Thine is the Kingdom: Walking in Kingdom Mentality
The Father will not accept you. You will see who I am, not only spiritually, but in many things that I do. Sons and daughters of the Father are not like that. It is the attitude of those who are not cold, and they are not hot. I would thou wert cold or hot. If I assign you to a building construction and you have that attitude, you will fall under that verse. If you are an architect or an engineer, you have to do your work with passion, according to the standard that you see in the Son. If you have a ministry, you may be physically there but you are not mentally there, then you are neither cold nor hot.
I will spew you out of my mouth. I work with passion because I care. When I do something for the Father Almighty, I am very fiery in doing it.
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He wants children, sons and daughters who will help me establish the Kingdom Nation — with passion, with love and with compassion in the heart. If, for exampl I were not chosen by the Father to be His Appointed Son, and someone else have been Appointed to be His Son, I will do my ministry with utmost passion that He will be proud of me. When we do something for the Father, do it excellently. There was one time when I preached at Ultra, in Manila.
It so happened that a day before the Thanksgiving and Worship Presentation, I played basketball and I injured my ankle, coupled with my arthritis. It was so swollen. The next day, I should be in the venue at 12 noon. It was like thousands of needles piercing my ankle. I could not even lift my legs up from the bed.
But I had faith. I did not complain. My foot is really painful. I was really in great pain. I got that from exercising too much. My ankles have been sprained many times. When I woke up, I tried to move and finally moved it. I tried to lift it up and I did. I tried to put it down from the bed and I made it. People were waiting for me. If my foot was not healed that day, I would call an ambulance and let them put me on a wheelchair and preach. David Axel was very young at that time.
I tried to stand and carry him in my arms, and I made it. I was able to stand and walk. But because my foot was still swollen and I had no other shoes, I have to cut the edges of my shoes so I can slip my foot in.
Kingdom Mentality of Excellence
It was still a bit painful but I was able to stand at the Ultra, as if nothing had happened. People did not know that I was suffering. However, when I stood there, I preached to them for three hours, as if nothing happened. Learn my work ethics. When it comes to work, do not joke around, do not play, be serious to do the work for the Father. I have a little correction on the Malayan attitude. Filipinos are from Malay race. This is one attitude of the Malay people, including Filipinos.
Bishop Emmanuel Mc Lorren (Author of Thine is the Kingdom)
If you tell them to wash the plates, they will wash it with long faces, as if it is a punishment to them to wash plates or scrub the floor or clean their room or clean the toilet. That is not even a work. Whether you are in the Kingdom Nation or not, you have to do that. Do not take that attitude when it comes to work. The Almighty Father has entrusted us to build the Kingdom Nation. Let us build the Kingdom Nation. Every infrastructure you see here is for the Kingdom Nation.
If you sacrifice for it, be happy because you are part of the biggest work on earth.
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Do not feel like you are on a losing end. I love the attitude that the Father implanted in me, which is discipline about work. My work ethics are different. When it comes to work, I do not joke. I do not play around. Whether you are assigned in one department, wherever you are, be conscientious with what you are doing, do it honestly. Be honest with your time. When you are assigned a job, do it with excellence that I can be proud of you. Look how excellent our Father is. Look at His creation. He is the Best Painter in the world. Thus, when you are given a ministry, take the initiative.
When you are not cold nor hot, you are not using your talent. Any kind of work that the Father has entrusted to us, be excellent. You are not going to Heaven with me. Whether physical, material or spiritual work that He gave to us, do not leave. Do not be careless. The Father will spew you out of His mouth. B And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: Those are Words of our Almighty Father. That is His mentality. That is how He thinks. As sons and daughters of the Father, like me, we have the same mentality like our Almighty Father.
Let this mind be in you which was also in our Lord Jesus Christ. We have the same mind. I have the same mentality with my Father because He is my Father. Be obedient to what He says. Put them in your heart. Put them in your mind. Tie them around your heart. Be faithful to them. Let us change our spiritual and mental attitude about work. I am the Appointed Son and I have been promised all the blessings that are there, which was also promised to Abraham.
They are all effective in my life.
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In the first place, if I have that complacent attitude and it was not corrected, the Father will not appoint me as His Appointed Son. You are here but you are not here. My spirit is always present. Anytime that my Commander-in-Chief will call me, even if I am in the middle of playing golf, I will leave everything behind and follow that Will first.
That is our attitude. That is supposed to be our attitude. We are soldiers in the Army of Goodness. We are always focused on the order given to us. That is how we should be. Let us prove to the Father that we can be trusted. What makes you dirty in the spirit?
It is the fruit of the flesh such as jealousy, envy, fighting, quarreling, gossiping. Those are filthiness of the spirit. What is filthiness of the flesh? It includes everything such as your rest room. It includes your bed room. It includes the things that you use. It includes your kitchen. It includes your body. If you are stinky, do you think you are going to Heaven?
If you smell like a rat, you belong to the hole, not in Heaven. You can clean yourself from all filthiness.
Our Almighty Father is very strict about sanitation. It involves victory or defeat for Him. If I see something, which came out from your body and was not covered, I will put you into the hands of the enemies and you will be defeated. They did not have water-sealed toilets before. They only had shovel.
In other words, in our language today, if you will poo, you should dig it in the ground because God will be roving around at night in your camps and if you forget to dig that thing in the ground and He stepped on it, He will let you be defeated by your enemies.

As long as it is only me who will sleep there. We do not even know that. Kingdom Nation, listen to everything I said because these are the Will of the Father. This is His Spirit. Let us have His mind within us. Now, everybody else wonder why the Father has blessed me. You know now why He blesses me. We, children of the Father, although we came from the Malayan race and have their mentality, we have now been changed. We are now in the Kingdom Nation. Everything here is new- new mentality, new heart. Instead of hating the work, we love to work.
The Father will not bless lazy people. The Father will not bless us if we are lazy. It is also in the Scriptures. Many are jealous and envious of me because of the blessings that I receive. Why is He blessing me? Because He taught me the value of work. Voice of a Prophet. The God Who Loves. The Truth About You. The Book of Revelation the Spiritual Exodus.
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