; it now faces the camera with its arms spread out.
The door behind her shuts without her noticing. Amy tries to turn off the television , but it quickly switches back on. She then tries and fails to unplug it. When she looks back up, though, the Angel's face has filled the screen. She tries to leave, but the door won't budge. She looks back again to find the Angel is now baring its fangs at her.
Threadgold was also skeptical whether Whedon's decision to share writing duties with comics-novice Andrew Chambliss would bode well for the series. Some critics felt the series had improved on Season Eight ' s relative failures. Scherl felt Season Eight "was too big, too grand in scale and scope, and while the characters were still the ones we know and love, there was something lost in not letting them be in situations that suit who they are.
Media attention was raised by Buffy's apparent pregnancy and decision to get an abortion during issues Much critical attention to Buffy's decision was mainly positive, with Comic Book Resources' Kelly Thompson saying "The people in charge of this book -- creators, editors and behind-the-scenes puppet masters that's you, Joss Whedon -- deserve huge credit for tackling the sensitive and controversial subject of abortion with unflinching honesty and realism.
In a review of the top comics of , Comic Book Resources' Kelly Thompson cited the abortion storyline as her rationale for including Season Nine on the list, at number 73, saying: Rebekah Isaacs , the artist of the series, said in an interview, "[The fans have] still been really supportive, even when the criticism is negative. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Art by Jo Chen. Retrieved March 25, Finale Scott Allie Interview ". Retrieved April 3, Retrieved May 8, Retrieved August 20, Retrieved January 1, Retrieved March 10, Retrieved April 2, Retrieved January 10, Retrieved August 7, Major Announcements Hit Diamond Summit".
Retrieved October 14, Retrieved October 11, Retrieved December 9, Welcome to the Team TPB". Retrieved September 23, Retrieved January 16, Retrieved January 29, Retrieved June 30, Death and Consequences TPB". Retrieved August 23, Retrieved January 31, Retrieved September 19, A world without magic, but not without problems. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine 1". Archived from the original on October 4, Retrieved January 11, Archived from the original on October 31, Retrieved October 31, Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics.
The Origin Viva Las Buffy!
I Am Avacyn
List of Buffyverse comics. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Canon Index Joss Whedon Awards. Buffering the Vampire Slayer podcast Fan productions. Academia Cast and crew Filming locations In popular culture. Retrieved from " https: Use mdy dates from November Title pop Infobox comic book title param addpubcat Parameter noimage in use. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 3 November , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Jeff Parker Christos Gage. Season 8 ended with a bang when Buffy cut the world off from the hell dimensions and all supernatural influence. Except Buffy has left her best friend, Willow, powerless, and ended the long line of vampire slayers, leaving her hated by the hundreds of girls who recently stood behind her.
Newly relocated to San Francisco, Buffy can count on a fresh start, and focus on what she's good at—slaying. Joss Whedon and Andrew Chambliss. Buffy continues her nightly patrols while trying to cobble together a sensible life Willow's adopted a new look, while Dawn and Xander celebrate the comforts of a magicless world. The fun and games come to a halt when mysteriously marked bodies start appearing. As Buffy starts to investigate she captures the attention of San Francisco police detectives who have taken notice of the unnaturally gifted Slayer Spike has heard rumblings.
Someone, or something, is coming for Buffy—and now, after she recklessly slipped out of police custody, the SFPD is certainly looking. When Buffy's family and friends deny her refuge from the cops, she turns to the streets and slaying, where she discovers there's a new kind of vampire slayer in town As Xander, Dawn, and Willow retreat into their own complicated lives, Buffy finds herself drawn more closely to her new friend Severin, a mysterious crime fighter in his own right, and a snappy dresser to boot.
Together they take on a new kind of vampire threat while Buffy's not-in-the-know roomies start snooping through her unslept-in bedroom. Now what could they possibly find? Buffy's dreams have become all too real lately as she deals with a magicless world. She's still fighting creatures of the night, as Willow and Xander grow distant and nightmares plague the Slayer.
But something is telling Buffy that there is more to her dreams than meets the eye The uptick in the zompire population has the SFPD on Buffy's trail again—but this time, they need her assistance. However, Detective Dowling must settle for a little help from the bleached-blond vampire Spike, as Buffy has become distracted by a rather personal problem that will lead her to Robin Wood.
Still seeking normalcy in the midst of zompire-stricken San Francisco, Buffy contemplates a life-changing decision the likes of which few Slayers have ever faced. Meanwhile, Spike rushes to the aid of Detective Dowling, who's in over his head with his recent investigation into the undead bloodsuckers plaguing the city.
There is something seriously wrong with Buffy! She and Spike discover that the one person who can help her is actually Buffy's situation becomes even more dire as she discovers that Simone, the Slayer with an enormous grudge, has been targeting her. And now Buffy finds herself and the very course of her life profoundly affected by one of Andrew's over-the-top, idiotic Together with Andrew and Spike, the worried Slayer will have to confront herself and her comrades, as well as a long-standing annoyance, the number-one Buffy hater of all Buffy haters: Simone, the gun-toting Slayer.
While Buffy is undertaking an away mission with Spike and Andrew, the SFPD is starting to really feel the effect of the rapid zompire population growth With Buffy out of town, as the only Scoobies in the vicinity, Xander and Dawn have been approached for guidance. Buffy needs to get herself back together and home to SF quick, but facing Slayer Simone and her unexpected ally is going to make it a rough job!
Buffy is trying something new— not Slaying. Ex-girlfriend of magicless Willow. She's joined a company that hires Slayers to act as bodyguards for high-profile clients, and Buffy is her most recent recruit. But Buffy is having a little trouble letting go of Slaying. Things that go bump in the night are kinda her forte. By working for Deepscan—the company that recruits Slayers as bodyguards—Buffy thought she would disengage herself from the world of demons and garner a more significant income, to boot.
While the income may get her closer to paying off pesky student loans, the demony population is closer to her than ever, thanks to her first client. Buffy, under the tutelage of a disgruntled and heartbroken Kennedy, has her work cut out for her and is forced to call on the honorable Eldre Koh for help, culminating in a little demon-on-demon violence. Acting as bodyguard for her first-ever client, Buffy has found herself entangled in some nasty demon business with ties to Angel and his time in LA.
Through the social network Tincan, some demons have been able to connect to our world, and any attempts to sever that connection will lead Buffy and her client into increasingly dangerous territory. Buffy television scribes Jane Espenson and Drew Z. Greenberg take readers on a special two-part adventure where a new kind of Slayer emerges in a world without magic! As the zompire epidemic threatens a small California town, Slayer and Watcher join forces to eradicate an overwhelming new evil. Training has begun, bringing the newest Slayer and Watcher closer together.
A Flight of Angels by Rebecca Guay
Will they be ready when they're needed most? The rapidly growing zompire population has overcome a local institution, and our heroes in training must take on the fight of their lives! Just as Buffy finds contentment in her life, she's torn from routine battle and forced to confront an ancient demon from her former lover's past! Ripped from the middle of a zompire battle, Buffy finds herself face to face with Illyria and a mystical council in LA.
She's been unwillingly recruited to take down a former enemy while her friends in San Francisco are left in a Buffy-less lurch with dire consequences The remnants of magic left on earth are in danger The Siphon is back, and he's more charged than ever before as he takes out one magical being after another, absorbing their power. Pulled into this battle to save the world—again—Buffy is partnered with Koh and Illyria to put a stop Severin. The Siphon is loose and gathering power after a brutal brawl with Buffy, Illyria, and Koh.
But there are bigger things. Real terror greets Buffy as soon as she returns to San Francisco, where friends and family await her with troubling news. The loss of the world's magic has finally hit Buffy. As friends and family continue to fall, Buffy is helpless He is so finally ready to do something about it! The Scoobies are together again—and just in time! Buffy, Willow, and Xander begin a new mission as a team in order to protect something very dear to them all. But evildoers Simone and Severin have their own plans and are ready to undermine the happy reunion!
Buffy, Xander, and Willow must fight against all odds to get past the mystical council and gain entry to a magical hotspot—the Deeper Well! New allies are born while old enemies bring the heat. Grave dangers await our heroes at the center of the earth! Dawn's life hangs in the balance, and Buffy will stop at nothing to save her little sis. Willow, Xander, and Buffy reunite to save the girl they love and begin a journey that reveals betrayal amongst the ranks as they descend into the mysterious Deeper Well, former home of Illyria and many powerful Old Ones.
In a last-ditch effort to save Dawn, the heroic trio of Buffy, Willow, and Xander must split up and tackle their own demons, real and imagined.